Wolves. Wolves Everywhere.

Inside the Wolf Head Mercenaries Hall, where no sunlight shone inside the place, and only firelights were used as lightsources, as we see a broken-down third stone chest from the treasure room.

Mu Li bowed down in fear to the mysterious figure sitting on a throne. "Father, the stone chest we uncovered from the cave is finally opened!" Mu Li shakily called out. Revealing a Xuan Class Scroll, he presented the item.

"This is the Xuan Class Gong Fu within the stone chest! I have already followed your orders and spread rumors that Xiao Yi Xian had obtained a super-class Gong Fu that a predecessor left behind. However, everything is calm currently and she is still hiding within the almighty medicine house." Mu Li explained.

The Captain of the Wolf Head Mercenaries, Mu She grinned in amusement. "No need to rush, sooner or later, people will move due to their greediness. At that time, Xiao Yi Xian will have their hands occupied dealing with those people." He explained. Then, he scowled as he scratched the throne rest in hatred.

"The one that heavily injured you, Xiao Yan and his lackey... At such a young age, he already advanced into a Dou Practitioner. With that strength, he is a pest to our business..." Mu She seethed. Sweating furiously, Mu Li slammed his fist on the floor in fear.

"Y-Yes! Your child understands! I will bring people to the Magical Beast Mountains, if we do not kill Xiao Yan, I swear we will not leave the mountain!" Mu Li exclaimed.

"Yes, before he grows up, he must... BE COMPLETELY DESTROYED."


In the riverfalls of the Magical Beast Mountains, Yan bare-chested, stood waiting for his opponent on the waterfalls. The water splashed on the rocks as he waited. It was time!


Suddenly, a giant navy fish (Magical Beast) dwelling inside the rivers lept out, with one eye missing, intending to kill Xiao Yan. Yan smirked as he prepared his ruler.

"Get over here!" He lept towards the fish and swung his weapon. Unfortunately, the strike missed as Yan grit his teeth in annoyance.


"Ugh!" He was sent flying from the fish's tailfins, knocking him from the waterfall. Consumed with rage, the fish lept from the waterfall and opened its jaw.

"You want to eat me? It won't be easy..." Purple Dou-Qi Wings spreaded from his back as he gained flight. He smirked as he prepared another strike.

"Because I want to eat fried fish today!" BAM! Yan slammed the ruler on top of the fish's skull, knocking instantly as it died crashing in the riverbanks.

Lao and Mark unconsciously covered themselves with their arms as water splashed at them. Lao was currently reading the scroll that the skeleton had.

Yan pulled himself out of the water, casually lifting the giant fish above his head. The purple wings he had were now gone. Mark deadpanned and prepared his spicy sauce.

"Master, are you researching about the damaged scroll from the cave?" Yan asked as he handed the fish to Mark, who spun his kitchen knife gleamly. Lao groaned.

"Ugh, unfortunately. This is so damaged I can't research anything..." Lao sighed as he saw through the scroll.

"However, if we follow the map to search, we might be able to find the ranked 3 Essence Flame, Purifying Lotus Demon Flame..." Lao explained as he pointed at the map. Yan raised an eyebrow in excitement.

"The new Dou-Skill you've learnt, Purple Cloud Wings, requires a tremendous amount of Dou-Qi to activate. With your current strength, you can only glide for a short distance only... If we find this demon flame, the Purple Cloud Wings will show off its true strength!" Lao explained as Yan widened his eyes. Mark continued to cut the fish into slices. Emerald, out of nowhere, slithered happily and tried to steal the slices.

"And this Purple Cloud Wings Dou Skill is created using the 5th Rank Flying Magical Beast, the Black Flame Purple Cloud Eagle's soul. It is rumored to have the rare bloodline of an ancient phoenix... It's soul is extremely arrogant and proud! If you are not careful of using this, the soul inside will corrupt your sanity." Lao warned, and Yan mildly chuckled.

