"As for Betty," Our lawyer paused and looked at her. "I know it will be going to be shock on you. Once I am going to read everything, he said to me." He sighed.

I do not know what it is but I feel something else again is going on with my family.

"As for Betty, I know that you might asking so many questions after this. But I know that in my heart I always have you as my daughter. A small portion of the ancestral land property I will be give it to you. You will build a house together with you own family in the future. I want you to experience a whole family that you never had. I also left a passbook account with your name on it. Ten percent share on my company."

"What! What is this, Atty. Watson? Some kind of a joke? A daughter of a servant is not a shareholder of Zane's company." My mother was hysterical when she heard it all.

He cleared his throat. "That's Mr. Zachary's own will we are talking about, Madam Vivian. I have anything to do with it but to follow what he wants for Betty to have.

I saw my mother angry face as she keeps her silence. Betty and I looked at one another. We both have the same thinking in our mind. A lot of questions that needed to be answers but we still do not get it.

"Now, I will continue. This is the last part of his testament." Atty. Watson looked at me. "For you Zane, it will be totally all yours once you get married. If not, all the said properties will be donated to the charities I sponsors and some are rightfully yours."

In the end, my dad always wants me to settle down. He wants me to have my own family. I know I am not getting any younger. At least, I have the right to choose who I want to be. That is the good thing for the last part.

"Before I end this and sign all the papers given to each one of you. There is a letter for Zane and Betty. You can read it later because it is personal.

After we signed all the papers that need to be sign. Our lawyers left us. My mother started bickering again.

Ever since I could remember when I was young. When Betty came into our house, she was five years old that time and I was seven. My parents were there when they welcomed her together with her parents. Later, we found out she came from one of the orphanages. Her parents were not her real parents. I do not know the exact story because we were too young for that stuff.

My daddy decided to adopt her and use our family name.

Only my mother was not in favor of having her around. I was happy knowing I have a playmate inside the mansion. I always look at her as my younger sister. But my mother won't like me to play with her.

But it did not stop me. I like playing with her and the other kids. Like I said, to me, we are all fair. I do not look for their status in life. Even you are poor or not as long as you can be loyal, faithful and good person. I will treat you the same.

"Mom, stop! It is dad's own will and we should respect it." I told her.

"Yeah, that's why he kicks me out of this house." She implemented.

"Besides, Dad gave you a mansion which is near you company." I explained.

"Whatever! I will get my things within this week." She said as glared at Betty again.

As soon as my mother left, Betty and I stayed. We both sat down in the couch holding the letter my dad written. She looked at me first. Just like her I was also curious on why she gave Betty something more than what I expected.

"I know that we were in shocked a while ago. But whatever it is written my dad. I know he had his reasons." Betty nodded.

She opened the sealed letter slowly. She was quietly starts reading and waited for her to finish whatever it is. As I patiently waiting, I noticed her eyes were started wet that the tears flow down to her cheeks.

"Hey! What's wrong? Is it that bad?" I asked worriedly.

She did not reply but wiped the tears and continue reading. I gave her my handkerchief and she accepted it. A lot of things bothered in my mind as I watched her.

She closed her eyes for a moment there and breathing heavily. Once she opened her eyes and stared at me.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying while reading dad's letter?" I asked again.

"I-I am her daughter. Real daughter." She paused while her tears started falling. "H-his flesh and blood."

"What! What?"

She nodded and crying and crying.

I froze. Hearing all the things she said. Betty gave me the letter to read it for me to see that she was telling the truth.

I began reading the letter. How my dad knows everything and how she was there in the orphanage. It explained everything on how her life was discover before she lives in our house. As in everything.

I hugged Betty tight. This is what I felt when I first saw her. It was sibling's thing. I thought before it was just coincidence when they said we look like a real sibling. We cannot sense the similarity but people's eyes are different opinions.

I did not mind at that time because I treated her like one and we live in the same house.

Now, I know why. I opened my letter from dad too. It was a short one but it was all about Betty.

To take care of here as her older brother and in the last part was, I am sorry.

Even if she was not my sister, I mean my real sister. I will always take care of her. We grew up in this mansion with full of love, memories of our childhood. Of course, I will never neglect her and not only her but the people close to me.