Studying together..

The girl looked like she was talking to the book and had crossed her hands across her chest looking at it cunningly. Just then somebody patted her shoulder and she blinked several times turning her neck. She gasped looking at the boy who was looking at her in perplexity.

"Were you just talking to the book?" the boy frowned looking at the girl as if she as a maniac.

"Tee he he he." The girl laughed awkwardly as she herself did not know why she spoke those words. "Ahh! Yes boss. I usually do that as I consider them living beings. They impart us with knowledge and wisdom thus I do not consider them any less than our guardians." The girl pursed her lips trying to sound a bit genuine.

"Huh? Ok. But you sounded more like you were threatening a book. Anyways, I am waiting for you near the fire place. Found myself a perfect book to accompany you. Come soon, I am waiting and call me if you need to climb the ladder again." the boy patted the girl's arm, smiling at her and then walked away looking at the book he had just chosen for himself.

The girl nodded her head and then frowned looking at the book. "What the hell was I doing? I don't want to come across as a maniac in front of my boss. Shut up Sarah and now just concentrate on your topic. You need to find a very good subject for your book." The girl once again lectured herself as per her usual habit and started checking some historical books. She could surprisingly find several books which were about ancient Egyptian culture and she collected a few books and walked back towards the couch.

The boy was already sitting comfortably on the couch and sipping some soup as he turned to look at the girl. "Found something good in here?"

"Oh boss, this library is just incredible. I can't believe this library is full of so many Egyptian books, and all of them have there English translations too. I have never ever seen them anywhere." The girl spoke excitedly showing the four ancient books she had selected for now.

"Really? That is interesting." the boy gave a quick glance to the book and handed them back to the girl.

The girl too sat down on the extreme edge of the same couch and started to read the book with much concentration. The boy who was reading a book on fitness after every few minutes kept staring at the girl in happiness. They both did not speak to each other for another one hour, and were enjoying each other's presence. The girl was now busy knowing more about the Egyptian culture wholly engrossed in it, when she heard the boy shuffle a bit. She turned her head and smiled a bit. The boy had dozed off, with his head hanging loose in the air, while his hands were about to drop off the book that he was reading.

The girl instantly held out her arm and took the book in her hands placing it down. She then pushed the boy bit backwards to make his head rest on the back seat, but instead his head fell on her shoulders as he fell fast asleep. The girl gasped in shock, feeling the boy's warm cheeks on her shoulders.