Bad Plans are Just Risky Plans

"Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!" The robotic voice called out loudly. It bursted from the corridor of the HQ. It had an annoying, childish, and robotic voice that made me tempted to make it shut up with my sonic screwdriver. But alas, it was useful for alerting the enemy...

"Rinfron, where's the intruder?!" The Black ranger readied his weapon as did the rest of the rangers. Rinfron, I think its name was, was a small robot with two wheels to move around. Overall, I think its a bit... Fragile...

"Here! He's over there!" He pointed... At me? My eyebrows twitched in irritation as he mistaken me for an enemy in this dire moment of time. He spun in circles like a dog chasing after his own tail, panicking.

The rangers sighed and lowered their weapons. "Rinfron, he's not an intruder nor an enemy for now. Is he the only intruder in your scans?" They asked but it was ignored by the robot's constant panicking by running around in circles. That made me grew a thick vein on my temples. I used my sonic screwdriver to stop it's wheels from moving.

I walked towards the small robot. It shuddered with fear. I smiled in a not-too-sweetly way. "Now, Rinfron. Am I the only intruder in your scans?..." It nodded in horror as I felt my face darken from the absence of the light.

"GoOd..." I said distortedly, and I focused on building the device again. The unlucky robot would've screamed and fainted even if it wasn't for his programing. The rangers looked at me, with- I couldn't tell otherwise what their faces were, because it's covered BY A GODDAMN VISOR.

"Remind me not to make you angry again... 'Cuz that was scary..." The Black ranger said and sweated bullets inside his helmet. The rest of the rangers mentally agreed. I looked at them with a deadpan and continued my work.

"RANGERS. WHY HAVE YOU BROUGHT A HUMAN TO THE BASE?!" A loud, and more humane alien like voice called out to the rangers. The rangers recognised the source of the voice.

"Zorgon! Calm down, there's a reason for this. Mark is friendly!" The White ranger calmed the virtual hologram. While I was continuing my work, I frowned at the 'friendly' comment. I was not friendly. I was deadly.

"OUR EXISTENCE MUST BE KEPT IN SECRECY. THE POWER OF THE MORPHERS IS DANGEROUS TO THE UNIVERSE. A MERE HUMAN CANNOT KNOW OF IT'S EXISTENCE. MANY MORE SHALL KNOW AND ATTEMPT TO TAKE IT AWAY FOR POWER AND THEIR GREED." Zorgon warned to the rangers. I agreed to that statement. Even living over billions of years, I knew that most of the people constantly gain more power for themselves whether maybe for greed, selfishness, or survival. It was something I very knew the most...

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Not that it really matters to me..." I added in, not really pursuing for power right now. Power is useful, but it can corrupt. I wasn't in the mood to- Wait, couldn't we just use the power to kill the Kaiju in the first place?

"But if it can kill that Kaiju... Can it?" I asked, unsure that the Morphing Grid in this world has enough power to kill a Kaiju. Zorgon shook his head.

"NO. THE MORPHING GRID DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH POWER TO DEFEAT THE DEN-GALIAN. WHILE IN IT'S PRIME, IT MAY DEFEAT A SKILLED DEN-GALIAN IN A MOMENT." Zorgon explained. I widened my eyes at the sheer destructive capablities of the Morphing Grid. That's a lot of firepower.

"... I see why it's existence must be kept a secret. The goddamn thing is so powerful." I replied. Shaking away from that thought, I uploaded the data pad to a nearby computer screen in the HQ with my sonic.

The screen lit up showing the Kaiju and the sea in motion. All of the group, sans myself, were surprised at how close the Kaiju was to the city.

"I already contacted the civilians to evacuate from their homes. We've got 5 minutes left before that thing contacts the city. Rangers, ready your Megazord. We'll send that Kaiju to Kingdom Come. Let's move people!" I called out, and the Rangers moved to their Zords while I brought the uncompleted device on my own.

