I Did Not Sign Up For This!

I hate my life. Seriously, I really do. A 17 year-old teenager should not have to experience bullshittery from multiverses and other worlds. I despise this.

Hi, my name is Mark. Markus "Mark" Underwell. And yes, there is a 'k' instead of a 'c' in my name. This is not an error.

When I was 10, I died from my abusive not-father because I rebelled against him. Definitely a stupid move.

Before any of that, I didn't have a name. I called myself: "The Nameless One" or "nobody" because my not-father was an asshole to not give me my name after my parents died when I was a baby. For about 7-8 years, he 'adopted' me for a reason to vent his anger at me. I didn't learn to speak, write, or to make friends. I was basically an animal in human's skin... Abuse and Pain were all my 7 years of my life.

One night, I met an old man with a cane in an alleyway. He was an asshole. He whacked the hell out of me with his damn cane because of my savageness. He said: "You're just a human trash, brat!" or something bad in the words...

He decided to take me in house and continue the beating.

So, it was like this. He taught me basic stuff of the world in a merciless manner. He got bored, and decided to teach me stuff to 'beat something that has balls', and I was forced to learn them.

English, Social Interations, Writing, Trash Talking, and being a smartass. All too well... Sooner or later, I was 10. He kind of kicked me out the house for unknown reasons, and the only place I could go was the not-father's place.

I could've gone to any house to take rest on, BUT NO~. I DECIDED TO GO IN THERE LIKE A DUMBASS!

Truthfully, I wanted to give him a piece of my mind. 10 year-old me was still stupid and inexperiened. I was later fucking screwed. And... I died.

I woke up, reborn in a game called "Undertale" and stopped a megalomanic (Chara) from 'deleting' the world. Turns out, all of this was just an experiment of Dr. W.D Gaster to 'farm' any souls to become more powerful. Namely, mine.

So, I refused to die in this fate and somehow vaporized the mad doctor and the Void from the power of my DETERMINATION. I somehow did it, with bullshittery and nonsense, but I didn't care because it saved me nonetheless. I soon woke in another universe of Undertale, and met the characters.

I later solved a conflict in that world, stopped anyone from doing something stupid like deleting the world again, until I lived my new life as Mark Underwell. Everything was good... Until my world just deleted itself. Confused, I soon met someone who could travel through the universe of Undertale and answer my questions.

His name was Ink Sans.

He explained the cause of my world's deletion, was because of a figure called "Error Sans". I survived because I was from another reality, and the rules in this reality didn't apply to me.

So, I spent my time for 3 years saving universes, AUs, worlds, and conflicts on the way. I soon finally met the bastard, but he was just a pawn.

The real mastermind was a psychopath hell-bent on destroying the whole universe. Something in the lines of "It's the only meaningful choice a person can take." or something. It's bollocks.

Anyway, using all of my powers, experience, grit, will, and determination, I barely in a half-assed way defeated the dude. Everything went black after that.

Meaning, I died again.


I soon woke up as 10 again in the real world. It was all a dream. Everthing, all that for nothing. I was in the same place where my not-father murdered me. I saw my not-father. I attacked with using my experience, and my grit. I had two choices: To kill my not-father, and end my hatred and suffering, or to spare him, and let the police take him away.

I was going to kill him. To end my suffering. THE PAIN. THE AGONY! THE-

I heard whimpering. A grown man was crying for help. Just like I was. A pathetic human being. Turns out my not-father had a life of abusive parents worse than mine, and became this way. It wasn't his fault. He had no choice of becoming a monster. I learnt this in the near future.

I thought what will happen if I just killed him. I end his suffering, get arrested fro murder, a life in iron bars. It would be worth it. A mercy kill.

But... I didn't. If I'd just killed him, I would be lower than a monster. Somewhere in my mind, I vowed myself to never become a monster like him. A life of hell.

I didn't want to be a monster, but I became one anyways. I didn't want the pain, but it came anyways. It was unfair.

... And I left outside the house, leaving the whimpering man behind. I had a choice. Be a monster, or to be a fool. I chose neither. I became a nobody that had no business.

I left my burdens, my pain, my suffering behind.

