It has been a wonderful night of my graduation party at home. It may not be my real home but I feel at home. I do not have my real family with me right now but they treat me like a real family. Zane is one of them.

I was too attached with everyone in the mansion and it made me confuse to leave.

Like I said before, we do not want to rush things between us. I do not want to rush into a real relationship because I want it to be the last one. I want Zane to be the my last.

Even if I did have relationship before I know it was not that serious for me. What I felt for them was not the same as I feel for Zane. We have not been talking about that topic, about leaving the mansion since then.

We called it a night as we finished cleaning up the mess we made. Saying goodnight to every one of them and thanking all of them for making it my best memorable day.

The last time I saw Zane was with Brix walking towards his office. I do not mind them because I know that what they have was some business to do.

Walking towards the stairs to my room. I closed the door once I entered and start undoing my clothes off my body. I let it slip away.

Since this morning was my graduation and party after, I was a little bit tired. Feeling stinky and smelly even though I am not. Maybe because I wanted to have to relaxing moment from exhaustion.

Striping my last garments off my body, I climbed inside the bathtub. Lavender fragrance makes my body feel at ease. Closing my eyes to relax my body.

I do not know how long I was there but I feel someone was touching my skin. I startled and opened my eyes quickly.

"Ssshh… it is just me." Zane said, smiling at me.

I noticed that he is already naked sitting at the side of the tub. I smiled back as he goes inside joining me. I moved forward for him to sit behind me.

"How long have you been watching me?" I asked as he was busy scrubbing my back with loofah.

"Well, not long to appreciate your beautiful body. I wanted not to let you disturb but I could not resist a naked woman laying inside the tub." He paused and I heard him whispered in my ear. "Especially that woman is you." He added as he bit my ear softly.

"Pervert! I declared smiling.

We were playful inside the bathroom but never had sex while we were there. Just bonding and cleaning ourselves only. He went out first and I left behind to dry my hair before going to bed. He told me to go to his room after I have done with my night routine.

I was on my towel picking up my clothes from the closet. I decided to wear my new nighties. The one he bought me from one of his short trips. I smiled as I looked at myself at the mirror. It really looks good and seductive on me.

Grabbing my silk robe as I walked out of my room. It is not new to me and I really used to it more than everyday if he is here.

He was already in his bed under the duvet. Reading something in his laptop as I entered his room. He is always busy with his work, a hardworking person I ever know. I smiled as I walked towards him. He looked up at me and smiled too.

"Busy?" I asked as I was standing at the edge of the bed.

"I will just send it and I am done." He replies.

I know he is finishing up with emails I let him be with his work. I got my naughtiness inside me at the moment. As I go inside the duvet, I found he is not wearing anything under. I smirked as I licked my lips as I glanced at him. He is not looking at me but at his laptop.

I slowly took off my silk robe and tossed it on the floor.

I went under the duvet while he is currently busy. I go with my mission. Slowly, touching his balls and squeezing it lightly. His manhood slowly erected and I smirked again knowing he is truly affected by my touch.

He raised the duvet when I started sucking into my mouth, doing up and down movement. I looked at him and he is not holding his laptop, looking at me too.

He pulled me up to him. "Come here." I wiped some drool from my mouth using the back of my hand.

He kissed me right away as soon as I was near his face. His hands were busy roaming around my body. The next thing I knew I was slowly taking off my nighties and my underwear was still intact.

He cupped my breasts while kissing me on the lips. I moaned with the way he did my boobs. He pulled away first and he slowly pointed his lips towards his manhood. I quickly understand what he meant.

He wants me to eat his and he will eat mine. As I turned to position myself, he took off my undies. Smelling it while I was slurping his erected manhood. Moans and groans as it heard inside the four-sided walls. I maybe tired a while ago but when it comes to our needs, I never said no to him.

How can I refuse such an Adonis creature given by God to me? My Adonis!

Hearing him enjoying my womanhood I smirked thinking that I have still some effects on him. He is still like the way we are right now.

All the things we become these past months were all amazing. I never knew this could be happening to me. I came here to work and study but not looking for a love life.

But here we are right now, after an amazing orgasm a while ago. We were snuggling each other as if we are not tired from extreme, extremely exercises.