C29 Belur Empire 1

The great hall, Belur Empire

Modest braziers encompassing each of the ten obsidian columns light up the lower levels of the great hall and engulf everything in a flickering radiance. The large mirrors on the askew ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures and carved images look down upon the oaken floor of this opulent hall.

A lavender rug runs from the throne down through the center and splits into two paths leading out while burgee banners with ornate sides cover parts of the walls. Between each banner, all but a few have been lit and in turn illuminate the depictions of wars fought by the previous emperors.

Immense, stained glass windows depicting late royalty are neighbored by drapes colored the same lavender as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with embellished borders and fine patterns.

A great throne of stone sits behind a lavish gate of gilded wood and is adjoined by nine almost identical seats for the princes.

The throne is covered in complicated carvings and fixed on each of the slim ears is a gemmed sun. The bronze statue of a bear with claws raised stands behind the throne.

The entire hall had dead silent. Only selected ministers and generals of the army were present. No one else was even allowed hundred meters near the hall, the guards with golden breastplates expressionlessly patrolling to keep people or spies away from the hall.

The Emperor sat on his throne looking at the princes kneeled in the hall had a displeased expression. His presence was strong shadowing every other person in the room.

The Emperor with his hazel eyes gazed at his most favored son, the crown prince Zereth. 

Zereth felt the gaze and stood up from the kneeling position, other princes followed him.

"How did it went?" Emperor asked, his eyebrows arched. He had already known the progress made by the princes but still, he wanted to hear it come from their own mouths.

" Father, The talks are still going on, I had partial success need some time to complete it." Zereth knew his father the best, Emperor had asked him first it meant others were still behind him. He glanced at his second brother, his main competitor, and gave him a sly smile.

"Humph, the southern part of the continent, we have the most influence on. Still, you need more time just to acquire a port from a small kingdom. Condel, hows your progress." The Emperor turned to second prince.

The second prince had his head hung low. He accused his father of favoring his elder brother despite being inefficient himself. His hair was disorganized and forehead furrowed as he was busy making up excuses, however, didn't have courage to speak up in front of his father

Before the second prince could open his mouth, the Fourth one started, "Royal Father, the Second brother miserably failed not just to acquire the port, he also lost a brigade of soldiers and his trusted aid. He negotiated with nobles of Campbell to rebel but the kingdom's legion crushed them and second brother's forces."

The second prince's face was ashen. None of his brothers had failed as badly as him, they might have small sucess but hadn't lost their private soldiers or a swordmaster.

The Emperor slammed his fist on the arms of the throne, "You lost your private soldiers and are still standing here in silence. Speak why. And from now on all of you will detail your plan in this hall before executing."

The second prince jolted by the loud sound of emperors fists slamming. He spoke, "father, I failed… Failed because of the inability to move my troops to support the allied nobles. They were a little hasty if they had waited for a month more. My remaining soldiers would have turned the port city into an impregnable fortress."

"However strong, the kingdom's forces be they would not be able to win the city back." The second prince quietly stared at the patterns on wooden floor after speaking.

Zereth snickered, "Why don't you accept your plan was a failure, you wanted to move your five thousand soldiers from here to a place nearly thousand kilometers away from here by ship."

"Heh! I feel pity for the soldiers who died because of your stupidity. How do you plan to revenge or do you want to let their deaths waste"

If the second prince didn't take revenge for the fallen soldiers of the Empire, then he would not be crowned even if the Emperor himself wanted to crown him. This was one of the rules never broken since the foundation of the empire, fifteen centuries ago.

Everyone's eyes were now focused on the second prince. But his quietness disappointed them, especially the officials and generals that supported him.

Emperor grunted and said, "I have expected you would al least make an effort to correct the mistakes. Alas! That too had to be done by me."

Zereth was delighted but not much. He knew his second brother was not a brilliant person when it comes to scheming, he preferred a straightforward way, thus he bound to be ousted from the competition early.

All the people present had their eyes on the person sitting on the throne...