"Then I should quickly learn a Di (Earth) Class Dou Skill, right?" Yan chuckled out, Lao smiling in agreement. Mark grasped Emerald's tail before she even stole the fish slices and glared at her. Emerald whimpered.

"Yes, exactly... First, you have to finish your training. You are not allowed any Dou-Qi or Skills. By only using the Black Heavy Chi (Bladeless Large Sword), you have to defeat 10 1st Ranked Magical Beasts everyday! That 'Demon Dragonfish' is only your sixth one. There are four remaining, if you do not finish on time..." Lao glanced at Mark. Mark scolded Em and nodded.

[AN: The Magical Beast Rank is ordered by 1st to 10th. Weakest to Strongest. A 1st Ranked Beast is comparable to a Dou Practitioner, and a 10th Ranked Beast is comparable to a Dou God.]

"... You won't get to eat dinner, with Mark's approval." Lao finished, Yan sighing a breath of tiredness and slowly nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I have something good here, so come here! Come here!" Lao waved his hand to motion Yan to come closer. Yan, reluctantly agreed and went closer to Lao. Lao pulled out a small red bottle.

"Don't move." Lao said as he spilled the contents of the bottle on Yan's bare skin.

"GAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! IT F*CKING HURTS!" Yan's screams of pain cried out from the forest. Mark plucked his ears while deadpanning.

"This is something I created meticulously, it's a medical item that increases your training speed four times! It's called 'Immolation Blood', just endure it!"

Yan continued to scream from the forest.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Magical Beast Mountains, a group of Wolf Head mercenaries searched for Xiao Yan and his 'lackey'.

"Small captain, we found a skeleton of a magical beast again!" "From it's injuries, it also died from a blow of a heavy object!" The mercenaries called out, finding the skeletal remains.

The 3rd Captain of the Wolf Head Mercenaries, He Meng, inspected the bones and skeletons. "Also, it seems to be cooked using a frying method..." He commented.

[AN: Both Mark and Yan's metabolisms increased to a rate where they eat a lot.]

"Hmph! That bastard Xiao Yan and his lackey must be around here! Search them! I want them dead or alive!" Mu Li angrily ordered out.


What is it with wolves and us?... Wolf Head Mercenaries, and then Red Wolves.

"GRAAAAA!!!!" A giant four-armed albino demonic ape bumped its chest with its two arms as it howled. The other two arms held a baby Red Wolf pup hostage as it cried for its father wolf.

The father Red Wolf, growled in warning to let the White Ape let go of his pup, who cried in fear and terror as the ape's palms squeezed him tightly.

Yan and I both watched the standoff between Magical Beasts inside the hidden tree branches. "A 2nd Ranked Blizzard Demon Ape was attracted by the medical plants that a 1st Rank Red Wolf was protecting. Well, it's impossible for this 1st Rank to defeat this 2nd Rank..." Yan muttered out, a leaf stick on his mouth.

And of course, me being a billion year old, I know a lot of languages. Baby, Stone, Snake, and Alien languages... I could hear what they were saying.


"P-papa! P-papa! PAPA! P-papa!" The young Red Wolf cried out for his father as the ape's grip tightened. Tears cried out from its eyes. Fear and Longing for his father urged the pup.

"SON!" The father Red Wolf cried out, ashamed of his uselessness that he couldn't save his own pup. Despair filled inside the wolf as he couldn't do anything...


"Pfff! How troublesome." Yan spat out the leaf stick and grabbed the black ruler on his back and readied himself to battle. Tch, do I HAVE to help him?

"HaAH!" Yan leapt out towards the buff arms of the White Ape and aimed his ruler at the arms that the baby wolf pup was held hostage.


"Nnn!" The baby wolf pup, scared and shocked what was happening, harmlessly escaped the grasps of the White Ape. The arm of the ape decapitated from the blow Yan had made.

The ape howled in pain and in anger, as it noticed the wretched human who disturbed their business. Yan smirked awkwardly as a bead of sweat dropped from his forehead.

