Elixirs and Explosions...

'DO NOT DISTURB' The sign said.

"Why is this sign outside the Young Master's room?..." A random servant No.1 walked pass as he noticed the sign.

"It means to keep off others... I think." Another random No.2 servant said.

"But 'weird noises' are coming from inside the Young Master's room..." The random servant No.3 said in confusion.

"I later saw Xiao Mark (he changed his name) go inside the Young Master's room! Do you think that Mark is... doing whatever he does?..." The random servant No.1 asked. The random servant No.2 and No.3 shrugged as they walked passed the Young Master's room.


"Xiao Yan Zi, watch closely!" Lao said to Yan as he moved one of the plant-type ingredients to his Essense Flame. The ingredient melted as it contacted the Essense Flame...?

How did an organic material just turned into a liquid, when it didn't burned into ashes?...

"Is the power of a receptarier?..." Yan asked in awe and shock. I formed several theories in my mind as to why the plant material turned into a liquid when in contact with the flame...

"Look here!" Lao said as he melted different ingredients into the Essense Flame into one floating liquid.

"Cool... If I became a Receptarier, would I be able to do that to?" Yan asked in awe.

"To be Receptarier, talent is necessary, but you, have outstanding spirit sense to become one! And Mark has... Lots of it." Lao explained. My mastered abilities from Bleach gives me enough experience on spirits, although I can't use any reiastsu in this world... Or my zanpakuto.

He's still a gloomy, edgy, asshole though.


"Though, to make elixirs, the most important part is controlling the flame. Different materials need different flames. One mistake, and everything is ruined." Lao explained.

"And since an Essense Flame bypasses the 'different type of flames for different materials' problem because it is a unique flame that is higher than any other flames, and thus the Essense Flame is very useful for cultivating, right?" I deducted. Lao smirked.

"You catch on quick. Though, spirit sense makes subtle changes between the flame and the raw material, makes it easier! So, good spirit sense control is required." Lao explained as I sensed the bundle of flames and raw material forming into something powerful.

"Ah..." Yan said, speechless. I saw the burning spectacle watch in front of me. It was like potions making, but with more magic.

"So to even become a Receptarier, you must at least control one type of flame!" Lao explained. I nodded as I added another mental note on my mind.

"And I didn't understand anything!..." Yan confessed. Cue the faceplant to the ground from me. Lao sweatdropped. I forgot the MC of each story is sometimes an idiot, or an edgy psychopath or whatever. Xiao Yan fell into the 'idiot' catagory.

"I guess it's too early for you... Just watch!" Lao hovered the Monster Core to the flames, and it melted into a state of liquid just like the others.

If it could be melted down into a liquid, this gave me some good news and some bad news to my future projects...

"The core... Just melted?..." Yan replied in awe. Lao mixed the mixture and the melted down Monster Core together, and puts inside an empty vial.

"The elixir of foundation spirits is done. Use it!" Lao said to Yan. But I didn't knew what it was used for.

"Ah?" Yan suddenly grabs the vial and opens his mouth. Both of our eyes widened in surprise and shock. I grab the vial out of his hands before he could drink it.

"Don't drink it, you moron!" Both Lao and I yelled at the confused Yan. He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Isn't it for drinking?" Yan asked confusedly. I slapped my face with my hand.

"You may drink it if you want to die! All of your vitals will explode if you drink it!" Lao explained. So I was wise enough to take the vial away from him... No one drinks a powerful vial full of Dou-Qi to a normal body. The body will definitely explode from the foreign powerful vial.

The body's like a glass cup, and the vial is like hot boiling water. If you seal it, the cup will explode from the pressure of the water. Or something.

I gave back the vial to Yan. "Then, how do you use this stuff?" He asked.

"You pour in water and train in it." Lao explained. So it's like a superpower bath...

"What good would that do? Smoothen my skin?" Yan sarcastically commented. Lao slapped the back of his head in annoyance. I groaned as he didn't believe his master that much.

"Stop talking back and just do it! With this, you can get to the Seventh stage in 1 year!" Lao explained how effective the vial was. Yan widened his eyes, as I raised an eybrow. Seventh stage in one year? You can get that from those materials?...

