A Day Off

The car drove us home. When we got out we stood outside our apartment complex.

"What kind of noble lives here?" Fenik stood amazed.

"Actually, it's called an apartment. One person or several own the whole building, and some people rent the… little houses that are inside. This allows a cheaper place for people to live, as well as makes the owner a ton of money with time." I explain.

Naitsu and Fenik nodded their heads then followed me in. We headed up to the apartment where me and my sister were staying in and took out the key. I unlocked the door and knocked on it twice before coming in.

"We're coming in." I say before walking in.

When I walk in there is nobody there. I look around the kitchen and living room but I can't find her. I look in my room, and then knock on her door.

"Shurui! You in there?".

I got no response. Well it was early morning, she had probably gone off to school already. I went over to the fridge and got out some eggs, bacon, and sausage, as well as a few tortilla's.

"You guys want a breakfast wrap?" I asked Naitsu and Fenik.

They looked puzzled but nodded their heads. So I got to cooking. In a matter of a few minutes I had 3 breakfast wraps ready to go.

"If you want some salsa on it, here" I put the salsa in the middle of the table.

They both reached for it at the same time. They also grabbed it at the same time. They locked eyes and I could almost guarantee there was going to be a fight. I grabbed the salsa from both of them and put it on a small portion of the burrito.

"See if you like it first before fighting over it." I also put some on mine.

They took a bite of the section with the salsa. Both of their eyes grew wide, and they both reached for the salsa again. I grabbed it before there could be a fight, and spread it across both their burritos.

Breakfast was over fast as both Fenik and Naitsu devoured their burritos. They then held out their plates.

"More" they said at the same time.

I laughed and got up. I put the leftovers into another burrito and cut it in half. I gave each of them a half and sat back down, watching them again start to devour their food.

Soon they finished these too, but this time they didn't ask for more. They laid back in their chairs.

"These chairs are pretty comfy." Naitsu said, looking sleepy.

"Haha, these are nothing" I motioned for them to follow me.

They both looked at me puzzled before following me. I brought us to the living room and sat down on the couch. It wasn't a top quality couch but it still beat the kitchen chairs easily.

I pat the sides of me and they sit down. Immediately they look to sink into the couch.

"This-" they looked surprised.

Back in the other world, there weren't any couches. Beds were the most comfortable things, but even then, this couch beat the best beds by a long shot.

"Yeah, this is great too, but there is still better." I chuckled seeing their reactions.

They each grabbed one of my hands, "show us".

I stood up and walked them into my bedroom, and I then hopped onto the bed. They quickly followed me onto the bed and snuggled up to me.

"This is the best." Naitsu said.

"Mmhmm" Fenik looked as though she would fall asleep.

"Yeah, but I've had better." I poked both their noses.

"Wha- oohh" they looked puzzled but then came to realization.

They blushed a bit as they knew I was talking about when everyone had me sleep on their thighs and um… cough cough breasts cough cough.

They both put their heads on my chest and in no time they fell asleep on me. I knew that they had quite the day so I would let them sleep until lunch. I pet their heads as they slept on me.

I decided to set an alarm, as laying in a comfy bed with loved ones would always make someone tired. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A while later my alarm woke me and the girls up. They immediately got into a battle stance.

"Wow there, it's just an alarm to make sure we all woke up" I grabbed my phone and turned off the alarm.

They both calmed down and snuggled up to me again. "I wouldn't mind staying here like this all day." Fenik said, rubbing her cheek on mine.

"Yeah yeah, but we can do that in the kingdom. There is still a lot I want to show you." I smiled and tried getting up.

They pulled me back down immediately, "Just a little longer" they both gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, but just a little longer" I smiled and kissed them both on the forehead.

We cuddled for about half an hour more before finally getting up. They went and sat on the couch while I prepared lunch. I made simple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, while taking out 2 pounds of beef to thaw for dinner later.

I sat on the couch with a plate full of sandwiches. They looked at the plate and grabbed as many sandwiches as they could hold.

"Slow down, I can always make more" I put the plate on the small coffee table.

I then took the tv remote and turned on the tv, so we could eat and watch some shows. Although, both stood on guard again.

