Using a Megazord for a Jaeger's Job is VERY. STUPID.

A kaiju. A goddamn Kaiju was in the Power Rangers universe. WHY?!

As if my life's hasn't been unlucky enough, now I HAVE TO DEAL/SURVIVE AGAINST A KAIJU!!!

The only way to defeat a Kaiju is by a Jaeger. But we don't have a Jaeger, but a fucking almost damaged MEGAZORD!!!


[AN: Cue the calm, tactical mindset of a Grand Admiral's memories slowly unlocking inside Mark's mind...]

I HATE MY LIF- So far, our only advantages are One: the Den-Gali have successfully pissed off the Villains, having their deal broken apart. Two: We or they (Power Rangers) have a Megazord. Damaged, but handled correctly and precise, we might have a chance. Now we need some miracles to somehow defeat the Kaiju in the most uttersome, bullshit way possible... And convince them fast. Three: It is psychic. I could just make something that might just fry its brain without using the Megazord...

And the disadvantages: It is a Kaiju. An alien weapon of mass destruction purposed for invading Earth. It's from the movie: Pacific Rim. I don't know any of its hidden ablities, as they can be completely lethal... They (Power Rangers) have a damaged Megazord. It is very small, and it would take about hundred of those to take down a Kaiju. It is also VERY damaged. We may or may not have an alien invading organisation coming to kill us (The Villains), as said aliens have contact to other species, and might send reinforcements to turn Earth into a warzone. Though I do not know the reason why the Villains didn't just sweeped the Rangers with oppressing force, I find this VERY concerning as they may or may not have the power to defeat the humans in the first place...

In total, we have two enemies, but in three-way deadlock. Kaiju, Villains, and the Humans.

So I summed up the calculations in my mind the possiblities of our chances.

Our chances of losing: 89%.

Our chances of survival: 13%.

Our chances of winning: 0.5%.

Our chances of death: 100%.

It's obvious, as all living things eventually die away... As I learnt that fact most painfully.


Our chances of death today: 0%.

Though my tactical and anyalasis, I have assembled a half-assed plan. A risky plan, but... It's the only thing we could do instead of dying.

Our chances of death today: 50%.

'Oh, shut up.' I mentally hushed my logical side of myself. It was time to take on some action...


"Look at the size of that thing! We can't beat that huge monster with our Megazord, we're doomed!" The Black Ranger exclaimed in horror as he saw the colossus of a monster menacingly walk towards the city.

"What do we do?!" The white ranger shouted in panic. She couldn't even take her eyes off the huge monster. Their team didn't see this type of monster before.

"We're soooo screwed..." The Blue ranger fell to his knees in despair. He almost gave up. Almost. He needed to fight, as innocent people would die if they didn't act. They needed to do something. HE needed to do something.

"So, this is it, huh?" The Yellow ranger looked down in despair. All his life, he's been something meaningful in his worthless life by becoming a Ranger. Now, the universe decided to kick his balls by sending an impossible monster to beat.

The Red ranger clenched his fists. "We can't just give up now. It's either we do, or die..." But he even thought that was stupid. All of his instincts told him to run, but he wasn't a coward. Not anymore, when he became a Ranger.

"Even if we do anything, it would be just pointless, Jay. We're done. We can't do anything now..." The Black ranger slumped down as he said to his friend and leader red ranger, now known as 'Jay'. Jay widened his eyes behind his visor at the sight of his friend and teammate giving up.

"What are you talking about, Will?! We can't just give up!" The White Ranger cried in disbelief to Will, the Black Ranger. They couldn't give up. Even the odds were very bad to them, they had to do something meaningful.

"He's right, Mia. We can't do this..." The Blue ranger called out to the White ranger, now known as 'Mia'. Mia turned to the Blue ranger in shock as she couldn't believe her teammates giving up.

"Billy, even if we can't do anything, doesn't mean we'll give up like this easily. Mia's right. Even it's pointless, we have to do something." The Yellow ranger called out to Billy, the Blue ranger. Billy turned to the Yellow ranger as if he'd gone mad.

"That's easy for you to say, Sam! We can't use the Megazord because its damaged! Even if it wouldn't be damaged in the first place, it still wouldn't matter. It's huge and powerful to vaporise that monster in a second, while it would take us a several minutes! How do we beat that?!" Billy called out to Sam, the Yellow ranger in fear, frustration, and anger. The Yellow ranger had no answer. Before anything gets worse, Jay called out.

"I know we can't beat it, Billy. But at least we'll draw it's attention from the city to give a few minutes for the people to evacuate. It's the most that we can do..." Jay said.

The ranger stood in silence as they heard the pending doom of the footsteps of the Kaiju. Billy retorted again.

"But how do we survive something THAT big?..." He muttered. The rangers had no answer.

"As I quote my old green friend: 'Size matters not.' 'Do, or do not.'" A male voice called out behind the rangers. The rangers turn to the figure in surprise as the figure in question was the bystander.


As I couldn't take the pleasure of seeing the reactions of the rangers' faces due to the helmets they were wearing, I didn't waste any time to act.

"Hey, you're that guy who flipped us!" The White ranger called out in realiasation. I ignored her as I continued my business.

"Yeah, you were so rude, why did you- WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IGNORING US AND TAKING PICTURES OF THAT MONSTER?!" The Blue Ranger shouted out in disbelief and shock at the sheer ridiculessness of the bystander taking photos of the monster.

I was indeed using my phone, which was an Iphone 6 (Blue casing) to take a shot on the slowly incoming Kaiju from the sea.

"Hmm... Uum... There we go." I took a recording of the Kaiju in my Iphone 6 while the rangers were dumbfounded.

