I Loathe What You Just Did

*Akira's POV*

I finished packing my bag and we left. Just outside the school compound, I looked up to stare at the huge school again when my eyes caught a figure on the roof top of one of the buildings.

"Damn it!" I quick turned to Lucy, "I'm sorry, there's something I gotta take care of. You can go without me. Sorry." I dashed off back into the school, leaving a stunned Lucy behind.

"Hey Akira!!" She called after me but I just ignored and continued running.

I rushed up the stairs in a fast pace, ignoring the pounding in my chest as I tried to breath.

Not long after, I got to the door of the roof top and pushed it open with force, ignoring the loud noise it made.

Then, I saw him just standing there on the edge, with his hands in his pockets as he gazed down.

Without thinking much I panicked and blurted out, "What are you doing? Step away from the edge. Suicide's not the answer!" I yelled the last statement at him, hoping he would rethink his next action carefully.

That was wrong of me, I hope I didn't scare him and make him jump. You don't shout on a suicidal person that way.

I kept on scolding myself as I catched my breath. Good thing he didn't flinch. What's with this boy by the way?

He turned his head to see who interrupted him. He looked calm and cool, he had black eyes, with his black shoulder length hair to go with, he wore a cold look on his face but it still made him handsome.

Damn it Akira, now's not the time to admire someone, let alone a suicidal person. As I tried to catch my breath, I took this opportunity to look at the situation carefully.

He had a look of absolutely disinterest and he felt irritated by my presence.

"Who is committing suicide?" He asked flatly.

That question felt like a hammer had hit my head.


"What are you doing close at the edge like that, if not for suicide?"

"Who do you think you are to disturb me?"

"What?!!" Sure enough, I was stunned. What was wrong with this boy anyway?

"I only came to help as you looked like you wanted to commit suicide." I said the last part very low.

"Just because you saved the Chairman the other day doesn't mean you are a hero and you could butt into any situation you see, to save the day."

"I only wanted to help," I said putting my head down. For once I saw wrong and my instincts got the better of me. Damn it Akira!!

"You clearly know nothing, not about me or any other person in this school!" He shouted.

"I do know something!" I retorted.

"About what!"


"You know nothing about me," he lashed out, feeling irritated.

"You are lonely." I fired back.

He briefly burst into a wicked laughter before he stopped and looked at me. "I peculiarly hate people who thinks they know and butt into other people's business. How bothersome!" He lightly sighed before continuing, "You've ruined my time here."

He came down with so much calm and walked towards me. When he got to my side he stopped, but still faced forward.

"The next time you see me, do yourself a favor and not embarrass yourself, newbie. I do not want to see you, I loathe what you just did. I do not need your saving, and above all... Mind your business."

With that he walked towards the door and disappeared from the roof top, leaving me alone.

I felt so bad, why would he talk that way? I only wanted to help, seeing as he missed some classes and was nowhere to be found and...

"Stop it Akira, since when did you become a softie." I chided myself.

Snap out of it, you said you wanted to be alone and just finish your high school in peace, where's all this coming from? Mind your business, you've got work to do.

"Yikes, work. I am gonna be late!!" I quickly turned and left in a hurry, running as fast as my legs could carry me.

Out of the building and out of the damn huge school, off into the walkway.