Shadow Minister

After I had woken up I quietly slipped into the bathroom. I had gone a while without a proper bath. I was still very exhausted from all the traveling, so I wasn't able to use modify as using magic required stamina and almost complete mental clarity. To which I had neither at the moment.

So therefore I was having a cold bath. It helped me wake up a little, but it was still cold, and not at all relaxing. I washed myself as fast as I could, but I guess it wasn't fast enough.

The door opened to the bathroom, it was Fenik. I hid my body but it looked like she hadn't noticed me. She took off her clothes and headed to the bath. She put her hand in the bath and the water started to heat up.

Too hot, too hot! "OW OW OW, Fenik stop!"

"EH!" Fenik screamed and jumped back.She placed her arms over her body and fell back.

"What are you doing in here, are you a pervert!" she accused.

"I should ask you the same thing, I was in here first after all!" I rebuked.

"Well…" she stopped talking then her face turned red as a tomato.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, u-um yo-you are um.." She pointed at me. It was only then I realised I had stood up when I was yelling at her. My face also went red as I quickly sat down and turned around.

I then started chuckling a bit.

"What's so funny!" Fenik questioned.

"Well, Naitsu is water, and you are fire, yet you two act almost opposite. She is quite passionate and open, why you are such a tsundere." I laughed again.

Feniks face went red, "O-Oh really, you'll see how passionate I can be!"

She jumped at me.

"W-Wait!" I yelled, moving to the side. But since I couldn't see her it was all for nothing.

She wrapped her arms around me and her petite body wrapped around me from behind. Her head was pushed tightly in between my neck and my should. I looked to see her eyes closed, this was probably embarrassing for her. Who am I kidding, she's a tsundere, of course this is embarrassing!

"Um, Fenik, can you get off me?" I tried removing her arms, but they held tight.

"N-No! I'm not getting off til you admit I am just as passionate as Naitsu is!" she wrapped her legs around me.

"The fact that you have your eyes closed and you are trying to act fiery and wild is enough to prove you are a tsundere, now please get off."

"Is my chest not big enough! Is that it! You want her in here with you right! Or maybe one of those maids!" she sniffles at the end and loosens up a bit. Looks like she might cry.

My heart melts, she's so adorable. I never want to hurt that face.

Forgetting all my common sense I turn towards her and give her a hug. "I honestly don't want anyone in my bath. It's kind of embarrassing ya know? But I will tell you, I don't want to be considered a pedo, so, can you get out?"

"Master.." her eyes were glittering.

Her eyes then turned dark, "I'd have you know I'm 19" she slapped me.

She then got out of the bath and used my towel to dry off. She put on the clothes she had on before and left the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

I let out a sigh before standing up, but then I heard a commotion outside the door. 'Oh no' I thought, reaching for the towel that was no longer there.

"I'm fucked" then the door opened and all the maids came pouring in like a flood.

I let out a sigh as I sat down for breakfast. The beginning of my morning was chaotic to say the least. Luckily when the maids "attacked" me, we didn't do anything too bad. But my body was touched all over, and I probably touched some things I should have.

'I am still a virgin!' I yelled in my head, trying to clear my consciousness of betraying Fuyu.

Just as I had sat down, the former minister, as well as Lin. I stand up and bow to the minister.

"Welcome former minister to my kingdom. I'm sorry if it is not what Silver River is, but I promise you, give us time and we will be more powerful than any kingdom there is.".

The minister waved his hands, "No need to be so formal my king, the very reason I am here is because I can see potential in you. I don't know what it is you are doing with your castle or what your blacksmiths are building, but from the sheer size of their projects I can tell they are going to be astounding and change the way we see wars and sieges."

We all sat down and ate. After I motioned for Mr. Yumir to follow me.

"What is it my lord?" he looked puzzled.

"First I would to introduce myself. I am Tristan Chishiki, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine my lord, I am Otoko Yumir."

"Now that that is out of the way, I have something to ask of you"


"I need you to act as my shadow minister. Reynard will still have the position and power, but, as will you, but from the dark. I do not trust him, and from what I have heard, you are a good man. Therefore I trust you enough to give you this position."

"My lord-"

"Before you say anything, I have learned that you see no difference in noble and commoner. Nobles exist to protect the common people, that should be our role. In my world, there is no such thing as a noble and commoner, everyone is equal. I plan to be the same here."

"My lord is very wise."

"That's not wise, just common sense."

"I understand what my lord requires of me, it will be done."

"Oh yeah, don't call me 'my lord', just Tristan will do." I give him a smile.

Otoko smiles back and shakes my hand.

I hand him a piece of paper I had written before breakfast. "This paper includes a farming method called four field rotation. Every year we will rotate the crops listed on the list to improve soil fertility, as well as the yield. It will also increase fodder and grazing crops to breed animals year round."

