Going Home

After the week was up, we all gathered inside the room where the portal was supposed to appear. The rule for the portal was that the portals would appear in sequence to who was first place, to last.

The portal would also change its color to tell the person going through it whether it was safe on the other side. Red for hostile, blue for neutral, and green for completely safe. There might also be mixtures, like a reddish blue might mean that the people are neutral, but if you go through, they might get hostile.

We sat in the portal room and waited for midnight. When the time came around the portal opened. It was reddish blue, meaning someone might not be happy with me coming through.

"Alright girls, it's time to go, and be ready for anything." they nodded their heads.

We walked through the portal. On the other side we saw all of the families gathered around the portal, but almost everyone except for Ashika's parents, Fuyu's father, and the parents of the mysterious Chaat-Masaala family.

Looking around the room I had realised that I was the first person to come through. That would explain the hostility. But not long after I had walked through, so did Naitsu and Fenik.

This caused the room to fill with mixed conversations of the families and their servants.

"I thought only competitors could come back"

"Who are those two and who do they align with?"

"I wonder if I could steal one as a mistress"

That last one pissed me off a lot.

"These two are my bodyguards, Naitsu," I gesture towards Naitsu, "and Fenik" I then point at Fenik.

The people in attendance didn't seem happy hearing they were with me, but a lot of the men looked at them hungrily, without trying to hide it.

"Mr.Chairman, there have been some changes in the other world that I would like to discuss with you. Let's just say that nothing in the notebooks you prepared for this had anything that would make us ready." Fuyu's father simply nodded his head and motioned for us to follow.

Fenik took the lead while Naitsu followed behind me. As we were walking by, someone reached out to touch Naitsu's butt. They never succeeded. His head was enveloped in a water bubble, cutting off his air supply.

"Now Naitsu, these are all important guests of Mr.Chairman. We wouldn't want anyone dying on us." I used modify to rapidly evaporate the water, turned out to be Geo's father.

"He tried to touch your property though master, that is a grave offense." Naitsu struck a cute pose and stuck a finger to her lips.

"I cannot forgive him for touching one of my women, but I don't think death is enough for him." I took out some fire ore from my spacial ring and turned it into a dagger. I then cut off his balls, then used modify to re-attach them, then cut them off again and again.

After about 30 rounds of this he started crying and begging for forgiveness.

"Tch, like father like son" and with that I followed the chairman again.

"Do not underestimate him as your enemy, because he will show you no mercy" Ashika's father muttered to himself.

Meanwhile the chairman had led us to a private room. He ordered a servant to fetch him a notebook and something to write with. I also added a large piece of paper to draw a map on, as well as some sticks for the same purposes.

When the servant came back with all the materials, I had Naitsu make the map. Using the sticks to show floating areas. I went through and described the places I had been to, but left out the king's candidate and the whole magic room selection stuff.

I also didn't mention the existence of the bodyguards as even though they couldn't follow anyone but the king's candidate, it would not stop others from trying to prevent me from doing so.

After we were done Fuyu's father stared at the map and read through the notebook. When he was done he closed his eyes, rubbed his temple, and then nodded his head.

"This is indeed very different from what we had prepared you for." he said, shaking his head.

"What still surprises me though, is how you are considered first place right now" he looked at me.

"Well, a man is not supposed to reveal his secrets, but for you I guess I can make an exception," I put a smile on my face, "Geo made a very… generous donation, and I used some of my know-how to improve my kingdom rapidly, that is all."

Fuyu's father laughed when I said the word donation. He very well knew the meaning of what I meant. Considering what I had done to his father when he had tried to touch Naitsu, he could see how "persuasive" I can be.

"That will be all, I am sure you want to be getting on your way so I won't hold you up anymore." Fuyu's father laughed and slapped me on the back.

We both got up and exited the room. After going back to the lobby I see that everyone has passed into this world. Geo's family sent cold glares at me while Hem ogled the beauties by my side. I snapped my finger in his face to get his attention, and he glared at me as if I was interrupting something important.

Hem hurriedly ran up to them, puffing his chest out as if he was important.

"Why hello my beauties, I am sure you know I am a very wealthy man. I also am in charge of the Mord, if you become one of my wives, I am certain you will live a life of pleasure and comfort" Hem winked when he finished.