The Blue ranger noticed the uncomplete device. "Is it ready yet?" He asked worringly.

"Don't worry, I'll finish in time. I've got to move this somewhere in the Megazord. Got any places I could put?" I asked.


Sooner or later, the Megazord formed into one and flew out to the skies. I wasn't so lucky, because I had to place the device somewhere outside the Megazord. The rangers asked me to stay inside the Megazord but I insisted I wanted to stay outside, saying that the device wasn't finished and I had to do the finishing touches.

Hard wind blew over my face as the Megazord was flying in top speeds. I was hanging by the cables from the device, and the entrance to the Megazord.

I set the comms on my ear. "Okay, now let's piss the guy off!" I instructed, and the Megazord flew to the Kaiju. The Megazord was charging its energy cannon to its maxium in order to get it's attention. The Megazord aimed at the Kaiju.

"Okay, now FIRE!" I shouted out. The energy built up from the cannon discharged and blasted to the Kaiju.


I blinked my eyes from the wind and the hallucination. I rubbed my eyes and saw that the Kaiju was still unharmed.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" I shouted. That can't be the full power of an energy cannon. While it still would piss him off, but wouldn't it just made an injury, rather than it SHRUGGING OFF THE FUCKING BLAST?!

"That's all we've got! We can't do it anymore!" The rangers said.

"I don't care about the ammunition, but what about the gun?! Why did it do literally jack shit?!" I shouted at the comms.

"We don't know!" They said back. Of course, OF FUCKING COURSE, there would be one thing wrong about the Rangers! Their firepower on the Megazord is jackshit!

"Fuck this, I'm dealing this shit on my own..." I muttered out in displeasure.


"What's he doing?! Is he going to get himself killed?!" The White ranger screamed out in concern. The man known as 'Mark' was climbing the fist of the Megazord with his BARE. HANDS.

And what really shocked them was that he casually pulls out an RPG from his blazer. Which was bigger than the blazer!!!

"DIE, YOU UGLY MOTHERF**KER!" He screams off and blasts the RPG at the monster. The RPG successfully hits the monster in the eye dead center. The monster screams in murderous rage and charges up his energy beam.

"Well, that got his attention!" Sam comments on the ridiculessness of Mark.

[AN: That my friends, was Mark using his mastery of bullshittery to turn a normal RPG into a tactical nuke.]

"You think?!" They all called out.

"HANG ON!" Jason steers the Megazord.


I shouldn't have done that. I should've, but I regretted it. The Megazord suddenly flies off to a speed that made me flew backwards from the net force. I was hanging on the cable for dear life as the Megazord flew in top speed to avoid the beams from the Kaiju.


"?!^*%##$%!?!!!?!" I screamed something unintelligible as I flew from the force of the flying Megazord.

"YOU FUCKING BRATS!!!" I screamed in murderous rage as I was unfortunate enough to feel the incompetent of the Power Rangers. However, their Megazord were fast enough to dodge the energy beams from the Kaiju, that meant it was very fast for the Megazord, and ME.

I continued to scream in bloody murder until I heard my cable tearing up slowly. I widened my eyes as the cable connecting from the device deattached itself. I still hadn't made the finishing touches!

'Fuck.' I thought as I watched as the cable let go from the device, seeing as if time got slower... Nope, it was just me. I screamed for dear life.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I was pulled from the cable. The Megazord continued to miss the energy beams from the Kaiju as it was successfully pulling away from the city. But tragedy striked at the most important time.

As one of the energy beams flew from the Kaiju, one managed to hit in a lucky shot. Thankfully, the Megazord didn't explode. But the device however...

It was toasted to blitz as wiring sparked out.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" I noticed this and screamed in 'oh shit, fuck' and saw that our only chance in defeating the Kaiju were shattered.