Otoko looked shocked that such a farming method existed. "My- Tristan, you truly are very wise. I expect great things to come from you.".

I just shook my head and sent him on his way. I had done a lot of studying and learning back in my world, something like this was simple. Sadly there was no genetic engineering here, or I could have made some sort of crop that could grow at astounding speeds while also pulling from all nutrients instead of just one kind.

Naitsu and Fenik came around a corner and stared at me.

"Are you sure about him?" Fenik asked.

"90% sure" I reply.

"What about that last 10%?" Naitsu follows up.

"You can never be 100% sure about anything, everyone has their secrets. I am sure you 2 do as well." I stared at Otoko walking away.

The girls looked at each other and seemed to share a glance. I didn't know what it meant, but I wouldn't ask about it.

I spent the next 3 weeks preparing the kingdom for my departure. The portal would open at midnight, and I would spend 1 day back in my world. But that was 1 year here.

I held a meeting at the end of the 3rd week.

"I trust you all know that me, Naitsu, and Fenik shall be leaving for 1 year. Although it might seem a long time in this world, in mine it is merely a day." I started the meeting as everyone important was gathered.

My officials included Otoko, Reynard, Gilbert, Humphry, Lillith, and Lurrel. Although my companions were also present, including Naitsu, Asterian, Katy, Yumi, and now Lin, per the request of Otoko.

Otoko knew that I had helped his daughter before, and he wanted her to get to see the world and experience many things. So he asked me if she could travel with us. I told him the dangers our group had faced, but he said he trusted me to protect her.

"I want our forces to continue to grow, we can not always rely on the Rakshasa. We need trained men and women." I continue.

Reynard butts in, "excuse me lord, maybe I wasn���t hearing right, did you say women too? The only woman that has ever joined the military was Lillith on the account of her being a highborns daughter, as well as having completed some military service".

"Yes, women may be permitted into the military. Men are not the only ones that can fight. Although this culture seems to be driven by males, females also take a very important role in everything we are. Without them, we would not exist, and the same goes for the males. So who is to say we are not equal, when we both serve vital roles in our cultures." I explain.

Reynard looks like he still wants to protest, but holds his tongue and sits back down. Otoko gives an approving nod, as well as Lillith and Lurrel. 'How I yearn for gender equality.' I laugh in my head.

"This not only goes for the military, but any job opportunity, they are to be payed equally. That goes to say they will be expected to carry out the same amount of work. Everyone is paid based on how much they do, and what roles they play. Otoko, I entrust this to you as one of my advisors."

"Next up, Reynard, I would like you to take surveys and questionnaires of our people. Listen to the problems that they have, and deal with them accordingly. Should something big pop up, or a problem should be discussed with the crown, please write it down to be discussed later."

"And Gilbert, as well as Humphry. I entrust you two with trading and accounting affairs. I want quality work, for the lowest prices. That means buying tools and equipment that are well made and durable, at the lowest market price we can get them."

"Lillith, I entrust you with our troops of course, keep the kingdom and its people safe. You are a capable woman, and I trust your judgement to keep everyone in check."

"Finally, Lurrel, I want you to keep this place tidy and organized, as well as create an organization that will keep the city clean. A clean city means healthy people, and a healthy environment."

They all nod their heads. Katy, Yumi, and Asterian look at me. Expecting tasks from me that need to be done.

"I want Katy and Yumi to assist Lurrel in the creation of this organization. And Asterian, you will assist Lillith with guarding the city, as well as putting in manpower towards the tasks the artisans have been given."

I motion for the door to open and the head of the builders walks in.

"You sent for me my lord" he bows.

"Yes, I am going to give you some new plans on how I want the expansion of the city to be done. This includes housing and various facilities." I take several rolls of paper from the table behind me and sprawl them out on the table.

"I will build 2 more layers of walls here and here." I point to two spots. One is roughly 2 miles from the castle, while the other is 6 miles from the first wall.

"These are by no means to separate the nobles from the commoners." I reassure Otoko as he looks grumpily at the layout.

"In fact, only the outer section is to be for housing. The inner ring is for facilities, including but not limited to schools, libraries, markets, and auction houses. Of course housing will be more expensive the closer you get to the inner layer, but that is only because the location is more convenient, and there will be better housing. But it still encourages nobles and commoners to live amongst one another."

"Now then, I entrust you to tell the others to get started as soon as possible head builder, thank you very much for your service."

"The pleasure is mine, thank you your majesty." he turns and leaves out of the door.

The meeting ends and I spend the next week planning on what to do when we go back to my world. Of course I am going to see my sister, and I plan on showing the girls around as it would be rude to just go home and be lazy.