
I had just walked into the classroom, but what surprised me was the number of people attending. Indeed we were only 13 against 34 in all the other courses. Why does nobody want to study this language?

Everyone who learns it will have a greater ability to learn other languages because Latin is a mother tongue like the Germanic language. As everyone was here Mr. Creipo started his class.

Mr. Creipo began by telling what we did last time"The last class we started a course on Ovid's Heroïdes someone can explain to me what these writings are about."

I proposed myself because as I was very interested in this subject I reread the courses I already had during the break.

"You can begin Bagir."

"Heroïdes are fictitious letters written by Ovid. In the latter, we have the complaint of legendary female characters about the absence of love of their beloved or just the absence of the latter."

"That's exactly right. So we're going to study Arianne's case. The latter was abandoned by Theseus alone on an uninhabited island."

Indeed he and his fleet left without waking her and when she wakes up she notices that she was alone.

Benoit lifts his hand to speak to the teacher "Mr. who is Arianne and sorry if my question is silly."

"There is no bad question and it will be a reminder to your classmates because I think you are not the only one who doesn't know who Arianne is, it's just that your classmates don't dare to say it.

I'm not going to give you a big reminder, just what you need. As you know, Theseus the Prince of Athens volunteered to go to Crete to be part of the sacrifices given to the Minotaur. His goal was to kill him.

Another student said "Why did he want to kill him?"

"To save his people. So he arrived in Crete but Minos' daughter Arianne fell in love with him and wanted to help him kill her half-brother. But she would only help him if he left with her, which Theseus immediately accepted."

I was also intrigued by how she helps him "She couldn't help him fight, so what did she do?"

"She had to help him get out of the labyrinth where the minotaur was imprisoned because the minotaur's labyrinth was created by Daedalus and you couldn't get out because the walls were changing place all the time. So the moment Theseus entered the labyrinth she gave him a red wire which she herself was holding so after he defeated the minotaur he just needed to follow the wire. Can someone tell the rest of the story?"

I lift my hand and said "I will, so after that Theseus left with Arianne to finally abandoned her on an island next to the Crete.

When she wakes up she sees that she is alone and starts writing her letter."

"So we're going to start translating verses one through nine of this text. "

He then began to hand out the sheet with the lexicon we can use.

So I began to read the first 9 lines.

Quae legis, ex illo, Theseu, tibi litore mitto

Unde tuam sine me vela tulere ratem,

In quo me somnusque meus male prodidit et tu.

Incertum vigilans ac somno languida movi

Thesea prensuras semisupina manus:

Nullus erat. Referoque manus iterumque retempto

Perque torum moveo bracchia: nullus erat.

Excussere metus sommum; conterrita surgo

Membraque sunt viduo praecipitata toro.

The author here are the 9 verses I will translate them into a group of words.

Example: Verba quae legis: The words that you read. I put the Latin words in the order of the English translation so the first latin words will be the first English word but not for every verse.

And did you know that Especto patronum meant to look at my lawyer. So Harry Potter's spells don't make any sense. Tell me if you want the translation of the other spells also if you want all the translation of the Heroïde tell me and I will make an auxiliary chapter because it is 16 verses and I don't want to write all the translation in a real chapter.

Verba quae legis: The words that you read.

Theseu: Theseus.

tibi mitto: I'm sending them to you.

ex illo litore: from this shore.

Unde tuam vela tulere ratem: where the sails have taken your ship.

Sime me: without me.

In quo somnusque tu: on which my sleep and your sleep.

me prodidit male meus: have shamefully betrayed me.

Incertum vigilans: not wide awake.

ac somno languida: and weakened by sleep.

semisupina : half reversed.

manus movi: I moved my hands.

Thesea prensuras: to reach Theseus.

Nullus erat: nobody was here.

que Refero manus: and I take my hands off.

que retempto iterum: and I'm trying again.

que moveo bracchia: and I wave my arms.

per torum: through the bed.

Nullus erat: nobody was here.

Metus excussere somnum: my fears have driven away the sleep.

conterrita: struck with terror.

surgo: I wake up with a start.

Membraque sunt praecipitata: and my limbs are hurried.

ex toro viduo: out of the widow's bed.

Author: In English-speaking countries do you also have Latin ?

As I had just finished my translation and was beginning the other verses we could hear the bell ringing

"What the lesson is already finished it was a little to fast."

Mr. Creipo smiles "It seems your classmate enjoyed the lesson very much, so there will be no homework for tomorrow. "

All the students turned to me and looked at me with stars in their eyes as if to thank me.

I just had to go and eat and then I'd only have the sports class left, but it was going to be terrible because we're climbing. Well, I had to meet the others in front of the canteen. They were there, there were Martin, Isaac, Kevin, Romain, Mathis and Louan (Louan is a boy).

Kévin: "So how was your morning."

Me: "Good I learned a lot of new things so I think it was extraordinary."

As Isaac was about to intervene Martin stopped him dead in his tracks.

Martin: "I think you're still going to call him crazy and bring out a disease that doesn't exist but can be life-threatening if you study too much."

Issac looks at Martin surprised "How do you know. Would you have unlocked telepathic powers? But I have powers too."

We all breathed a sigh of relief because we were fed up with the idiocy of our friend but let's look on the bright side because of that he is unique.

Me: "Let's start going, otherwise we risk waiting even longer."

All together: "Let's go!"

Romain: "I think we're going to eat starchy food."

Louan: "Very perceptive, it's normal the establishment makes us pay 3. 50 € for the meal when we have all the time the same meals. 1 of the pasta. 2 of the semolina 3 of the rice The portion costs less than 1. 50 € and these charlatans make us pay a little more than double."

Mathis: "We could do nothing about that."

Finally, we arrived in the refectory and ate pasta but that was expected of us. The meal passed very quickly with all the laughter we had, I said goodbye to my comrades because I had to go to the gym but Mathis was with me because we were in the same class.

Me : "I have a bad feeling about this climbing course, one of us is bound to die in the class."

Contrary to what a normal person should do, Mathis supported my idea.

Mathis: "You're right. Why do we have this class when most of the class is afraid of heights ?"

Author: fear of heights and not vertigo. Vertigo is a problem in the inner ear and fear of heights is fear of height it's simple.

The gym was in front of me so I used my card to open the door and sat down in front of the teacher while he made the call and gave us the explanations for the climbing wall.

After a good twenty minutes of explanations, I was equipped with my harness and started to climb the 8 m high wall. As I got to 6 meters I called the person below me that I was abseiling down.

My comrade who was on the ground started to pull my rope forward and ran straight towards the wall but when I came down suddenly my rope tore but fortunately I was only two meters high and hurt my ankle just a little bit.

While I was on the bench I had the impression that something supernatural had caused this fall as if this thing was after my life but I'm sure it was just a hallucination.

The course continued without me continuing it because of my injury. As I had just finished school and hadn't taken my bike, I waited for the 4 pm bus.

During this time I was reading finally the bus arrived and after 15 minutes I was in front of my house. Now there will be nothing to stop me from looking at what is hidden in the attic, but as I went to open the door, it refused to open. I looked in my pockets to see if I had the keys but no I didn't have them so I had to wait for one of my parents.

But now I was sure of one thing something was preventing me from going in the attic why I didn't know it but it also meant that the attic was hiding the answer to my questions.

My mother arrived a good hour after I got there and immediately opened the door after seeing me. So I took a good shower and changed my clothes to finally stand in front of the attic which was in the top floor corridor.

Me: "Attic here I come."