A Basic Explanation of How the Multiverse Works

What a day.

After I said goodbye [AN: He did no such thing. He telled them to 'kindly' fuck off.] to the Rangers, I was again transported to the empty darkness.

Several minutes passed as I eventually went bored.

I asked to the author. "We can 'talk' to the viewers, right?" I emphasized the 'talk' part as in, really just talking to them, not conversing with them. A one-way conversation.

[AN: Sort of. I think most of them are a bit confused on how the multiverse and realities work around here.]

"Yeah, I can tell it's a bit different." I mused, putting my hand on my chin, doing the 'thinking man' pose.

[AN: Why do you explain it?]

"I... suppose why not? I'm bored out here, ready to explain how the goddang multiverse works, and maybe classified as a maniac by talking with non-existent viewers and an omnipotent being of writing. Yeah, that'll get me to the loony bin faster than anyone can say 'multiverse'." I sarcastically commented. For some reason, I'd think I've used this joke before...

Nevermind, I'll start talking 'en explain'n...

"The concept of the multiverse is basically multiple universes, including parallel universes, different timelines, AUs, and more. But I know that some of yers' know how multiverses work, so I won't be bothered to explain them..." I lazily said, rubbing my head from the headaches of the multiverse.

"But now, how about... Different realities?..." I emphasized the different topic of realities.

"Ya see, different realities are very complicated. I'mma gonna sum it up as basic as I can, and explain the concept of realities." I turned a bit seriously on my explanation.

"There's different types of realities. Including Live-Action, Novelisation, Video Game, Anime, Manga, Movie, Animation, TV-Show, and last but not least, Fan-Fiction." I explained the different types. They were all unique and deadly in their bullfuckery reasons... I know.

"In each type of reality, they follow rules and laws they have similiarities and differeneces. Let's start to about the Live-Action reality. Like the real-world, where you viewers live in, follows strict rules and laws that this reality is set in. It follows the law of physics and the rules of the universe and etc. However, it does not allow supernatural things like magic, Very advanced technology (e.g. Mechas, Jaegers, Nano-Tech), fictional energy sources (e.g. Arc Reactor, Infinity Stones, Mana, Root) to exist in the Live-Action reality. An example of a world in this type of reality can be Mission: Impossible, John Wick, and Bohemian Rhapsody (Although it is masterpiece and based on real life). Meaning I can't use anything fictional or supernatural in this type of reality." I explained throughly.

"The last reality that I travelled in, which was the Power Rangers universe, was a TV-Show type reality. Similar to the Live-Action reality, but with less supernatural powers. Basically, low budget special effects... Something like my nano-suit from Marvel would've solved that conflinct of the Kaiju, but, due to its high budget, it would've deemed it useless. Also, another thing for magic, is that most of them came from the Anime/Manga realities, I couldn't use them if I tried. While this TV-Show reality, allows supernatural things to exist, but for some reason, it didn't work. Not that I tried, I forgot I had this ability... Or I had this tech." I confessed, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"Not that it would matter, it still wouldn't help the situation I was in..." I muttered.

"Anyway, Novelisation and Video Game is sort of hard to explain, so I'll get that to that later. Anime and Manga realities are simply nonsense. Anime logic, cliches, and pure bullshittery are so obvious that I have a hard time adjusting my life in it..." I shuddered. I tried to repress the painful, obnoxious, memories I had experienced in the reality of anime.

"Speaking of hard times, this reality I'm standing on is a Fan-Fic type! Since this dark, empty, lonely, world of darkness is the product of the author, who writes fanfic, and can be counted as a Fan-Fic type world." I pointed at the ground(?).

[AN: You got that right. Wait, we've classified that the Power Rangers are non-canon and original. Since TV-Shows are literally based on real life TV shows, what does that make that world? It's not based on real life...]

I hummed. "That's a difficult question. You can say that the Power Ranger world that I've been in, can be counted as a parallel world, but it is not based on the real world. It's... A bit of a mystery..." I mused.

There was a moment of silence in the empty darkness.

[AN: Okay, before I send you to the next world, can you explain the concept of Video Game reality?]

I waited for a moment of decision and finally decided. "Video Game reality is basically Video Game worlds. FPS, Mobile, and Multiplayer. It's mostly based on RPGs, like: "Undertale", "Deltarune", "Fire Emblem", "Pokemon", and "Halo" because it has a plotline." I explained. I calmly tried to explain and- Wait, what about the Power Ranger world that I left?! Doesn't it have to deal with more Kaijus and Enemies and shit?!

[AN: Don't worry, they got out fine. They made a Jaeger sized Megazord and everything.]

Phew... I thought I had to deal with that again...? Why am I forgetting stuff?

I just heard that my deed was done on the Power Ranger world, and I was panicking about going back. The author specifically said that I was going to my next unfortunate world. Why was I changing topics to Power Rangers, to the concept of Realities?...

[AN: Ooops, writing errors.]

I deadpanned at the author. Seriously? Doing this will lose viewers from your weird style of writing.

[AN: Adds more content. And character between you and I.]

You're walking in a thin line, author. That's some risky shit you're pulling.

[AN: I really don't care... Much.]

'That's going to bite back to his ass...' I sweatdropped as I thought grimmly as I may or may not predicted his downfall.

Aaaaand I was in my butt on the grass and dirt. The hell?