"Seventh stage?!" Yan said in surprise. Yes, Yan. You did not heard it wrong...

"Why would I lie? Go get some hot water! Oh, yeah. This will only lasts for 2 months, afterwards you will need more materials again." Lao explained. Ah, that explains much. Only lasts for 2 months from those low-grade materials, it makes sense...

"Eh?! That's going to cost a lot!" Yan complained. I narrowed my eyes. Xun-Er's budget isn't unlimited, but we need to obtain some money.

"Stop complaining... We'll deal with the money. You get the water, while I talk with Lao." I said, and he groaned.

"Why are you not helping?!" He retorted as he pointed a finger at me. I scoffed in response.

"The MC's way to the strongest cannot be solved with shortcuts. Deal with some hardship, or you'll be lazy. Lazy isn't good, because you have to work your ass off to get through there. Use Maxium Effort, dumbass!" I replied in response. He groaned as he gave up and left the room for some water. I turned to Lao.

"What do you want to talk about?" Lao asked to me.

"Monster Cores. There isn't much to talk about, but I need your help on my projects." I answered. Lao turned curious.

"Projects? What are they?" Lao asked in curiousity. I gestured my hand in a 'so-so'.

"Nothing too much, not to the extent of mass production... That would be troublesome, it's like sending guns to arrogant psychopaths... I wouldn't be forward of seeing that. But more like lightsabers and stuff..." I stared at the other Wood Grade Monster Core. It was small, but the size itself was perfect for a suitable replacement for my kyber (lightsaber) crystal.

"Light... Sa-vers?... What are they?..." Lao asked as he was confused. Oh, yeah... He didn't came from Earth, and didn't watch Star Wars...

"I'll show you later. I've got a video of the Complete Saga of Star Wars on my Iphone 6. You'll see that, I guess..." I explained, making Lao more confused than before.

"Star Wars?... I-phones?... What do these terms mean? Are these your 'Earth' terms?..." Lao asked. I nodded as he was going to experience one of the greatest classics of Movie History.

[AN: Damn right!]

But excluding Episodes 8 & 9... Those were a bit weird. But Episode 7 was decent and a bit interesting, I'll admit.

Lao pondered in thought as I studied the Monster Core. However, I looked deeper inside the Core with Dou-Qi eyes. There was a foreign substance, out of the Dou-Qi world... It was a crystal, but it was so tiny that it almost couldn't be seen by me. I sensed inside the crystal. I soon found more inside...

But it was something... Familiar. I delved deeper to the crystal.

Something... Full of life..... The Force...?

It came from the stars... Where snow rained everyday... An icy world... A planet, maybe?

'Ilum.' I thought in shock.

But that was impossible. Space travel couldn't exist in this time, but there were tiny kyber crystals inside the Monster Core...

Who was it that sent me this?...


The shopkeeper who selled the Wood Type Monster Core to Xiao Yan cackled as he counted his money. 470 gold! That would buy him some food... He suddenly grabbed his face.

And ripped it out of his face...? To reveal another smiling face?!

[AN: F?!]

"In the flesh, Author!" F replied as he smiled and held his gold coins.

[AN: What did you do?...]

He shrugged casually. "Nothing much, just did the ole' switch-a-roo to the rich dude's (Jia-Lie Ao) stuff. Put Mark's kyber crystal fragments and everything!" He answered.

[AN: Why?...]

He pouted. "You can't get a kyber crystal in here, Author! Sure, krayt dragon pearls from Tatooine can be also used for alternative replacements for kyber crystals... But all of the Monster Cores cannot be used on lightsabers! It would just explode!" He explained in mock-anger.

He continued his explanation. "I just saved Mark from an explosion, helped him on his way to becoming a Dark Lord of the Sith again, gave a discount to the MC, and I gave Mark some 'random' scrap metal so he could build stuff, and helped on Character Development entirely! I deserve a reward, thank you!" He puffed his cheeks in anime. He just did it because he wanted to.

