His toy...

The boy smirked looking at the two swords and instantly took out one from it efficiently creating a screeching noise. The boy now had a diverse aura as he looked at the sword blissfully. He was now grazing his thumb on the razor-sharp part of the sword and had a beastly smile on his face. He looked like he was looking at his desired toy and was all excited to play with it. He speedily walked out of the living room towards the gigantic garden as if not able to contain his excitement. As soon as he reached the garden he once again looked at the sword and jumped high up in the air like a faultless warrior and instantaneously rotated his body, swinging is sword clockwise in the air.

He then landed on the ground rapidly on his knees and then rotted his body clock wise again and again, travelling a wide area on the ground. While turning on his knees, he was rotating the sword as if cutting it across several people's legs in one uniform level. He then once again jumped up in the air and stood up instantly on his feet, looking directly ahead. His gaze was now fixed ahead on circular wooden artefact, which was engraved in the form of a huge face and was hung on a tree with the help of a jute rope a few meters away from the boy. The boy gazed angrily without even blinking, straight in the eyes of the face which was swinging while hanging loose on the tree, due to the effect of the early morning breeze. As the artefact moved left and right with the impact of the air, the boy's eyes to moved left and right aiming straight at the eye with his own eyes.

Evlin then slowly took a few steps back and tilted his body a bit. He then instantly kicked up his entire body by hitting his right foot on the ground, making him rise in the air a bit. He then rotated his body up in the air and held out his hand, throwing the sword straight towards the face. The sword went straight towards the hung artefact with a speed of lightening and hit the artefact's left eye with much force. The sword had now pierced the eye a bit and was clinging on it, right away. Evlin smirked hitting the face's eye and then rapidly ran towards it. In just a few seconds he had already pulled out sword from the eye and was once again running to his spot to practice more stunts. He had now totally forgotten about his raging hormones as he was now doing what he loved the most... sword fighting which he still termed it as "playing with swords".

Ever since the boy was young he was always attracted to metallic swords and he was able to pick up Rhehan's heavy sword since childhood. All his family members were stunned when one fine morning he had managed to break open his father's locker and had taken out his sword from its gigantic box. He was holding it with his one hand at the mere age of six and came rushing towards his family members, early in the morning, when all of them were having breakfast together.

"Dada look. I took out your sword. It is so beautiful. Can I play with it?" The little six year old Evlin had come rushing towards Rhehan leaving everybody sell shocked.

"Yes you can. From today onwards it is yours. Take very good care of it as if it is more imperative than your life."Rhehan patted his shoulder casually and smiled, while still munching the ceaser salad in his mouth.

The tiny boy grinned showing his two frontal missing teeth and ran away in much excitement holding the heavy and sharp, stone embedded sword, made from the ashes of the senior enchantress.

"Rhehan? What are you doing? Is it not dangerous for him? What if he cuts his hand or hurts somebody??" Rose freaked out getting up from the chair as she immediately halted eating.

"She is right Rhehan. He is just six years old. He does not need to learn all this. Take back the sword from him. I don't know how did he even find it from that locker!" Elizabeth too spoke up in much shock, looking at the little boy running away with his tiny feet out in the garden with the sword in his hand.

Suddenly there was loud panic everywhere and everybody had started to force Rhehan to take back the sword. Everybody except Xio Lee was silent and was smiling looking at Evlin, who was giggling looking at the sword and had reached the garden already.

"Why are you not saying anything to this boy, Lee? Don't you think it is too much to give away such a dangerous and heavy sword?"Lillian looked at Xio Lee whose entire attention was diverted outside the window as he saw the tiny boy looking cheerfully at the sword.

"I don't know what wrong with these two. I shall myself go and take back the sword." Rose was now about to walk away when Rhehan held the girl's hand and smiled looking at her.

"Don't worry hubby. He has not found the sword. The sword wanted him to find it." Rhehan smiled, taking another be of the salad with his other hand and looking calmly at Rose.