This is just a contract

Chapter twenty nine

Diane thought back to her encounter with Morgan days before, she should be happy she confronted him that she left him speechless but she couldn't, she felt something unsettling.

Her head was in great tumour, she was trying to come up with something, she was trying to think like Morgan or be like him. Knowing Morgan, she knew this matter was far from being settled or over. Morgan worked in mysterious ways, he has a very complex mind and trying to think like him or be him would result to getting your brain burnt

Burnt. She perceived a burnt smell, she wasn't wrong her brain was already burnt.

She felt someone pull her away from the kitchen counter, snapping her out of her thoughts. The fire alarm hard already gone off, Dario quickly turned on the fire extinguisher, spraying it on the fire as he coughed. When he was done he dropped the fire extinguisher and tried to bring the frying pan down but ends up burning his hand.

"Shit!" He cursed and picked up a near by rag to use it in bringing down the pan.

She stood there transfixed, she had almost burnt the kitchen, how did she not notice the smoke or the fire.

"What the hell Diane!! What has gotten into you?"

She snapped out of her transfixed state and she noticed him holding his right wrist.

"You're hurt!" She quickly rushed to him

" Stating the obvious are we " he said in annoyance

"I'm so sorry Dario, let me get the first aid kit" she pulled one out of one of the kitchen cabinets. "I'm so sorry " she apologised as she treated his scald fingers "I was just preparing lunch"

"I'm worried about you, Diane. You've been acting strange recently. You're always lost in your thoughts, I love you so much, I want you to share your problems with me"

"I'm fine Dario, thanks" she said not wanting to go further.

Diane thought it best to keep this to herself, she didn't want Dario's help, she could do this on her own or she might just be paranoid.

"Diane..." He worriedly call but was cut off by Diane

"I said I'm fine, don't you get it" she snapped " why do you even care, this is just a contract" once it left her mouth she regretted it.

Dario didn't like the dismissal in her tone, he wanted to be a part of her life in every sense but she was holding back. Gosh, why is he being such an hypocrite, he is still holding back to, he still hasn't told her everything, still hasn't taken down Caitlin's shrine.

"Fine" he said coldly, putting on a stoic face "you will not go anywhere near the kitchen till you get your shit together. I don't want you burning down my billion dollar mansion, I'm sure you can never afford"

He pulled his hand away from her, stood up and headed out the kitchen. When he was at the door he turned back to face her with a hurt face.

"Thanks for reminding me that it's just a contract" and he left.

Diane didn't mean what she said, she wanted to run after him and apologies but she knew he had to cool off. He was angry right now, really angry.

She called Charlotte to clean up the kitchen and prepare lunch for the kids and then she went upstairs to her room. Technically Dario's room.

She was about to take a shower and wait for Dario to come back home so she can apologies to him when her phone rang, she checked the callers ID but it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" She picked the call

"I want you to meet up with me at the granny's ol' diner " Morgan spoke from the other end of the line.

"Morgan?" She recognise the voice but how did he get her number " how did you get my number?"

"Meet me there at 3 pm sharp and don't be late"

"I'm not..."

Morgan tsked "don't make that mistake, you wouldn't want to miss this meeting"

Diane huffed but she knew there was nothing she could do, Morgan is a mastermind in playing all this games.

"What do you want from me?"

"Don't be faster than your shadow Diane, you know what I want" and then he cut the call.

"Why does he look like there's a cactus stuck in his ass" Aaron asked as he walked in taking in Dario's look.

Ronnie shrugged " still trying to find out but he isn't saying a thing"

Aaron nodded and sat next to Dario as they watch him throw darts. They were currently in Ronnie's man cave.

"So how's Steven" Aaron asked Ronnie as he took a sip of Dario's drink.

A bright smile pulled up in Ronnie's face " he's a daddy's boy, hardly let's go of me" he said proudly

Aaron smiled at the thought. He imagined same thing with his baby girl from Elena though she wasn't pregnant and they haven't had sex since their civilised talk but he was counting on it very soon.

"Are you done with your chit chats?" He  asked rudely

"Are you ready to talk" Aaron corked a brow

Dario sighed and plumped down in one of the sofas.

"Woman problem?" Ronnie asked and Dario nodded

"What happened?"

Dario told them the whole story, starting from when she started acting weird to the present. When he was done he watched their expression which was blank and then Ronnie spoke

"She didn't mean it but what you said was really an ass thing to say, don't you agree with me ?" He asked Aaron

"One hundred percent. Diane is a gem I'm not sure you want to loose, just go home and apologies for being an ass, she'll do the same"