[AN: Sigh. You have a point there... Fine, 20% discount on Anime and Manga.]


[AN: 20%. Why are you going up?]


[AN: 20%, why are going-]

"1000%! DETROIT! SMASH!!!"

[AN: What the hell are you-]

"1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash!!!!!!" He punched at the 4th Wall.

[AN: That's not going to- WHOA! Did you just punch through my screen?!]


[AN: Stop grabbing my neck. SLAP! Begone, weeb!]


[AN: Jesus Chirst, I'll give you a 50% discount! Deal or No Deal!]

"DEAL! TSUBARASHI!!!!!" He jumped inside the hole of the 4th Wall.


*Cue cackling from F as holds Author's stash, running for his life*







I sensed a massive disturbance to the force... F put my destroyed pieces of my original kyber crystal inside the Monster Core, didn't he? Although it is mircoscopic...

Well, it doesn't matter. If it works, then don't fix it.

Yan came back to the room with a sudden determinated look. Why?... Did someone tell him, like F, told him he was just a product of fictional novels and shit?


*No, I did not. It would ultimately f-word the universe into oblivion.*



[AN: Give me back my stuff, you weeb! You're going to sell my stuff for fucking V-bucks! YOU FUCK!]




There it was again. The disturbance... Now I'm concerned...

"What took you so long?" Lao asked in desperation.

"Something happen?" I asked, curious about Yan's sudden determination.

"The Elders changed the cermony to six months, not one year. Old farts..." Yan answered. I blinked in surprise. Oh he got an encouragement.

"So we've got six months... Until you get to Seventh Stage... Let's do this..." I replied, giving myself to the main character's logic or bullshittery. Yan poured all of his warm water inside a tub, and chucked in the elixir inside.

Soon the water turned to glowing green light. It smelled of nature, power, and Dou-Qi.

"Are you sure this isn't pure toxic waste from biolabs?..." I asked, a bit unsure of the superpower giving fountain of Dou-Qi or whatever.

Lao didn't heard what I said. "What are you waiting for? Let's get started!" He said to Yan.

Yan underdressed to butt-naked and went inside the green tubby of toxic waste. I observed the 'experiment' and recorded all of the results from my useful note and pen.

Yan closed his eyes and crossed his legs and put his hands together like a meditation-like fashion inside the green tubby water like Lao told him to.

I saw with my Dou-Qi eyes (I really need to give this a new name) and saw Yan's body absorbing the energy from the tubby very quickly, and sensed Lao's emotions that were Curiousity and Awe. That meant Yan was a bit talented, I guessed.

Also, I can sense emotions with Dou-Qi? Just saying, whatever. I just waited until his body had gotten used to the energy cycle...


A week passed as Xiao Yan was secretly absorbing Dou-Qi from the tubby. I called Lao and Yan to my lab/workshop for my project.

"So, what do you want us for?" Yan asked as Lao was shaking from excitement.

"Are you finally creating the lightsabers?! Please tell me that you are!" Lao said in shining eyes. For some old as him, he still had his childish qualities...

"Wait, really?! YOU'RE MAKING THOSE LIGHTSABERS?!" Yan realised and gleamed his eyes in excitement. I sighed as I unleashed two Star Wars fans in the Dou-Qi Continent. What have I done?...

#Flashback Starts#

"So what is this 'Star Wars' do you speak of? Do stars really have wars?" Lao asked as he was curious. I set my Iphone 6 to Projector Mode (it was modified by Tony Stark, Lucius Fox, Hephaestus, The Doctor, W.D Gaster (AU, Good), Wizards and Aliens), and started Episode 1 of Star Wars.

"No, stars don't have wars. Maybe it's a space movie, a Sci-Fi movie from the looks of it... I think I've heard it before. Or maybe I forgot." Yan pondered in thought. He didn't know what Star Wars was.

"I guess this is what you guys are missing on. I'll nab some popcorn, while I'm on it." I left the makeshift theater room that had sound-proof walls and left the room for some popcorn.

Then I heard the trumpets before closing the door.

