Don't Shoot The Messenger!

Walking into the palace, I can see just how much Geo has squeezed out of his people. Even the noble section of the city was not this lavish. The walls and doors, as well as the floors, well, just everything seemed to be extremely expensive.

We were greeted by a maid with a very voluptuous figure. The guards told her who we were and why we were here and we entered. Although it was kind of hard watching the younger guard look around aimlessly while his face turned all different shades of red. As we walked through many halls and corridors we saw countless maids, each having figures I wouldn't normally have thought possible.

All the maids looked extremely sexy, but their eyes conveyed anything but joy and happiness. I also noticed that there were no men anywhere to be found. I wouldn't be surprised if Geo and that douche minister were the only guys allowed in here. Hell, even the guards were overly curvy girls.

Before long we arrived in front of a door that was roughly the height of a 3 story building, made from extremely expensive looking wood and gems.

"Please wait here a moment." The maid said and bowed before cracking open the door and slipping inside. Just from the small crack in the door alone you could hear moans and groans from what you could probably imagine was going on inside.

I looked at Naitsu, "Whatever happens, make sure I don't kill that asshole in there." I said rubbing my head. I then turned to Asterian and said "And you, well, look intimidating."

They both nodded their heads and Naitsu grabbed my hand, "We will be fine my love" and kissed me on the head.

I felt a little better, and after a little while longer of waiting the door finally opened again and the maid walked out.

"If you would please come in, apologies for the wait." she said. There seemed to be something on her mouth but I didn't want to check what.

"It was no problem, thanks for taking you time to guide us." I replied.

The maid smiled for the first time since we saw her, "It was my pleasure".

When we entered wha I assumed to be the throne room, a repulsive smell permeated throughout the room. 'Yeah, I definitely know what happened here' I thought as I plugged my nose.

"So, you are the messenger that the bastard orphan sent" Geo said while looking down from his throne. The damn thing was resting on literal gold stairs and they just made a pyramid with Geo's throne on top. On both sides sat a total of 10 women, each holding something different, whether it be a bottle, a glass, or food. All were covered in a viscous liquid, but none seemed at all happy, their eyes seemingly, well, dead.

It was honestly repulsive how much this guy had. "I am indeed the messenger that his majesty has sent." I said, staring right back at him.

"You know, it is common courtesy to bow before a king!" Geo yelled, losing all sense of decorum.

"I am sorry you highness, but I bow to no king except that which sits on the Corcian throne, if some day that were to be you, I would have no problem doing so." I rebutted.

I could see the anger on Geo's face. "Why have you come here" he managed to half spit out.

"I have come with a letter from his majesty in Corcia, I believe the contents should be that of some form of treaty or trade deal." I explained.

"Bah, treaty? Trade deal? I could crush that orphan's armies, and the only thing he has to trade is the woman, and I hear they are all ugly whores! Hahahah" Geo breaks down into laughter.

I clench my fist in anger. I had to keep myself controlled. Before I could continue Geo spoke.

"Oh, but what do we have here, it seems the rumors were not all true, and what might your name be sugarlips?" Geo says to Naitsu.

"My name is Naitsu, I have been assigned to escort this messenger here, that is all." Naitsu says. It is good she does not say too much unless she garners his attention. But it is already too late.

"Hohoho, I want you in my bed tonight, you will join me and then maybe I will consider, considering the orphans proposal, whatever that may be." Geo burst out into laughter again.

Just then a door opened at the side of the room, and a fat, bald man, likely in his mid sixties walks out. The minister I presume.

"Ah, your majesty, you should have told me we had guests." The minister snickers.

"Oh it's nobody important, just some stupid messenger sent from the orphan, delivering my next meal" Geo says licking his lips.

The minister looks over at Naitsu, "Indeed a fine specimen, if your majesty wouldn't mind me having a turn after you're done with her, I would greatly appreciate that" the minister laughs.

"SHE IS NOT TO BE YOUR TOY!!!" I shout giving both Geo and the minister a deadly glare.They both visibly shutter at my gaze.

Geo is the first to break out of his stupor. "I don't know who you are to think you can talk to me that way you filthy peasant, but you shall suffer for your actions. You will watch as I break that woman!" Geo motions for the soldiers at the sides of the room to come forward.

The minister finally decides to chime in, "You dare to speak to his majesty that way, you will watch as both of us play with that woman, again and again and again, until there is nothing left of her, kekeke" the minister snickers.

I walked over to Asterian and whispered in his ear, "take the largest humanoid form you have.".

He nods his head and starts transforming. I manipulate his amour and the surrounding materials to make a strong and sturdy armour for his new form. When he is done, he is a lizardman, but the size of a giant. 'Huh, I guess he can mix and match, neat' I think to myself.

At this point he is easily 3 times as tall as the throne Geo is sitting on, or rather shitting on at this point. I hold Naitsu's hand gently and bring her to my side before taking my real form on.

"Been a while hasn't it dumbass" I say coldy to Geo.

"H-How did you… nevermind, guards, kill that man, if we kill him, we gain control of Corcia!" Geo screams, half scared, half really god damn scared.

The guards don't move, intimidated by Asterians lizard/giant form. I tap his leg and he shrinks back down to human form and I replace the floor we destroyed for his armour.

"Now then, Geo, I would have you know that my forces already number in the hundreds of thousands, I could wipe out every single kingdom in one go if I wanted right now, so why don't you be a good little spoiled rich kid and kneel right now" I say half laughing.

"He is bluffing your majesty, he hasn't even been here a year, there is no possible way he can have those kinds of numbers." the minister butts in.

Asterian suddenly speaks up, "You are right, he doesn't".

I look at Asterian, did he decide to betray us, I'd kill him if there wasn't a chance he was still loyal, we needed every man we could get in this scenario.

"Ha, see, even your 'loyal' retainer says you don't have that much, you bastard orphan!" Geo suddenly gets excited.

"You didn't let me finish," Asterian speaks again, "in the marsh, lay my Rakshasa, as I am their chieftain, and their numbers total one million, all are loyal to me, and in turn, his majesty of the Corcian Empire." Asterian grins.

'Haha, I knew I shouldn't have killed him, but damn, what a terrifying number' I thought to myself.

Geo and the minister stood there in shock, they really couldn't do anything against numbers like that. It might take a few decades to amass that kind of military power. The Rakshasa were also known to be masters of disguise, if they wanted to, they could impersonate any official if given enough time to study said person.

"It is as my lover said, we could destroy your armies, any army, come as they may." Naitsu suddenly stepped up.

Geo and the minister wore faces that displayed true horror, they had insulted the lover of the man that they were currently under the heel of. If said person wanted to take revenge now, they would surely perish.

"Now now, let it not be said I am not a man of honor and fairness," I butt in, "you have insulted my woman, insulted me, and are currently powerless. So, why don't we make a deal, I swear to you that it will be of great interest to you." I say blatantly.

"And what is your word worth, we have no insurance if you were to go against it!" Geo shouts.

I give him an upwards glance, "Are you really in any position to say anything." I say in a cold and heaven defying voice. Damn I have always wanted to do that.

The minister gulps, "Your majesty, it might be best if we were to hear him out.".

"Yes, it is best" I say before disappearing and knocking out all of the guards due to them being distracted. I place them all in a pile behind me.

"Now then, let's discuss the terms." I say smiling.