"Well, now you have a master now. Can I call you Lao?" Mark asked. Xiao Yan's master, Yao Lao raised an eyebrow and shrugged.
"You are not my student, but you must respect your elders, young man. You are Mark, the adopted son of the Xiao Family, and friend to my apprentice, right?" He asked. Mark nodded. Xiao Yan wondered and put two and two together. Well, if you put it that way...
"Aren't you, like, over billions of years old, Mark? By default, Mark is older than master..." He said. Yao Lao looked at him, then to Mark.
Yao Lao chuckled awkwardly. "You can't be serious... You are not older than billions... Right?..." He asked, unsure of himself.
"I'm currently 5.67 Billion year-old. Though I'm not really sure, to be honest..." Mark said. Yao Lao dropped his jaw in shock.
Mark eventually explained his tragic backstory, and how he travels the multiverse forcibly for unknown reasons, and how the two of them came from Earth.
Yao Lao thought hard about this new knowledge. He sighed.
"Yes." He suddenly said, confusing both the humans from Earth.
"You can call me Lao. I don't know why you shorten names for any reason, but by default, I should respect my elders... Although you do not act like it, for come reason..." Lao sighed as he gave up trying to understand.
"Though, how did you beat almost half of the Xiao Sect with the Second Rank? Although, it is impossible to beat higher ranking Dou-Qi warriors with a low rank... Yet, you did." Lao asked as he was curious on how Mark beat almost half of the Sect.
"Now that you should mention it, how did you do that?..." Yan asked as he, too, was curious on how Mark achieved supernatural abilities with nothing but the Second Rank.
Hoo boy.
I cracked my neck as I prepared myself in explanation time.
"The thing is, I have a special unique ability that no one but myself has... I learnt that I can control, sense, and see Dou-Qi." I explained. Both Yan and Lao were confused. I sighed when they didn't get it.
"That does not explain how you can perform supernatural abilities, Mark. Everyone can control Dou-Qi by cultivating and using it to their own benefit." Lao said.
"I know. But mine goes waaaaayyyy deeper than I thought it would." Lao and Yan were still confused on what I was talking about.
"Okay, let's first start off with Dou-Qi. Dou-Qi... is everywhere. The grass, the earth, the trees, our bodies, and almost everywhere." Lao raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Yes, Dou-Qi can be found in our bodies and Dou-Qi beasts. But others living things, like trees, grass, and earth? It's not possible. Living beings like humans and beasts have the ability to create Dou-Qi, by mixing Spiritual and Physical Energy. A tree can't have Dou-Qi unless it is stored or given. Otherwise, it would be just a normal tree." Lao explained.
"That's what YOU guys think. That tree over there has Dou-Qi, but it is hidden through an amount that can't be seen." I pointed at a random tree, sensing faint traces of natural Dou-Qi inside.
"You guys (Humans from Dou-Qi Continent) cannot see the Dou-Qi from the grass, trees, and little lifeforms in everywhere because you have not expanded your senses of sight of Dou-Qi. More, you did not unlock the true sight of Dou-Qi." I explained.
"While I did." My eyes glowed in burning red flames of my Dou-Qi. I saw everything. The Dou-Qi coils inside Yan's body, and the Dou-Qi body that Lao had. I saw faint traces of Dou Qi from the grass, trees, and the little life forms inside the earth.
[AN: Basically what he saw in a leaf, was he saw the leaf's stems and veins glow as they did photosynthesis, and absorbed the solar energy from the sun and turning it into Dou-Qi energy and oxygen from water and carbon dioxide.]
[AN: It's basically the Byakugan, but more clearer.]
"Wait, you're saying that trees can create natural Dou-Qi?!" Yan said, as he remembered from the science lessons he'd ignored, but studied as plants had life and how they photosynthesized.
"Yes, in a basic sense. I don't think anyone in the Dou-Qi continent has achieved true abilities in sensing the natural Dou-Qi in everyday lifeforms." I nodded. Lao still looked confused as hell.
"Wait, what?! This is the first time I've heard this before! Trees creating natural Dou-Qi? That's..." He exclaimed as he was confused as if his whole life didn't achieved enough knowledge.
"From what I can tell, there are two major types of Dou-Qi. Natural Dou-Qi, which comes from nature... And the normal Dou-Qi that comes from humans and beasts alike. Maybe you guys don't see the difference in Natural Dou-Qi and Normal Dou-Qi, so far that you didn't even notice. That's my theory." I explained, further shocking Yao Lao as his eyes grew wide.
