A Treaty For Fun

A small table is brought in by the maid from earlier. The minister grabs her butt from behind while she places it, thinking nobody sees.

"Thank you Vanessa, I look forward to later" the minister says with a wink. Vanessa only stands there with an expressionless face.

As Vanessa starts to walk away before I grab her hand. I pull her to stand behind me.

"What is the meaning of this!" the minister shouts. Vanessa is also just as confused.

"I want Miss Vanessa to stay here, is that a problem?" I retort.

The minister can only grind his teeth in frustration. Vanessa also looked a bit confused but nodded gratefully.

"Now then, what kind of a deal to make to let you live." I say rubbing my chin.

"Why don't we just give you some money and gems to piss off!" Geo yells at me. The minister sweatdrops.

It seems they have forgotten their situation. I appear behind Geo and put a knife to his throat, "I think I will be the one making the decisions.". I slightly cut his neck causing a small dribble of blood to roll down his neck.

"Now then, I believe the kingdom of Silver River is well known for the starting amount of money, as well as it's precious metals and gemstones. All of which make Silver River perfect for starting trades with the other kingdoms, as well as being able to amass the sums to build large armies." I begin.

"The first of many things in this deal, is that you will hand over 150 platinum." I smirk.

"T-That is insane!" the minister shouts. The starting amount for my kingdom was only 50 platinum, while Silver River started with a whopping 200 platinum. Overall, Corcia really was supposed to be the loser's kingdom.

"Consider it the payment for sparing both of your lives, and the lives of all of the arrogant young masters down in the nobles section." I retort.

Geo can only grit his teeth, "will there be anything else" he half spits.

"Yes, you will also only trade with me, if I find that any trade is to be made with any other kingdom, then I will take your kingdom away, I will still be buying the resources, albeit at only 3 quarters the standard price." I continue, "and that is not all. I have seen how you treat the woman here in your palace Geo, they will all be coming with me to my kingdom, to live new lives.".

This time both Geo and the minister shout as one, "Absolutely not, I/his majesty shall not stand for this.".

I take out a throwing knife and throw it at the ministers 'little brother'. He squeals in pain. "Well, I could leave the woman here if Geo would be so kind as to stand and let me finish off his 'little brother'." I smirk.

Geo gulps and doesn't say anything. Seems he thinks more with his 'head' then his brain. "W-Will there be anything else?" Geo asks, concerned for his 'little brother's' safety.

"Only two more things, one being I want 50 pounds of the best weapon making metal you have, and second, should any platinum grade rings be made, they are to come directly to me. I think you know the consequences." I say twirling another knife.

Geo can only nod his head as the minister is still screaming in pain, mourning the death of his pecker.

Geo motions for Vanessa to gather all of the maids. She hesitates but after I nod my head she walks out of the room. We sit in silence for roughly half an hour. Geo staring at the floor in shame and me patting Naitsu's head and staring coldly at Geo.

When all the maids show up, all of them are almost grinning at the minister lying on the ground screaming. While some look at Geo with expressionless faces, probably expecting him to have another 'session'. Two twin girls, looking roughly 17 look like they are going to cry in fear. They don't want to be broken like the others, but luckily I have just made a deal that would free them.

I stand up and turn to them all. They look at me with expressionless faces, except for the twins that still look scared. "You will all be coming with me to the Corcian Empire. If you have families you may bring them as well. I will not force you into anything there, you may live new lives. Although I would like a few more maids to assist in the keeping of the castle." I say smiling.

The maids all look at each other and pinch themselves to check if they are in a dream or not. Only when the twins burst into tears and laughter, with huge smiles on their faces do the rest of the maids start cheering as well.

Unexpectedly all of them charged up to me and started hugging me and kissing me on the cheeks and hands. "Wow there ladies, not all at once, you can thank me when we get back to the kingdom." I say smiling.

Naitsu breaks through the crowd and leaps onto me, holding me obsessively. She looked at all the other girls with eyes that said 'back off, he's mine'. The maids all backed away, but still wore their smile.