"Whoopsies. Look's like I've created a big trouble..." Yan, you fucking idiot. You didn't thought this through?



"I'm not a female ape, why do you have to chase me so tightly, you bastard!" Yan ran for his life while sweating furiously as he screwed up. The ape chased him around with three arms for intending murder.

'Xiao Yan Zi! There's someone you know 1km to the right of you!' His Master's voice called out from his mind. A lightbulb appeared on his head as he knew who it was.

'Oh! It's him, why don't we give him a surprise!' Yan grinned mischieviously as he thought of a plan. He blew a raspberry to the ape to piss him off.

"Oi! White Monkey, come and get me!" Yan's grin widened as the Ape became more enraged.

Meanwhile, 1km away from Yan, Mu Li and his gang of mercenaries continued to search for Xiao Yan. Mu Li scowled in irritation.

"Ah, we've already chased that bastard, Xiao Yan, for nearly two months! We haven't seen his corpse on my eyes yet!" He shouted out. Suddenly, the earth shook as if a giant beast was coming for their way.

"Eh?! What's happening?" CRASH!

GRAAAAA!!!!!! The white ape howled out in fury as the group were caught off-guard from the furious giant Magical Beast.

"S-small Captain!" "This...!" Mu Li, shocked completely, pulled out his sword.

"W... Why would a demon ape appear here?!" "This one is already injured and went into berserk! Hurry and escape!" A grunt spotted the fourth arm, decapitated from the body. The demon ape slammed and smashed everything around it in a berserker rage.

"QUICKLY SEND THE SIGNAL UP! LET THE THIRD CAPTAIN, HE MENG, TO COME HERE AND SAVE US!" Mu Li ordered as he ran for his life. The berserk ape noticed the running humans and immediately howled to attack.

Screams of agnony and pain shouted out from the mercenaries as the Ape killed them one by one. The Ape charged towards Mu Li, intending for murder.

"Damn it... Since I can't escape, I'll fight it out with you!" Mu Li, in a do-or-die fashion, charged towards the oncoming ape.


The ape, heavily injured from the attacks of the mercenaries, died from its wounds and fell down to the ground, bleeding heavily.

Mu Li was forced down to one knee and used his sword as a resting pole from his heavy injuries. Also bleeding heavily. Mu Li became shocked as he heard Yan's voice.

"Ahhh.... Small Captain Mu Li, looks like you're in a difficult position today!" Yan smirked out and stood before the shocked Mu Li.

"XIAO YAN?! SO IT WAS YOU THAT DID THIS!" Mu Li shouted out in realisation. Yan grinned as he slowly pulled out his ruler.

"Yep! You like the welcoming surprise?" Mu Li started to sweat heavily as fear crept inside his soul.

"W-wait! Xiao Yan, I still have something to tell you! I can give you money! Women! A fourth captain rank to my-"


"Boo-ooring. I still wouldn't accept anything that comes from your mouth..." Yan stated, holding his blood-stained ruler. Yan suddenly widened his eyes as he sensed another oncoming attack.

Xuan (Black) Rank, Mid Tier! Shattering Stone Diamond!

Barely blocking the attack with Soresu with the difficulty of the heavy ruler, shards of crystals exploded out as Yan was forced to slid back from the force.

He Meng, laughed manaicly as his grin widened. "Two dogs strive for a bone and the third one runs away from it. I must thank you for killing my nephew, the position of Second Captain will be mine! HAHAHAHA!" Yan narrowed his eyes as he glared in icy hate.

"Minions, go! Tear him to shreds! Let him know that the only results is death when you mess with the Wolf Head Mercenaries!" He Meng pointed at Yan and ordered the mercenaries to kill him. The surrounding mercenaries charged at Yan.

'Xiao Yan Zi! Don't panic! Gather all of your Dou-Qi to the Black Heavy Chi! And release it using the method Mark and I taught you!' His Master advised him.

