Chapter 16 : Enter! Room of Requirement part 1

October 5. 1990

Antares POV

I've been waiting, perhaps to get used to my new schedule, but I guess it's time I acted on my desire and visited the famous Room of Requirement. More or less this desire came from wanting to practice spell more freely with more space. The adequate expression would be 'go wild'. One can take only so much of practicing in his/her room until they want to do more.

But the question is, how to get there without being spotted by the paintings or people?

Avoiding people is self explanatory. People will ask questions, such as 'why are you wandering the corridors after the curfew?' and 'where do you think you're going?' and such. I also don't want to serve detention. I have better use for my time.

The portraits are practically spy network, note to self, get a spy network, that will report unsuspecting losers to our resident Headgoat.

I'm not yet proficient enough to sustain a Full-body

Disillusionment charm and paintings are immune to Notice-Me-Not charm, not that I could pull it off for more than five minutes.

So far I came up with three different ways how to get to RoR. But I surely know a few things that the different ways will have similar for certain.

I want to spend a long time in there so I will go on weekend.

I will go at night right before curfew, 'couse there will be significantly less people I could bump into.

The first time I go there will be the hardest.

The first thing I will ask from the room will be 'I need a method to go by unnoticed'. If the Room supplies said something then everything will be daisies, sunshine and rainbows.

If not? Then I better find and alternative real damn fast. Unfortunately, I highly believe that I will be able to successfully cast the Full-bodied Disillusionment and Notice-Me-Not charms by the end of my second year.

Another unfortunate thing is Quirrellmort. Since that fucker will be here the next whole year, and will certainly visit his little shinning shitty piece of jewelry, I won't be able to visit the Room. Who knows how long would it take him to catch me in or out that Room. I'm not suicidal, thank you very much.

First, is the least riskier than the other two. First I change my tie and House emblem ( AN : I'm not sure what exactly it's called. You know how they wear the emblem, badge, whatever, on their chests that symbolises their House? Yeah, I mean that thing )

to black colour. We don't want them to know that we are a Ravenclaw, do we? Then I will use the Disillusionment charm on, only, my head every four minutes. After I take regular breaks of course. But here's the problem. I might bump into somebody when I'm having a break and then there will be the questions 'who are you?' and 'why are you under disguise?' and one Finite Incantatem later equals busted with detention. I'm probably overthinking it but caution never killed someone.

Second, is the most simple, or maybe just careless or idiotic, way. This route is based solely on 'I will just somehow wing it along the way'. I will just go to the room and If I meet some resistance, night patrol, along the way I will have to solve it on the spot. I would gladly go with this but I would need a significant amount of bravery. And I'm not saying I'm missing bravery, because you can't miss what was never there.

Third, is the most complicated way. It's the way of The Golden Trio aka the Polyjuice way. But I have neither the experience, nor ingredients, to brew the potion. And I neither believe that a second year Muggleborn, with only one year prior of magical educational, was able to correctly brew a NEWT level potion without any assistance. No matter what genius she might be, she is not a Snape-level prodigy. And I bet even he couldn't produce a Polyjuice in his second year. And don't get me started on how a second year Muggleborn girl was able to gain an access to Restricted Section of the library. And if, IF, she was able to make a Polyjuice, why not make a Veritaserum along the way?! It definitely was in the book where she found the Polyjuice recipe as well! Surely it couldn't be so hard for her! But let's stay on the track, I've already swayed a bit from my explaining.

If I did brew a Polyjuice, which I doubt, then I would need some unsuspecting victi-helper! yes, helper, I would need some-totally-not-a-victim who would not be missed to be knocked out for few hours without anyone noticing and him waking up. Which would be harder than making the bloody potion.

I have not even touched the Confundo or Obliviate spells in any shape or form. And I won't be starting on those spells until my fourth and fifth year respectively.

After excluding the third method, bah what kind of idiot would go with that way, I decided to try and mix the remaining two ways.

I will go with the Disillusionment charm on my head and uniform straight to the Room.

The only thing that's stopping me is...I don't know where that blasted tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet is...

This castle is so bloody big that if I start exploring now I would be done maybe by the third years end.

October 12. 1990

After a week of searching I finally found the tapestry. I could have found it earlier by using the Point Me spell, but I wanted to accomplish it without it.

The room is located on the seventh floor in the left corridor. Now I only need to remember where it is.

And then I need to get there without getting lost. I'm terrible at directions, not Roronoa Zoro bad, but still bad.