The twins then walked to either side of me and kissed me on either side of my face. "We would be glad to serve you however master" they said simultaneously.

"Please don't call me master, and I look forward to working with you two." I say.

Geo just stares at all the maids, fuming mad. They probably didn't show half this emotion when he did anything for them. And with one sentence I had caused them all to be indebted to me, and feel things they never felt for him.

I turned to Geo. "By the way, that also includes the knights in the pile over there, so you might want to call in some male guards to get all of my stuff." I half ordered him.

Geo can only bottle up his anger as he walks outside to tell someone to fetch him some guards, while the maids chat away joylessly. I learn that the twins' names are Katy, and Yumi. Katy had long braided black hair and a smaller chest, she was also more extroverted. While her counterpart, Yumi, had a black hair that was slightly curled on the bottom, with a moderate chest size, she was an introvert. Both of them however, were extremely cute.

After a while 20 guards walked in, all but 2 carrying something. Several guards carried a large platform full of gold with some mixed in special rings. While others carried in a large slab of metal. One of the 2 guards pulled out a piece of paper, the treaty I presume.

The guards set down all of the things they were carrying and stood at attention. The female guards also woke up at this point and looked around confused and dazed. Some of the maids walked over to them and explained what had happened. All of them smiled and nodded their heads towards me in gratitude, to which I only nodded back at them.

I read through the treaty 3 times before signing it. Everything I had mentioned was in there, with a few added costs that would cover security, but they were discounted as well so I didn't mind.

"Why didn't you just subjugate the kingdom, and all the other ones as well?" Geo questioned.

"Well, I only had it out for you, cause you're a dick," this made Geo clench his fist, "but I also know it wouldn't be any fun. It would be a lot more fun to live in this world some more, as well as see all kinds of cool places. So, basically, this is a treaty for fun!" I tell him.

Soon after I had signed what was needed, me and my crew left the castle. In this trip alone I had gained almost 150 platinum (remember he spent some in the market), 50 new maids, and an additional 38 soldiers. The trip home was going to be a lot safer. I also healed the minister's 'little brother' as a thank you for the extra rings. The maids weren't too happy but I would hate to be indebted to Geo. (yes this was good for Geo as the minister is the only person in the royal court to help him, and if the minister is 'out of commission', then he can't help Geo with anything for quite a while)

Walking back through the noble district, my new knights parted the way through the crowds. As the nobles stood to the sides they stared at all of the extremely seductive figures of the maids. I had taken on the form of the messenger boy again, so as not to let everyone know who I really was, but with this many girls following behind me, it made a lot of the young men envious.

As I was approaching the gate, a figure stood in my way. Yep, it was the dumbass from before, Stephan. He held a pretty well made steel sword, but it was studded with a hilt made of gold that had many gems on it. Complete waste of craftsmanship if you ask me.

"You stupid freak, what did you do in there, how are you so lucky as to be escorted by the kings entourage to the gates like this you commoner swine." Stephan insulted.

2 of the knights walked forward to beat him down, but I simply waved them back.

"You are only a third right, I am being escorted, but they are not taking me to the gate, oh and they are mine now, not the kings." I smirk.

Stephan's anger seems to peak as he charges at me with his sword. As he does I take out the large slab of metal that was in my special ring, and transform it into a spear, crimson red on the spearhead, while a black mixed with gold along the shaft.

My spear meets his sword and his sword breaks. He stumbles back in a daze. "How could you have such a large amount of Glaxium (aka the metal)." he cries.

I turned into my real form, I was getting tired of this arrogant fool. I stride up beside him and tell him in his ear, "I am the king of Corcia brat, and your kingdom is at my beck and call, so straighten out asshole.".

He stands up and straightens out immediately. He then bows and says "I-I am very sorry your majesty, if there is anything my family can do for you, we are here.". Funny how someone can pull a full 180 one their attitude when they realize you have a considerable backing.

