His cuteness...

A sense of tenderness and adore was travelling in her entire body as the boy held her hands. The girl blushed a bit as she could no longer glance in his eyes. The boy was merely holding her hands, not prepared to leave them.

"Boss, I think I am fine. You can leave my hands now." The girl finally spoke up still looking downwards, feeling the man's passionate gaze on her. The way the boy looked at her, wanted to make her hide her face out of coyness.

"I am not sure about that. Let me check." Evlin smiled and then bent forwards closer to the girl. He directly planted a quick peck on her cheek and smiled looking at her delightful face.

The girl gasped in shock and finally turned to look at him, blushing very hard.

"Hmm... just testing you body temperature. You can go and pick up the books for yourself, while I pick something of my interest." The boy smiled and stood up from the couch nonchalantly.

He then walked away towards a different section of the library hunting for a perfect book to accompany the girl while Sarah was still gaping at the man's back. "Did he just kiss me?" she blinked her eyes several times and a hint of faint smile appeared on her face as she touched her cheek where the boy had kissed her. She could not help but admit that she actually like his touch n her cheek and she had even more started to like the boy, after he had saved her life. But she was equally surprised as to how her boss did such acts very casually considering her right over the girl. Not once did he feel that he had done something out of the box. From the day he had met her, he had been extremely possessive of the girl as if only he had the right to her but nobody else. "He is so damn cute. The ay he held me in the lobby after getting jealous. The way he demands my attention! It is just so adorable."

The girl blinked several times and then got up from the couch. "Stop ogling over your boss Sarah and concentrate on your book. Remember what he told you. He will help you publish it, only if I work very hard. Now move your ass and start working." the girl lectured her own self, as she did not want to shift her eyes away from the man's handsome physique.

She then took a deep breath and turned away her face reluctantly, walking towards another section of the library towards the historic area yet again, where she was looking for some inspiration to start her book. Now the girl was not a bit scared and she simply refrained from climbing the ladder. Once again her gaze fell upon the bright red colour book and something inside her made her grin wickedly at it. She looked like she was suddenly possessed by something as she was devilishly looking at the book. "You think I will not be able to catch you? Don't you know who I am? These petty magic will not work upon me."