I have been thinking for quite sometimes now regarding Tayla. I know she mentioned before that she will not be working as my housemaid after graduation. I agreed to that because she is well-educated person even, she is not working with me.

The way she is, is something you could tell that she came from a well-off family. I realized it every time I gave her some expensive things or branded names. She knew it right from that moment that it was really expensive even it was just coming out in the market. Not all of the women were very observant to the brands if you do not have it before.

She may hide it perfectly all the things she has and wear cheaper brands. It will always outshine her personality. And that is why I like her even more.

I did not investigate her furthermore because I respect her all the way. I am willing to wait whenever she feels like it. To share it with me one day. If she is hiding her identity, I am sure there is a valid reason for that. The only report that came thru me was only here in my territory but outside where she came from was not written on them.

I was in my study / office room when I heard a knock. I answered it and Tayla came in, smiling at me with her hands holding a tray of foods.

"I brought you something to eat." She said, placing it in the center table of the couch. "I know you are busy with work and forgot to have some snacks." She added.

I stood up walking towards her as she placed it one by one. I kissed her head and sat beside her.

"Did you make this one?" I asked and she nodded. I started taking some bites and I moaned. "This is delicious, beautifully." I complimented her and it is definitely true.

"Of course, I made it just for you, handsomeness." She grinned.

We ate silently and it give me time to relax and tell what is on my mind lately. I want to consider her opinion too when I will share it later. She was peeking at me secretly while I was eating. I can sense that she wants something to tell me too. I ignore it for a while and eat the food.

After finishing all the foods, she brought, I leaned back and wait for her to finish her drinks. I was watching her the whole time. I cannot believe we made this far in our unknown relationship but I am happy super happy to be with her.

She took a deep breath and looked at me. I smiled as I was playing with her hair. I know we need to talk right now and I want to know her answer.

"I want to talk to you about something." I intro. "It is about you." I watched her staring at me with confusion. I continue, "I know that we talked about its months ago regarding your work." She nodded. "I want to suggest about it if you want me too."

"Okay, I am all ears to know what is on your mind." She smiled.

I was caressing her face before I say something else. She is really beautiful.

"I want to know your opinion too after I will tell you about it, okay?" She nodded again for yes. "I do not want you to leave the house and still living here even you are not working as a maid. I will hire you in my company base on the qualifications you had. What do you think of my suggestion?" I asked.

She was silent for a while and think it first. I let her decide what she really wants but at the same time I am scared for her decision. I am already used to her in the mansion.

She looked back at me and smiled. "Okay, that would be fine with me but I do not like you to treat me special, okay?" I nodded and grinned widely. "I want to learn everything without your help alone. But I want to learn from others too. Lastly, I do not want them to know that I am living with you and we have something else." Raising her brows, I agreed to what she wants.

That made me like her more. Not all women who would like to hide what we have but this beautiful person in front of me is something else. I cupped her face and kissed her passionately. I heard her moans and I smirked.

She pulled away first and hit my arms. I laughed so loud that she pouted.

"What? You are just so cute you know, beautifully."

Rolling her eyes on and leaned me to hug.

She applied few days ago for a vacant position in the company on her own. I did not interfere just like she wants. She did it on her own that the HR hired her because she is one of the candidates that deserve to hire. I just know it when Hazel handed me the newly hired folders.

I did not send her a text because I do not want her to think negatively on me. I let the HR do their jobs to inform them. They were few of them hired with different positions.

I went back to my work that needs to study further when I got a text from my phone. It was coming from Tayla.

T: Hi! Busy?

Z: Nope, just reviewing some files but it can wait.

I know why she texted me at this hour. My guess is, the HR inform her already.

T: Well, I have good news to you. I got the job and I will be going to start by Monday.

Z: That's excellent news. Congratulation! I know you are going to make it. Let's celebrate tonight just the two of us. Since I won't be working weekends. Dinner?

T: Okay, fine. Impress me?

I smiled as I read it then I quickly got another idea came in.

Z: How about a quick getaway from the mansion since you are going to start working by Monday. What do you think? We will leave tonight and I will surprise you the place we are going. How about that?

I waited for a couple of minutes before she replied.

T: Okay, I love too.