"You dropped a cave-inn on both of us, you asshole!" Yan called out, escaping from the stone debris after the explosion. Aww, I didn't 'accidentally' killed him.
"Sorry, I had the surprising welcoming urge to blow up a cave. Explosions sometimes makes my day." I shrugged as I kicked a pebble in my way.
"Y-You!... YOU!" Mu Li somehow survived. Oh, wait. He's a Wood Element user. Known for defense, and.... Self-explanatory. He survived the explosion because he surrounded himself with Dou-Qi...
"You ruined EVERYTHING! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" By collapsing the whole cave down from the treasure, denying access from his mercenaries and the treasure, I sucessfully ruined his plan.
"Well, I'm out. Got any Dou-Qi reserves left to kill him?" I holsted my Deagle back and glanced back to Yan, ignoring Mu Li. Yan flipped a bird while he was helping Xiao Yi Xian.
"You dropped a cave on top of me! How am I going to kill him if I survived that?" Yan glared at me. Oop. He was right, we gotta run. I threw a smoke bomb on Mu Li's face, knocking him unconscious temporary for us to escape.
"Hey, fairy doc! Got any tricks of your sleeves?" I called out. Xiao Yi Xian glared at me. The cries of other mercenaries were coming closer, perhaps reinforcements.
"It can't be helped. Jump down the cliff with me! Now!" Xiao Yi Xian took Yan's hand and went to jump off the cliff.
"WHAT?!" Yan shouted out in disbelief. Aw, shit. Here we go again...
"ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHY ARE WE JUMPING OFF A CLLLLLLLLLLLIII-" I proceeded to yeet myself to the cliff. While in mid-air, Xiao Yi Xian whistled on her mouth with her fingers.
"They jumped off a cliff?! Suicide?!" "Small Captain Mu Li, look!" A big blue bald-eagle catched the both of us in the moonlight.
"FIRE! FIRE!" The arrows shot towards the bird, but it was too late. Mu Li watched as he slammed a fist in anger and screamed in murderous rage.
I was currently dangling on the Eagle's talons while deadpanning. Whoo! That was tiring, bullshitting the whole fanfic so to deceit the viewers that the fanfic really ended.
The whole chapter, which was supposed to be longer, was split into two chapters because of my intervention. Yes, I am an asshole for doing this in order to lie to the viewers. But I, was on something special!
[AN: I go AFK for 5 minutes, and you almost fucked up the fanfic while I was gone?!]
[AN: You split the whole entire chapter into two! You ass! This is going to cause me more trouble to fix this shit!]
"Ahahahaha...." I crackled madly as my plan worked. This is Payback for sending me into a RWBY one-shot, biatch!
[AN: Bold words for taunting at someone who can kill you from a couple of clicks.]
That's what I intend to do! End me! End this FUCKING FANFIC! FUCK YOU! FUCK ALL OF YOU! YOU-
Mark's body fell unconscious as he was hit by a sleeping dart from F, who was VERY far away.
F sighed. "... For a rare moment, I don't know what to say." He confessed, retracting his AWP from his sleeves. He looked down, emotionless.
F's hands were shaking in fear as he sighed and put a hand on his forehead.
F glared. "You know Mark's self-destructive tencities more than I do." He coldly stated. Mark... hates his life. The viewers don't know how much he hates it.
[AN: ... ]
F let out a deep breath of hollowness. "He... wants his life to end, doesn't he?" He replied sadly.
F glanced at the unconscious sleeping body of Mark, his face showing long awaited peace. F sighed as he rubbed his eyes behind his glasses.
"He used to be... An eager friend. Loves to travel through the multiverse, excited about everything, so much different than now..." He remembered when Mark was 15 turning 16, a genuine smile planted on his face when he met his multiversal friend gang.
Naruto, Ichigo, F, the Avengers, the Justice League, Percy, Luffy, Kirito, etc... They were one happy gang of friends...
#Flashback Starts#
A young Mark laughed as he made another joke. "Heheheh... Here's a good one! I threatened to beat someone with my thousand-year-old frozen pizza! I was like: 'Getcho stanky ass out before I beat yo with my thousand-year-old frozen pizza, biatch!' AHAHAHAHA!" The group burst into laughter as Mark wiped his tears from his eyes.
F in the background, hid a small smile of happiness as he prepared the drinks for them. Ting! He had an idea!
"Spring Break, bitches!" F threw the cans at the group of friends who 'aww'-ed in displeasure, and later grinned and threw the cans back.
"OW! STOP HITTING ME!" Laughter bursted back again.
#Flashback Ends#
"Until THAT day..." F said. Gone, was the happy eager boy who was excited to explore the multiverse. Now it was just a dark, cynical, selfish depressing dump of a person who hates their life...
F sat down, alone and silent.
"Ugh... I really want to kill Mark." Yan's first words from his coma were these. Xiao Yi Xian rolled her eyes. Yan laid down using a small stone as a headrest.
