I love you

Chapter twenty-two

It's been five days since that day, five days since she met and had the talk with Jason, five days since he confessed his undying love for her, five days since he left... since he walked out of her life, five days since she saw Morgan....and five days since she last spoke to Dario.

She had only caught a glimpse of Dario since the day at the coffeehouse and that was when he came back from work, he just walked passed her like she was invisible. He made sure to never come down for dinner, Charlotte was always serving him dinner in his room and when it was time for work, he left as early as possible.

He had time for Ruby because she always went to his room at night. Surprisingly, Dennis went along once and he couldn't stop talking about the huge fun they had, how they watched power rangers with Dario and how the played house. Hearing all this she wanted to meet the new Dario, she wanted to know if he was possessed or having a high fever.

She was partially disturbed, it seemed like Dario was avoiding her and she wanted to know why. Standing in front of his room door, she raised her hand to knock but decided otherwise as she was about to leave, the door opened and she came face to face  to a shirtless Dario.

"I...I...." She stammered taking in his bare chest, the sexy abs and the extremely drool worthy hot body.

Dario raised a brow as a quirky smile grazed his lips, he noticed her ogling look.

"Are you checking me out" he questioned cockily.

She covered up her embarrassment by scoffing then she replied in a jaunty  manner.

"No, I wasn't"

He gave her this disbelief look followed by a scoff which caused her to counter back.

"Have you been avoiding me?" She folded her arms feeling like a conqueror in their short battle as she watched his shocked expression.

"No, no...n..no"he shook his head as he tried defending himself then he walked back into the room and sat on his bed leaving the door open obviously for her to enter.

"Why will I be avoiding you? You don't affect me" he tried to convince himself which was not convincing at all. He continued " y-you... y-you...what are you doing here?"

"Really, so I don't affect you?" She smiled mischievously as she walked into the room seductively. When she reached the bed she slowly opened his legs and knelt in between "I still don't affect you?" She whispered sexily

Dario's breath hitched " Diane " he called huskily as he contemplated on either putting his hands on her waist or not.

Diane used her index finger to trace his abs. She didn't want to enter the room at first but it seemed like an unforeseen force was pulling her in, now she was almost straddling him, what gave her the courage, she didn't know.

"Do I still not affect you?" She whispered leaning close to him as he moves back escaping her lock, running from her landed him on the floor.

Diane bursted out into a loud laughter as she stood up from the bed pointing at him.

"Not funny " he muttered but couldn't help the smile that was clawing to be set free.

"That was hilarious" she sighed in contentment, she finally got him back for avoiding her.

"You did it on purpose" Dario asked shocked.

She nodded smiling in victory as she tried to help him up but then he pulled her down and she landed on him.

Dario burst out laughing as he placed his large palm on her back. Diane couldn't hold the smile that grazed her lips as she listened to his melodious laughter, her gaze flickered to his lips but she quickly took it away.

"This is not fair" she pouted and pulled away from him, standing up.

"You played dirty" he retorted following her lead to stand up.

"No I didn't" she folded her arms underneath her breast causing them to push up.

Dario gaze flickered there but he took it away quickly. "I miss this" he whispered so weakly.

"Miss what?"

"My bed" seriously is that the best you could come up with Dario, he mentally face palmed himself.

"Oh, really" she didn't fall for the stupid lie.

He didn't have time to argue with her, he knew he was going to loose " you can leave my room, I feel sleepy"

"Nope, you're not doing that"  she said sassily

"I need to sleep Diane as you can see I was about going to bed when you disturbed"

"You can have your beauty sleep, sleeping beauty, on one condition" he nodded "why have you been avoiding me?"

He turned his back to her and was about to walk back to his bed when Diane interrupted.

"Is it because of Jason? Were you jealous?"

That same moment flashed in his mind and he found himself clenching his fist in anger

"You shouldn't be jealous of him" Diane spoke before she knew the word she had said " Jason is...."

Dario turned back and pulled her to him, a gasp erupted from her throat but that was not all he had in mind. "you're mine, mine alone" He crashed his lips on hers in a starved kiss.

Dario held her hips tightly as they kissed fervently in desperation. Diane's hands wrapped around his neck tugging him down as she ran her fingers through his hair but then she was slowly going out of air, she pulled away earning a frustrated groan from Dario.

"The door "

He nodded and walked towards the door in large strides, quickly he shut it and turned to face her. She gulped as she noticed the large bulge on his sweat pants.

"Strip" he commanded.

She moved away from the bed a little and did as she was told, he had this effect on her she couldn't decipher. She unzipped her dress and it fell straight from her body revealing a sexy blue lingerie that had a touch of rose gold

"Fuck" his voice came out in a deep sexy growl, Diane could feel herself already getting wet by the hungry look in his eyes, and she wanted more.

She stripped until she was fully naked at his front, Dario's breath hitched and he felt the bulge tighten, different things ran through his mind, all the things he could do to her, the best punishment for making him go crazy. What he could do to her sexy breast that was hanging out with the inviting nipples...he groaned.

Dario had never seen a woman carry herself with so much pride even if she had already pushed a human head out, she had so much fire and a daring look. His gaze shifted again as he took in her glory then it landed on her wet thighs.

" Holy shit!" He groaned as he took large strides to her with eyes full of passion, when he got to her, he crashed his lips on hers again, this time nibbling her bottom lips for entrance which she granted quickly.

His hands lifted her up until her legs were wrapped around his torso, her hands went round his neck still in the deep kiss as he found his way to the bed. He laid her on the bed and climbed on her, his body weight resting on one arm by the side of her head as he worked his way with his other hands, his fingers playing and tugging at her nipples.

She moaned softly as he pinched her nipples, gosh she wanted him badly. She tugged at his sweat pants but Dario made no move to pull it off.

Dario began to place soft kisses from her cheeks to her jawline down to her neck. He sucked and nibbled on her neck to show his claim on her, his hands travelled down to her ***** he pierced a finger inside as she let out a strangled moan, gosh he felt how tight she was. A second finger joined in then followed by a third, he moved them slowly inside before he picked up his pace, her moans were of sweet melodies. When he felt her walls tighten, she was about to release he pulled out immediately leaving her unable to.

"Dario" she groaned, she needed him inside her and fast.

"What do you want" he whispered into her ear huskily and he sucked on her earlobe waiting for a response.

"Oh God, Dario!" She moaned as she tighten her hold on his hair.

"Tell me love" he whispered sending deep pleasure down her core

"I want you Damn it! Can't you see that!!"

Dario smiled victoriously and full of satisfaction. He got off her and pulled down his sweat pants revealing his erection. Dario smiled at Diane's wide eyes and gulp then he leaned back to her and plunged in with full force, receiving a strangled cry from Diane when he was fully settle in and she had become accustomed to him in her, the began moving fast in rhythm as he whispered sexy and dirty words to her, after a long while he felt himself about to cum, he was about to pull away but Diane wrapped her long legs at his back pulling him deep into her as her fingers pierced through his skin, weakening all his resolve as he released inside her but not before whispering a word that would change both their life's forever

"I love you"