"Buh buh buh buuuuuuh! BAH bah buh buh BAAAAAAAH BAH bah buh buh BAAAAAAAH BAH bah bah buh buh~~~!"


"NOOO!!!!" Obi-Wan cried in despair as his master, Qui-Gon Jinn was impaled from the Sith.

"NOOO!!!!" Both the human and the spirit cried in despair as Qui-Gon Jinn was impaled. It was a movie, just a fictional product of entertainment, but it felt real as it was live-action. Said idiots accidently tipped over my popcorn. I grunted in annoyance as I moved away from the idiots.

I had a bad feeling about all of this...


Episode 2

The sounds of force lightning hit Anakin as it crashed him to a nearby wall. Lao and Yan winced as they remembered the Sith Lightning from me. They turned at me while I was sipping on some beverage.

"Why are you like those Siths? Those guys are evil, committing atrocities such as assassinating a princess! A kind, hard-working, beautiful princess that even lay down her pride for her country! That is a true princess!" Lao exclaimed as he unconsciouslly spat popcorn from his mouth. He was referring to Padme. I blocked the incoming popcorn with my white umbrella (that I made) and deadpanned at him.

"Do you want me to turn evil?... No?... Then please shut up and watch." I asked sarcastically. Lao and Yan widened their eyes and shut themselves up and continued to watch the movie.


Episode 3

Lao and Yan watched awe, bargaining, and sadness as they saw two friends, master and apprentice, Obi-Wan and Anakin battle in Mustarfar in a frightning lightsaber duel of skills.

"Anakin Skywalker had no choice..." Yan muttered in saddness.

"Damn the Sith..." Lao muttered as well.

I said nothing. I tried to forget my memories of Star Wars...


*Kuush Puhhrrrr*

The mechanical breathing sent shivers down both the spirit and the human's spines. Yan looked at me. I shrugged as I didn't knew the answer how I got the Darth Vader's breathing sounds.

"As my years of being a Receptarier, I've met many fearsome creatures. But Darth Vader is the scariest individual as well as the most tragic people I've ever met..." Lao spoke honestly. Yan nodded in agreement.

Anakin Skywalker killed his fellow Jedi comrades for his wife, although he had no choice, and his said wife was killed by him in his anger. He lost to his former master and paid the price of fire. Forcibly shoved into an almost metal body, he turned into Darth Vader...

"There's more. Though, I'll say that... It is old..." I spoke.


Episode 4

"Holy shit..." Yan said in awe.

"Took my words out of my mouth..." Lao spoke in also awe.

Episode 4 was edited to adding the fan-made YouTube video, "Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined". They were shock to see that Darth Vader and Obi-Wan finally met each other after the fateful duel in Mustarfar.

I nodded in agreement. It was genius to put this in the movie.


Episode 5

"I... Am your father." Darth Vader spoke to his son, Luke Skywalker.

"Damn, that line sends shivers down my spine..." Yan commented. Lao nodded in agreement as his eyes were glue to the projector screen.

They later complained about how 'inferior' the storyline of the first trilogy was to the original trilogy, which was much better.

I cleared all those thoughts when I first said the original trilogy came out first, and then the first trilogy last.

While it did answer to their 'inferior' question, all it came out was more questions. I told them to shut up and watch the movie.


Episode 6

"YES! YES! CHUCK THAT EVIL OLD MASTER OF YOURS TO THE REACTOR! DEW IT, ANAKIN!!!" Yan cheered, as Darth Vader, or Anakin Skywalker held up his Master, Darth Sidious to the reactor.

"DEW IT!" Lao shouted in excitement, as Anakin Skywalker yeeted the Emperor the Second Death Star's Reactor, causing the old vile man to burst into nothingness.

They all laughed as the evilest man they'd known from their first movie died from a yeet.

#Flashback Ends#

"I'm making a kyber crystal. Or something that is replaceable..." I replied as they all groaned in disapointment. They didn't know a kyber crystal was a lightsaber crystal...

Then Lao suddenly widened his eyes. "Wait, kyber crystals are lightsaber crystals, are they not?..." He looked at my neutral eyes.

