Can I call you mom?

Chapter fifteen

Dario rolled in his bed with his hands massaging his temples.

"What the hell" he muttered under his breath trying to ease the banging in his head.

He rolled off his bed and untangled the sheets that covered him with his right hand still massaging his right temple. He noticed he was still on his cloths from the previous day. He groaned loudly as he remembered last night.... scattering the party, shouting at Diane, shouting at Dennis, Aaron punching him...What happened after that he couldn't remember....he tried pushing in bit nothing came.

He stood up heading to the bathroom when his eyes caught sight of the glass of water and the packet of Advil resting on his bedside table. He knew none of his workers ever goes into his room, no one had ever brought him Advil for his hangovers. He knew Diane left it there for him. He felt guilty for treating her the way he did, she worked so hard for the birthday, the snacks and the decoration and he destroyed everything  still she went out of her way to leave a glass of water and Advil for him.

He made up his mind, he would apologies to her.

After a quick bath, he dressed in a white hugging T-shirt that was tucked into a low waist Jean pants. He wasn't going to the office though it's a Friday so he had to put on a casual wear. He walked downstairs hoping to get breakfast, he normally never eats breakfast at home but he was looking for a medium to apologise to her.

He watched as Charlotte scampered away when he approached the kitchen door. Diane was facing the cooking gas so she didn't notice Charlotte leaving and she didn't notice him entering.

"Pass me the plate, breakfast has to be ready before Ruby wakes. She cried herself to bed last night. I'm really worried about her and Dennis" she spoke with her right hand stretched to the back waiting for Charlotte to place the plate on it.

Dario picked up the plate that was by his right and handed it to her. He couldn't stop staring at her as she worked. Different thoughts ran through his mind, she looked angelic. The blue tartan apron she wore on her yellow singlet and brown short that reached her thigh, exposing her long legs and gave a nice view of her butt...what the heck is he doing?! He is here to apologise not stare.

He didn't know all this while he was busy admiring her, she was actually talking and had asked him_ Charlotte a question. When she didn't hear a reply she stopped what she was doing and turned around.

She was startled seeing Dario and not Charlotte. Where the hell did Charlotte go and why didn't she notify her? She stared at him with wide eyes. Did he remember last night? Her eyes wandered to his lips and then back to his face and noticed the weird look he was giving her...he looked at her like she was an alien. He didn't remember!! She reduced her widened eyes and composed herself.

"I didn't know you were here" she said smoothly as she straightened the few wrinkles on her apron

He nodded and looked around the kitchen avoiding her eyes that were filled with curiosity.

"Do you need something? I need too get back to serving my food... Ruby and Dennis would be up any minute" she spoke with small attitude

He felt insulted by her tone.

"Serve me breakfast in the dinning room. I'm starved" what the hell did he just do? What the hell is wrong with him? He was planning to apologise not form a bigger attitude.

"Wait, what?!" Diane furrowed her eyebrows  together with her hands on her waist. She was pissed.

"Serve me breakfast" he ordered. Shut up Dario and apologies.

Diane bursted into a sarcastic laughter as she wiped a fake tears from her eyes.

"I should..." She pointed at herself " serve you breakfast" she pointed at him " as what? That wasnt part of the contract. It's not stated anywhere there that I'm to cook your meals and serve you...I do it out of my own doing. You don't expect me to serve you anything after last night"

She was totally pissed. She thought that maybe the guy she saw last night would actually be the guy she meets this morning. What the hell happened to him to make him so insensitive?

"Then tell Charlotte to serve me breakfast" he turned to leave. Why can't he just let go of this stupid ego and apologies to her.... damn the blueberry pancakes and sausage also looks good and blueberry pancakes was his favourite.

"This same one you fired last night?" She corked a brow and watched as a surprise look masked his face.

She chuckled dryly. " It seems you have a hard time recalling what happened last night"

She wasn't only referring to him firing all his workers but she was also referring to the kiss. Something she couldn't get off her head, it kept on replaying till day break. She hasn't kissed anyone in three years and the one she had last night though short sent fire to lower abdomen, she wondered what a long one would do...get your mind out of the gutters, Diane.

