
So I looked up at the ceiling to grab the trap door to bring down the ladder that would allow me to reach the attic. I took some momentum and tried to reach the trap but as I touched it, my body fall I was still too small to bring it down.

"Well, I've to get a chair."

So I hurried to my room, took the chair under my desk and ran with it down the corridor. I put it on the ground, pulled the trapdoor, and the ladder down. I left the chair there and climbed up the ladder in front of me.

"All my answers are waiting for me upstairs. "

That's what I thought. Space was about 7 m long and was filled with cardboard, but I couldn't see anything. So I looked for the switch to turn on the light in this room. The one at the back of the room. So I ran up to it and lit it.

Once the room was illuminated I could see that there was a lot of dust on the cardboard boxes as if Lou and Marcel never went there. There were 17 boxes in all, so I started checking them one by one. The first three boxes I took were filled with toys I had as a child.

"It was as you'd expect and it'll probably be like this for all the boxes but there's bound to be something Marcel kept to remember me. "

I continued to search and search but nothing but objects or things belonging to my so-called parents. So I emptied the last box, but what I found shocked me indeed. In this one there are objects for animals. I should be happy to know that, except these were for dogs. There were even a dog leash and some pictures of Marcel and the dog.l

I would have understood if Lou would have been in the picture but she wasn't there, this picture had been taken before these two met.

"It's not possible Marcel never had a dog, otherwise I would have known. and he always said that I was his first pet. What' happening I appear here and now I learn that as far as I know Marcel never had me. To validate all of this I'll have to call the pet shop where Marcel bought me. "

I put the boxes away and went back to my room to make a summary of my day, starting with Latin, because I now knew that what had possessed me spoke that language and I could begin to decipher the message it had written in blood. I tried to remember the message, but an immense pain overcame me, it was as if thousands of insects were trying to lodge inside my skull. As the pain subsided I managed to remember a word and it was somnus. The sleep? What the hell does that mean?

As I had managed to remember a word I tried again and like the first time an immense pain attacked my skull. It seems like every time I try to learn the meaning of the message I will feel such pain. The pain finally subsided and while I was waiting for another word nothing happened.

"I understand I can endure this pain hundreds of times but if I don't know the meaning of the words composing the message I will gain nothing by facing this pain. So I only have to endure this pain when I have a richer vocabulary because it would be foolish to suffer for nothing in the end. "

What shocked me is that on a fairly large translation I could only have one word in common with the message.

"I hope it's worth it. Well, I now have some free time because the teachers didn't give us any homework. I have to phone the animal shop."

So I took my phone out of my pocket and entered the street of the pet store in question finally I arrived on the site of the pet store where I found their phone number. So I dialed the number and waited for a staff member to pick up the phone. After a five-minute wait, someone answered me.

Employee: "Hello, this is the animal shop: Animal love. How can I help you?"

Me: "I would like to inquire about the dog my father bought from you 20 years ago."

Employee: "Can you give me the name of your father and the breed of dog he bought."

Me: "My father's name is Marcel and he bought a labrador."

Employee: "Your father did indeed buy a Labrador here on June 22, 1997."

This date shocked me because it was the day he normally bought me this can't be a coincidence.

Employee: "Are you still here?"

Me: "Yes, sorry and may I ask you one last question."

Employee: "Of course."

Me: "I would like to know if you had a white snake in your shop."

Employee: "We had one unfortunately he's no longer with us."

Me: "What do you mean by that. What happens to him?"

Employee: "One day before your father adopted his dog this snake died when he was in very good health. The reason for his death is still a mystery some think it was a new disease or others think it was the spirits that ended his life."

Me: "Thank you and goodbye".

I was dead before I could meet Marcel. Whatever sent me here really wants me to forget the fact that I was a snake.

It was now time to eat, the three of us around the table.

Lou said "How was your day."

Marcel began to answer "So my day."

"I'm not talking to you."

She was talking to me I must answer so I look at her and said "My day went very well. "

While we were eating in a good mood I started a conversation I shouldn't have done.

"I visited the attic today."

As soon as I said that, there was a huge silence around the table. The first to react was Lou

Lou began to become angry "Why did you go there!"

I couldn't understand why she was so upset.

"Calm down darling, you're going to scare him."

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to yell at you."

Now I began to look at Marcel "I saw that you have a dog."

Marcel began to smile "Yes I had a dog, he was extraordinary but unfortunately, he died."

At that moment I dropped the bomb.

"Otherwise you didn't get a white snake."

This time they both looked at me strangely as if I had said too much. Marcel began to get close to me.

I was a little afraid cause they have stop speaking "What are you going to do?"

"Sometimes it's best to remain silent. "

I didn't understand why he had told me this, but suddenly his jaw opened up to his ears. You could compare his jaw to a crocodile one and while I was motionless he jumped on me to tear my head off.