The new owner...

Rose frowned hearing her husband's words in much mystification and bewilderment.

Xio lee who was busy eyeing his grandson in extreme contentment and satisfaction too turned his neck and nodded his head in approval. "Exactly. He did not find the sword. The sword itself wanted this to happen."

All the other members present on the table frowned looking at the two men in confusion.

"Never in my entire life will I be able to understand these two men. What they talk, what they speak it is beyond my comprehension. The father told his tiny son to play with the sword while the grandfather is smirking looking at him, as if he is playing with a toy." Elizabeth too stood up, shouting looking at her son and husband.

Xio lee rolled his eyes and looked at his fuming wife. "Sweetheart. Look at that boy once. Just look." Xio lee pointed his finger towards the garden outside and Elizabeth frowned looking at the little boy, standing on the grass. Lee then turned to look at Lillian who was worriedly looking at Rhehan telling him to take back the sword from Evlin. "I am surprised Lilly. From amongst everybody you are saying this? Have you guys forgotten everything? Hell... even I cannot pick that sword. Apart from Rhehan if somebody had been able to pick it up, it is Evlin. Do you think it means nothing at all?" Xio lee looked at the three ladies trying to explain them.

"What do you mean master?" Rose frowned looking at him in uncertainty.

"My dear hubby, it means that it is time for the transfer of ownership. The sword is his now. Do you think a mere 6 year old child can break into my locker? Do you think a 250 kgs sword can be picked by his tiny hands in normal situation? The sword is a living person in itself and it chooses its own master. My time is over; it is Evlin's time to have it. Just the way the sword reached me at the right time, the sword has reached Evlin too." Rhehan smiled holding Rose's hands lovingly, trying to make her comprehend.

"What do you mean his time has come? He will not kill anybody. He is just a kid." Rose gasped in shock, feeling extremely helpless. "Besides... it... it is all over. So what is the use of the sword now?"

"I do not now. But if the sword has chosen this time then we can't do anything. Remember, the sword not just kills it also protects." Xio lee spoke looking at baffled ladies looking at the two men in shock.

"Oh dear. And I thought my kids will have a normal childhood just like me." Rose sat down on her seat, feeling extremely dejected. "I guess we cannot help it." Rose sighed and looked at her son in shock. They all were now looking at the little boy in much disclosure and incredulity. The boy had tilted is front leg a bit, bending his body slightly and was pointing his sword towards a gigantic teddy bear which he had held with his other hand. He threw the gigantic stuffed toy high in the air, much higher than a boy of his age could throw an object and he instantly jumped up in the air shouting loudly.

"Arghhhhhhh!!!!" he swiped the sword right across the teddy bear, cutting off its neck from the rest of his body.

They all gasped in disbelief looking at the tiny boy, while Rose was now already in tears. The boy was now holding the slashed head off the teddy bear with his left hand, high up in the air while he was kissing his sword with his lips, which he was holding with his other hand.

Present Day...

Evlin was now happily practicing his stunts, totally engrossed in the sword that he had picked up from an old artefact. Meanwhile, Sarah who had been sleeping peacefully frowned a bit and opened her eyes slowly looking around her with her big gray eyes. "Huh? What place is this??"

She was startled for few seconds and straightened her back immediately looking at the stunning and enormous window besides her. That when she realised that she was still in Evlin's house. "Oh damn! I slept in the library. Boss must have put me to bed." The girl smiled looking at the remarkable interior of the wooden cabin and her gaze fell outside the window towards the pond. The beautiful sun rays were cutting across the blue clouds to meet the pond with much exquisiteness. The pond was reflecting back the rays, giving a spectacular view. The early morning fresh breeze was entering through the window and girl lied down on bed again and was smiling looking at the flowers discernible from outside the window. "Wow! How beautiful. I could look at the view all my life." The girl let out a loud yawn, still snuggling with the massive pillow.

The girl was smiling constantly when suddenly a muscular and tremendously enthralling man's back appeared in the garden outside and the girl gasped in shock. The man had the perfect tapering waist and was holding a gigantic metallic unadorned sword in his right hand. His shorts were loosely hanging on his lower waist showing his toned up long legs. The man's body was filled with sweat as he was practicing from past 15 minutes now.

"Wow! He is so fine looking" the girl gulped apprehensively as she was keenly looking at his back and hips. Suddenly the man tuned a bit facing the window swiping the sword along with him. The girl gasped in shock and closed her eyes instantly. She then slowly opened her eyes, a little and was peeking at him from below the pillow. The man's sweaty frontal body was even more arresting and the girl gulped again looking at his abs and large biceps. "Oh dear. What a body. No wonder girls throw themselves at him. Even I would love to sleep with him. If he looks so good with his shorts on, I wonder how he must look without his shorts." the girl blushed a little and pursed her lips in much guiltiness as she was eyeing her boss with lusty eyes.