
Chapter twenty-one


She raised her head up to check if Jason was still around the coffeehouse through the glass when she saw someone she didn't expect to see.... someone she thought she had locked away for the past three years

"Morgan" she muttered the name for the first time in three years as colour drained from her face.


Dario walked up to Diane who sat with a pale face.

"You know if you wanted to have a fight with your BOYFRIEND you can always do that in a private place" he said startling her.


"The one and only" he gritted out.

He was damn pissed but why he was pissed still remained a fucking mystery to him. He tried to erase the picture that kept replaying in his mind, a picture of Diane hugging that chartered fool called Jason.

"What are you talking about?" she angrily muttered

Dario chuckled dryly "really? Do you like him?" Dario found himself asking the question that plague his mind.

Diane stared at him in shock for a few seconds, wide smile graced her lips as realisation hit her "Dario did you mean Jason? Of course I like him it's just that we are having a little issue" she pouted her lips staring at Dario with puppy eyes

"Really Diane, you fucking use dropping the kids at school to get yourself some time to see your .... thing" he scoffs scowling "Fuck you"

Diane laughs at his retreating figure, it's pretty nice to see him act so bothered and what's the word again uuuhhhhh oh yeah JEALOUS


He entered the apartment and slammed the door, ignoring the greetings from the housekeeper.

"Ummh" Aaron looked befuddled as he watched Dario stroll inside his apartment with burning rage.

"Why the fuck! are you not at work?" He yelled hitting the bottle of vodka Aaron held in his hand.

Same expression still covered Aaron's face as he stared from his shattered bottle to Dario and then to his housekeeper who he waved away.

"Okaaay" he dragged out waiting for Dario to pour out all his pent up anger, he just prayed it wasn't something about business.

Aaron moved from his bar to the sitting room in his joggers and singlet to get a comfortable sit and listen to all Dario has to say.

"Why the hell are you still dressed like that?" He yelled again

"If you wanna talk just do it Dario!!!. You're not the only one with problems, I've got mine too!" He ruffled running his hand through his soft untamed black hair.

Dario paused staring at his best friend who looked like he woke up at the wrong side of the bed. "Fine" he huffed

"Thank you" Aaron said and clapped his hands.

"So...I told you about my merger with the Da' Silva company"

Aaron groaned lowly in frustrations so it was actually about business. " The health insurance company?"

Dario nodded and continued " we met to finalise the deal and in the process guess who walked in" he asked and answered the question "Diane"

Okay, Aaron did not see that coming. This was getting really interesting and juicy. He should have known there was only one person that riles up Dario.

"She was meeting up with that son of a bitch, that bastard. She used my kids as an excuse to see him, can you imagine that?" He fumed recalling the hug and peck. "You know he pecked her in public, PUBLIC!!!"

Aaron couldn't hold the laughter that was bubbling up anymore, he just had to release it. This was the first time since that night that he had actually laughed.

"What the fuck is so funny?"

"Are you angry that she went to see him or are you angry about his  display of affection"Aaron bemused

"Why the hell would he hold her?! Intimately if I may add"

Aaron sniggered " so you're angry about the display of affection"

"I never said that, don't put words into my mouth" he countered almost immediately. There was no way in hell, he'd accept the fact Jason's and Diane display of affection got to him. " Anyways, what's with the grumpy look"

Aaron clicked his tongue and shook his head "don't do that man"

"Do what?"

"Change the topic. It seems like you've been caught in little miss Diane web"

"Meaning?" Dario corked his brow as he watched the sheepish look on Aaron's face

"You like her"

"No I don't, she's just a...."

"Lover?" Aaron cut in

Dario's demeanour changed. His eyes were shooting daggers at Aaron, if looks could kill Aaron would be six feet under.

Aaron chuckled unaffected by his look " you were jealous"

A long silence followed.

Dario looked for the nearby sofa and sat down. He leaned back and placed his head on the head rest. Did he really get jealous over that little thing... hugging a friend is a normal thing but Jason isn't a normal friend that tiny voice in his head came up, reminding him she admitted to having feelings for Jason.







"I'm in real shit"

Dario eyes snapped open, he watched as Aaron ran his hands through his face, trying to get the thought out of his mind but it kept replaying like it was on repeat. He wanted it to stop it was like he was slowly running mad

"I'm in deep shit"