"Relax, think of it as a window that lets you see things far away, or into another world." I tried calming them down again.

They sat back down and started to eat. I put on some of the news about the fighting competitions in japan. Since it had only been one day, there were no fighting competitions scheduled yet, but that wouldn't stop them from talking about past ones.

I wanted to check over my form in them, and also some other peoples forms to learn more about my opponents. Sadly today all they did today was go over me. I was able to look over my techniques but I couldn't really learn anything new.

After we finished the sandwiches I was about to turn off the tv before the announcer said they were going to play one of my fights. When they put it on, I saw it was a fight I had already gone over many times. So I decided to turn off the tv.

"Wait no" Naitsu grabbed my hand.

"I want to see" Fenik added.

I sighed and turned the tv back on. It was my final match in a tournament 1 year ago. I won a landslide victory, as I always did, but after reviewing it over and over again. I had improved greatly since then so I didn't think much of the fight.

The girls had another opinion. Watching me bob and weave, kick, punch, and chop. The fight was over within 30 seconds as I had successfully hit his windpipe with a well placed chop. The man fell to the ground unconscious.

The girls looked at me with admiration. I didn't want to tell them that I had gotten much better, because I didn't want to come off as bragging.

Since the fight had ended I turned the tv off and told the girls to get ready to head out. It was 1 o'clock so there was still plenty of time to go out and do plenty of things.

I walked to the door, but as I opened it, I saw Shurui there. I remembered that she would be getting home right about now.

"Oh hi sis, how are you?" I smiled.

"Oh, hey bro, did the event end?"

"Oh, no, they just give a break every now and then. So I thought about coming to see my sister but you weren't home yet, so we waited for you."


"Yes, we"

Naitsu and Fenik came up behind me. Fenik hugged my arm while Naitsu hugged me from behind and put her chin on my shoulder.

I sighed, "This is Fenik" I gesture to Fenik, "and this is Naitsu." I bump my head on hers and she presses her cheek to mine.

"Ara ara, I didn't know you were like this big bro" Shurui winked.

She walked over and started patting Fenik on the head, "You can't even spare the children, just how perverted are you" she giggled.

Fenik gave a pouty face, "I'd have you know I'm 19, hmph"

"Now now Fenik, she's my sister" I lean closer to her ear, "and lets just say I'm the smarter of the 2" I whisper.

Fenik laughs but Shurui looks at me coldly, "What did you just say to her". She looks about ready to fight me.

Fenik and Naitsu stand in front of me, "You can't hurt master." they say in sync.

I slap my forehead, 'this is going to be great' I thought to myself.

"You got them to call you master huh, I didn't know you were into that sort of thing you pervert." Shurui started laughing.

"I swear I'm not, and I am not a pervert, I haven't even touched them, or done anything!" I try defending myself.

Naitsu gives a pouting look, "Yeah, master won't even touch me, after revealing my body and everything, hmph".

'Oh god it got worse'.

Shurui's eyes widened, "Tristan! In the name of all woman I cannot let you off without a beating!"

"Ah! What do you mean, she's the one to blame! It's Naitsu's fault. Fenik help me!" I backed away from my sister.

"Hmph, I completely agree with Naitsu on this for once. Even after showing master my body and sharing a bath, he still never even touched me." Fenik pouted again.

Shurui's eyes stared coldly at me. Those were the eyes of a murderer. "Now now sis, don't misunderstand." I waved my hands at her.

"What exactly would I be misunderstanding?" she asked in an almost innocent voice, but she was also carrying a pen like a knife.

"W-Well uuhh you see…. Well look at the time, I should be going" I ran as fast as I could out of the apartment.

Shurui chased after me, and Fenik and Naitsu did as well. I vaulted over railings and when I reached the parking lot, I jumped over cars and everything I could to distance myself from my sister.

"Why are you running if you have done nothing wrong?!" she called out to me.

"It is because I did nothing wrong that I am running, if I stop, I might die!" I shouted back, jumping over a grey sedan.


Later we all sat down at a cafe. I luckily had not been stabbed, or at least not very much. Shurui didn't do a lot of talking, but Naitsu and Fenik were enjoying the coffee and pastries I got for us.