"MARK! I CAN'T KEEP DODGING THE BEAMS! THE FUEL'S GETTING TOO LOW! HOW READY IS THE DEVICE?!" The Red ranger shouted out from the comms. I was cut off the comms. I didn't want him to hear the terrible bad news that our only chancing of killing the Kaiju were flown outside the window.


"Mark? Mark?!" Jason shouted to his comms. Dang it, why did it have to be cut in this time?!

"His comms were cut off!" Mia shouted.

'Damnit, don't fail us now, Mark...' He thought.


'Fuck it, at least I tried to die in the blaze of glory!' I thought as I grit my teeth. I did something risky. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE RISKY. I detached the cable from my belt.

Hanging on the cable with my two hands, I started to climb the cable without any safety. One wrong move, it would be all over.

One by one, I slowly gripped the cable with my hands. Sweat was flown from my skin from the forcing wind. Some of that sweat, made me- SLIP!

I got pulled back harshly from the force. I slipped my hand from the cable, hanging on my life with one hand. Said hand was slipping from my grip on the cable.

'shit shit shit' I thought as I couldn't do anything at this point. My hand was slowly slipping from the cable of the force to my falling death. I grit my teeth had willed my fingers to grip!

And in that moment,

My hands were slipped from the cable.

I felt weightless as my eyes were on the skies and the Megazord as they became smaller and smaller.


The crashing winds forced my body to turn at the dark blue sea. The wind kept snapping my eyes shut but continued to open them for no reason.


The sea was so dark and blue. It came closer and clearer. It was so blue and dark that made it seem empty and eternal at the same time.


It was similar to the darkness I felt earlier. It was called death.


As my eyes became closer and closer to the waters. I felt nothing.









I snapped opened my eyes. In that moment, time REALLY got slow for me. In front of my eyes were the cable. And the palm of my hands.


"AAAAAGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried out, and fucking reached my hands to the fucking cable!













[AN: We regret to inform the viewers that Mark Underwell was killed when his body fell into the ocean. He will be missed... Anyway, that concludes to our finalization of "An Unfortunate...]

"I am never doing that shit again, boys..." I muttered as I gripped the cable, metal touching human skin from my palms.

[AN: Oh. Nevermind.]

"I fucking. Hate. MY. LIFE!" I shouted as I continued to grip the cable with my other hand. Slowly, I made my way to a platform and gripped my hands on it.

I breathed heavily as I rested my sweating body to platform for a moment and with a grunt, I carried on.


"Is... Mark dead?" Mia said with saddness as tears came out from her eyes. The Rangers were silent. Most of them had experienced the loss of a life during their time as Rangers.

Jason lost his father in an accident. Billy lost his grandma in the hospital. Sam lost his brothers from murder. Will lost his mother when she saved him.

But Mia had it the worse. She was from a loving family, and she was the sweetest and the kindest person in her family. She cared so much for them, but they died in front of her...

She locked herself from the outside world from the pain and suffering she had felt. She was later broken out from her shell from the rangers who she later called family. But the loss of a life still broke her heart...

"Mia it's not your fault-" He tried to comfort her-

"I'M NOT FUCKING DEAD YET, YOU FUCKING ASSAHOLIC BASTARDOS!!!" A familar voice cursed out in rage. All of the rangers turned to see Mark, stuck on the Megazord and clawing his way up, yet fully alive but torn, beaten, and sweaty, and flipping the bird to them once more.



I flipped a bird to them because my other hand was too busy holding on FROM THE FUCKING MEGAZORD! I used my two hands to climb to the device.

I grabbed the device in one hand to stay on, other to fix it. My sonic screwdriver was held on my teeth. I used my hand to take it away and fix the remaining shits.

I opened and fixed my comms. "wHY dID YOu THinK It WaS A GoOD iDEa tO nOT wARn mE?!" I shouted in rage at the comms.

"SORRY! IS IT FIXED YET?!" He- He interupted me, that sonvabitch...! HE INTERUPTED ME THAT SONVA-!

