So Far, So Good...

I was lying in the floor of the endless void of darkness which I assumped it was death. Though, how does one find a floor in the endless void of darkness?...

I wasn't going to answer that, as I've been here for the. Past. SEVEN. HOURS. I've literally done nothing. I've been lying around the floor, wondering which breed of bullshit and hell of the universe I get sent to.

My guess are: Naruto, Bleach, MHA, Marvel, DC, Someplace entirely, Soul Land or Doulou Dalu, If I remember correctly... Anime, Novel, or Movies...

Argh. Hurts to think about the endless possiblities when you have billions worth of experience...

I sighed. It didn't matter. Anywhere I go, I'll just deal with it along the-

"Red Ranger! Ready!"


"Blue Ranger! Ready!"


"Yellow Ranger! Ready!"


"White Ranger! Ready!"


"Black Ranger! Ready!"

"Together, we are-" "SHUTTHEFUCKUP!"

The five power rangers turned to the bystander who've interrupted their rollcall. All the grunt monsters and the boss monster stopped what they were doing. They were shocked, as the person flipped them two birds.

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck all of you!" The bystander cursed as if he'd given up his life. The rangers were offended. The grunts were shocked. The boss was confused on what earth term the human was speaking.

"Hey, that's rude! We've been saving your butts from these guys since forever! You don't talk to us like that!" The white ranger huffed as she was offended.

"Jeez, could you turn down the swear meter?" The yellow ranger said as he was surprised at the bystander's vulgarness.

"Yeah, watch your mouth buddy. Or you'll be needing a mouthwatch." The blue ranger warned as he crossed his arms.

"Hey, don't talk to us like that!" The black ranger replied as he pointed at the bystander.

"What are you doing here? Get to safety!" The red ranger asked as he held his weapon at the monsters.

"And I am here in the FUCKING Power Rangers universe. When I even go to this shit, there's always something fucked than the original one!" I facepalmed myself in despair. There's always fucking work!

I blinked and multiple explosions from energy blasts from the grunts appeared to the rangers, who dodged the blasts with frontflips.

"Sneaky move, Derfit! But you won't get us twice!" The red ranger said. I was shocked. Did they just dodged a surprise attack?! I thought they were weak...

Maybe there was some hope after all... Usually they just get hit from them like a bunch of dumbasses.

I have... A bad history of Power Rangers. While the real TV shows were so cliche, I knew that it HAD to be like this, since it was for kids. But from my experience, multiple Power Rangers I met were just pathetic.

I had to train their asses off to get more powerful. Cliches, dirty moves, advanced movements, I basically taught them everything to be a badass. If I wasn't there in that situation, they would be screwed, and Earth would be toast.

I am sick of training people to be a badass. I don't want to become a teacher, I JUST WANT TO LIVE MY NORMAL LIFE!

"I see that your moves are agile, rangers... But what about him?!" Derfit or whatever his name was pointed his blaster at me...

Wait what?!

"Die, human!" He blasted several energy bolts at me. Each bolts were deadly serious.



I tried to block the incoming bolts with my arms, but however, they were deflected by someone else in my way.


The person in front of me was the Red ranger, and deflected the bolts with his sword. Since I got a closer look, the armour looked different to the canon ranger uits from the Power Rangers. They were completely different, as if it was made non-canon.

"That was a dirty move. Involving innocent people, Derfit?!" The red ranger shouted in rage. Well, he certainly has some steel in him. I'm hardly innocent after I lost my... You know what, nevermind...

"I don't care! I will do anything to defeat the rangers for Lord Yvtel! Grunts, attack!" Derfit commanded the grunts to attack. They had irritating high-pitched noises when they ran. I frowned at the annoying little bastards.

"Haaahhhyaaahhh!" The red ranger slashed at the nearest grunt and ran.

"Hey, wait for us!" The rest of the rangers joined in at the fight. I ran back into a wall and peeked to watch their fight. I needed to observe their fighting prowess...

I focused on the red ranger. He slashed and dashed, parried and blocked, and the kid wasn't that bad. [AN: 5.67 Billion Years, remember?] When he got to the firing squad of the grunts, I watched it continue.

"Huh? Yah!" He ran to the firing... What the fuck was he doing?!

The grunts fired without hesitation, the sound of energy blasts discharging from their barrels were heard.

He was so screwed for sure. I almost expected a defeated body of the red ranger, but instead he spun like a maniac.

Ting! Ting! Swoosh! Ting Ting!

He spun and ran as he deflected bolts that were lethal and ignored the bolts that didn't hit him at all. The kid's got mad skills. I take back my comment earlier then. The kid's got skill!


He swung his sword at the barrels of the blasters, cutting all of them like butter, rendering them useless.

Then, in a moment, red blurs of energy beams of cuts appeared on the grunts. The red ranger was now behind them, and the grunts crackled with electricity until they fell down in mini explosions.

I blinked. I gave it a 7.6 out of 10 in how flashy it was. I shook my head to turn to the Blue ranger.

The blue ranger was running like a madman, slashing with his armblades as grunts died instantly. He ran in breath-taking speeds. But I knew he wasn't running like a madman. They were precise, tatical movements.

Then the Yellow ranger came out of nowhere and shot the grunts down with his yellow rifle. He had a decent shot, but when a grunt got closer, he calmly ducked down the blade from the grunt and shot his knees... Ouch.

The grunt fell down in pain, and then it was silenced when the yellow ranger shoved the barrel at the grunt's head and pulled the trigger. Without. Looking. That's one of the ways to end someone. I didn't get my hopes up, as I still assumped and checked for any errors like a hawk.

The Black ranger slashed and clashed the grunts with his axe. He blocked the blaster fire by using the blunt side of the axe. Smart move, better than getting by regardless...

