It has been days after we buried my father. Friends, relatives and colleagues were there after knowing what happen with my father. It was a shock to them but we never mentioned the sensitive part of his death. We do not want them to know what really the cause. We kept our mouth shut for that part.

I still need time to come up with the most solid evidences and more of that, the why's and how come, were inside my head that needed all the answers.

I am inside my parent's mansion together with my mother. My family lawyer is here to read all my dad's assets and his last will. His lawyer set the date after we settled the funeral.

So, here we are in the close room. One of the receiving areas in the mansion waiting for him to read what is all written in the said testament.

"Okay, Attorney, I think you should start to read now." My mother said smiling to our lawyer. I do not know why I feel like she is stranger to me now.

Ever since Betty told me about the incident few months ago. I feel like she is not my mother. I do not want to think this way but it is just a feeling that never leave inside my mind.

"Okay, Attorney Bosman, you can begin now." I said calmly and our lawyer nodded.

I glanced secretly at my mother. She was happy, her expression was different. As I can see her now, she is interested more on the will of my dad than just recently losing her husband. It seems she cannot wait to know what my dad left for us, for her.

I sighed as our lawyer started reading my dad's will and testament. However, in the middle of the reading. We were interrupted by our servant.

"Excuse me, Sir Zane but Attorney Watson is here." She said as she was looking at me.

"Stupid! Can't you see we were in the middle of important meeting here?" My mother shouted.

"I am sorry, Madam but Attorney Watson said it is really important." She explained nervously.

"Mom!" I called then she rolled her eyes as she sat back like a wicked queen. Her eyebrows were raising up slightly. I never saw her like this before that she was in a hurry to know what she will get from my father. I mean, I know we are rich because it runs in the family, my father's ancestors were blessed with everything that passes to their generations to generations.

I told our servant to let our other family lawyer to join us. I do not know why he is also here. I am also curious as my mother too.

Attorney Watson came in with his attaché case. I got a hint that it is not a random visit in our mansion today. This is something else.

"Mr. Zane, Madam Vivian, Atty. Bosman, good day!" He greeted us as he came in. He walked towards us.

"Atty. Watson, what a pleasant surprise!" My mother said as intro.

"Well, as I am here because of Mr. Zachary's will." He said calmly.

"What do you mean, Zachary's will?" My mother's reaction was surprise. "As far as I know it was Atty. Bosman handled it."

Lawyer Bosman did not interrupt. He was just there listening to their conversation. I saw my mother's face changed. I was also listening and observing the situations and reactions.

Before Atty. Watson started, he cleared his throat. "Yes, Atty. Bosman was in-charge his will. Last two weeks ago, he called me and changed his will and Atty. Bosman was aware of it as well. I am also their senior lawyer to handle everything.

My mother looked at Atty. Watson with glaring in her eyes.

'Why would she glare at him?'

We all sat down and Atty. Watson placed his attaché case on his lap. He opened it and placed the attaché case down. He got out only some folders.

"We will wait for a while with another person." He said smiling.

"What person? What are you talking about, Atty. Watson?" My mother asked.

Before Atty. Watson answer her question. A knocked from the door heard. As the door opened, Betty came in.

"What are you doing here? Are you not in jail?" My mother was hysterically said.

"Mother, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"I sent her to the prison last night when she came back.?" She said angrily.

"And why did you do that?" I said in furious. "We do not have evidence that she did it. Besides, we grew up together like siblings."

"Still, I do not trust her." She sat down. "Now, Atty. Watson can you read the will because I do not want to see her in front of me."

"Okay, Betty you can sit down too so that I can start to read this will." He pointed Betty to sit beside me. She did not say a word and sat beside me.

Atty. Watson started reading the details of my father's last will and testament. It was a very long page until he reaches the important topics, his properties, his assets and others.

"As you all know that I changed my will to Atty. Watson. What Atty. Bosman were not valid.

My wife Vivian, I will give her the money fifty million, my ten percent share to her business, our two properties and the mansion in the city of **** once I die, she will no longer live in the Ancestral Mansion."

"What!" My mother shouted. "This is crazy. I am his legal wife and this is all I got."

Atty. Watson paused for a while. "I am so sorry, Madam Vivian but you signed some documents before you got married to Mr. Zachary and agreed with his conditions. But if you will not follow his will. All of the said assets will not be yours and will be given to the charities."

My mother was ragingly mad knowing that everything my dad gave her was not enough for her. Shocking part, I did not even know about the agreement they were talking about. It is new to me that details.

Atty. Watson continued. "My son Zane will inherit our ancestor business, Ancestral properties, and all money in my bank accounts here and other countries."

I was expected about the will that dad written on it. As his only child, I should know that all of these are all mine. I went to listen to our lawyer as he read everything about what are mine.