Chapter 9

Aleina's mother cold and distant voice reverberated in the air, dropping a bomb at Aleina.

"Take your cousin to the guest room right next yours. He'll be interning at our company and will be living with us till then."




Aleina just blinked innocently, confused at first.

When she finally understood what her mother had said, all the blood seemed to have vanished from her face and she turned pale. Nobody knew that she was screaming inside her head like a madwoman.



Aleina was dragging her feet on the stairs, while showing her perverted and repelling cousin; Damon Morris, his room.

She was walking heavy steps, an easily noticeable despair on her pretty face, drooping her whole stance.

She was walking ahead, with her slim back to Damon.

With her back facing Damon, fortunately, Aleina was unable to see his lustful gaze roaming all over her drool- worthy, curvy figure, with her hips sashaying to the left and right making her whole appearance sensuous.

Aleina would have vomited at the disgusting sight of her Cousin Damon's eyes filled with desire and lust for her. But she could feel the heated gaze piercing a hole at her back, so she hurried to show this perverted cousin of hers, his room and leave as soon as possible.

'Thank god! We reached his room before he could try something.'

"Here you are Cousin Damon. If you need anything let us know or you could just call for one of the maids. I have some work to do so I'll be leaving first. Bye!"

'Parli Aleina, before he tries something repelling.'

Aleina had just opened the door of the guestroom, without any intention of stepping inside with her evil cousin. She tried to be polite with a fake smile and finished speaking, before she turned around, in the blink of an eye, and tried to race to her room.

Before she could take another step, she was stopped in her tracks by the sudden pull at her wrist, followed by a loud bang due to the now closed door.

Damon had found the perfect moment to take a little advantage of the situation, where they were alone, and he forcefully pulled Aleina into the room, before closing the door for stopping her from escaping.

Damon's surprise attack had truly surprised Aleina, and he immediately pushed her towards the wall adjacent to the door, with Aleina sandwiched between Damon and the wall.

He grabbed her hands with sheer force and pulled them above her head, while moving his body closer to Aleina, wanting to grind into her body.

Damon was heating up due to lust for the ravishing girl enclosed between his body. Nobody could deny Aleina could easily mesmerise anyone, and he was no better.

While Damon's warm breath and his green eyes, filled with lust, were sizing Aleina's body, Aleina was astounded and shocked at his nauseating behaviour.

Aleina had clearly felt his perverted gaze in all these years, but she had thought that he would not cross the line of decency since they were related.

She felt like vomiting when she saw his desire filled eyes looking straight into her wide brown eyes filled with disgust.

"What the hell do you think you are doing BROTHER DAMON?!"

Aleina said with an angry and slightly raised voice with her hand still above her heads held by Damon.

Damon looked like he was on the edge of losing his mind with lust as if he had taken an aphrodisiac. He was finding it hard to breath at the close proximity with the gorgeous beauty; Aleina.

"SsHHhhh.... You don't want the entire family to know what we're doing do you?"

Damon had an evil smirk on his flushed face when he asked this question with an underlying meaning.

"You know it will only harm you."

Damon declared with a husky voice coming all the more closer to her, pressing down on her body with his built.

He moved a little closer, touching her lovely rosy cheeks with his lips, when he moved his face closer to her left ear, whispering with a warm breath, making Aleina stiff with his next words.

"I know nobody's going to believe you. Instead they'll accuse you of being a slut for seducing your handsome, gentleman cousin."

Aleina's mind had stopped working at being reminded of the cruel truth.

She knew that nobody would believe her, especially her parents who will point their fingers at her as usual. This is why she didn't scream even after being molested by Damon. She didn't want her already shattered heart, to break once more at her parents' vile words.

Damon was satisfied with the effects of his cruel words, which left Aleina in tears. Aleina was crying silently, all the while staying sandwiched between the wall and Damon.

"Don't cry darling. Don't worry; I won't go till the end this time. Just let me feel you a little more closely. Just stay quiet and I'll be gentle I promise."

Damon was grinding his body against Aleina and she could easily feel his excitement, poking at her thighs, making her nauseous. At this point, he had loosened his hold on Aleina's hands, thinking that Aleina had given up.

He was about to grab her tiny waist in his hands to move her extremely closely to him, when


Aleina had seen an opening for her escape when she felt Damon losing his hold on her hands, and that is when she had slapped the pervert, hard across his face.

Damon was not prepared for Aleina's hard and sudden slap which resulted in him stepping backwards due to the sudden force.

He was seething with anger and irritation when he wasn't able to fulfil his perverted desire. With a hand on his cheek where he was slapped just a second ago, he turned towards Aleina in order to catch her and teach her a lesson.

"You Bi...."

Before Damon could even finish cursing at her, Aleina had performed her favourite move which she had reserved specially for such repelling perverts.

The kick at Damon's sensitive little friend was directed at him with a great impact.

He dropped to the carpeted ground with a thud, his face red with all the air he was holding in, to suppress his agonising voice.

Aleina was satisfied with her work, and with a chilly tone and disgusted expression, she bent down at his level, a condescending smirk on her alluring face.

"Did you think that by threatening me with my horrible family, you could subdue me?"

"Tsk.. Tsk.. Tsk.. How naive of you!"

"Whatever my family thinks, I don't give a shit anymore. As long as my conscience is clear, no matter what nasty names they call me, I don't give a shit. They were the ones who never believed or loved me, so why shouldn't I love myself as well.

Remember this, if you even dare to look at me with those disgusting eyes..."

Aleina moved a little closer this time, coming face to face with Damon's furious crimson face, and she spoke her next words in a lowered frosty tone,

"I'll cut your balls when you'll be sleeping soundly, after all I'm right next doors."

She finished her words, and then patted Damon's cheek twice before standing up and straightening her clothes.

Aleina walked to the closed door while Damon was watching her with a surprised look on his ashen face.

She turned the knob, opening the door and just as she was about to leave and close the door, she turned her head to look at Damon with an evil smirk on her ravishing face like a cold beauty, giving another shock to Damon.

"Oh! I don't think you want to tell anyone about how I smacked you. After all, I know nobody is going to believe you, right Brother Damon?"