It all comes down

Chapter thirty

Dario drove with speed and anger. He didn't know if he should cry or not, he felt stupid and used, why did he ever think that Caitlin was replaceable. Diane is just a lying and conniving bitch.

He drove inside Capricino, a night club owned by his brother Theo.

What's a better way to soothe a broken heart if not downing yourself in alcohol.

Was his apologies not enough for her? Didn't she see how badly she affects him? He thought she loved him but clearly she doesn't.

He thought back to what happened minutes back, did he make the right decision? He wanted his friends opinion, he wanted Aaron and Ronnie's help

"What were you thinking " Aaron yelled as he took in the drunken state of Dario

"I should have stuck with Caitlin" he said with a tone laced in regrets...

** Earlier that day**

The sweet aroma of lasagna wafted through Diane's nose as she stepped into the diner. Looking around it had this family look, this family aura. If not because of her mission here she would have ordered for a lasagna and probably a coke.

Morgan waved at her signalling where he sat. She took a deep breath and hoped with everything in her heart that this meeting would go smoothly and she would be back home to cuddle with Dario and have their first family movie night and also find a way to give him the surprise.

Dario surprised her the previous night, he came home apologetic and promised he'll try to control his anger around her and she also did the same. They made out and their back together.

Diane took her seat in front of Morgan and placed her hand bag on the next seat. Silence fell in between them as he took in her appearance, she felt slightly uncomfortable under his scrutinising gaze, she adjusted a little and tried to maintain composure.

"You look beautiful" he broke the silence.

"You're early?" she asked with a straight face.

"You know I love to be punctual.... always" he relaxed his back on the chair.

"Why did you call me here?" she decided to go straight to the point

"Take a chill pill Diane at least order for something" he flashed a small smile.

"I don't feel like ordering anything"

"I insist, order for something and we'll talk" he waved for a waiter.

The waiter walked up to them with his note pad to take their orders.

"I'll have a glass of water"

"Be reasonable Diane" Morgan chided and turned to the waiter " she'll have a pinot noir"

"I'll have a pinot grigio" she didn't want him ordering for her, this is not a date and this is not back then when they were lovers.

"I'll have same thing with her" Morgan ordered with amusement in his eyes and he spoke when the waiter was out of earshot" That is the wine you usually order when were together"

"People change so do their taste" she shrugged and then frowned " look Morgan can you just get to the point of this meeting. I'm sure you didn't call me here to discuss about my change in the taste of wines, so please just get on with it I have somewhere to be"

The waiter came back and severed them their drinks and left. Morgan picked up his and sipped it before speaking.

"I missed you, you know that right"

"Morgan" she warned.

"When I saw you in that dress during the merger party, I couldn't help but want to feel your body next to mine, to taste your lips...."

"I'm married for God sake Morgan" she raised her voice but quickly lowered it. "If this is the reason you called me here, I'll have no other choice than to leave, I have a husband and my kids to get back to"

Morgan smirked "oh really?! A husband and kids to get back to" his voice dripping with sacarsm "is it the boy who belongs to his ex fiancée and a rapist who murdered his fiancée or is it the girl who rightful belongs to me....or is it the fake husband, the contract husband you want to get back to"

Diane gasped earning another smirk from Morgan. Why didn't she expect this? She should have.

"Did I say something wrong or right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Morgan" her defence came out weak and she knew it so to calm the fast beating heart in her chest she brought the glass of wine and gulped it down.

"You can do better than that, I thought maybe living a fake life would have thought you how to lie very well"

"I won't sit here and watch you insult me or my family" she picked up her bag and was about to leave

"I don't think you should do that " his smiling face turned into a stone cold one causing her to shaken up.

"What do you want?" She heard her voice come out weirdly, like it was dragged and drowsy but that wasn't her she pictured her voice in her head.

"I want my daughter"

"She's not...." She felt the restaurant spin, she steadied herself and sat on the chair back to stop her from hitting the floor. She stared at Morgan but there wasn't just one Morgan, they were two...or three she wasn't sure anymore. She shook her head slowly but it only worsened it " she's...."

"And I want you to"

"Y-you cant...." Her words slurred " what did you do to me?"her words didn't come out steady there was some breakage but he got her message.

"I drugged you"

"What!" She exclaimed but wasn't loud, her voice sounded like a child's own.... hearing her voice made her burst into a fits of laughter.

"I think it's working. C'mon lets get going "

Diane wanted to scream, wanted to tell him not to touch her but she couldn't any word that tried coming out ends up a giggle or her admiring him. No one could help her, she just seemed like a drunk girlfriend clinging to her boyfriend and Morgan really played well.

They got outside to where his car was parked, he pecked her lips and then put her inside then he turned to driver's seat.

"Don't worry, you won't remember anything by the time we are done....too bad for you" he tsked and started the car.

Fear filled her heart but she couldn't do anything, she could only watch herself from the sidelines in her mind. She was numb, she was no longer in charge of her body.....and most of all she was scared she won't remember a thing.


Dario took another shot of vodka as he watched people dancing below the VIP section. He ignored Aaron he's mind was filled with the pictures and videos he saw.

Why she lied to him, he couldn't still comprehend.

"Are you even listening to me?" Aaron bellowed.

"She cheated on me, I shouldn't have listened to you, I shouldn't have moved on from Caitlin, I shouldn't have fallen in love with her" he spoke with regrets and then he wondered why the effect of the alcohol hadn't kicked in

"Do you hear yourself speak? Did you wait to hear her own side of the story? You just chased her out of the house with the small kid"

Dario couldn't process all Aaron said he just kept on replaying the video, the picture, the text.

Thanks for caring for my child and wife but we are back together all thanks to you.

He chuckled at the text again, she was married before him, he was just a big fool and to think he was going to propose to her to ask her to be his wife, not a contract but a real one. He even destroyed his shrine of Caitlin to give his all to her but he didn't know he was just the one percent and the other guy was her ninety nine percent.

"Caitlin wouldn't have done this" he muttered.

Aaron was pissed, Dario made it seem like Caitlin was a saint but she wasn't.

"Would you stop saying didn't know Caitlin!" Aaron yelled at him.

"How do you mean?"

"She wasn't perfect, she wasn't the saint you paint her to be she..."