Double happiness....

The lady was enormously happy and she closed her eyes as a tear dropped from her eye. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw two gorgeous kids playing with the imperial lions, while lying down on their backs. She gasped in shock as another tear fell down from her eye. "Oh my god. The lord has blessed me with not one, but two kids." She smiled in much excitement as her long hair locks danced in the air.

Just then she heard a man's footsteps approaching her and she turned her head in much excitement. Right in front of her was standing the love of her life Cho, whom she loved so dearly. She rushed to meet the gigantic and brawny man and hugged him tightly. She planted her head on the man's chest as another tear dropped down from her eye. "I have to tell you something my dear."

The man looked at the stunning lady with loving eyes and he caressed her back with his hands, embracing her tightly. He gave her loving peck on her head and smiled. "Tell me my queen. What is it? Your lovely face looks very delighted today."

The lady finally looked up at him and blushed a little looking at his muscular and good looking face. "My king, we are going to be parents." The lady smiled looking at her husband, blushing to a great extent.

"What??" the man gaped at her wife, not able to believe her striking words. "Oh my god. Thank you so much." He hugged the lady even more securely feeling extremely elated. "You have made my heart so glad my dear. Thank you for this wonderful gift".

The lady smiled once again looking at her husband. As she knew that she had not yet revealed the best news to him. "We are having two children. A boy and a girl."

The man once again gasped at his wife's words and a tear dropped down from his eye. He did not even know how to express this immense happiness and he looked at his wife with immense devotion and love. "Oh dear lord. If life snatched something from us, it does gift us even more than that. Look the Lord snatched away Miso from me and in return it gifted me two beautiful gems."

He wiped away his tears and smiled widely as he hugged the lady, kissing her again and again on her head. The lady too hugged him back happily and they both cried out of happiness, amidst the beautiful flower beds....

9 months later...

"Arghhhh! It's hurting so much." A lady dressed in white robe was lying down on the bed crying in pain. Her belly was exceptionally large, which was visible from under the gown.

A man dressed in a royal robe was walking around in much nervousness all across the room as he listened to his wife shrieks in much anguish. More than the lady, the man seemed to be in pain and he did not even have the heart to look at his crying wife. He once again stopped and took deep breaths holding his wife's hand. "Just a few more minutes my queen."

The lady nodded her head trying to calm down, as another lady dressed in a gray robe was sitting by her side, cleaning the queen's sweaty face. All the other members of the family were standing outside the room, waiting for the news.