"HE'S MAKING THOSE LIGHTSABERS!!!" He realised and cheered and threw his arms in the air. I sighed.

"Shut. Up. Let's get on with it, and make that lightsaber crystal..." I replied. They all silently cheered in excitement.

I brought my Monster Core to my palms. They leaned close to see what they were looking at.

"Isn't it... A monster core?..." Yan asked as he was confused.

"It is... Don't tell me you know how to make a lightsaber with this...!" Lao said in shock. I shook my head.

"No. I don't know I'll make another lightsaber with another Monster Core. This one is special, so I'll only can make one... Maybe two... Lao, I'll need your help. Let's make a fucking lightsaber..." I stated and they all nodded in complete agreement.


"So... Why do I have to wear this?..." Yan asked as he was wearing my makeshift protective fire-proof suit.

"You're the MC. If you die, then all hope is lost or something. This is a protective suit made of reinforced Dou-Qi metal that would block Dou-Qi attacks from a Dou Zhe (Dou Practitioner). The process is very dangerous, and it would have a chance of killing us all." I explained casually of our possible deaths. Yan widened his eyes in fear.

"Did you say that it could-" I shut him up by slamming the helmet on to his head.

"ANYWAYS, let us commence our experiment... Lao, you ready?" I asked to Lao who nodded in agreement.

"Yep!" He answered cheerfully.

"Let's do diss..." I levitated the Monster Core in front of me. Lao flared his palms with the Essense Flame and slowly melted the Monster Core.

"Good... Let's make it absorb to our Dou-Qi..." I said, as I imagined all the matter inside the Core change from the Dou-Qi. We stored our Dou-Qi inside the Core and continued to make it absorb it.

Lao melted down the Core into a round oval shape, while I kept on storing Dou-Qi. The crystal fragments of the kyber crystal grew from the Dou-Qi it was absorbing. Soon, we'll have multiple kyber crystals...

But suddenly, one of the crystals reacted and absorbed the other crystals... The same applied to the other crystals. It was like Agar.io. Soon, they all joined into one small crystal. Oh well, beggers can't be choosers...

However, it began to pulse with energy as I kept giving the Dou-Qi from the Essense Flame and my own.

Shit, it was going to explode as it was possibly going to evolve. I didn't heard of a kyber crystal evolving as such, but I hope so!

"Lao, keep giving it your Essense Flame, although its going to explode afterwards! I think it's going to evolve!" I replied to Lao.

"I'll be fine when it explodes. I'm a spirit, remember?" Lao said in confidence. I groaned.

"My Dou-Qi allows spiritual things to touch! Since my Dou-Qi is in the damn crystal, you'll be fucked!" I explained to him. Lao widened his eyes but kept giving more Essense Flame to the crystal.

The crystal pulsed again and again with energy until-


The energy burst explosion from the crystal sent all of us back from the force. I crashed to the pile of scrap metal. Yan crashed into my desk and broke it. Lao went through the stone wall.

"Owowowowow... Did it work?" Yan said in pain as he shoved a piece of timber out of his face. Lao popped his head from the stone wall.

"It worked alright! But..." I replied as I held the green kyber crystal in my palms. A piece of metal was stuck to the back of my head as I didn't felt the pain from it. Soon something liquid-ey came in contact on my head.

"Let's get you some medical help, first..." Yan hurriedly escorted me to my medical bay.


As a bandage was wrapped on my temples, I started to construct my lightsaber... The lightsaber was split into three parts: The emitter shroud, the crystal chamber, and the power source.

Since I couldn't get anything smaller that I could use my lightsaber as a power source, I used a power cable from the Arc Reactor made it as a proto-saber. The metal that I used were reinforced metal from Dou-Qi. Hopefully that would survive the lightsaber blade...

I constructed the necessary parts with my ability. Constructing a lightsaber with scraps is very hard, harder than making an Arc Reactor!

I remembered and checked every steps of making a lightsaber. Proto-sabers were no different than an ordinary lightsaber, because only their power sources were different... Small and Big.