"After all these years, I thought I had learnt everything... And yet, you discovered a new phenomenon just from 6 months... You truly are a genius than I am." Lao said in awe.
"I'm not a genius. I lived over 5.67 Billion years, remember? I just eventually grew curious about the world. I just spotted the differences and analysed." I tapped my head.
"That still doesn't explain how you lifted me up without using any skills." Yan said, and I remembered the experience when I unconsciously force-choked Yan.
"I can control Dou-Qi, right? It means that I could move Dou-Qi from my mind. It's like this: I can move a rock that has stored Dou-Qi by controlling the movement from the 'Dou-Qi' part, not the 'rock' part." I explained. Yan still was confused, and Lao did not have any idea what the hell I was talking about.
I sighed. "Y'know, psychokinesis? The stuff from Sci-Fi? Where you can move objects with your mind without touching? It's something similar like that, but I can only move and manipulate Dou-Qi without touching from my mind." I explained. Cue the jaw drops from the student and the teacher. It seemed like I was the teacher here, and these guys were my students...
"You can move Dou-Qi without even touching?!" Lao shouted in awe.
"You can manipulate Dou-Qi by not even touching?!" Yan shouted in awe.
I nodded. "Indeed, I can move anything from a five-metre radius around myself. Since the (Dou Qi Continent type) human body is genetically made from both blood and parental Dou-Qi (means that humans from 'Dou Qi Continent' is part-human, part Dou-Qi), and I manipulated the Dou-Qi near and inside your neck to stop your windpipes from breathing, and held you up from the neck." I explained, on how I did my 'force choke' on Yan. Yan paled as he remembered the moments.
"Then... You have the most versatile combat skill in almost everywhere! If what you say is true, then almost all of the Dou-Qi skills can be possibly blocked or redirected!" Lao realised how powerful and broken my abilities were.
"But there's more. I can block or share the flow of Dou-Qi of a person's body, deeming them useless." I stated, shocking both of them.
"To restrict a person's Dou-Qi flow in their body, is the same for the person can never use their Dou-Qi again..." Lao stated, eyes wide and shocked beyond belief.
"But there's a downside for that. I can't completely block a person's Dou-Qi. I can only do it temporary, like 5 - 12 minutes. If the Dou-Qi flow is stronger than my control, my ability to block their Dou-Qi would be useless as I can't block their Dou-Qi..." I explained.
"Then... Why not expand your rank? Wouldn't you have gotten a good chance to block a Dou Huang's (Dou Emperor) Dou-Qi flow?..." Yan suggested.
"I would've, but I can't. I tried everything that I could expand my Dou-Qi rank, and so far it has gotten me nothing... Second Rank is all I've got." I shrugged.
"I could. I know much about ranking up a person's Dou Qi if properly maintained and could help you rank up to even the Seventh Stage." Lao suggested suddenly. I raised an eyebrow. Why did he want to help me in the first place? Wouldn't it given him nothing in return?...
"Why? Is it something that I have that you want in return?" I asked, that Yao Lao would not have helped anyone with no reason, as he helped Xiao Yan because he had no choice and it was simply 'destiny' that he thought upon.
"You catch on quick. I wanted to know more as my eyes were opened... With your research and knowledge, I could expand my boundaries of Dou Qi once more as I did!" Lao stated as his eyes relighted with determination.
"Why? For power?" I asked, hiding my suspicion and distrust as I thought Yao Lao was another megalomaniac in lust for power...
"For curiousity. I just want to explore the vast world that we live in, and knowing more about your knowledge will make me certainly powerful for good reasons." He explained. I hid a frown.
"What good reasons?" I asked.
"Reasons for defending and ending grudges from other powerful foes of mine that lust for power... Namely, mine." He answered aimlessly. I scoffed.
"Even if you managed to be powerful and ended grudges from powerful foes, what then? Will you continue to gain more power than others? When you killed off every opposing foe that threatens your life, what will you with your life then?" I asked. Both Yao Lao and Xiao Yan went silent as Lao had no answer.
"Just like every other children, afraid and confused in history, Lao, you don't actually know what you want. You ignore this in the back of your mind, by going with the flow what life hits at you. You know why? It's because you're too afraid that you don't have the answer." I replied, as Yao Lao flinched from this.