'Okay!' Yan nodded, and focused his Dou-Qi into the ruler. Suddenly, an fiery energy wave surrounded Yan.

"The surrounding energy wave suddenly became stronger?! D.. Don't let him use that move! Kill him quickly!" He Meng cried out in panic. But it was too late.

"Bye, motherfuckers. DIVIDING FLAME WAVE CHI!" Yan slammed the energy-charged ruler straight at the ground, creating an blade energy beam of destruction at the mercenaries, killing them instantly.

He Meng surrounded himself with crystal walls to protect the blast. The barrier cracked and shattered into pieces, He Meng coughing out blood.

"M... monster!" He Meng called out in fear. He widened his eyes as he saw in the torment, a purple winged Yan stood menacingly as he glared at him.

"Go back and tell your boss! Tell that Xiao Yan, will remember this!" Yan flew to the skies and spread his wings. He Meng continued to shout monster as Yan flew away from the scene.

"Kuh!" A heart-wrenching pain came from his chest as he clutched in agnony. An unknown Dou-Qi was flooding from his body, burning like gasoline. Yan felt an extreme pain blinding his senses in a moment, and felt cold.

He had lost every control of his body, as he felt the winds blowing above his falling body. 'Shit! As expected, activating the Purple Cloud Wings was a bit too much... Mark's going to kill me...' He thought as he forcibly closed his eyes, missing a red wolf blur coming at him...


"His stubborness for the 'flashy moments' will be the only reason I will murder him..." I cracked my knuckles as I prepared Yan for a beatdown. As if sensing my presence, Yan unconsciously flinched as I got closer.

"GGGGRRRRrrr....." A warning growl escaped from the Red Wolf's mouth as I got closer. Rolling my eyes, I coughed my throat for a difficult language task.

"GGGGGGGRRRRR- Jokes aside, I know you can understand human language. I'm his friend. I can help him. By beating the shit out of him." I glared back at Yan, who shuddered in fear as the Red Wolf sweatdropped.

"Could you please focus on my student's life instead of beating him up? Wolf, you said that there was a place he could heal and hide! Where is it?" Lao interrupted as the Red Wolf nodded and ran to the direction.


Seems that there was a hidden cave inside the waterfalls of the Magical Beast Mountains... These guys (Red Wolves) used it as their home. It was also night, where SEVERAL full moons happen everyday! WHICH SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING!

Yan sat on the waterpool, meditating with his Purple Cloud Wings spread out fully as Lao shook his head with his hand.

"Foolish boy... Forcibly using a Di Class Dou-Skill, overusing his Dou-Qi, causing him to be nearly swallowed by the Purple Cloud Wings..." Lao sighed out as he spilled a recovery liquid into the waterpool.

"Exactly the right reasons for beating the shit out of him..." I cracked my neck as I slammed a fist to my palm. Green Dou-Qi surrounded Yan as he absorbed it.

"I've created this pond of recovery liquid to help you wake up. Don't be swallowed by the Black Flame Purple Cloud Eagle's soul and lose your sanity. My disciple... Everything is up to you..." Lao advised. Suddenly, Yan's body flashed and glowed in purple Dou-Qi as he sweated.

"Protect your state of mind! Don't let it control it! Otherwise you will become a wild beast that knows how to kill! You will never recover!" Lao called out to Yan. It wasn't working, as Yan was slowly losing in the tug of war.

I 'tch'-ed in irritation. "Yan! If you let yourself die again, I WILL PERSONALLY DRAG YOU UP FROM HELL AND MAKE YOU SUFFER A WORSER FATE IF YOU DON'T FUCKING. WAKE. UP!" I angrily shouted out and Yan snapped open his eyes instantly and overpowered the Eagle's soul.

Feathers blew everywhere as Yan made his next advancement. I waved my hands to get the feathers away from my face. Yan fell down to the pond, gasping for air as adrenaline kept him living, sweating everywhere.

"Congrats, you advanced from a 7-star Dou Practitioner." I spoke with a monotone. Yan, feeling enough from my shit, flipped a shaky bird at me.