I groaned from the pain I just felt. It felt like a hangover... But a million times worse. I can't remember a goddamn thing! We were in a nearby lake, resting on the waterbanks.
"Why is it that you want to kill me again?..." I asked confusedly, my mind being complicated to think straight. Yan snapped his head to me.
"Are you seriously asking that question? You dropped. A cave at us." Yan explained with visible annoyance. Ah. Now I remember, setting the charges up on the cave so it could collapse.
"Not gonna lie, but I had a strange urge to blow up caves." I excused myself, Yan rolling his eyes. Now there was a bird in front of me. A very huge bird that resembled a bald eagle, but the feathers were blue.
"Were you trying to kill us?..." Xiao Yi Xian crossed her arms at me. Um... I don't know. I think?
"I... might've." I confessed unsurely, and bird started to- PECK PECK PECK! FUCK! STOP PECKING THE FUCK OUT OF ME!
The bird continued to peck me to death as Xiao Yi Xian intervened. "Xiao Nan, stop, stop!" The pecking finally stopped. God, that hurt. I could even hear Yan chuckling silently from my suffering!
"Xiao Nan is a magical beast that I saved before, it is only loyal to me~" Xiao Yi Xian stroked (her? his?) feathers lovingly and hugged her (because of the eagle's huge size, I decided to call it a she), and the eagle coo-ed affectionately.
Xiao Yi Xian's hand rested on Xiao Nan's beak. "Ah, in this world, a human's heart isn't as nice as a magical beast..." She smiled sadly. Yan narrowed his eyes.
"In this large continent, only the strong will prevail in this world. That's why I need to become strong to train in the Magical Beast Mountains." Yan stated determinedly. Xiao Yi Xian blinked.
"Going to train all by yourself in the mountains?... You must be careful, the mountain is extremely dangerous, if you head there all by yourself, there's a 90% chance of death..." She explained warningly with concern. I pointed myself in cue.
"Hey. I'm here to save his ass." I added in, causing her to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Yan eyed me and huffed. Before she could ask, I quickly explained.
"I single-handedly caused a cave-in with none of the mercenaries noticing me, right?" I said, giving me a brief 'ahh'-ed in understanding, then to frowning.
"Yes, you did a great job at trying to kill us." She quipped, causing me to roll my eyes. I did not mean to...
"Won't the... Wolf Head Mercenaries we fought cause some trouble for you?" Yan asked before she went to leave on her eagle. She smiled confidently.
"Our almighty medical house's forces are no less than the Wolf Head Mercenaries, Mu Li wouldn't dare to do anything to me!" She said. I gave her a look of suspicion. Yeah, she's going to get herself captured, isn't she?
"Plus, I have Xiao Nan with me! I'm not afraid of them!" She huffed as she stood proud with her blue eagle. I'm still solely not convinced...
"Take this with you." I chucked a certain object to Xiao Yi Xian, in which she caught it hesitantly. It was a karambit knife, made from Dou-Qi reinforced steel and VERY sharp.
"Wha- What is this? I haven't seen this type of knife before..." She replied, curious about the strange banana-looking design of the knife. I went to explain.
"It's karambit. Made for powerful cutting strokes, ripping out a person's weak spots, a very effective weapon for melee combat because of its curved blade. It's deadly, as it is ferocious." I explained, and she inspected the new type of weapon in wonder and awe.
She gleamed her eyes in awestruck as the karambit fit just perfectly for her fighting style. Testing a few swings, she was certain that the karambit was the perfect weapon for her.
Noticing that she was present to both of us, she blushed in embarrasssment and quickly hid her knife and coughed awkwardly, hiding her embarrassment.
"Eh-hem. Thank you for the gift... Uh..." She trailed off, realising I hadn't given my name. I rubbed my eyes from the exhaustion.
"It's Mark. Just Mark." I replied tiredly.
"Ah yes. Mark. Thank you for this gift, and I will forgive you from that incident. If that's the case, let's say our goodbyes. Farewell!" She waved a hand to both of us.
"Okay, if that's what you say, then I'm relieved too." Yan waved a hand back. I simply put a hand up in goodbye and laid down on the grass.
The Blue Eagle spread her wings and peddled to flight as wind blew our hairs. Yan blinked as he remembered something crucial.
"Ah! That's right! The Blood Lotus Essence you have, don't throw it away! That thing is very important to me! I'll find you sooner or later when I get back!" Yan cupped his mouth to increase his voice.
A moment of surprise flashed on her face. "Okay... I'll wait if you find me, you also have to promise me... THAT YOU WON'T DIE! XIAO YAN!" She smiled as she disappeared into the skies.
Yan smiled as he vowed to stay alive. I deadpanned at the new fact I've just gotten.
"That's harem number 2. Make a promise with a woman... Well, you know the rest." I muttered as I sat my head on the grass.
[AN: I'm really sorry about the short chapter, I've gotten busy. Though, make sure to comment, review, and add in some power stones as well! Just ignore the part where Mark... Did his secret history reveal. Not my place to tell. Anyways, stay safe and have a good day!]