"I understand that you want to become more powerful. This world has only one rule: 'The weak shall be ruled by the strong'... You're afraid that your life will be controlled from someone else." I answered as he widened his eyes complete shock as I was correct.
"You don't like that. Hell, anyone in their right minds don't like that fucking shit! So what does everyone do? They cast and repress their emotions of being and becoming weak, and decide their life is not for their someone else's choosing, but their own." I explained, as notable examples were Na-Lan Yan-Ran.
"In that time, they lie to themselves. They lie to themselves as they did not want the cold harsh bullshit that is called: The Truth. Truth that they are weak. When they face this truth, they have no choice to either struggle as they continue lying to themseleves in denial by bargaining and anger, or just simply accept the harsh reality that they live in..." I explained as I referred to the five stages of grief.
"What you are speaking is NONSENSE!" Yao Lao flared his Essence Flame. Xiao Yan backed away in fear as his master, no, Yao Lao wasn't himself anymore. But the flames did not burn me.
'Denial.' I thought as this was the first stages of grief.
"I should have never have listened to a maniac like you! All of your words are nonsense! How do you even know WHO. I. AM?!" He spat back every word with hatred. He flared his Essence Flame in rage as flames burned with fiery rage. Yao Lao did not care for his newly made student, as I stopped the raging flames from incinerating Xiao Yan with my ability.
'Anger.' The second stages of grief. The Essence Flame did not touch me, as the flames slowly died out from my intervention.
"No, no, no, no, NO! This can't be happening! I AM YAO LAO! MASTER OF ALCHEMY, AND CULTIVATION OF DOU QI!" He went to denial and rage. He realised his flames were slowly dying from my intervention. He glared at me with icy hate.
"I WILL NOT BE BESTED BY A MERE CHILD!" He flared his Dou-Qi as flames raged on brighter. This time, the flames managed to slightly burn Xiao Yan. He screamed in pain as he felt the icy flames of an Essence Flame. I grit my teeth as I levitated Yan and pulled him away from the fight.
It was me and Yao Lao now.
"YOU WILL DIE! I WILL NOT HEAR A SINGLE WORD OF EVIL FROM YOU!" He shouted as he fired a concentrated beam of continuious Essence Flame. I struggled as I blocked the icy blue flames from burning me.
I grit my teeth. "IF THAT'S HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY, THEN FINE! YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!" I shouted back, as there was no turning back.
Sparks of lightning appeared on my palms as I focused them on the center of my hands. I imagined to combine the positive energy and the negative energy to together to create: Lightning.
"SITH LIGHTNING, BITCH!" I shouted as I unleashed a maelstorm of red heavy lightning from my palms to counter the Essence Flame.
A battle of Chilling Bone Flame and Red Hot Cosmic Lightning enveloped the area. For a moment, Yao Lao widened his eyes as his Essence Flame were driven out from the red lightning.
Soon, the cosmic red lightning contacted with Yao Lao, as he screamed in pain as red lightning burned his insides, feeling the pain of turning into ashes.
I severed my concentration of positive and negative energy and choked Yao Lao.
"Go back to where you came from, and think about your actions!" I sealed him back inside the ring once more. I breathed heavily as Xiao Yan ran to the ended fight.
"What happened to master?! Mark, what happened?!" He asked me in concern for his master and myself. I pointed to the ring to where he was sealed. Soon, I could hear Lao's thoughts.
'This can't be true!'
'I don't want to die!'
'Help me, someone!'
'I know what I've done! Let me go!'
'Bargaining.' I thought, the third stage of grief showed signs Yao Lao of this. Later his feelings and emotions changed.
'Hah... I've been beaten by a mere child... Yao Lao, you've became a loser...'
'What he said was truly right... I am weak...'
'This... is my fate... how sad... and worthless it is...'
'Depression...' The fourth stage of grief...
'This is my only fate... Nothing. No hope, just despair...'
'And lastly, Acceptance.' I thought to myself. It was a cruel and digusting way to even make a dangerous person truly harmless. I did this by sharing my pure emotions of grief and flooding his own mind with it. Soon, my seal let go in time as Yao Lao's spirit broke out.
"You... were right... Every word that you said, was truely right... I lied to myself because I was afraid. Afraid at everything... I hid away from the harsh truths and continued to lie myself that everything was fine..." He spoke in sadness and the harsh reality that he lived in. Even though he was injured by his own master, Xiao Yan looked at Yao Lao in sympathy. I said nothing.