"I am quite annoyed by your family, fix it, and then maybe I will see you in my eyes." I tell him then walk off, maids, knights, and my companions in tow.

As we enter into the outer city, we are once again greeted by how poorly it is kept. Beggars, starving children and women. In the distance I believe I could even hear someone getting beat up.

Instead of heading straight for the outer gates, I decided to make a few stops. I stopped at a few houses and gave some of the money I had brought with me to them and the other families.

By the time we had gotten back to the inn from that morning, I had already given up all but 75 gold coins. When I went inside the inn I saw the owner and the waitress packing cups, dinnerware, and blankets into baskets and packages. When they saw us enter they walked up to us hurriedly.

"I am sorry good sirs and ma'ams, but we are permanently closing our inn here." the owner said, shaking his head.

"Might I know why?" I asked.

"Well, as you two already know," he says pointing to Naitsu and Asterian, "this kingdom is a terrible place, and that young man that was with you from earlier, by the way, where is he?"

I turn into the young messenger boy, "you mean me?" I ask with a grin.

The owner takes a step back, I then turn back into my form. "I can do that," I explain before he starts asking questions, "I am also the king of Corcia" I add with a wink.

The owner and waitress both stood there with their mouths wide open, before getting down on one knee.

"Your majesty." They both said.

I motioned for them to get up. "I will have 8 knights stay behind to help you load a wagon," I then take out and hand them 25 gold, "this is to buy the wagon, and any other supplies you may need, don't worry about returning the extra, use it to open a damn fine tavern in my capital!" I tell them.

They smile and nod their heads. "Oh, and I want you to wait for someone else as well, the former minister, wait about 2 or 3 days, he might be coming as well, and I want to make sure him, his daughter, and anyone else he brings is kept safe." I explain.

The knights nod their heads, while the owner and waitress get back to work.

"By the way, what is your name inn keep?" I ask the innkeeper.

"His majesty can call me Jared, it will be an honor to set up shop in the capital." he says before getting back to work.

I nod my head and leave the tavern. Leaving behind the 8 knights I head towards the outer gate. On guard I see 2 familiar figures, they are the 2 guards that were in charge of escorting us.

"How are you two this fine evening?" I ask them.

"I am good/well" they reply.

I take out the remaining 50 gold in my pouch and hand 25 to each of them. They refuse at first, but after insisting they both accept.

"Thank you, my family needed this" the older one says.

"Thanks, now I might be able to buy a ring for my girlfriend." the younger guard says, scratching the back of his head.

"Ohoho, good luck then, just don't let her catch you ogling other women!" I announced to him.

The young guard seems scared at first before laughing and nodding his head. We said our farewells before heading off to the marsh.

It was night before we reached the border, so I decided that we should set-up camp for the night. I made a few tents out of surrounding materials before making a large fire to cook food on. I didn't make anything much, just a simple stew with meat, potatoes, and greens, but everyone enjoyed it, and that made me happy.

Before we went to bed, the knights insisted on keeping watch, it took an hour of persuading them that nothing could sneak up on us, as I had already altered the surrounding area to feel hotter than the sun should someone attempt to sneak up on the camp.

Sadly, that was the least of my troubles. All the girls wanted to sleep in my tent with me. After half an hour of bugging me, I got rid of all but one tent, as that was for Asterian, and made one large tent for us all to sleep in together.

Surprisingly, with 81 people in the same bed as me, it was not uncomfortable at all. In fact, it was the softest 'bed' I had ever slept on, albeit this one was made of breasts and thighs. Although I insisted on just laying on Naitsu's lap, the girls all tried to wedge in so that not even a single part of me was lying on the ground.

I tried my best to lay there, as still as possible so that I didn't touch anything I shouldn't, but it was damn hard, and no, just the not moving around part was hard.

That night, I slept like I was on cloud nine, it was simply the best. 'Maybe I should do this more often?' was the last thought I had before drifting off to sleep.