Italian Wednesdays

Chapter twelve

Diane moved skillfully in the kitchen as she prepared dinner. She had intentionally given Charlotte a break, to leave the cooking duties to her. She felt helpless and bored since Elena was not back from her honeymoon and decided to take on the cooking duties.

At first, Dennis wouldn't eat anything she made, he starved himself of home made meals for almost a week until Dario came home one evening and requested for dinner. She had prepared lasagna that day and served it to him in the dinning room. Ruby, her and Dario sat eating she didn't expect to see Dennis assume the seat next to Dario and politely ask for dinner. It was a sight to behold. Since then Dario and Dennis made it to dinner every night even though there were only small talks made between Ruby and Dario, sometimes Dennis adding in.

It felt like a family, a broken one trying to find their way.

Dennis had become a changed person not fully changed but they are getting there. He no longer called her a witch, he at least acknowledges Ruby.

She checked the pot one last time to be sure she wasn't missing any ingredients for the spaghetti sauce. She loved making Italian dishes and she noticed Dario and Dennis loved eating Italian dishes even though they never compliment her food. she had decided that every Wednesday would be Italian night.

"Diane" Garrett called walking into the kitchen.

She whipped her head around startled by his sudden appearance in the kitchen.

"Gosh you startled me, Garrett." She placed her hand on her chest as she tried to control her heart beat.

"I'm quite stealthy" he chuckled "one of my many talents apart from serving....being a butler"

She flashed him a smile. She wondered what he was doing in here, not that she minded but Garrett wasn't someone she talked to a lot in the mansion. She was friends with Charlotte and Daniel...well practically only the three of them lived in the  mansion together with Dario.

"Diane, Dario..."

He was cut off by Dario who stood at the entrance to the kitchen. His hair looked ruffled, his suit jacket was gone, he was left with his dark blue shirt which both hands were rolled up exposing his bulgy biceps.

"I'll take it from here" he told Garrett. Garrett nodded and walked out leaving the both of them to converse.

" How are you doing?" He asked as he assessed her disheveled state.

She nodded. This was the first time in a month, since the argument he was speaking to her. He came home regularly, played with Ruby and sometimes Dennis, he bought stuffs for Ruby every day he comes back from work even though she told him not to stick his nose in her business, damn she was glad he didn't listen. He was like a father figure for her baby.

"I'm good" she replied feeling like the head nod she gave wasn't enough.

"That's great." he paused searching for words he could use to talk to her. " I hope you don't mind adding an extra mouth to dinner?"

He was hopeful she wouldn't make fuss about it. He knew he was wrong, not talking to her for a month and even avoiding her small talks then all of a sudden he shows up with a guest for her to feed.

He noticed her thoughtful look. He wasn't going to force her if she refuses, damn Aaron.

"That would be no problem" she turned to check the food.

"Are you sure" he asked unsure.

She nodded in assurance and watched him leave from her side view, for his room probably to change into something more comfortable. There was a small progress in their relationship, they didn't speak or laugh like every other family but they could understand each other through the silence.

The door bell rang and Garrett got the door, ushering Aaron into the house followed by  pleasant greetings from the both of them. They were acquaintance from the constant visit.

Aaron navigated his way without needing Garrett help of showing him the dinning room. He was dressed in a casual wear, a faded jeans and a black v neck T-shirt. On his right hand he held a very expensive fine blueberry wine and on his left he held a packaged bag. He noticed an empty chair beside Dario as he walked into the dinning room.

Diane could recognise him as the guy she met when they were signing the contract, it was just a month and a week ago that all this happened but it looked like half a year had already gone by.

"Good evening" he greeted with a large grin.

"Uncle Aaron"

Dennis jumped out of his seat to hug him. He had missed Aaron though they talked on phone it wasn't same as seeing him in flesh and blood.

"I missed you to hero" Aaron hugged him back.

Ruby shrunk in her seat as she didn't know who the man is though she recalled Dennis calling the man uncle not to long ago.

"I brought wine" Aaron showed everyone present on the table. He turned to Dario " I thought it would be polite to bring something along as I'm going to get a taste of the magnificent Italian dishes you always talk about."

Dario glared at him while Aaron returned it with a lopsided grin.

Diane was startled she didn't know Dario thought of her meal and magnificent. She felt heat creeping to her cheeks and tip of her ears. She didn't know why she was embarrassed, she was supposed to be enjoying the moment and basking in this glory.