Because I said: "Fuck it."

I refused to live a life like this. I only had two choices. A murderer of the chains of fate, or a fool believing the morals and justice.


I lived my life like I wanted to be. No string attached.

[AN: What our MC wanted was a life not controlled by fate, just his own. If you were confused... If Mark chose the Dark Path, he would've killed the not-father and spend all of his life in bars, wasting all of his life, in which he knew. If he chose the Light Path, he would spare the not-father and live in a good family. However, due to his mindset, he would regret his choice by thinking the act of sparing would be an action of stupid morals and justice bullshit. By thinking this, he would not live in a good mindset and eventually become evil by his not-believing-justice or any other morals and soon screw himself at life. And no, he did not think of the future outcome for any of his actions. He thought that sparing would be stupid. Leaving and Sparing are different actions as one of the choices involve a life. Mark thinks that Sparing is an action of justice and morals. Mark thinks Leaving was to literally leave all of his life, burdens, and actions to start again.]

I somewhat made my own life. The old man died of a heart attack, and left all of his possessions to me unless I managed to survive. Even if he was an asshole, he was still a decent person nonetheless. Thanks, ya bastard.

For 5 years, I've been living in a fairly good and normal life. I got a part-time job, an apartment, and a bed. Everything... was normal.

Until another asshole messed up my life again.

His name was F. Just F. He was an almost omnipotent being from the multiverse of fiction. He was a total weebo of anime and manga. His second favorite thing was Doctor Who. His third- Wait, this isn't the script! WHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS?!

*cue troll laughter from the background*



Anyway, that was out of context... Moving on!

Feeling bored, he chose me as the candidate of capable of travelling the multiverse!

Yeah, no. I immediatedly refused. I did not want to deal with bullshittery again.

He already ignored my choice and my rights to retort, and he sent me to my first another world in the multiverse. And... Whatdoya know...

It was Undertale. Again.

For 5 years. FOR FUCKING FIVE YEARS it has been me, forced to travel the multiverse in unorthodox ways. Death by Truck-chan, death by heartattack, death by murder, death by the unknown, flashbangs, sudden transportations, summoning circles, terraforming my original world to- wait, no. He just put me somewhere similar to my world, only with bullshittery. Moving on... Crashed into the window, wake up in an another body, blinked to existence, standing on darkness (which I called it the Limbo, Death World, Darkness, etc.), and other ways more than anyone can count.

Fun fact, time is always different to my original world and the world I travel upon. Same applies to rules of different realities. An example is when I was suddenly sealed for 300 years, and not a second passed to my original world. Supernatural aspects such as magic cannot exist in a 'real' reality, such as a live-action movie.

Basically, I'm older than I look. And more powerful. While I'm 17 on the outside, I'm mentally part 5.67 billion years-old and part 17 years-old. Kudos to F, who installed this to my brain so I wouldn't become a megalomanic hell-bent on destruction.

I still hate him though. I take that back!

While there were times I became something worse than a monster, demon, or a devil, I learned the hard way not to become a villain or someone stupid. Instead, I'm more of an Anti-Hero.

I've traveled to many universes, worlds, and realities, all of that experience stored in my brain. I've seen things that never have been seen, lost things than anyone can love, and done feats that no one can believe. For example: Breaking out of Hell, Killing Gods, and Resetting the whole entire multiverse from scratch. All of those memories would get my brain fried faster than anyone could say 'What?!'.

So, I constantly forget some memories that aren't really important. A coping-mechanism that wouldn't get my brain fried or else. Because of this, I am one of the most mentally protected person in the multiverse for that matter.

Then I learnt something else while I stumbled in the multiverse.

I eventually knew I was a character, just a product of fiction of a human author writing stuff. I accepted it on the way, and I constantly curse my author/creator for putting me into these situations.

Fuck you too, author.

[AN: I don't swing that way.]

I didn't even- Whatever. I still hate you too!

So, fellow readers and authors! You've completely known my backstory of bullshittery and nonscene. You are going to watch me suffer, cry, and laugh at my adventures that I've been forced upon on.

I've got two words to say to you.







"You cut off my monologue, you bitch!"

[AN: Worth.]