Her eyes...

The boy slapped his cheek with his palm hearing the girl's humorous words. "What on earth is a tiramisu man?" He smiled and ran behind the girl inside the living room.

"Arghhh." The girl shrieked again and she threw a massive cushion on the boy's stomach. "Stop right their boss." The girl tried to create a puppy face yet again, but this time she could not manage the enthusiasm and jumpiness and she sprinted further away towards one corner.

"No. I spared you once but this time, I will not." The boy hastily reached the girl and folded his arms around her thin waist. He then instantly pulled the girl towards his body laughing loudly, making her lift in the air. "Now what will you do, now?"

The girl gasped in shock looking at the man's swiftness. She tried to move away from his arms, but they were extremely bulky and powerful. She turned to look at the boy, whose face was now just a few inches apart. "Errrrr...boss. Errr... there is some lady standing behind you. Is she your mother?"

The girl smiled awkwardly looking at somebody behind the boy.

Evlin frowned looking at the girl's genuine expressions and he placed her on the floor instantly. He then turned around to look where the girl was looking, only to see that the girl was bluffing. Sarah quickly sprinted away from his arms and laughed whole heartedly. "WOOHOOO!! It did not take much make you believe. I can use so many psychology lessons on you." She clapped her hands happily trying to sprint away yet again.

Evlin looked at the girl in much disclosure and tried to once again to hold her from her waist. He rather caught hold of her arm and the girl stumbled in a jerk, making the boy to gasp in shock. He bent a little and wrapped the girl in his other strong arm to avoid her from falling down. His one hand was around her waist while his other hand was still holding her arm gently.

The girl's eyes were now wide open as she was balanced in the air with the help of the boy's muscular arm. The boy had bent a little and was smiling looking at the girl. His green eyes were looking lovingly in her grey eyes. As long as I am with you, I will never let you fall Norah."

Suddenly something happened to him, as if he had spoken these words before to her. An image of a beautiful girl with long hair and same gray eyes appeared before the boy and like he was transported to a different era, several flashes appeared before him.

3150 B.C.

The sweet chirping of the birds playing happily in the pond could be heard all across the garden. The sun had freshly risen emitting its vivid golden rays on her stunning pearl white face. Dressed in a imperial fawn colour robe, the lady looked tremendously contented and at peace with herself.

The queen was standing in her much-loved spot, the beautiful garden as the imperial lions played with each other, just next to her. It had been almost three months since her previous husband; King Horus had been killed by his own son Khufu. They all had been living a cheerful life after the death of the king, though they always missed Miso and wished she was alive.

This was Delilah's preferred spot in the entire fortress and whenever she felt extreme cheerfulness or wretchedness she would simply stand here, looking at the stunning pond ahead trying to think properly. Her golden locks were stirring swiftly due to the spanking new wind and she had a soft beam on her face. It had been 17 days, since she had married the love of her life Cho, who was also Miso's brother and the current king of the entire dynasty along with Khufu.

She could not wait for her husband to arrive, as she had to tell him something very vital. Just a few minutes before the lady had realised that she was indeed pregnant.