it's just a freaking stupid imagination

Chapter ten

"Ruby!!" Diane screamed as she chased Ruby downstairs. "C'mon Ruby I don't have the whole day" she groaned.

Ruby giggled as she made her mom chase her. It was too early and she didn't want to have her bath.

Diane was getting frustrated by the catch me if you can Ruby was playing. She knew all the screaming and shouting and probably the gasping from diverted heart attack had caused a ruckus in the house. This was just 5am in the morning and she had to bath and dress up Ruby for Elena wedding. She missed the bachelorette party last night because of Ruby and Dennis, she didn't want to miss dressing her up. She is the chief bride's maid and Ruby is the little bride.

"Ruby I swear..." She halted her words same time as Ruby stopped running and turned to face her with her face scrunched up in confusion.

Ruby held her rag doll with her good hand as she stared at her mom trying to process her mom's word. ""

"Ruby don't say the word" she admonished

Diane noticed Ruby was in a dazed state and tried to get her but the thwart noticed it and bolted off in the direction of the door. She watched in stupefaction as the door swing open and sent Ruby flying few feet from the door and landing on her bump. Seconds passed and she hadn't gotten rid of the shock.

"Dawio!" Ruby called, her voice uncertain. "Dawio!!" This time around her voice was certain and was filled with excitement this brought Diane out of her shocked state.

Dario! How does Ruby know that name. She looked towards the door to see the broad looking man standing there with utter confusion written all over his face.

"Dawio" Ruby called again her voice in a whisper.

Dario ran his right palm through his brown hair. How on earth is Ruby in his house. It's just a freaking stupid imagination. He watched as she winced in pain as she tried to get up but mistakenly  added pressure on her casted arm. It quickly brought him to reality, he had to help her.


Diane was stunned when Dario surprised face was marred with one of concern as he bent down to pick Ruby not before checking her body for any injuries. Ruby held Dario's neck with her right hand as she placed her head on his chest.

Diane finally snapped out off her trance state as Dario spoke to her.

"What the..." He trailed off as he stole a glance at Ruby.

Diane rushed to explain immediately " I can explain. She's my kid"

"Your kid?!" He was taken aback. Now he knew why she was this familiar, why he compared her to Diane. Heck! How did he not notice the striking resemblance. He was happy, he gets to see her everyday then his mind trailed back to him almost giving her a concussion. His face became wide with fury.

"Don't you know how to take care of a kid" he yelled at her with a stern face causing Ruby to jerk her head on his chest. He quickly patted her hair down.

Diane felt insulted. How dare he say that to her when he's worse. He left Dennis alone in this huge mansion with the caretakers not even once calling to check on his son.

"Why are you here?" She folded her arms glaring daggers at him.

He raised a questioning brow and scoffed "this is my home. I can come in and go at anytime"

"Your home?" She scoffed " Your home?! Where you've not been since I got here, for a week your shadow hasn't crossed this mansion. You talk about caring for a kid, what about the kid you left here alone without communications. Is that the kind of caring you talk about, sorry I can't give my child that" she said, walked up to him angrily and pulled Ruby away from him. She tried to protest but the stern look Diane gave her left room for no arguments.

Dario felt like he had been punched straight in his gut. He masked his feelings and called to Diane who was already on her way upstairs.

"You don't know me" he started and walked up to her in large threatening strides. "You don't know a single thing about me so don't go around throwing stupid senseless stories to stupid and senseless people who care to listen" he caught her confused expression. Of course she would play the innocent and confused person. How else did that bloody bastard know about him and Dennis relationship if she didn't tell him.

"What are you talking about? What gossip?"

"Oh! Cut the pretence woman. I know your kind. Remember this..." He gestured between them " ...Is just a contract"

Her jaw ticked with annoyance and anger. So he thought of her as a gossip, she didn't need to be reminded she made the most stupid mistake of her life by agreeing to the contract.

"Stay away from me and my kid." she spoke with so much zeal " just like you said this is just a contract, I don't want you anywhere near my kid" she spat with fury and marched to her room.

Dennis watched the interchange from the ajar door. He was woken up by the loud voice of his dad. He was about to go and welcome him but stopped in his track when he head the argument with the witch. He was glad his dad yelled at her at least she'd feel insulted and leave the house with that Ruby girl.

He didn't like Ruby for anything. Immediately the witch brought her here everybody began swooning over her. He lost the attention of everyone in the mansion even his best friend Gabriel left him to play with her, Charlotte gave her the largest share of the apple pie she made on Wednesday. Now his dad had fallen victim too, his dad had been all loving and caring what his dad had never done for him before. His hatred for Ruby and the witch just grew in tenfold.