Your daddy is a piece of shit, a murderer

Chapter fourteen

"What are you doing" Diane asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"I'm making pizza" she replied  " it's Dennis favourite. It's like a tradition"


"It's his birthday"

"His birthday?!" Shocked and surprised, why did no one inform her of this.... she's been trying to get Dennis to like her and this was the opportunity she had been looking for. " Let me help" Diane said and joined Charlotte in preparing the pizza.

Charlotte and Diane worked their magic in preparing the pizza. Diane had suggested to throw a small birthday party in honour of Dennis when she found out Dario never celebrated Dennis birthday. When the minced chicken for the pizza was in the frying pan, she started out for the cake.

She added butter and cream into the mixer and began creaming, she creamed until it was fluffy and light. She set that aside and started with the eggs. She worked willing and full with excitements.

Baking took her back to her childhood dreams of owning a pastry shop. A dream which fell short because of love.

Diane checked the time to see it was already 4pm and she hadn't bought any present for Dennis. She wasn't even sure he'd accept her gift but she still didn't care. She checked the treats that were prepared, she hoped nothing was lacking. What was left was the samosa, she had given Charlotte the recipe for her own samosa and rushed out of the house heading to the mall to get a gift for Dennis.

Evening came quickly than imagined. Everything was set, the cakes, sweets, cookies and other goodies. Dennis was giddy all day...he couldn't keep shut about his birthday party even if it was just a small gathering of Gabriel, Charlotte, Daniel, Garrett, Ruby, Dario and Aaron as per Dennis request.

"Dennis" Diane knocked on his door waiting for an answer.

"Come in " he shouted shocking Diane.

Diane walked in, subtle about his response.

"Where are you?"

"In the closet. I'm coming out now"

Dennis walked out dressed in a Jean pants and a t-shirts with the star wars characters on it. She was tear filled...she couldn't be what she was seeing, Dennis wore the cloth she bought for him.

"How do I look" he asked with his hands in his pockets.

She nodded her head not able to form a proper sentence or word. "You look good...I'm sure you'll be the best dressed tonight"

"And Ruby?" He questioned with raised brows which made him look more cute

"She wouldn't come close to's your day"

He smiled at her earning a wide grin from her. Diane brought out the wrapped present she hid behind her.

"Happy Birthday Denny" she said and handed it to him. "I wanted to be the first to give you your present"

He pulled out the wraps curious to know what was inside. Then he opened the box revealing a white and red sneaker which had red ranger written on it. He fell in love with it instantly. He ran up to Diane and hugged her.

Diane was startled for a second before she returned the gesture, kneeling to his length.

"Thank you Diane" this was the first time he spoke her name, the first time he didn't call her witch.

Diane wiped away the tears that tried to slip away.

"C'mon we need to get downstairs, the star of the show can't be missing for long"

He nodded and pulled away from her. He noticed the tears in her eyes and wiped it away with his hand. Leaving a stunned Diane.

"You're going to ruin my party with your tears" he frowned

She chuckled softly. Of course the cocky Dennis wasn't fully gone but it was adorable.

They hadn't stepped out of the room fully when the heard the commotion downstairs. They raised downstairs to see a pissed, deranged Dario. All the arrangements were gone to waste, the treats were scattered around _ Charlotte would have a hard time cleaning up tomorrow.

Dario came to a halt when he noticed everyone's attention was directed behind him. He turned slowly fury etched on his face. How could she? Who does she think she is to celebrate in his house when his Caitlin was taken away from him same day. He glared at her with hatred.

"Dario..." he raised his hand halting her speech

"Why did you do this" he started sounding and looking depressed "why did you do this to me? why did you choose to celebrate today?"

She tried to talk but was cut off by the sudden change in emotion. He was back to being furious.

"You knew about this?" He yelled at Aaron

Aaron stood calmly assessing his friend's behaviour. He gets Dario didn't like celebrations especially on this day, he knew Dario hated the fact that Dennis was born this day instead of Caitlin living, Dennis survived. He knew that Dario hated the fact Dennis is a  prove of what he couldn't have with Caitlin. What Aaron didn't know was if all this was worth it, killing himself and punishing others for the death of his fiancee.

"What the hell Aaron!!! Why the hell won't you answer me" he thundered and staggered.

Diane was already up and wanting to save him but Aaron got to Dario first.

"You're drunk Dario as always" Aaron replied calmly as he held Dario arm.

Dario pushed him away staggering "I'm not drunk Aaron and stop treating me like I'm disabled"

"I'll stop treating you like one when you get back to your senses" Aaron fired back.

"Dad" Dennis voice came as a whisper but everyone present caught it.

Dario turned to him his face full of disgust with annoyance he staggered towards the little boy and crouched down to his level.

"What did you just call me?" He questioned his foul breath fanning on Dennis.

Diane rushed to Dennis immediately and stood behind him with her hand on his shoulder, showing support.

"Dario" she called warningly. She knew this was spinning off.

Dario didn't answer her, he stayed there crouched down with a frown on his face. He didn't say anything neither did he move away.

