An apology

Chapter sixteen

Dario sat in his study beating himself up for his useless attempt at apologising while anticipating the play date with Ruby. What in God's name does a play date entails.

"Why do I have to be such a jerk ?  I mean what's so hard in saying I'm sorry" he muttered under his breath as he ran his fingers through his hair.

A knock brought his attention to the door.

"Come in " he answered staring at the door to see who it was.

Diane walked in with Charlotte behind her, carrying a tray of food.  She wanted to surprise....or maybe get something from him and the only way to a man's heart is through food.

Dario stared at her in surprise wondering what she was up to, she had clearly stated just few minutes ago that she would not serve him breakfast and now she...

"Hey Dario, ummh, I brought you breakfast as you requested" she bit her lips slowly as Charlotte set the tray of food down

"But you said..." Dario wondered but was interrupted by Diane

"It's really no big deal" she smiled and turned to leave

"Wait eat with me" Dario requested, Diane smiled inwardly seems like her plans are working fine. They sat opposite each other an awkward silence lingering

"Hummm hummm!" Dario cleared his throat. "You know Blueberry's are my favourites, they mean a lot to me"

"Likewise Dennis, he loves blueberry too. I actually made this because of him" Diane replied smartly

Dario frowned at the comment he stared at the black coffee and sausage that accompany the blueberry pancakes, his next words were slow and calculated like he was scared of appearing weak "Diane what are you doing?"

Diana looked up from her meal confused "I don't understand"

"First the Advil you left for me this morning and then you are serving me my favourite, Blueberry's and black coffee, I can't help but wonder if...You should hate me, I destroyed your hard work in anger I called you names and I'm sorry about that but all this....."

"Glad you know that" Diane replied sarcastically and looked away


He scoffed in unbelief at the woman sitting before, looking at her closely her Auburn hair had pretty black tips barely obvious but still beautiful, he looked at her lips and realised she has been talking. 'Ouhhh she has been talking to me?'

"Are you listening?" She shouted confirming his suspicion.

Urmmmm!  Dario scratched his head "I like the way your hair is dark at the tip" Dario confessed trying to lighten her mood

Diane blushed lightly then suddenly frowned

"You weren't listening were you?"

Dario shook his head taking a sip from his already cold coffee, Diane simply shook her head

"Dario, you really are a confusing human, you take everybody as an object, you fail to understand that we have feelings and emotions. Ruby got scared of you due to your action then imagine how Dennis feels, he's probably thinking of you as a monster. You said pretty nasty things Dario, the young heart of that boy was shattered because of you, he thinks he isn't your son"

"He is not my child, he's Matt's child, the son of a psychopath and a rapist" Dario spoke his voice filled with anger, his physical appearance had changed to that of a wounded man

Diane flinched at his tone, "I know you feel hurt Dario but you shouldn't forget that he's also Caitlin's son"

Dario rose in anger taking the table with him, the sound of breaking dishes made Diane move back a bit scared "how do you know about Caitlin? So you have been digging up my past huh, who did you ask?" He shook with anger moving closer to Diane, his handsome face masked with fury, he took one step towards her and she took one step backwards until her back hit the wall, he closed in on her glaring at her with a deadly stare"Who told you about Caitlin answer me?"

She stammered pointing at him, her fingers poking his chest due to the closeness, she felt her body heat up with desire as she stared into his eyes, slowly she mustered enough strength and pushed him back, droplets of tears cascading down her eyes

"Do you think I care so much about you to go around asking people about your past life? I thought you would change after..." She halted in her words. He didn't  remember what happened last night and she thought it best to keep it that way, Dario's anger had calmed down immensely after her outburst, he looked confused

"After what?" He demanded to know but she simply shook her head and left the room.

Diane opened the door but turned back to a confused Dario "The kids and I are going for some ice cream at the mall, that could be the only chance you would have to make things right" she completely left the room closing the door behind her

Dennis stood by the door to Ruby's room watching Diane and Ruby look for clothes to put on

"Mummy, we are going to the ice cream parlour right?" Diane nods forcing her smile "Is Dennis coming too?"

Diane stared at her pretty daughter, she inwardly wondered how a man could not like kids "of course baby, Dario wants to say sorry to Dennis that's why we are going out" They both turn towards the door when a light laughter is heard from that side to see Dennis, he quickly tries to hide behind the door

"Dennis my boy, come in, are you ready?" Dennis nods

"Mummy are you really sure daddy wants to say sorry because he loves me? Dennis asked curiously

"Yes son, he really loves you so much, more than you can imagine" Dennis smiles at her happily

"If you call her mommy, can I call you my bwoda?" Ruby asked holding his hands, Dennis looked at Diane who smiled nodding her head then at Ruby

"Yes you will be my baby sis"

"So I can play with your Red Ranger toy?" The little manipulator asked again, Dennis sighed softly before replying

"Yes you can"

"Yeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!" Ruby squealed in excitement


" I want that one and that one, oh oh oh that one too"

Ruby and Dennis ordered for almost all flavours of ice cream, they sat together licking their ice cream. Diane occasionally glanced at the door for any sign of Dario, she had promised the children with so much confidence but after their fight that morning, she wasn't as confident anymore, she had given up hope when Dennis asked about Dario

"Mummy where's my daddy now? Isn't he coming again" he's sad face made Diane sad too "he does not love me anymore?" Dennis said and bent his head crying, Diane was about to speak when Ruby shouted

"Dawio, you came"

Dario smiled at Ruby, "of course I would never give up an opportunity to hang out with you" he sat down next to her. 

Diane was joyous at his presence, she was happy he came though she didn't expect him to come. Now all she had to do and hope for is for Dario to apologise to Dennis.

Dennis tried to make himself known to Dario but it was like all Dario could see was Ruby. Diane noticed this and tried to divert Dennis attention from Dario picking up Ruby and placing her on his laps as he feeds her.

"Dario" she called sweetly, too sweet.

Dario eyed her actions with suspicion. He knew why she called him that way though it gave him  a weird feeling one he couldn't explain, one he loved, one he didn't know if he wanted to feel again.

"Let's go get more ice creams for them" she said. She knew giving them more ice cream was a bad idea, she just hoped Ruby won't be too hyperactive in the night.

Dario dreaded the conversation that was coming with going to get them more ice creams so he was going to refuse the offer but Ruby chipped in right before he could speak.

"Yay!!! Dawio, more ice cweam" she grinned showing her teeth . " Mommy don't usually give me more than one ice cream a is the best day ever!!"

Dario murmured under his breath " I wish you knew why" he stated, stood up and followed her.

Diane faced him once they were out of hearing coverage. "Did you consider it?"

A scowl instantly etched on Dario's face. Did he considered it?  He didn't. He just didn't want to miss out in spending time with Ruby.

Diane sighed softly....was she mad? No she wasn't. She knew how he saw Dennis, a son of a psychopath and rapist. His anger for  Matt was directed to Dennis.

"I'll place my orders now" he said to the young girl behind the counter, snubbing Diane.

He ordered and went back to the table, he handed the vanilla ice cream to Ruby who immediately dived in and the blueberry ice cream to Dennis.

"I'm sorry about yesterday"  he said not feeling a bit apologetic but he wanted to do it for Diane and Ruby.

Dennis grinned widely as he ate out of his ice cream with joy, his dad just apologised to him, something he has never done before.

Diane smiled sweetly at Dario. She was happy he went out of his way to apologise to Dennis even if it wasn't from his heart but deep down she knew he meant it.