A Day Off Cont.

An hour later all three of us came out of the room. Luckily Shurui had put the door handle back on, otherwise we would have had to go through the window again.

"My my, my brother is quite the ruffian in bed isn't he" she giggled.

Naitsu's and Fenik's faces turned red in embarrassment.

"I didn't do anything, it was just cuddling" I puffed my chest out and said righteously.

"I'd hardly call sucking my neck and pinching my ears cuddling" Naitsu muttered, but just loud enough for everyone to hear.

My face immediately went red. Shurui chuckled, while Fenik decided to speak up.

"And petting my ears and tail while french kissing me is not exactly cuddling either!" she shouted instead.

My face got even more red and I retracted my chest in defeat. I then moved to go close myself in the room again but Shurui stopped me.

"My brother, you have some weird fetishes, care to share." she grinned maniacally.

"No." I say weakly before turning invisible and bolting towards the door.

I run out and everyone runs out the door trying to hunt me down. I finally find a safe alleyway and turn off my invisibility.

"Those girls are crazy." I sigh and leave the alley.

"I might need to look for them, it is 5:00, so we should go get some dinner." I start walking around looking for them.

Just then I hear a scream. It sounded kind of muffled, but I still heard it. I ran in the direction of the scream. When I get there I find Naitsu, Fenik, and Shurui being taken captive by a group of thugs.

"Now now pretty ladies, we wouldn't want to hurt that beauty of yours now would we?" a big man said and snickered.

The rest of the men sneered and laughed along with him. Naitsu and Fenik would have been able to get out pretty easily, but they couldn't use magic with other people around, and they didn't have weapons. They were not trained in the martial arts either, so they were but normal women to these men.

Naitsu tried to punch the big man but he swiftly grabbed her hand and twirled her around into a tight bear hug.

"These are pretty nice miss, hehehe" he laughed and squeezed Naitsu's breast.

Naitsu let out a scream and tried to escape. Even with her strength as a bodyguard, she could not reinforce her body with magic, so there was no way for her to escape.

"Stop struggling miss, unless you want something a little more… intimate to happen." the man chuckled and moved one of his hands lower.

"Stop, someone please help" she called out weakly.

The other men grabbed Fenik and Shurui as well, and started to get just as grabby.

"I think you have had enough fun for one night!" I called from the entrance to the alleyway.

The men turned. "Who is this brat?" the man feeling over Fenik questioned.

"Master/Brother" the girls yelled.

"Master? Brother? So this brat has relations to them. He might be a problem, kill him." the big man holding Naitsu ordered.

He then grabbed Naitsu's hand and moved it to his crotch.

"Now miss, I think it's time you return the favor. I will do you while your boyfriend dies, hahaha" the big man roared in laughter.

The other men started to do the same while one from behind them all walked forward to me. He was much bigger than the boss, standing at about 7 feet tall, and all muscle.

"Insect" he spoke slowly and coldy before bringing both his arms over his head and smashing them down.

There was an explosion and dust everywhere.

"Haha, that brat probably died before he knew what killed him" the man holding Shurui said.

"Yeah, now let's get down to business" the boss said.

All the men took out their dicks, and forced the girls hands to start massaging them.

The girls struggled but couldn't stop it.

"Master is much bigger than you." Naitsu said, still struggling.

"Haha, even if he did, he is dead now miss." he laughed and then started to remove Naitsu's underwear.

The men followed his actions.

A skinny man holding Shurui noticed the big man hadn't come back yet, "Hey Ford, get over here if you want a turn." he laughed.

Just then, Ford fell backward, a gaping hole in his throat. The men stood, looking at Ford, horrified. They then looked at me as though I were a monster. I walked up to the boss.

"I believe I made myself clear, you have had your fun." I stare at him coldly.

"Fuck you!" he yelled before driving his hips forward, a last ditch attempt to get what he wanted before death.

In a quick fluid motion I chopped off his dick, only the bloody stump hitting Naitsu's butt.

"AAAAHHHH" the man screamed out in pain, falling to the floor.

The men looked at their boss horrified. They were only frozen for a second before they all tried to force themselves onto Fenik and Shurui. They believed at least one of them would have the chance before dying, and they each hoped it was themselves.

In the blink of an eye, they all lost their dicks. They all stood petrified for a moment before screaming out in pain, rolling across the ground.

"I'm afraid the first time honor for these two belong to me" I point to Naitsu and Fenik, "and that one, well, she's trying her best" I point to Shurui.

Fenik and Naitsu cuddled up to me and Shurui looked infuriated.

"Master won't give up his virginity yet" Naitsu pouted.

"And we tried so hard too" Fenik complained and rubbed her cheek on my chest.

I almost spat out blood hearing this. I am trying to be intimidating! This made it look like I was not a man and instead a coward, when really I was saving it for my first love, Fuyu.

The men looked at me, the fear receding a bit, but still there. I walked up and chopped all their heads, albeit very lightly.

"You all can go now." I said coldly.

"Yes, yes thank you very much" they started getting up to run away.

Shurui grabbed my arm, "You are just going to let them get away!".

I patted her head, "just watch.".

She looked at me confused but watched as the men started running. After one man had taken 5 steps, his head exploded. The other men, who either had yet to take a step, or had already taken a few, looked at their dead comrade in horror.

