
Chapter twenty three

Diane's auburn hair was sprawled out on the bed, her caramel skin looked inviting to Dario and he couldn't help but remember their moment together. The blanket draped loosely on her, exposing her long slender legs. Her soft snores filled the room, he didn't want to leave this position at all. He felt like a teen in love for the first time.

I love you.

Did he mean it? He didn't even know when it slipped out of his mind...is this what Aaron meant by what he said. He stared at her soft auburn hair and felt an urge to run his fingers through it.

Would she regret it?

Would she regret their intimacy?

He found himself steering away from the bed. He pulled up his sweat pants gave her a long stare, he wanted to lay all day with her, caress her, kiss her, make love to her, become familiar with every inch of her body but he couldn't stay back.

She wouldn't want him

He left.

Diane tossed and tossed on the bed murmuring softly to herself. She could still feel the pain in between her thighs, she was not a virgin but she had not had sex for approximately four years so it would be almost like the first and secondly, Dario was large.

She sprawled out her arm feeling the bed for a hard rock but she was met with nothing. She jolted up immediately from her sleep looking around searching for Dario but he was nowhere to bed found and his side of the bed was cold.

Was she a one night stand?

Did she stupidly think it could work out?

Aaron was wrong.

Diane buried her face in her palm. She badly wanted to regret what happened but she couldn't. It didn't feel like a one night stand something, it didn't feel like he used her to fill his sexual urge. It felt like they made love, like they were finally one.

She ran her fingers through her hair in annoyance as she remembered how she begged him to take her. She blamed everything on Aaron. If she had not bumped into him at the mall with the kids...

The kids!!!

How could she be so foolish and forgetful. She had to pick them up from school.

Diane stood up quickly, picked up her cloth and inner wear scattered around, put them on and left the room heading downstairs, she didn't care right now that she smelled of sex and was going to pick up Dennis and Ruby.

Taking the last stair, she heard shuffle in the kitchen, she slowly walked to the kitchen and what welcomed her was something that would forever be imprinted in her mind. Dario was making a sandwich with Dennis and Ruby by his side.... helping?

"Mommy" Ruby screamed extending her short arm for Diane to pick her up.

Diane smiled at Ruby and picked her up.

"Mom" Dennis greeted but made no move to come to her instead he stood next to Dario making a sandwich.

"How did you get home, baby?" She was worried the school will take her as an irresponsible mother for not picking her children up.

"Daddy" Ruby answered and then pulled away from her to join Dennis.

"Daddy?" Confusion clouded her eyes. Did she meet Morgan?

"Ruby calls me daddy" Dario answered with a proud grin as he  tried to clear her confusion.

She nodded not looking at him. Dario noticed she avoided his gaze and had intentionally pretended to ignore his presence.

Did she regret it?

"Ruby, Dennis, why don't the both of you go drop your school bag in your room and check the fridge in my room take two bars of chocolate each" he said  sending them away so he could privately have a chit chat with Diane.

"Thanks daddy" Ruby shouted not waiting for his reply as she ran pulling Dennis with her.

"Thanks dad" Dennis said and was finally pulled out.

Silence engulfed the kitchen. Diane looked around the kitchen like it was her first time there, admiring the fine chinas...

Dario walked up to her and hugged her from behind, his jaw resting on her shoulders. She stiffened and he noticed then slowly she pulled away from him.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Did you?" She retorted with no emotions

He stared at her with total confusion. " Do you regret what happened" he asked fear evident in his tone as he waited for her reply.

She met his gaze finally as she spoke " no"

Relief washed down his spine. She didn't regret.

"...But I wish I could"

He dreaded buts


"But I can't, I want to be mad at you but I can't"

Why is she so confusing' Dario thought. He waited for her to pour all her angers out.

"You left me" she stated " I woke up to an empty bed..."

He sighed softly as he walked up to her and pulled her to him. That was why she was mad.

" I'm sorry" he whispered freely on her hair then he pecked her forehead. " You were so peaceful and I wore you out. I wanted you to rest while I pick up the children and make something for you to eat" he explained as he smothered her hair.

Diane had no right to be angry, Dario was being so sweet an affectionate something she finds so hard to believe. She leaned into his touch taking in his expensive cologne mint and strawberry. Her breath hitched when she felt his fingers trailing on her arm then slowly it moved to her neck, she dipped her neck side ways giving him full approval to explore.

Dario planted the first kiss on her neck sucking on it for a while enjoying the sweet and soft moans coming from Diane's mouth. He felt the constriction in his pants before he started planting others on her neck.

"Ewww daddy is eating mommy" Ruby's voice sent them pulling apart.

"Ummh" Diane scratched her head trying to come up with an explanation as to why daddy is eating mommy, a PG4 explanation.

Dennis stared with wide eyes at the duo. Gabriel had told him that very soon his dad and his mom would start being all coochy but he didn't no it would happen this fast.

Diane turned to Dario for help but instead she saw a proud grin on his face.

"Dario" she scolded.

Dario sighed and picked up Ruby in his arms

" You see I was helping your mom remove some lice in her hair" he lied smoothly.

Ruby corked her head one side " lice?"

Dario nodded and then spared a glance at Diane only to see a murderous one in return.

" Did you get the snickers" he asked them quickly changing the topic

" Yeah" the replied in unison

"Daddy, why do you have an injured hand" Ruby questioned examining the nail scratches.

He smiled at it then turned his look to Diane as he spoke smugly " I had a fight with an auburn  wild cat"