I didn't do anything but smile and nod to Naitsu and Fenik. Quickly they both drew weapons, Naitsu holding a bow made of ice, with an arrow knocked, and Fenik holding a flaming greatsword 3 times her size.

"I am sorry Mr… whoever you are, but touching and ogling masters property is a grave offense." Naitsu smiled almost sadistically, Fenik also smirked.

Hem backed off with the weapons pointed at him.

"You will regret this you bitch" Hem spat at Naitsu's shoes, but missed.

When he was turning around there was suddenly a blade at his throat.

"Now now, I think you should have a long talk with the Gwangsan family. They should be able to tell you in detail what happens to those who cross me. Also, apologies, or you will learn first-hand." I give off all the built up killing intent I have.

Hem visibly pisses himself and everyone in the room, including Fuyu's father is shaking uncontrollably. I pull it all back in, I wouldn't want the place to be covered in the urine of everyone here.

Hem turns around, "I-I apologies for my harsh words, i-if there is anything you need, p-please contact me in the future".

Tears were practically coming out in rivers down his face as he ran to hide behind his family. I then looked around for Fuyu and Ashika, I spotted them, luckily they were talking together, so I walked over.

"Hey guys, hows it going?" I gave a genuine smile.

"Oh hey Tristan, you put on quite the show just now didn't you" Fuyu said and giggled.

I blushed, "well, um, what kind of a king would I be if I didn't stand up for my subjects".

"Oh? I thought people from that world couldn't come here. Is that wrong or is there something special about them?" Ashika looked interested, but still seemed timid.

"I guess you can call them a special case, but I can't talk about that." I scratch the back of my head.

"Oh, well alright. Anyway, how have things been going, I heard you were first place!" Ashika got excited.

"Oh, well, nothing much, just kinda forced Geo to work for me, unofficially of course." I smiled a bit.

"You did what?!" Fuyu was surprised, "How the hell did you do that?!".

"I'd um, rather not talk about it. It's not something a lady like you should hear about" I made it so that later I could tell Ashika, but I didn't want Fuyu to hear about my brutality.

As far as Fuyu knew, I was someone who excelled in a lot of things, and warfare as well as fighting were among those things, but she didn't know how brutal I could be. The longer I could keep that hidden the better.

Fuyu cleared her throat, "Anyway, are these your… lovers" Fuyu tried to sound teasing but ended up blushing too much and it came out kind of quite.

I waved my hand at her, "No no no, they are… well, actually, maybe a little, but, I um, I-".

Before I could finish Fuyu's usually snow white skin turned completely red, "I-I can't believe you!" she said before storming off.

"Fuyu wait I-" she was already gone.

"*sigh*, she wouldn't even hear me out" I slumped over.

"I mean, you can't really blame her, but are they really your- well, your lovers?" Ashika chuckled a bit.

"Well kinda yeah, but, Fuyu will always hold the number one spot" I objected quickly.

"So then, have you done THAT yet" Ashika winked at me.

"THAT? What do you me- Oh my god no!" my eyes widened.

Ashika burst into laughter, his usual shyness seemingly disappeared. "Hahaha, man you are too funny. Although I am surprised, with 2 beauties like these, I don't think even I could hold myself back." he continued laughing, wiping away a tear.

"Trust me, holding myself back is not the problem, it's holding them back!" I exclaim.

Ashika once again burst into laughter. "You gotta be kidding me right? You holding them back? Hahaha!".

At this moment both Naitsu and Fenik came forward and grabbed my arms. One each.

"What master says is true!" Fenik pouted.

"We would have TAKEN him a while ago if he let us" Naitsu added, also making a pouting face.

Ashika's jaw hung open, as well as some other people that heard our conversation. I scratched the back of my head before patting Ashika's head and telling him goodbye.

Just as we were about to leave, Stella and Cagna blocked my path.

"Well well, looks like more ugly girls in my way" Cagna crossed her arm. Looks like she really hadn't changed, there goes hoping.

"My competition really keeps rising huh" Stella put her hand on her hip.

"Ladies, if you would please move aside, I would like to go see my sister with the 1 day I have." I tried calming them down.

After a minute they both got out of them way, although Cagna was glaring at Naitsu and Fenik while Stella revealed a slight smirk.

'I really hope this day goes by ok' I thought to myself before we entered a car to take us home.