"Fuck... You..." He barely cried out. I huffed as I crossed my arms. Yan laid down his back on the ground, gasping for air as he covered his eyes with his arm.

"It doesn't help that I'm going to suffer anyways..." Yan cried out tears in depression, clearly knowing that he's going to be fucked.

"Yep!" I gripped on Yan's neck and proceeded to yeet him out of the waterfalls, and out of the cave, where I can hear him scream. I dusted my hands as my work was done.

Lao deadpanned at me. "Was that necessary?..." He asked, and in response, I shrugged and poked my head from the waterfall to see if he was dead.

"He's going to walk it off... If he doesn't, I'll bring him back." I vowed, as I saw Yan's struggling hand reaching on a rock, as he climbed the mountain as the water fell on top of him.

"Huff... Huff..." Yan tried pulling himself out of the waterfalls to enter the cave.

"How's the spelunking experience?" I said, receiving no answers from the MC. Was he dead? I poked him, to reveal that he was unconscious and resting.

I sighed. "I know when not to disturb a man's long awaited sleep..." I muttered, as I pulled Yan out of the waterfalls.


Yan slept peacefully as he breathed small intakes of air into his lungs. He felt a tug, waking him up, but he ignored it. He wanted to sleep.

"I'm going to piss on you if you don't wake up." Mark's voice called out to him disturbingly. Inside his mind, Yan frowned in displeasure as he didn't want to be awakened by someone pissing on top of him. He would rather force himself to wake up than being pissed on his sleep.

"Eermm..." Forcing himself to awakening, Yan snapped his eyes open to see Mark- Nope, he couldn't open his eyes. He was simply too tired to even move. Mentally groaning at the oncoming punishment, he accepted his fate.


He felt a nauseaous and VERY disturbing feeling of hearing that sound upclose to his ear. He was mentally crying as he vowed that no one must know about this.

Waiting for the oncoming piss, instead what await him... Wasn't what he expected. He felt his head lean out from the ground by Mark's hand, and then...

A soft... Pillow?... A VERY comfortable pillow, replaced the rough uncomfortable stone pillow...?

...? Was he dreaming?...

It was getting harder to think, because the pillow... d-drifted.... Yawn... to... sleep...


I let Yan rest to sleep as I put a pillow on his head. I have to admit... I was a bit hard on him, taking the training a bit too much. There's a limit that everyone can take. Yan's clearly reached that limit.

For now, I guess I'll just let him rest.

I stretched my hands and let out a breath. I'll wake him up later...

"I thought you were really going to do that." Lao replied, a bit shocked at my out-of-character actions. I rolled my eyes.

"I was, but I wasn't going to. I'm not a complete 100% dickhead who pisses people while they're sleeping." I stated and rubbed my forehead. Lao went silent.

"It's... so different, seeing this side of you. I have not seen you... Care for my student once." All of the times I visited and followed Yan weren't out of kindness.

They were checking if he was dead or not.

"I'm not caring for Yan. I've lost all reason to care, and I never will be. This is me, knowing that Yan isn't a god. He's human. Humans have limits. And I'm not being stupid enough to lead Yan into a shithole." I simply stated.

"..." Lao said nothing. Speaking of said MC, let's go wake his ass up. I kicked his head lightly.

"Wake up." I gruffly woke him up, Yan awaking from his slumber. He kept blinking a bunch of times and stared at me. Yan grunted in displeasure and rubbed his eyes.

"Where are we?" He asked as he got up. I motioned him to follow me.

"See it for yourself." As Yan stepped out of the cave, his jaw dropped at the sight. Huge Magical Beasts roared around the waterfall as the fish we saw was nothing compared to these guys.

"Wah... What the hell is this place?..." He exclaimed out. I simply shrugged. It was the morning.

"This place is very near the center of the magical forest. The Magical Beasts that gather here are all powerful ones at 3rd Rank or 4th Rank." Lao explained to Yan.