Finally, I placed the kyber crystal inside the proto-saber with metal tweezers. I screwed in the metal screws and melted them down into a complete solid shape.

The proto-saber was complete...

"Is it done?..." Yan carefully asked as he hid his growing excitement, as did Lao.

In response, I activated the proto-saber as the emerald blade hissed into life. The sound, the lights, the colours were similar of to the movie, but only more realistic as the emerald blade of pure plasma shone brightly.

It was the same feeling that I'd felt as a Jedi again.

"C-can... Can I hold it?" Yan asked in careful excitement rose as a Star Wars fan. I smiled and gave him the proto-saber to his hands. I felt a massive excitement from Yan as he held it the proto-saber with his hands.

The plasma blade of emerald colors were at hands of a young Star Wars fan. His grin was wide as if could rip his face. He held in awe, swinging experimentally the proto-saber like a normal sword.


Suddenly, the plasma blade suddenly changed into a more, crude, and rough texture of the plasma blade (imagine Kylo Ren's lightsaber blade, but green and not a crossguard). It was like as if the lightsaber couldn't contain the raw power inside.

But honestly, it made it more cooler.

"Is this supposed to happen?..." Yan asked as he feared that the lightsaber would explode in his hands, but held in an iron grip. I nodded.

"It would've. That texture of the lightsaber blade is called the Cracked Crystal Process. When a kyber crystal is cracked, the lightsaber emits a raw texture of the lightsaber blade, due to it's unstable and raw nature. Usually ancient Jedi or Sith make a crossguard to control the raw power producing from the kyber crystal by letting out excess energy to the vents, so the lightsaber wouldn't explode. But I kind of expected this, and modified the lightsaber to handle the raw energy from the cracked kyber crystal." I explained as I knew the unstable crystal would break from the foreign energy feeding it (Dou-Qi) as the energy is not the Force, but a similar energy source nonetheless.

"I don't what you just said, but this... is cool." Yan held the green cracked lightsaber (proto-saber) in awe. He held the lightsaber for about one and a half minute until it activated the safety deactivation systems and the plasma blade went inside the hilt with a hiss.

"I think I almost pee-ed my pants..." He confessed. My face formed into disgust and immediately took away the lightsaber away from his hands.

"Get your disgusting hands off the lightsaber, bitch!..." I held the lightsaber protectively, as this was my only advantage in combat in the Dou-Qi Continent.

"That was the most amazing inventions I've ever seen and discovered..." Lao muttered in awe and shock. I shrugged.

"It's still a working-in-progress. I need to put some more stuff so I can use it for... more offensive purposes..." I trailed off as I melted the cover of the crystal chamber and removed it from the main lightsaber body and pulled off the kyber crystal from the chamber with the Force (I named my ability "The Force", why not?).

I held the cracked emerald green kyber crystal and floated around it on my palms. I caught the floating crystal with my fingers and inspected it. It was obviouslly cracked, but it had no signs of exploding into pieces...

I heard Lao and Yan bickering around who the best Jedi/Sith in the Complete Saga.

"Skywalker's are the best! Those guys are the cool guys, master!" Yan retorted back, offended. Lao mock-scowled as he was also offended too.

"You need to respect the elders, Xiao Yan Zi! The Grandmaster Yoda is the oldest and the most powerful Jedi than the Skywalkers! The oldest and the wisest taught the Skywalkers, did they not? So Yoda is far cool-est than the Skywalkers!" Lao replied back in smugness. Yan widened his eyes in shock.

"You take that back, Master Lao! If you're not with me, then you are my enemy!" Yan pointed to Lao in mock-anger. Lao smirked. They were seriouslly referring to the Mustafar duel... I groaned in annoyance.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must, for my padawan!" Lao stated in smugness as he notices a training sword that I made near him. He grabs the training sword and tries to copy Obi-Wan's lightsaber form, Soresu.

Yan grinned as he held another training sword and tried to copy Anakin's lightsaber form, Shien, and holds it like a lightsaber. With the lightsaber sound effects from his mouth and everything... I groaned harder as I put a hand on my face.