I blocked the blinding light from the sun with my arm. The smell of nature filled my senses, as I found out I was in an unknown forest. Wind was waving my blazer as it flown.

Standing up with a grunt, I searched my surroundings on where the hell I was. I was in a forest with green fresh colour palettes.

Humming, I pressed my hands on my hips. If you're lost in a forest, search for any civilization!

I walked towards a random tree and climbed on it. Reaching to the top, there were so many goddamn trees. SO MANY TREES. Sadly, I didn't search any place for civilization. There was a big mountain far, far, far away, but it would've give me a higher view, and thus find civilization.

I jumped down from the top of the tree.



It was soooo painful. Having 5 Billion years of memories might've given the person a lot of pain tolerance, which it did, but in some situations, it STILL HURT LIKE A BITCH.

I groaned silently from the pain and the prevention of any hostile animals, I realised there were no fractures or an internal injury on my legs, and I was just being a whiny bitch that my legs hurt. I grit my teeth. Walk it off, Mark. Walk it off..

I lifted myself off from the ground, seeing a broken branch from my feet were. I deadpanned and began walking to the direction of the mountain.


After many hours, I still hadn't gotten close from the mountain. I soon gave up and decided to camp instead of walking pointlessly. The sun was getting down, and it was getting darker.

I climbed a random tree again and rested my body on a branch. I was a fast and adaptable sleeper, due to the Blessing of Morpheus kicking in the effects. Even without it, I was still a quick sleeper.

I wondered if any of my powers still existed in this world. I didn't know what type was this reality, and I intended to find out.

Chakra? Nope. Didn't make a Rasengan or anything.

Reiatsu? Nope. Didn't hear a sarcastic and dark voice in my head. Ow! My head!

Quirk? Nope. Wasn't going to full on cowling anyone.

Magic, 'Kinsises, Spider Senses, Asgardian Power, Super Serum, Gamma Power, Psychic Ablities, Alien Biology, Super Speed, and Super Powers? Nope.

Soul Ring? Nope. I sighed in relief. I wasn't going to deal with those arrogant characters...

Demi-God powers? Nope. No lightning, water, or dead powers on my side.

Devil Fruit? Nope. I experiemented my body. It was very normal.

Devil Powers? Nope. I didn't know how to confirm that, as I didn't feel any demonic energy from me body.

Gallifreyan/Time Lord Biology? I kind of have to kill myself to know that, and I wasn't risking it, so... I don't know.

Persona? Nope. Didn't hear an another voice calling out to my side saying in an ancient accent.

The Force? Nope. I felt like an idiot when I thrusted my hand to air. Nothing came out.

Aura and Semblances? Nope. If it did exist, I would've sensed any Grimm or any Huntsmen around the area. But no luck.

Gamer System or something similar? Nope. I called out any Game System I remembered, but to no avail.

Stand Power? I didn't know. You had to be stabbed in the neck with a special arrow in order to do that. Sadly, I did not have any Stand Arrows.

So that leaves me with many conclusions. None were very close on what power I had. I had only my experiences, sharpened senses, and my clothes and stuff.

Feeling very bored, I pulled out my Iphone 6 and played Tetris. The day had fallen, and the night rose. The sound of insects and nature filled the forest.

I closed my Iphone 6 and put it away in my blazer. My eyelids were getting heavy as time passed. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Not noticing a huge shadow covering where I was.

Because it was night time. Shadows can't be seen in night time...


I woke from an unknown reason. I was still on the tree, thank god I wasn't kidnapped, but I felt a sudden odd weight on my upper body. I looked down.

Toxic green, with a bit of a nature green scales was what I spotted. A large long green snake curled on my shoulders and neck, and slept peacefully.

I blinked once, no, twice and realised that a green snake was indeed resting on me. As if on cue, it sensed that I was awake and blinked from its sleep. Red glowing snake eyes met brown human eyes.

For a moment, the both of us did nothing except staring down to each of our eyes. The snake's red eyes shown curiousity and intelligence. Then later realisation, fear, and shock.

I deadpanned and continued to sleep. If it wasn't going to attack, then I'd assume it was safe. It could've killed me when I was sleeping, but it didn't.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

I drifted to sleep once more.


The Mysterious Poisonous Jade Snake was dumbfounded. It blinked it's blood red eyes again and saw that the human was still sleeping.

Out of the humans who had tried to kill her for power, this one did not. He did not became surprised, shocked, or even afraid. She did not smell a hint of fear from the human.

Instead, his eyes represented a very tired man who didn't care about anything. He continued to sleep peacefully.

How did she even... Sleep with the human in the first place? She would've attacked the unsuspecting human and striked down with her poisonous fangs!

But she did not. Instead, she felt tired, and comfortably curled around the sleeping human and slept soundly for unknown reasons.

Even she felt stupid trying to sleep with the human. But her instincts told her it was somehow safe.

Now, she was very confused on why the human slept again. She realised. She understood the arrogant human was full of power and that he underestimated and treated the snake as an insect.

How are he! She was the feared Mysterious Poisonous Jade Snake! Not some insect to be treated by this arrogant human! Enraged, she pulled her body to strike against the arrogant human.

She will strike fear and venom to this stupid arrogant human!

Her poisonous fangs striked into the human's neck.

[AN: Please review.]