"I have already scattered medical powder around our surroundings. They will not able to discover us..." Lao assured Yan, telling that we were all safe inside this cave.

"Although one of these fuckers noticed us and almost bit my arm off. Fucking dealing with these monsters is hard, especially when you have to kill them." I scowled out, remembering I was fighting a FUCKING GIANT SEA SERPENT. The lightsaber got lost after it got sunk in the water.

Fortunately, I retrieved it after I killed the damn beast. Bad news was, it couldn't work due to the fact that it wasn't waterproof. No lightsabers for me!

Yan shrugged his face in awe and respect. "Though, how'd you guys discover this place?" He eyed the cave as he wore his clothes.

"It wasn't us. It was him!" A red blur appeared above us and landed on the cave. The Red Wolf, holding a medical plant on his mouth stared at us.

"Eh?! Wait... It's you!" Yan recalled his memories when he saved the little red wolf pup. "Could it be that you saved me? Wait- Wah! So itchy! Stop!" The red wolf started to lick Yan's cheeks affectionately.

"That's correct. When you were consumed by the Black Flame Purple Cloud Eagle's soul, this guy saved you on time." Lao explained. I recalled the memories when the Red Wolf picked out the medical ingredients for Yan.

"If this guy wasn't here, you would've either became a birdman after being swallowed by the Black Flame Purple Cloud Eagle's soul, or you would've truly a cripple after overusing your Dou-Qi reserves, harming your very roots!" Lao explained. This was why I was so pissed at the fact Yan could've fucked himself, and all that training was naught.

The Red Wolf, affectionately rubbed Yan's cheeks as Yan smiled warmly. "Finding so many medical plants here, it must have been so hard... You... Thank you..." Yan accepted the rubbing and pat the wolf's head. I rolled my eyes.

Lao sadly smiled and glanced at the view. "Magical Beasts also know how to repay their debts... You saved his life before, they will naturally repay you... Instead, there are a few humans who would kill their own master for their own interest..." Yan went silent as he knew what Lao meant. Humans, they sometimes like being assholes...

"Like Yan." I monotonously added in, causing Lao to crack a smile.

"Eh?! HEY! I wouldn't... Wait, no. Actually, yes! I would kill you if it wasn't for your hellish training you've tortured onto me!" Yan pointed angrily at me. I 'duh'-ed.

"I did warn you." I replied with a eyeroll. He started to repeat a lot of curses that reminded me of a sailor-


"That being said, your training starts... Now." I narrowed my eyes as I grabbed his fist before he could land it on my face. Yan had the 'oh shit what have I done' look as I grasped his arm and yeeted him onto the waterfalls.

"KILL A 4TH RANKED MAGICAL BEAST FOR ME, HEY? I WANT TO SEE WHAT IT TASTES LIKE!" Also, a 4th Ranked Beast is equivalent to a Dou Spirit? Which is like... Powerful than a Dou Grandmaster or something.


I'm sure he'll be fine.


Lao was humming peacefully while fishing in the sight of the natural lush of... nature. The Red Wolf, was sleeping peacefully and resting in the warming sunlight (the pup was with his mother, btw)


"Cough, cough. I failed again! Master, making me create medical recipes by myself from the beginning, it's too hard for me!" Yan exclaimed as he held the remains of the ingredient. I deadpanned as I sliced a bait from the 3rd Ranked Magical Beast (although I told him to get a 4th one, but okay).

"Do you really want me to throw you again?" Yan sweated heavily and spun his head in denial. Lao caught something. A crab.

"Everything is hard in the beginning. If you do not have medical recipes, you cannot be considered as a true receptarier- OUCH!" The crab bit Lao's fingers and flown itself into the river again. I rolled my eyes.

"No shit. Whinin' and Bitchin' won't get you anywhere." CHA-CHICK! I cocked the Desert Eagle and holstered it back into my holster. The Red Wolf suddenly salivated at the ingredient remains of Yan was holding. It glimmered its eyes in excitement.