"*&%$^!!!" I spotted a strange-looking grunt pulling out a heavy blaster. The black ranger noticed this and pulled his arm back...

And yeeted the axe.

Before the strange grunt would pull the trigger, it was interupted by a sickening squelch.


Oooohhh..... Axe to the head, brutal but fast nonetheless. These guys were not messing around like they should they were...

The strange grunt fell down to his knees, gurgling for life as it struggled to survive. The black ranger calmly walked to retrive his axe, and grasped the handle of the axe, and roughly pulled it off the other side of the grunt's skull, killing him.

This is got to be the most brutal Power Rangers I've met. Not that I'm complaining, of course...

And lastly, the White Ranger. She used a bo-staff as her weapon and whacked the hell out of the poor grunts in a graceful, yet in a swift manner.

To her surprise, she was caught by the arms of the grunts who were stealthy enough. She saw the grunts lunge at her, and she let go of the bo-staff to her feet.

And later kicked the bo-staff at the incoming grunts and slammed the grunts on her arms by pulling them downwards to the ground as if it was a suplex move.

She noticed the another incoming grunts behind her and caught the rebound bo-staff with her boots and kicked it to them. She used her back and slammed her arms on the fallen grunt's visors.

She kicked the ground herself up, and grabbed the rebound bo-staff with her hand without looking. She later seperated the bo-staff into dual batons and swung and beaten the grunts around her. She wasn't a pushover, for sure.

Now that I think about it, I almost regret saying my comment to them. They'll kick my ass soon they could defeat the... the... I forgot his name again.

"Derfit! Your reign of chaos is over!" Ohhhh yeah... Derfit. Der. Fit. Meh, I've heard worse. I shrugged. Rangers successfully defeated (murdered) all of the poor grunts.

"It's not, rangers! You can't stop me this time!" Derfit. Der-P. Derp lunged at the rangers. This'll be interesting... Or not.

Derp weaved around the rangers with difficulty since it was 1 v 5. He narrowly blocked, weaved, slashed, and counter-attacked the rangers.

But, since the rangers were very skilled, it was obvious the battle would end soon.

As a starting move, the rangers simultaniously kicked the Derp as he flew from the attack. When he was struggling to get up, the rangers took no time to attack him with various types of attacks with their signature weapons.

"AAUGHH!!!" Derp crackled with electricity. He was going to die.

Then stuff happened that flew all of my expectations of the Power Rangers.

"Guys, he's going turn into a Mega-Monster just like the previous ones we fought before! Let's blast him before he transforms!" The white ranger exclaimed. THAT I did not expect. The rangers were seriouslly not letting the villain turn into a mega-monster for once in a lifetime. Usually they have no choice but let the monster transform, but...

"Assemble the Final Weapons Cannon!" The red ranger ordered. Just like a puzzle piece, the parts joined one by one into a Super Mega Death Cannon of Destruction.

I could almost hear the theme song playing while they charge up the cannon. The Derp looks up in surprise and shock, while the rangers charge up his final doom.

"FIRE!" A rainbow beam of energy blasted the Derp to smithereens. The Derp screams in agnony, as it vaporises from existence... Or was it?

"Jesus Christ, there's nothing wrong with the rangers! It's the monsters!" I shouted in realisation. Now I knew what was wrong! The rangers were doing fine, but the monsters?


We were in deeeeeeeep shit. That guy just tanked a beam of destruction, and lived.

"YOU CAN'T STOP ME FROM TRANSFORMING, RANGERS! AHAAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed loudly, as I covered my ears from the pain.

Now, time for them to call the megazords...

"No! We can't fight him until our megazords have repaired!" The Blue ranger panicked. What?

"We can't do anything from now on! We're in trouble!" The Black ranger shouted. Guys, please stop joking around. Megazords are practically indestructable!

"This is bad. Very Bad." The Yellow ranger muttered. You're joking, right?...

"We even tried to stop him before he could transform! Our Megazords can't survive another battle from another monster after THAT battle!" The White ranger explained. Oh... So that's why- wait. THEY CAN'T USE THEIR MEGAZORDS?!

"What can we do? We're falling in Yvtel's plans. He's put us in a situation that he's forced us to use our Megazords or else! During that, he's going to finally destroy the Megazord!" The Red ranger exclaimed. From what I've heard, Yvtel, is one cunning bastard. He's forced the rangers to give up their sole weapon of defeating the Mega-Monsters, giving no chance to the rangers of defeating the Mega-Monsters. Their Megazord is their only way of defeating these things, and its gone! They are basically SCREWED! THEY ARE LITTERALLY FUCKED!

Oh, this is bad. This so fucking bad...


A loud, unnatural, huge and enomous sound of a big-ass animal was heard behind us.

"For fuck's sake, WHY IS THERE A MOTHERFUCKING GODDAMN KAIJU?!" I shouted in disbelief. I spotted the colossous weapon of bullfuckery in the nearest sea.

It was so goddamn huge, serveral Megazords would only piss him off. A damaged Megazord would do jack shit. It was almost larger than the Statue of Liberity, meaner than all of the Power Rangers monsters combined, and uglier than a fucking squid.


An unholy beam of destruction wiped the monster out in a instant. It came from the Kaiju, jaw opened as smoke came out.

"ArGh!" I cluched my head. I was recieving a psychic message coming from the Kaiju itself! Fuck!

'YOu dIDd NOt MaDE A dEAL WITh tHE dEN-gALi, fOOl! wE WaNT TO HAvE ThE eARth oURsELVEs!!!' I heard the mental message, only barely from all the buffering and static.

I stared at the Kaiju.

"We are sooooo screwed..." I muttered.