"Dario, go to bed" Aaron suggested. Aaron knew Dario was going to do it, he was going to break the promise he made to Catherine and he had to stop him but it was going to be difficult knowing Dario's mind was set.

"Shut up Aaron, shut up!!!!" He glared at Aaron then turned his full attention to Dennis "what did you call me?"

"Garrett, Daniel, Charlotte and Gabriel please would you kindly leave us for a second and take Ruby with you" Aaron ordered earning strange glances from them but they obeyed and were about to leave

"You're fired" Dario stood up unbalanced and almost fell down but didn't "you all are fired" he said pointing at each one of them.

The three of them instantly turned to Aaron for help.

"Just return to your rooms"

They nodded and walked out not stopping to listen to Dario yell and curse them.

A hard punch on his face from Aaron staggered him. He didn't feel anything but he knew he should have considering the fact Aaron was more built and well skilled in combat than him.

"Did you forget your promise?"

"To hell Aaron." He turned to Dennis and asked with a frown " do I look like your dad?"

Watching the kid's confused look he bursted out into loud laughter. "I'm not your daddy. Your daddy is a piece of shit, a murderer. Your daddy shot your mom right in her stomach"  he added the last part with a snicker.

Dennis stepped out from Diane's hold and ran upstairs. She couldn't see his face neither could she do anything. This was not how she planned his six years Birthday to be. So much for him liking her_ they'd be back to square one.

Dario watched the kid disappear into the hallway and let out a boisterous laughter then he collapsed.

"I'm sorry about this" Diane apologised as she massaged her forehead. "I..I didn't know he'd react to it this way.... I'm..."

"Hey " Aaron walked up to her and cupped her face in his hands "it's okay. You didn't know anything about Caitlin and it was written in the contract not to get involved with his personal life"

"I..I don't just know Aaron"

"It's going to be fine. Today is just a hard day for him but you're here for him right?"

Diane nodded and Aaron pecked her forehead.

"Let's get him upstairs"

Aaron had gone home, Ruby was asleep after she put on a crying show. Garrett, Charlotte and Danie had retired for the night though she knew their job was on the line. Dennis didn't open the door for her for as long as she stood in front of his door.

She had decided to clean the house, to get rid of the night's drama. She couldn't help feel guilty about celebrating Dennis birthday, no one told her how sensitive this day was to Dario.

She checked the time to see it was already past two in the morning. The house was all cleaned up, no more decorations, no food waste splattered on the floor.... She did a good job.

Heading to her room she got sidetracked by the noise she heard in Dario's room. She slowly pushed open the door and walked in, this was the second time she was entering his room but she was still awed by the interior decoration.

She looked around searching for Dario when she didn't see him on the bed. She caught him sitting on the floor close to his walk in closet, she walked to him slowly and cautiously when she got to him, she knelt down in front of him.

"Dario" she called softly. When Dario raised his head up from the picture he was looking at, she was surprised at what met her, Dario's tears filled eyes. This was the first time she was seeing a vulnerable Dario, a crying Dario.

She didn't know what possessed her, maybe the sense of protection that made her hug him " oh my God, Dario."

She pulled away seconds after he didn't return her hug. She looked down at the picture he was clutching in his hand. She stared at the pretty dark haired who looked like a model. The small pink lips, the slender but sharp figure, she had a small not to noticeable shape and a small breast not like hers that had gotten a wider hips during child birth and bigger breast.

"She's pretty" she commented. She read somewhere that trying to get the person to talk about a lost love one was one of the way to help reduce the pain. "Can you tell me about her?" She asked taking a seat next to him on the floor.

He didn't talk for some time but Diane waited and he did talk

"I met her at the club after high school graduation. Aaron and I decided to celebrate going to college in the club...she wore a flashy cloth and was a sassy bitch. She behaved like the whole world revolved around her" Dario chuckled

"That sounds like a bitchy asshole" Diane grumbled.

Dario heard her comment and smiled. He also thought same thing about Caitlin when he first met her.

" She was a sassy controlling freak and a spoilt brat but apart from all this she had a kind heart. I fell in love with her kindness"

She noticed his distant look, like he was reminiscing the old days then his mood changed into a grim one

"I didn't want her to die, I didn't want to loose her. I wanted her to be my wife, we were supposed to spend the rest of our lives together... It was a promise we made" tears were back in his eyes.

She pulled him into a comforting hug and this time he returned it and even tightened his hold on her, he didn't want to let go neither did she. She heard her heart hammering against her chest, she needed to get out of this position before she does something that would definitely not let this nostalgic feeling go.

She pulled away and her eyes caught his that was a big mistake.

Dario darted his tongue out and licked his lips. This small move did a crazy stunt in her heart, sliding her hand down his cheeks she let her finger graze his bottom lip. The small moisture on his lips got her hand trembling....what was she doing and why isn't he stopping her?

"Diane" his voice came out huskily

The deep sound of his voice brought fire to her lower abdomen...the feeling she tried to extinguish during their last encounter. His hand covered hers that rested on his left cheeks then without any further consideration he leaned in and captured her lips.