They turned to look at me, "I thought you said you would let us go!" the thin man that would have raped Shurui yelled.

"I am letting you go, whether or not you take the steps is your own choice. We will be on our way now." I told him coldly.

Then using the ground I made an umbrella that I used to cover behind us. The thugs didn't pay attention to where I got the umbrella, and instead rushed at me, taking as large of steps as they could to limit how many it took to reach me.

Of course I already factored in how far they were, and who had how many steps. The closest man was the thin man, who hadn't taken any steps, he would just be able to reach the umbrella at our pace.

"What's the umbrella for master?" Fenik asked cutely.

"I'm expecting showers" I say smiling.

Fenik seemed to not understand at first, but then she broke out into a grin.

As the men charged, head after head popped. The umbrella was showered with blood, pieces of bone, and even some brain matter.

Finally, the thin man was just about to reach the umbrella, "you bastard!" he yelled out, but then a loud POP rang out, and there was a thud against the umbrella.

Naitsu was about to turn around and look at the scene.

I brought her close to me and squeezed her side, "what would you all like to eat?" I asked them, throwing aside the umbrella.

They didn't look back, understanding the scene would probably ruin their apatites.

"Brother, how about you make Korean Beef with rice for dinner" Shurui's eyes glittered.

"I had a feeling you would say that, it's a good thing I set the beef out beforehand." I laughed.


When we got home I gathered all the sauces and spices I would need. There was sesame oil, sriracha, soy sauce, oyster sauce, dried minced onions, sesame seeds, brown sugar, cajun spice, curry powder, and ginger. I mixed all of them using my sense of smell to tell just how much of each was needed, but making sure the brown sugar did not exceed ⅛ cup.

I then took out some carrots, broccoli, as well as baby corn. I cut them all up then added them all into the pan. When they were all almost done cooking I took out a few packets of minute rice and put them into the microwave. I also took out several shoots of green onion and cut them up so they looked like little green circles.

When the rice, beef, carrots, broccoli, and corn were done. I put the rice into bowls, making sure all bowls had equal amounts, and then putting the beef with vegetables on top of the rice before sprinkling a little green onion on top of them all. I grabbed forks for everyone then served them. I also grabbed a few beers out of the fridge I knew Shurui hid in there.

I was normally against drinking, but since this was a day off, and it was a special occasion I decided to let loose a bit.

"How is everything?" I say, feeling a little buzz in my head.

"This stuff is amazing, both the food and drink" Naitsu said, definitely drunk.

"Yea-hic-h, this stu-hic-ff is -hic- amazing" Fenik managed to say, she was way worse off than Naitsu.

Shurui gave me a thumbs up and a wink, "I'll sleep over at Haru's tonight, have fun brother".

I glared at her as she walked out the door, but she only winked back at me. I rolled my eyes and then cleaned up after dinner. Fenik had passed out and Naitsu was pestering me about how I never touched her enough.

After I layed Fenik down on the bed, and coaxed Naitsu into my room as well, I closed the door and went to the couch and laid back.

I sighed and chuckled a bit, "What am I going to do with those two".

"Why don't you do those two?" I heard a voice coming from the direction of my room.

It was Naitsu, she was walking out completely naked. My face went red and I buried it in the couch pillows. Looks like my coaxing didn't work after all.

"Naitsu, what are you doing, go back to bed, and get some clothes on." my voice came out a bit muffled.

She grabbed my face and turned it towards her. I tried to look anywhere but her eyes, but she kept turning my head to look at her, so I eventually gave in and looked at her.

"What are you so embarrassed about? You have already seen all of me" she said seriously, all signs of drunkenness gone.

"I-I um, just don't think it is right for me to" I say trying to avoid the question.

"Why are you avoiding my question?" she asks, this time she sits on me.

I had earlier taken off my shirt, so she traced one of her hands over my chest and abs as she looked at me intently.

I sigh, "I am not deserving of such a woman Naitsu. I am a bad person, I have done bad things, and yet feel no regret for them. I don't deserve you and Fenik. Absolutely not Fuyu, I just, can't bring myself to be selfish to that end." I explain, a bit of sorrow and depression laced into my voice unknowingly.

"Ma-Tristan, you are not being selfish, we love you for you, the good and the, well, we only see good things. Being cold blooded towards your enemies to protect your loved ones is a trait I deeply admire. You are everything a man should be to a woman," she lays down on top of me.

I can feel her bare chest on mine. She takes both her hands and starts outlining the shape of my chest and abs while talking to me.

"You are brave, gentle, and courteous to those who you love, while being swift and brutal to your enemies. Today you saved us, and I am sure you will save us millions of other times Tristan. Don't feel unworthy, it is us who feel we do not meet your expectations." she finished, lightly kissing my chest.

I smile at her, "Don't say that ever again, you guys are the best, I couldn't ask for better." I kiss her forehead.

She looks up at me, eyes expectant. I lower my head and kiss her, and she kisses back. It was a long passionate kiss, conveying how we felt for one another.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold myself back" she says.

"I'm sorry, just a bit longer" I tell her.

"Well, I can at least do this" she smirks, sliding my pants down.

'It's going to be a long night' I tell myself.