"So what are we having for dinner" Aaron questioned as he took his seat next to Dario

"Spaghetti...mama made it" Ruby piped in.

Diane shot her a disapproved look. She knew her daughter loved attention and not getting one from Aaron, she wanted to make herself known.

"You are Ruby right?"

She nodded shinning her teeth.

"I brought something for you." Ruby grinned her eyes wide with excitement, she loves presents. " Dario told me you loved cadbury chocolates"

Her eyes widened that Diane thought her eye socket would come off. Ruby was staring at the packet of cadbury chocolates, she was already in la la land.

"Won't you say thank you to uncle Aaron" Diane asked eyeing the chocolates...she didn't want Ruby to have any this night or she would be up all night because of her.

"Thank you uncle Aawon" she said absent minded as she stared at the chocolate like a long lost love.

"And this is for you" he handed Dennis a packet of MC vites biscuits.

"Thank you uncle Aaron" he grinned as he placed it on the table not too far away from him

The food was served on everyone's plate by Diane, she didn't need to disturb Charlotte who was in her quaters to serve them. Everyone ate in silence apart from the clanking sound the cutleries made while coming in contact with the plate and the constant prolonged moans coming from Aaron. Diane lips curved up in a smile because of this.

"This was fabulous" Aaron spoke finally when his plate was sparkling clean and he had down a glass of the blueberry wine he brought.

"Thanks " Diane answered politely but her smile widened. She loved the praises Aaron was showering on her.

She peek at Dario from where she sat but he was focused on swirling the blueberry wine in his glass. Orange juice were given to Dennis and Ruby.

"I get why Dario can't stop talking about you all day long" Aaron blurted out earning a glare from Dario and a surprise one from Diane.

"H-he...talks about me?" Diane didn't mean to stutter but she couldn't control they way her words came out.

Aaron grinned widely. "Anytime we meet up and anytime means everyday"

Dario shot daggers at his friend disgracing him. He cursed himself for bringing him over for dinner, why didn't he turn him down when he asked. Aaron was bent on telling her everything they talked about.

"Aaron" he groaned out warningly

"C'mon Dario, why do you look like you want to deny everything you've told me whenever we meet up" Aaron glance at Dario, a wicked smile upon his face " you know Diane, food is a way to a man's heart"

Dario looked like he was about to rip Aaron's head off his neck. He would never ever tell this guy anything ever again.

Diane noticed the look Aaron and Dario shared and decided to get the children out of there.

"C'mon Ruby, Dennis, its time for bed. You have school tomorrow" she stood up and pulled Ruby out of her chair. " Dennis" she called again when she noticed he wasn't making any attempt to leave the table.

"I'm going to stay here for now" he replied

"Dennis" Dario stern gaze sent him walking straight to Diane.

Dennis took off to his room while Diane took a yawning Ruby to bed, tucked her in and gave her a good night kiss. She branched to Dennis room before retiring to bed to check on him, she caught him sulking on his bed.

"Dennis" she called as she walked in.

He didn't reply, he just got under his blanket disregarding her presence. She left his room and went to hers.

She laid in the bathtub taking in what happened during dinner. She remembered the small tugging feeling she felt when Aaron said Dario talked about her all the time. She shook her head pushing in the same tugging feeling that tried to come out.

After spending close to five minutes in the bathtub, she got out and tied her towel. She was about to dress in her night wear when she heard a soft knock on her door. She opened it thinking it was Ruby not expecting Dario.

Dario stared at the beauty before him. Her auburn hair was wet and dripping. Her light skin which could be called a nice shade of caramel, almond shaped eyes with long eyelashes. He steadied himself not to look below her face, but he could still see the full shape of her breast in the towel...he wondered how soft it would feel in his hands. He tried to get rid of the image of her long legs, how easily it could wrap around his waist.... damn when was the last time he had a woman....five years ago, Caitlin.

His mood went sour, he felt like a bucket of ice water was poured on him. How could he think about any other woman like that way. He was meant for only Caitlin, he felt guilty for betraying her.

Diane eyes held displeasure with the way Dario stared at her. It made her knees weak and she felt a burning sensation with the look Dario gave her. She was about to reprimand him when the lust from his eyes vanished and was replaced with regrets and guilt.

" I..I came to apologise on behalf of my friend" he said looking stoic.

"It's not an issue at all" she replied feeling a little bit down with the void emotions he was giving her.

"Good night" he said and walked away not sparing her a second look.