C18 Toying

15th June, the kingdom of Everine,

The prince arrogantly kicked the main door open. The guard sitting beside the gate said, "Mister, please settle the dues first before leaving."

Zereth unconcerned looked right through the guard and proceeded forward. The guard whistled twice. Six men, two with spears and remaining four with swords in their hand, appeared at the entrance of the alleyway.

The prince kept walking with shorter steps. The middle-aged man, who was the leader of this squad, waved his hand signaling him to stop. The prince deliberately ignored the middle-aged man and continued on his path.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, he had seen many spoiled noble brats, others would at least start listing names of their kins at the sight of armed men. But this one didn't even pay any attention to them, he behaved as if they were nonexistent.

The middle-aged man angrily shouted, "Hey! You unruly brat. Stop, Or my men will attack if you.  Don't test our patience."

The Zereth continued on his path. He had a smirk on his face, "huh! stop me, In dreams." he muttered in complete disdain, "I am giving you a chance, If you lick the soles of my shoes I would spare you of painful death."

"Ridiculous! Young man, mind your tongue or it might land you in a difficult situation" middle-aged man was furious. One swordsman rushed forward and extended the sword in his hand in front of Zereth. 

The prince stopped, turned his head towards the swordsman, his expression unreadable.

 When the swordsman's eyes met the prince's, a chill ran through his spine as if he was looking into the eyes of some furious beast, about to pounce on him. He was swayed, sword dropped from his hand, he slumped backward.

The middle-aged man said in an uncertain tone, "Young man don't be arrogant. Stop it, this is my last warning." He was aware that this man had some ability. But If this man leaves the alley then, certainly the reputation of his mercenary group would dwindle. He wouldn't let it happen.

The prince again started walking disregarding the middle-aged man's warning. The middle-aged man couldn't control him anymore, he drew his sword and rushed at the prince. 

The prince noticed the middle-aged man closing up, he still behaved nonchalantly. The middle-aged man swung his sword fiercely at the prince. The prince sidestepped and easily evaded the attack, the middle-aged continued his assault and tried striking the young man at every possible weak point. However, the result was opposite to middle-aged man's expectation, none of his strike connected, his sword severed only empty air. 

middle-aged man expression turned solemn, he gestured his men to come forward. Their plan was simple, to use numerical advantage. They all attacked the young man together, the prince didn't back down and met with their charge with open arms. 

The spearman was the first to reach him, he thrusted his spear forward towards his heart. The prince caught the spearhead before it could reach him. The spearman with all the power in his body jerked the spear to free it. The prince was still holding the spear, it didn't move even a bit as if it was cemented there. Prince twisted his hands and the spearhead broke, the spearman fell forward.

A swordsman tried to ram his sword into the prince's back as he was busy with spearman. However, the prince had already noticed him. He suddenly turned back and caught the between his two fingers, the swordsman used up all the tactics to free sword, without any result. With a simple flick of his finger, Zereth broke the blade of the sword.

He held the swordsman by his neck and pulled him to his side. He held his hand behind his back and moved the broken blade along his neck drawing a little blood.

The swordman was scared shitless, he howled like a madman and twisted his body to free himself. All his efforts proved futile. 

The remaining guards were taken back, they reorganized themselves and surrounded him. "Release him, we will let you leave, If you don't harm him." the middle-aged man said.

"Huh, let me leave. You just care for your safety. My offer still stands, lick my soles, and get painless death." Zereth chuckled. He once again slid the blade, blood spurted in shower. Prince released him, the swordsman clasped his neck to stop the blood, screaming in pain as life ebbed out of him.

The rest of the guards, angered and a little scared, attacked him at the same time. None of their strikes touched even the prince's clothes.

Zereth picked up the broken spearhead and flung the spearhead at another swordsman and pulled a spear from the hands of the remaining spearman and stabbed him with the very same spear.

The swordman was confused about whether to evade or block the incoming spearhead, but it was too fast and he died still undecided.

Now only the middle-aged man and another swordsman remained. Their action was too slow for him, and he effortlessly evaded their strikes.

The middle-aged man worried for his life ceased his strikes and wailed in despair "Please spare us, Please spare Us." The other man joined him.

Zereth laughed at the two kneeling and begging men in front of him. He raised his leg towards the middleaged man at his face's level and waited for him to lick it.

The middle-aged man didn't want to lose his opportunity, he readily moved his head forward and stuck out his tongue without hesitation, but before him, his squad member started licking the soles. 

Zereth was amused, seeing the two men fighting desperately to clean his soles. He laughed out loud.

Prince stomped the face of the swordsman licking his sole to the ground, heavily, and that person's head spluttered like a grenade into thousand pieces and some of it stuck to his face of the middle-aged man kneeling beside him.

The middle-aged man was trembling with fear, his brain blanked out. He got up and made a vain attempt to run away from his doom. He saw a sword swung past him, then the next sight he saw was his headless body running, and the last view, he saw his collapsed headless body spurting blood directly on his face.  

He heard many footsteps and turned to face the door of the building. Jeeves emerged from the gates along with the owner of the business. The old man wasn't a bit surprised at the scene, he had seen much worse things. But this was not the case with the others beside him.

There was blood all around the alley, the six dead bodies covered in their own blood laying on the pavement. Rue was frightened and collapsed to the ground.

"They attacked me first, I was just defending." said the prince righteously. There was not a speck of blood on his clothes, just some creches due to fast movements. 

"Have you done what I asked you to?" the Zereth asked Jeeves.

The old man replied, " Was on it, but this fellow distracted us" Old man said pointing to the door guard, who had escaped just as the prince made his first kill.

Prince shifted his gaze to the guard before the guard could think of fleeing, A sword appeared before his eyes, it pierced his head between his eyes and half the blade struck out from the back of his head. The guard died his eyes wide open concentrated at the hilt of the sword.

"Complete the task, if anyone disturbs now just tell me." the prince closed his eyes and started walking towards his carriage.