"Mama" Ruby entered the kitchen rubbing her eyes with her right hand which was in a small cute fist.

Diane attitude changed as she watched her baby entered the kitchen.

" Hey baby, what are you doing up so early? Couldn't sleep?"

Ruby nodded removing her hand from her eyes. She noticed Dario standing in a corner watching her. She immediately took three steps close to her Mom trying to avoid Dario.

Dario noticed this and hurt washed all over his face. He couldn't remember what he did to make Ruby scared of him. He knew he was drunk but what extent did he go?

Diane noticed this movement and also noticed the hurt expression on Dario's face. She knew Dario would never hurt Ruby, he loved her more than his own... literally.

"Ruby won't you say hello to Dario?" She wanted to help them.

Ruby hid behind her mother and peeped from there to get a small look at Dario who had a small smile plastered on his face.


" C'mon, don't you want to play house with Dario?" She asked grinning at least she could punish Dario for destroying the party last night and for leaving this unanswered feeling she felt.

Ruby eyes lit up at the mention of play house... Dario stared confusedly between the mother and daughter. She moved away from Diane and walked up to Dario slowly when she was few feets away from Dario she stopped.

"Gemma is having a tea party today would you like to join us" she asked with a puppy eyes.

Dario wondered who Gemma is but he didn't want the opportunity of him spending time with Ruby to go away so he nodded. She ran to him and hugged him.  He was glad Diane suggested this, he really had to apologise to her. She had just mended his relationship with Ruby.

He picked Ruby up and turned to Diane. " Who is Gemma?"

Diane grinned and rolled her eyes " why don't you ask the one who invited you for tea party"

"Who is Gemma? Ruby"

"My doll" she replied grinning.

Diane bursted into loud laughter at the priced look on Dario's face. She couldn't believe he just agreed to be Ruby playmate and that means she's going to dress him up by putting a tiara on his head and give him a wand to hold. Oh!! How she couldn't wait to get this on camera.

Diane pushed open the door to Dennis room. She had been knocking for close to five minutes but no reply came, she was scared something happened to him.

When she walked in, she noticed that he was still in his party cloth of last night. He was sitting on his bed with the only thing he thought could comfort him....his power ranger toy. She took her place beside him with the tray of food on laps.

"Hey" she called

He didn't reply just continued what he was doing... playing with the toy.

She sighed and took the toy away from him and pulled him to face her. "Dennis, your dad didn't mean what he said" she started

"He did, he meant it. He shows it, he's not my dad"

She sighed. " Trust me on this Dennis, even if he said he's not your real dad, he loves you so much. Look around you live like a king here, he never treats you like you don't belong here"

"I don't need any of that, I just want him to treat me like the way he treats Ruby...I want his attention not the luxury"

Her heart clenched at his word. She felt guilty and bad all of a sudden, he just wanted his dad's love, attention and coming here Ruby took that all away from him that's why he hates her and Ruby.

" Dennis your dad loves you" she tried to sound convincing.

"Doesn't seem like it" he folded his arms.

"You can have all my attention, I can be your mom" she watched him scrunched up his brow "ummh...not your mom, mom no one can replace her...I mean I can be the person you want to confide in....the" she kept blabbing.

" And Ruby?"

"We'll share it. Ruby has a little of Dario attention and mine while you have a little of Dario and mine"

"B...but dad..."

She cut him off. "Dario's loves you, he's even looking for a way to apologise for last night and make it up to you"

His eyes lit up at the mention of Dario apologising. "Really?!"

"Yeah. Now you have to eat your breakfast, I made your favourite" she smiled and watched as he dug in.

"Thank you Mom" he raised his head from his meal " is it okay if I call you mom. I've never had someone like you in my life. I never even met my mom and the only story I hear about her is from aunt Catherine and it's not a lot."

He paused and watched her battle with all her emotions. She tried to keep her tears at bay but it came bawling out.  She nodded enthusiastically, she finally got Dennis love.

"Yeah, you can call me mom" she pulled him into a hug.