After a while, Shurui finally spoke, "So you are just giving up on Fuyu then? After all these years?".

"It's not that, I still love Fuyu very much, it's- well, it's just complicated okay." I tried to explain.

"So how did you meet these 2, at the party?" Shurui set down her coffee and picked up a danish.

"Well, sort of, but not really, I can't really talk about it before the event is over. But, and please don't stab me again, there might be a few more girls in the future." I shrunk my neck back a bit.

Shurui sighed, "Well, my brother is awesome, but I'm pretty sure polygamy is illegal.".

"Not if nobody knows about it" I mutter to myself.

"What was that?!" Shurui took out the pen again.

"Nothing, really, nothing I swear" I shrunk back.

"Wow, even the master is afraid of his sister." Fenik said snarkily.

I was about to reply when I felt a squirming in my pocket. I reached into my pocket, and pulled out… A TURTLE!!

"Holy shit master, how long were you going to keep me cooped up in there!?" Leonardo yelled at me.

"Ah fuck, sssshhhh, you need to be quite" I tried holding his mouth shut.

"Oh yeah, well why don't I shove you in a pocket for several weeks and see how you like it, god it was stuffy as hell in there" Leo complained.

"No, I mean it, shut the hell up, just look around you." I lowered him below the table.

Leo looked around, and saw the city, and all the people.

"Holy shi-" before I could say anything I shoved him into my pocket.

I looked at my sister across from me. Hoping she hadn't seen anything. Unfortunately, it looked like she saw what had just happened.

"What. The fuck. Was that" she said very slowly.

I sigh, "I'll tell you when we get back home."

After that we all sat in silence and had our coffee and snacks in peace.


Later when we got home we all sat at the dining room table. I took out Leo and sat him on top of the table.

"Oh, hi guys, where are we?" he stood up and asked.

"We are back in my world, although you are not supposed to be able to pass through." I looked down at him.

"Can someone please tell me what's up with the talking turtle?!" Shurui shouted, half pointing at Leo.

I sighed, "Naitsu, Fenik, let's give her a demonstration.

As I finished we all used our magic. Naitsu summoned water, and formed them into the shape of butterflies that quickly turned into ice, Fenik summoned her fire that took the shape of birds and flew around the table, turning various shades of red, white, and even blue, finally, I used modify to make all the metal utensils into one small dagger, then back into utensils.

Shurui sat there with her mouth wide open, eyes glittering as she looked at everything.

"You guys can use magic!? But how?" she looked at us all.

"The event is less an event than a competition" I begin, "a bunch of rich kids from an organization called Bijinesu go to this other world to showcase their skills. In simple terms, they are going to see who the next chairman is, but we can't take this lightly, they are basically the kings of the world."

Shurui is once again surprised, "To think there were underground rulers all this time. Haha, that not even you, brother, know of" she laughs.

Naitsu and Fenik look at me questioningly, I sigh.

Shurui starts to explain, "As much as my brother doesn't want me to know, he can't hide much, he can hack into almost anything, be it the government, terrorist, and by coincidence he has found a lot of secret organizations, and even shut a few down. The government has tried to hack into his stuff before to get an idea of how to rope him in, and they still can't even get past the first firewall yet, hahaha".

Naitsu and Fenik look even more confused, so I explained all the concepts to them. After I was done their looks of admiration only grew. It made me shrink back in my seat.

Shurui continued, "The sad part is that he made the first firewall when he was in middle school, haha, he's in college now and has reinforced his tech with at least 6 more, hahaha" Shurui continued laughing while Naitsu and Fenik continued to look at me in admiration.

If I could disappear I would. I was never one for attention or bragging, and although I was proud of my achievements, I didn't want other people hearing about them. Just then I had an idea. Focusing on the air around me, and the light particles that bounced off me, I used modify to make them go around me, or even through me.

Once I did this I disappeared. Naitsu and Fenik stood up, and Shurui looked around confused. They couldn't see me, but I could still see them, so I snuck over to Naitsu and Fenik. Leo's eyes followed me, and Naitsu and Fenik followed his eyes but found nothing. 'Smell!' I shouted in my head.