"MARK!!!" The White Ranger's voice shouted and snapped me back to my senses. We were charging straight at the Kaiju!

"YES!!! FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!" I activated the device as it groaned and twisted to life.


The Kaiju screamed in pain as it felt a mindcrushing attack to its mind. It thrashed in pain around the sea, grasping its head in torture.

With a last breath, the cry of pain lasted. The Kaiju's body fell down to the sea.


The Megazord was hovering from a safe distance away from the Kaiju. The Kaiju was finally dead...

I let go of my god-how-long held breath from lungs. It was over.

'It's finally fucking over...' I thought in relief.

But Fate had proven otherwise to my short-lasted relief.

An energy beam of destruction wiped the arm of the Megazord clean as well as its left wing.

The motherfucker was still barely alive.


They screamed. They cried. They were in despair.

While nobody could hear their screams as they fell to their deaths.


I was turnmoil when I felt my body once more felt weightless.

Then I heard their screams for help. The rangers. The Goddamn Power Rangers, screaming for help.

Something snapped inside me and I willed my body to act.

I shoved my body to the nearest platform and grasped on to it. I couldn't think straight anymore. I had to do something.

I moved myself where the rangers were. I blasted the door of the entrance out with the sonic. There, I saw the rangers half-unconscious from despair they'd felt.

I went inside the cockpit and looked around the controls. They were in a mess that I couldn't even decipher what were the steering wheel and the accelerator.

"COMPUTER! WHAT IS THE STATUS OF THE WINGS?!" I demanded to the computer.

*You have no access to-*

"TELL ME THE MOTHERFUCKING STATUS OF THE WINGS, DAMNIT!" I shouted in rage as I needed to act quickly.

*Severely damaged, sir.*

"WHAT'S NOT DAMAGED?!" I shouted as I was starting to panic.

*Air conditioning and emergency teleportation is fully operational.*

"Air condition- USE THE EMERGENCY TELEPORTATION SYSTEM TO THE RANGERS, NOW!" I ordered to the computer.

*I cannot, as it would be against my protocol to leave a human life in danger.*

"WHAT DO EVEN MEAN, MOTHERFUCKA?! THEY ARE HUMAN! HUUUUMAN!" I shouted to the ignorant and mad computer.

*The emergency teleportation system can only teleport five being only. As there are six beings, I cannot leave a human to-*

I shut down the damn thing with my sonic screwdriver and gained total control of the Megazord.

"W-what... A-are you doing?..." A tired and half conscious voice calls out. I couldn't tell who it was that spoke since all the wind blocked my sense of hearing.

"Saving your asses." I switched on the emergency teleportation systems. Soon the five rangers disappeared to existence. I sighed.

I stared at the still alive Kaiju. I had an idea.

"Just in case..." I motioned the Megazord to the Kaiju. I moved the remaining other arm to point downwards, and activated the armblades.

Still, I didn't gave a shit what happened next.

After all, I did just killed a Kaiju and took it down with me.

And finally, all went black.


The Megazord crashed at the Kaiju like a meteorite. It covered the whole sea in a red ball of fire and exploded in the distance, where the rangers woke up to see Mark missing.

Mia cried at Mark's sacrifice. They knew that the emergency teleportation system could only teleport them in a distance. But not another.

They each took off their helmets and mourned at the loss and sacrifice of Mark.


"Not one of my flashiest kills, I can say that..." I mused, rating the explosion... A 7 out of 10.

The Rangers looked at me in shock, disbelief, and dumbfoundedness (Idk if that's a word) as I was unfortunately alive.

How did I get out of there, you may ask?

[AN: You did it by the power of bullshittery.]

I could even imagine him deadpanning. "But it only works with your help~" I replied back, planted a troll grin on my face.

[AN: Just shut up.]

Hah. I smirked in victory. Unfortunately, my victory went short as the rangers ran towards me.

Aaaand I was landed with bone-crushing hugs.

What a day.

[AN: Please review.]