"Heh... Here I am, defeated by a mere child... Is this where my life ends?... How pitful..." He shed a small tear in sadness.
"Don't you dare take the easy way out. Don't you even dare..." I warned. He stared at me in shock.
"Why would you... Care for someone hopeless as me?... I hurt my student, and I harmed you in my anger..." He spoke.
"I know. But I know how that feels. To meet the short end of the stick... Death doesn't help, as it is a mercy to end it all... But a stupid choice nonetheless." I replied, shocking Lao.
"You have met death before?..." He asked, shocked.
"Yeah... It wasn't a pleasent surprise. Believe me when I say this. I have died more than my goddamn age than I could even count." I confessed, as I tried to forget all my deaths. The goddamn thing in my mind that F gave me was really useful sometimes...
"There's more to it to the eyes in life. There's the little things that really matter. Some can help fix a broken heart and a life." I advised.
"What are you saying?... Are you saying that I shouldn't waste my life?..." He asked.
"I'm suggesting. Dying right now would be a coward's way to die. Live your life to your fullest pontential, as you truly decide when to die." I said.
"You would not forgive me of actions! What I just did was-"
"You're all the same, you screaming kids, you know that? 'Look at me, I'm unforgivable.' Well here's the unforeseeable... I forgive you." I said honestly, shocking to the core of Yao Lao.
"After all you've done. I forgive you... As a good man knows how to forgive, but a great man truly forgives... So I forgive you..." I said. Tears came out from the older man's eyes as he wept in forgiveness as he couldn't believe he was forgived by his actions.
I deadpanned as I patted the man's back (somehow) in saying to let all of his inner demons out.
Jesus Christ, when did I suddenly became a caretaker for these guys?...
As a moment passed as the three of us, (Me, Yao Lao, and Xiao Yan included) all forgave and forgotten about the incident.
"Was your real reason for saving both of us, anyway? Don't tell me it was 'I'm friends' bullshit. We both know you've been living long enough to be away from emotions..." Yan asked. He was right. In reality, I was cynical and selfish, as this was my real self as a human.
"To tell you the truth, I forgave Yao Lao from killing himself as that would've been a waste of life. He would've been my source of knowledge in the Dou-Qi Continent." I answered truthfully. Yao Lao looked shocked and shattered when knew the truth.
He stared at me with an unknown expression. "... I really hate you." He said honestly as he scoffed.
"That's what everyone says when they truely know me..." I mused. Yan looked at me back.
"What about me?" He asked.
"I'm basically your goddamn caretaker/butler to be honest. If you get killed, all will assume it was my fault, due to my reputation of 'secretly hating' you." I explained as I used my fingers to emphasise.
"And I don't want the whole Xiao Family Sect, especially Xun-Er, to kick my ass." I shuddered in genuine fear as Xun-Er was terrifying on her own rights. She was in another level of yandare...
Then I heard snickers from both Yan and Lao.
"T-the fucking dude who shot red lightning out of his palms is actually scared of Xun-Er!... What the fuck!..." Yan tried to hold his laugh from the world-breaking fact that simply baffled him but failed as he laughed loudly from the irony. A vein throbbed on my temples.
"The child who beat me is scared of a girl?.... The truth is certainly weirder than fiction!" Lao joined in the snicker as my paitience enventually broke out.
"YOU F^%$^%G!!-"
I fell down in front of them like an idiot. My Second Rank Dou-Qi ran out as I was tired. This made laugh harder.
"WHY THE F&(K ARE YOU LAUGHING?! F*&K BOTH OF YOU!" I shouted annoyance as I glared them in hate.
"What you're gonna do, shoot at me?" Yan replied that comment for no reason.
'Lightbulb...' I thought.
"Holy SHIT HE'S GOT A GUN!" Xiao Yan ran fast as he could from Mark's bullets.
"cOmE bAcK hErE, yAn~" Mark shout back as shot from his Desert Eagle that he casted.
"Sucks to be you~" Yao Lao, his new master commented. Suddenly a bullet hit him in the face and knocked him out.
"Karma-ed." He smirked, as he ran away from his enraged younger brother.
Xiao Yan simply went with the flow as his new crazy and more interesting life began.
[AN: Please review. *BANG* WTF?! *BANG BANG BANG* AHHHH!!!!]