What was even more worse that both of these idiots sang the "Duel of the Fates" in the worst possible way to choir. Soon, they battled as they fought in the most amazing way that could do with their swords.

No, it was just so pathetic enough that all of the stuff flew everywhere. They weren't even in their right forms or stances, they were just waving their swords like idiots hoping to hit one of them!

Lao clearly had the most obvious advantage because he was a ghost and lived long enough to wield swords...

Yan thrashed, smashed, and tried his damn hardest to make my lab/workshop into a fucking pigsty. Every sword he swung to Lao went through because he was a Ghost, and got pettled with strikes coming from Lao.

This wasn't even a duel. Or a slaughter. IT WAS A FUCKING MESS!

My workshop was trashed and messed around by two idiots fanboying themselves to Star Wars because of a worthless argument of who was the best Jedi in the Complete Trilogy!!!

I didn't even gave two shits about who was the best Jedi in the Trilogy, I cared about my life of surviving the Dou-Qi Continent with all I had to gain necessary power!


"Enough!" I shouted in annoyance.

With some possible anger and irritation, I willed the training swords they held out of their hands. They looked at me in surprise and widened their eyes in fear.

Lao pointed at me. Namely, he pointed at my kyber crystal. I was confused at the sight. I eventually noticed that the kyber crystal that was holding was glowing in a eerily, disturbing blood red color.

I calmed down my emotions as I thought that I unconsciously did the Bleeding Process to my cracked kyber crystal. Lao and Yan calmed themselves down, but was cautious to the Red kyber crystal.

The only way to make a lightsaber Red was to pour in the rage, suffering, and hate inside the kyber crystal to make it bleed like blood. This was called the Bleeding Process, as the Sith used this to make their crystals bleed with the Dark Side.

Fortunately, the eerily Red from the Red kyber crystal slowly faded into its original Emerald Green glow to its Green kyber crystal as I calmed my emotions. Huh. Lao and Yan calmed down as they saw the crystal regained its original Emerald Green glow.

"Looks like the kyber crystal can sense my emotions... It goes Red when my emotions are negative, and goes back to Green when I'm calm... That's interesting." I mused and stared at the kyber crystal in interest. Lao and Yan looked at the crystal in awe too.

"Wait... So, doesn't that mean that the lightsaber will turn to Red when you're angry?..." Yan asked in realisation. I blinked.

I had an idea. "Maybe... I guess. I want to test something. Yan, catch!" I called out and suddenly threw the kyber crystal at Yan who caught it in instinct.

"What do you want me to do with this?..." He asked me as he held the kyber crystal carefully.

"Infuse with your Dou-Qi or something. Just give the energy to the crystal." I suggested, and he closed his eyes and focused on giving his own Dou-Qi to the crystal.

The crystal was glowing blue and green and the two energies mixed together as one. The crystal was now glowing in Turquoise color as Yan held it on his palms.

Yan cracked open his eye and saw that the crystal glowed in Turquoise color. He widened his eyes in surprise as he saw that the crystal glowed differently this time.

"Not only it senses emotions, it also glows in another's Dou-Qi... Yours is Turquoise." I explained as Yan held the crystal in awe.

"What does it mean? Jedi have Blue, Green, and rarely Purple colors to their lightsabers. Sith have only Red..." He asked in both curiousity and confusion. I thought the cause of the glow of the crystal.

"Blue lightsabers meant those to Jedi who used the Force on a more... Physical level. Green lightsabers meant those to Jedi who preferred to reflect the mysteries of the Force and fight the dark side at its heart." I explained. Yan and Lao turned confused as they didn't understand. I sighed.

"Blue meant that Jedi like to protect physically... And Green meant for people who like to think mentally and be calm people." I explained as they realised what the colors meant.

"So Yan... Is in between. Since Turquoise is a mix of blue and green. You like to physically protect people by power, but you clearly decide your own actions before you act. You think before you act, and you act more." I summarised. Yan 'ohh'-ed in realisation as stared at the Turquoise glowing crystal in his hands.

I motioned my hand to gave the crystal that he held to me. He pouted and let the crystal to be pulled to my hand. I later turned to Lao.