I then used modify again to eliminate all smells coming off of me, and as an added precaution I made myself completely soundless. Leo then looked around, sniffing the air. He couldn't find me!

Now that I was completely invisible, I could do almost whatever I wanted! But I am not a bad person, so I wouldn't go and commit crimes. I snuck behind Naitsu, and gave her a long kiss on the neck. She moaned a little but then turned in my direction, swiping her hand out.

I stepped back before she could get me. Fenik and Shurui looked at her confused.

"Come on out here and show yourself handsome." Naitsu said, looking around.

I didn't listen to her and moved over to Fenik. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and she too, stuck her hand out trying to catch me.

"What did he do to you?" Naitsu asked.

"Nothing!" Fenik blushed and shouted.

"Come on out master, I miss you" Fenik gave cute puppy eyes.

I wasn't going to fall for that, so I sneaked over to my sister (No readers I am not a sis-con so fuck off). I snuck behind her and whispered in her ear, only letting her hear.

"This is me getting back at you" I then proceeded to tickle her.

She gave off a playful scream and tried to escape, but I wouldn't let her. I continued to tickle her as Naitsu and Fenik looked at her like she was crazy.

"Help me!" she cried out to them, laughing so much she was crying.

They immediately moved over and felt the air all around her. But as they were getting too close I backed off.

"Brother, come out here if you're a man, you rascal" Shurui said, sounding exhausted.

I slowly sneaked over to the door to my bedroom, trying to escape. I opened my bedroom door, trying to sneak in, but as I did the door creaked. 'Really, never once have you done that but all of a sudden now you think you're a trumpet!' my mind shouted. The girls all whirled around and ran for my door.

Invisibility was pointless now so I revealed myself and bolted into the room, closing the door and locking it behind me. They tried to open the door but to no avail. I then heard the front door open and close.

Where were they going? I looked around my room and saw my window was open. They must have opened it that morning after I left. I hurried over to it to try and close it, but it was too late. Naitsu and Fenik jumped into the room, they must have left Shurui outside the room in case I tried to get out that way.

"We got you now master" Fenik said triumphantly.

"You can't escape now." Naitsu added.

"We are going to get payback." they said in sync.

I gulped and tried to run out the door. I'd rather take my chances with Shurui. I tried opening the door but I couldn't. She had taken off the handle to the other side! I was stuck!

I turned and saw Fenik and Naitsu sneaking up on me. They sprung at me and tackled me to the ground. They forcefully carried me and threw me onto the bed, ripping off my shirt. Fenik then grew a pair of fox ears and a tail.

"Fenik, why do you have fox ears, and a tail?" I grew a little excited but kept that out of my voice.

Fenik blushed and sat up, "I saw master looking at that one girl in the costume, you were looking at her ears and fake tail… so I thought master might like it." her tail starts wagging a bit.

"All the bodyguards can change their forms, for the most part, to masters liking. Although they can't change their sizes, so some of us will always be petite" she snickered to Fenik.

"Hey, flat is justice" Fenik said. The internet might not have been the best to introduce to her.

"I think they are very cute, I love them" I reached for her ears.

"T-Thank you master." Fenik blushed and lowered her head to my hand.

I pet her ears, they were so soft! I then reached my other hand to her tail and pet that too. I finally understand what it's like! Naitsu looked at Fenik Jealously and then grabbed my hand that was petting her tail.

She placed it on her breast and made me give it a squeeze. They felt really nice, not going to lie. But that didn't change my being embarrassed. She then turned into an elf, her ears longer, her complexing matched her green hair.

I then remembered something I had heard about elves, they have sensitive ears! While petting and lightly scratching Fenik's ears, I reached for Naitsu's ears. I then pinched the tips of them and she almost collapsed.

"Naitsu, are you alright." I was genuinely worried.

"I-It's nothing, my ears are just… sensitive" she said a little out of breath.

So it is true! I then laughed and lifted her chin up and gave her a kiss. She kissed my back. I reached over for Fenik but she was already smashing her lips into me aggressively. I fought back with my tongue and she was instantly subdued. Both girls laid there, out of breath.

"Shall we begin" I smirk