"You just took a picture... Of a huge monster coming to the city?..." The Yellow ranger replied in disbelief.

"Correction, a recording of the monster." I replied. I pulled out my sonic screwdriver (War Doctor) that I borrowed/stole from F's stash of Doctor Who from my blazer and analysed the recording.

Apparantly the rangers knew the specific scientific instrument that I was holding was alien by a glance and pointed their weapons at me. I paid no attention to them as I had more pressing matters to solve...

"Buddy, I don't think that you're holding is from HERE. Who are you, and where do you come from?" The Blue ranger growled as my ignorance increased his anger.

"I knew something was fishy about you! You're not human, are you?" The White ranger pointed her bo-staff at me. I mentally sighed.

"I AM human. Now, lets move on from pressing matters other than of my concern of my biology rather more focus on how to kill that damn KAIJU!" I shouted to gain their attention. The rangers all flinched from my tone of my voice. As they were in shock from the fact I had a plan to kill that Kaiju, my phone had finished analysing the recording.

"Ah, there we go." I read the infomation of the recording. The rangers were still dumbfounded as I skimmed the unimportant data from the recording.

I turned to face them. "If my calculations are correct, we have approximately about 20 minutes when that Kaiju have contact to the city. We have enough time to begin the plan to kill that thing." I explained.

"20 minutes? Kaiju? Plan?! What the hell are you talking about?!" The Blue ranger shouted in confusion.

"That colossus being of a monster is called a Kaiju. Or a classification size type of how huge a hostile monster is. Meaning BIG. That thing is going to be here in about 20 minutes or less from the recording analysis of how many seconds the monster gets bigger in the screen. I have a fucking plan to kill that thing. I'm Mark. That doesn't matter because we're wasting time. Are you going to stand here all day and wait for the city to burn, or are you going to moving your asses?!" I shouted. The rangers were still confused at my sudden outburst and plan.

The Red ranger glanced at me with an unreadable expression I couldn't see because he was wearing fucking visor!...

"... How can we trust you?" He asked unsurely and demanding.

"Because I'm human, this is Earth, and I'm the unfortunate idiot who actually live in it! I don't want to be vaporised by aliens or die ag- and die in an unfortunate death!" I shouted. I almost slipped my sentence. Didn't want to reveal my status of my multiple deaths on the way...

The Red ranger said nothing. He sheathed his sword back. "What's the plan?" He asked. The rest of the rangers looked at the leader with shock.

"Jason, you can't be serious to believe this guy! He just came out of nowhere and just suddenly gives a plan to kill that monster! How can we be sure he's not Yvtel's minions?" The Black Ranger calls to 'Jason'.

"You can't be serious to even trust a word that this guy says! He's totally suspicious!" The White ranger called out in denial.

"Guys, we don't actually have a choice to begin with. Let's listen what this guy says and we'll decide." The Red ranger, now known as 'Jason' decides.

"So what's the plan, Mark, if that's your name?..." The Blue ranger questions me.

"It's the only name I have. Anyway, do you have a Megazord that is capable of flight? And don't ask me how I know the Megazord's existence, we've literally got less than 15 minutes left!" I asked to the rangers. The rangers were shocked for a moment then later shook their heads in focus.

"Yeah. It's a bit damaged." The Yellow ranger answered. I raised an eyebrow.

"Is it functionable?..." I asked. They nodded.

"Good! We'll be needing that to gain the Kaiju's focus. I need a telepathic interface device. Does anybody have one?" They shook their heads. Shit.

"We don't have one per say... But we have it on our base." The Blue ranger said.

"Well let's go there! Time is wasting, we've got a world to save!" I shouted and they all nodded. Soon, we all teleported out of existence.


"Oof." I landed in a random spot of the Power Rangers HQ. It was a bit of a while I had been using teleportation devices. Most of them made me sick...

Without missing a beat, I began to search the HQ for any technology related with a psychic interface. I scaned with my sonic screwdriver for any technology that radiated psychic waves.

"We're here. Why do you need that thing?" The Black ranger asked.

"Because I need it to make a machine that'll fry the Kaiju's brain. It's also psychic." I answered flatly as they were all shocked at my statement.

"How do you even know that thing's psychic in the first place? Won't using it overload our brains in the blast radius?" The Blue ranger asked.

"It's big, huge and bulky. Anything big like that would have a hard time speaking to other creatures, except for themselves. Now how did something big just appear to Earth? By other interventions, of course. Namely, other aliens that are small. They might've used a telepathic communicator to interact with them in order to use their technology to appear out of nowehere. That concludes they are a psychic species that communicates with telepathy. Now, due to their telepathic abilities, I can use that to focus on using my device to fry only on the Kaiju's brain. Overloading it's memories/mind, and thus killing it." I deducted. All were shocked to hear my deduction skills and knowledge of killing the Kaiju.

"And safely use the Megazord without attacking... Just for getting it closer for the device to activate! We can't use the Megazord to fight the monster by brute force and physical attacks, but attacking it from the mind and the inside!" The Blue ranger realised and caught on with my plan.

"Exactly. However, the bad news is that we don't know how much Kaijus there are. Now, from what I heard from your conversation, Yvetl is who I assume is a major figure, maybe a leader of your enemies, and might use this chance to attack us during or after the plan to kill the Kaiju. A third party, but enemies to the Kaiju and Us." I deducted. They nodded in agreement as they were shocked how right and accurate my deductions/knowledge were.

"That gives us a major disadvantage. But our focus is killing the Kaiju first. You guys use the Megazord to fly closer to the Kaiju, until I make the device to fry it's brains." I explain, with a few murmurs and thinking, they all agreed to follow the plan.

"Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!" An robotic voice alarms out.

Aw shit. Here they come...

[AN: Please review.]