Yan raised an eyebrow. "You! You've eaten all the medical remains these days. Does it taste that good?" The Red Wolf's response was to shake its tail furiously. Yan grinned as he pulled his arm back.

"CATCH!" The Red Wolf leapt and caught the ingredient remains. Lao eyed the sight. "The useless remains are combined with various effects from medical materials. It's a very powerful medicine... To the magical beasts, it is the best medicine for advancement!" CRUNCH! Oh. The Red Wolf's changing.

"After eating it for a few days, I think it is about time for him to advance..." Lao explained. The Red Wolf suddenly stopped and fiery Dou-Qi emitted surrounded the body.

"WOAH! What's happening to him?!" Yan shouted out. Lao explained. "I've already mentioned it was advancement. Don't touch him, it's the most crucial time for a 2nd Ranked Beast for advancement!" Okay, Magical Beasts can advance. I'm not surprised.

Yan's grin widened into excitement. "Hey! RED WOLF! I saved your life, and you saved mine! Don't you dare fail at advancement, can you hear me?!" The Red Wolf was surrounded with fire, and suddenly became a red blur towards Yan.

"WOAH..." As the smoke cleared out, the Red Wolf was much more larger, powerful, and majestic-looking standing towards Yan proudly. Yan's eyes gleamed in awestruck.

"THAT'S SO COOL!!! Feeding you many precious medical remains wasn't a waste, haha!" Yan, awestruck at the Red Wolf's 'Pokemon Evolution', I remained uninterested. Time to feed my crystal with Dou-Qi...

"Yes, you've wasted a lot of precious medical plants. Yet not even a single success was created." Lao rolled his eyes and sarcastically commented. Yan raised his finger in objection.

"Speak of that- WOAH!" The Red Wolf suddenly plucked Yan's clothes with its mouth, then swiftly throwing Yan into the air. Wait, is he going to-

"Hey! WOAH!" The Red Wolf leapt and took Yan's body into his back and lept through trees and trees, as if testing its advancement. Aw, nevermind. I thought he was going to kill him...

"Amazing, Xiao Hong! Hahaha!" Yan laughed in excitement, then me noticing that they were going far away from us- Wait, WHAT?!

"'Xiao Hong?' H-Hey, where are you going?! Wait for me! Xiao Hong~" Lao hurriedly exclaimed and ran towards Yan's direction. Those assholes left without me!

[AN: Xiao Hong means something in Red, and Xiao. I don't know either...]


As Yan rode Xiao Hong to his destination, they met a lush forest of warm red and fire. Yan glanced the scenery with awe. His master finally caught up, as well as one annoyed Mark.

"Where did you bring me? S...so hot!" He inspected the warm temperature of the area. When he saw the wide variety of medicinal ingredients, Yan gleamed his eyes in excitement.

"But this... This is basically the heaven for all of the receptariers! Look at this place!" He counted all the very important plants around him. Feeling a deep emotion of thanks, Yan nuzzled Xiao Hong.

"Wishing Grass, Sandy Wood Roots, Sour Bird Fruit, Flower of Songs... There is everything in this place! Haha! Xiao Hong, I love you!" He warmly hugged Xiao Hong's maw. Mark rolled his eyes.

"As how 'loving' your relationship might be, aren't you going to take the ingredients first? Night's going to fall soon..." Mark crossed his arms. Realisation struck Yan. He was right.

"Mark, you're a genius! Xiao Hong! Help me dig up that ingredient! Right! The biggest one there! Also that one! The green one! I want everything! Later on, I will make another higher class medical remains for you to advance on!" Yan and Hong dug through the forest. Lao and Mark sweatdropped.

"Medical remains isn't what I'll call it..." Mark muttered and glanced at the sky. Suddenly, a huge pressure of Dou-Qi washed all of them as they widened their eyes.