"Then how about Lao?..." I said and gave the Green crystal to Lao, who accepted in agreement. He allowed his Dou-Qi to the crystal, and it glowed in Arctic Blue (a very light blue shade of white).

"Arcitc Blue... mostly a White color, a bit of blue in it. White means Redemption, or Life. Someone who values life, I guess... You use physical force because of the 'strong strive, weak die' rule and you were forced to use power to defend yourself if necessary. That's a bit of Blue..." I deducted. Yao Lao was a person who found his own balance, but used force if necessary on the harsh world of the Dou-Qi continent.

Lao nodded in agreement. "Not only this crystal senses emotions, it reflects ourselves with color... Interesting..." He put a hand on his chin. I shrugged as I stored the Green kyber crystal in a safe container.

"Well, that was interesting..." I replied, as I held the proto-saber on my hands.


4 weeks passed as they were in total, one month. In the Xiao Family Sect library, Yan was holding multiple Dou-Qi skills on his arms as laid them on the counter to the librarian.

"I'm borrowing these, when will I have to give them back?" Yan asked to the librarian.

"What are you talking about? If it's Young Master Yan, then you can keep them as long as you want!" The librarian chuckled humorlessly.

"Those are junk skills anyways..." The librarain whispered to himself. Yan didn't caught this, but smiled anyways.

"Take care!" The librarian told him as Yan left the Library.


As Yan left the Library with a bundle of Dou-Qi skills on his arms, he noticed a group of people cheering on a fight in the fighting area. He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why are people grouping up there? Is there a fight?" He asked himself and walked towards to the cheering group of people, with the Dou-Qi skills in hand.

"Xiao Ning is probably already at the Eighth Rank, right?" "Miss Xun-Er is at the Ninth Rank, it wouldn't be an easy fight!" "Go Xun-Er!" The group murmured as they cheered for two different people: Xun-Er, and Xiao Ning.

"Do you think that Mark would beat both of them in a fight?" A random person suggested. Most of the people heard this went silent and turned to the random person in a 'are you serious' look. The rest didn't heard this and continued to cheer on the fighters.

Yan awkwardly chuckled. 'Yeah, I wouldn't doubt that Mark could beat both of them in a fight... Especially when he has a freaking lightsaber!' He thought, as he remembered Mark practicing his lightsaber forms were serious, compared to the pathetic performance they did with training swords.

Mark even told him to shoot him for training when Mark finally made his own Dou-Qi revolver to him. The revolver was easy to fire, but constructing bullets were hard with Dou-Qi.

He said that anyone with Dou-Qi, no matter their Rank or Stage, can use the gun effectively if they can.

Even though he was Third Rank, he could still use the revolver just fine. The only problem it held, was that he could only fire 6 shots with his limited Dou-Qi.

He shot Dou-Qi bolts from the Revolver and shot at Mark, who deflected the bolts with his lightsaber just like in the movies. One time, Mark deflected the bolt with his lightsaber and deflected to his head.

He was glad that Mark was wise enough to give him a helmet for protection. He tried everything to make the deflected bolts not hit his head, but somehow Mark had hit every bolt to his head very accurately.

He mentally groaned as he thought that he wasn't trying hard enough on his training. Though, back to the fight...

Xun-Er and Xiao Ning, his cousin, was in fighting arena as Fiery Orange and Sky Blue Dou-Qi clashed together.

"So it's Xiao Ning and... Xun-Er?" He asked himself as he checked again. Xun-Er was really in the arena, fighting his own cousin.

Xun-Er noticed Xiao Yan and smiled lovely at him. The crowd in front of Xiao Yan burst into cheers of admiration and beauty.

While she wasn't looking, and focusing on Xiao Yan, Xiao Ning charged a fist behind Xun-Er to take this chance.

Higher Level Huang Rank, Dual Dragons' Rage!

Yan widened his eyes in surprise and shock as he saw the incoming surprise attack from Xiao Ning. "Xun-Er! Watch out!" He warned loudly.

[AN: Please review.]