"Was that-" "Hide quickly! Hold your aura back, something's happening!" Yan, Hong, Lao, and Mark quickly hid in the red bushes and waited what the hell was happening.

Mark prepared his Deagle for more... lethal events for the matter. He later gave back Yan's Revolver (because he wasn't trusting Yan with a gun) and prepared themselves a possible fight.

A tremor rushed to the area as the group shook from the earthquake. Yan and Mark focused their Dou-Qi on their feet to balance their weight onto the earth. Yan sweated heavily as he gasped for air.

"What the hell?! A tremor- Why is it so hot?! The air, it's becoming so hot!" Yan struggled to keep up the sudden climate change as Mark gritted his teeth.

"I. HATE. HUMIDITY." Mark seethed out, also sweating heavily from the temperature. Lao motioned them both to quiet down.

"Quiet down, endure it! Look above!" Lao pointed to the scenery. A giant, huge purple flamed winged lion stood menacingly as it stared down offensively. It was bigger than the 4th Ranked Sea Serpants and more powerful than multiple Dou Spirits.

"This... is amazing. It is equivalent to a human's Dou Emperor level... A 6th Ranked Magical Beast, the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King!" Lao exclaimed out, as the sheer prescence of the Magical Beast's Dou-Qi shook the earth. Mark looked uncomfortable as he inspected the majectic beast.

"... I'm going to need a bigger gun." Mark glanced down to his Deagle, then to the Magical Beast. He holstered back his Deagle and took back Yan's Revolver, as he was too awestruck at the beast and didn't notice it.

"I can't believe that the one fighting against this monster is actually a girl! Ah, it's such a rare scene!" Lao remarked as a hooded girl, (maybe in her twenties) where she floated in front of the lion, with fairy wings as she wore combat robes underneath her metal vest.

"Dou-Qi... becoming Wings?! It's more powerful than a Dou King level!" Yan exclaimed out in shock, as he stared above the confrontation.

Suddenly, the two powerhouses released their Dou Techniques at each other, the winged girl releasing a whirlwind of energy at the lion, and the lion releasing a fire Dou-Qi beam.


"They're releasing their techniques! HOLD ON!" Lao exclaimed as Yan quickly held his body from flying away on a tree branch. "HOLY- WOAH!" Yan cried out in surprise.

"Oh shi- OUMPH!" Mark held his ground and created a protective Dou-Qi barrier around himself and stood stationary from the shockwave of power. He covered his face with his arms as he struggled against the winds.

As the raging winds died down, the lion snarled angrily at the human girl. "HUMAN GIRL, WHY DID YOU DISTURB THIS MIGHTY KING'S SLUMBER?!" It snarled out.

"I want to borrow the Lion King's Purple Crystal once! If you accept it, I will not bother you from now on. If I fail to achieve my goal, I will not stop!" The girl calmly stated. Mark facepalmed himself.

"That is the most stupidest request that's not coming from Yan... WHAT IS WITH STUPID REQUESTS AND CHINESE CULTIVATION NOVELS?!" Mark cried out, giving no fucks about the two powerhouses.

[AN: Please review! Though, make sure to comment, review, and add in some power stones as well! Stay safe, and have a good day!]

Omake: That one time Yan refused to be thrown

"You're going to throw me again." Yan stated with a monotone. I nodded casually.

"YEP!" I grasped his arm and yeeted him- Yeeted him- Hang on, why isn't he going thrown?

"I refused to be thrown like a ragdoll! I'm sick of your shit, Mark!" Yan cried out. I rolled my eyes, accepting the fact of the mysterious reason why Yan was stationary.

"If I can't throw you..." I brought the smoke bomb on my hands. Yan looked conflicted as I brought up the bomb.

"I'll kick you!" I threw the bomb straight in Yan's face, disorienting him momentarily, then drop-kicking him in the face.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Yan screamed as he was sent flying again from the waterfalls. I cupped my mouth to make my voice louder.

"This time, kill at least a Magical Beast, shithead!" I shouted out.


[AN: Please review.]