The next day in the morning, Yun Zhi meditated inside the waterfalls and concentrated her own energy in breaking the seal on her chest. As the seal glowed purple as she was getting close to breaking it, she snapped her eyes open.
As she re-advanced herself into a Dou Emperor, the water around her pushed away from the energy released as she glowed in light blue Dou-Qi. She was back once more, and the seal was released.
Meanwhile, Yan was sleeping peacefully while the ground and the cave itself shook. Xiao Hong, sensing a Dou Emperor level coming to their way, woke up and checked. It was Yun Zhi, ready to take faerwell to Yan.
As she leaned closer to Yan's sleeping face, she smiled as she moved a hair from his face to sleep peacefully, like a sister taking care of his little brother. Steeling her eyes determinedly, she spread her Dou-Qi wings and left the cave.
"Huaahh! I never had a day Mark would wake me up for training. Huh? Where's..." Yan stretched his arms as he yawned and realised that Yun wasn't there. He waved his head around and sensed the cave, and she wasn't anywhere around the cave.
"Hu!" Xiao Hong nudged the attention to the objects in front of him. It was Yun Zhi's metal armor vest and additional two scrolls that he didn't know.
"Isn't this Yun Zhi Jie-Jie's (elder sister) armor? Huh, there's two other scrolls! What's this all about?" Yan inspected the vest and the two other scrolls in confusion. His master sighed as he reappeared in front of him.
"You're still asking about that? It's definitely the thank you gift for the past few days... They are definitely great items!" Lao remarked the items in front of Yan.
"This 'Ocean's Heart Armor' is made from a metal that grows within the stomach of a 6th Rank Ocean Magical Beast, the 3-Tailed Blue Whale. After you wear it, a normal Dou Master won't be able to harm you! Also, this is a Xuan (Black) Class High Tier Fire Element Gong Fu and Xuan Class Middle Level Dou Skill! How generous~ Sadly, it isn't good as the ones that I gave you..." Lao explained, as Yan was still confused.
"Why would she give her armor to me?... Wouldn't she be in a disadvantage if she gave her this?..." Yan asked, confused and worried for Yun. Lao 'hmm'-ed in thinking.
"I don't know why. But I'm pretty sure your 'makeshift' armor that Mark made you isn't going to be better than that." Lao pointed at the secret armor underneath Yan's clothes. Yan stared down on the metal armor that Mark gave. Speaking of him...
"Where is that 'bastard' anyways? I almost expected the morning to be chaotic and hellish when he came back..." Yan muttered as Lao also wondered the mysterious fact. Where was Mark?
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, owowowow.... That hurt." I replied out, groaning at the aftermath from the explosion. The... Assainir? Asshole-thing also escaped or was either missing from explosion that I made, and I was severely injured from it.
I glanced to see at my missing touches of my fingers and my arm. Ah shit, my arm's gone. And... My legs. Can't even feel my legs.
Groaning softly at the pain of being crippled and useless, I let my head down and sighed. It was a tough battle, not out of strength... But out of tactics.
I knew I couldn't beat Assainir by strength alone. He was almost a Dou Emperor state from sucking other Dou-Qi, and I was just a Dou Practitioner. The reason why that explosion happened was this.
The pill he swallowed and the one he choked on? The one that had Lemon Lime taste? Not only did I tricked him it was poison, but it was another step for Plan B. Pills are filled with Dou-Qi and essential things for helping a person to advance. In my case, a round object filled with explosive energy that would cause a big enough explosion that wiped my arms.
Was it just my arm? I didn't know... Anyways, I was glad I made a spare gun. That gun was used to shoot and activate the pill inside Assainir's stomach and to cause a big enough explosion that would kill him.
Big Brain moves, on my part. While I couldn't defeat him by sheer strength and power, but I could jsut kill him using tactics that are unexpected and hidden.
Did I win? No. I am currently bleeding out to death and it is painful.
Did he win? I'm sure he's got a open stomach that would possibly slow down his advancement to godly powers. Damn antagonist plot armor going to make his ass survive, but he'll feel that pain in the morning.
While as I, don't have a single armour of plot-ness. Either I'm going to die, or live again... Who am I joking, of course I'm going to live for some ungodly reasons...
Scene change! I woke up in... A white room that had all the medical stuff and roomy stuff. Round things. Round things that were oddly familar to a certain Sci-Fi TV show in BBC that was called Doctor Who.
I'm in the Tardis, aren't I?
"F..." I seethed out as- CLINCK! Chains, restricted my movement to strangle F and how asshole and annoying he is-!
"Oh, wow. Chains and handcuffs. Sadistic too much, F?" I sneered out as I tried to break the chains on my newly healed limbs. F meanwhile wasn't... smiling the troll-grin. Nope. Nada. Nicht! Not a hint of smugness, but one serious-looking F.
"... And I'm guessing the 'young kid' wasn't supposed to be in the novel, wasn't he?" I asked, no- stated. It was a statement, not a question. F nodded slowly.
"Yeah... Had to bring up my Tardis to heal you up." F explained as he switched off the handcuffs on my bed. I didn't charge at him or tackle him to death. I simply rubbed my wrists.
Time to question the elephant in the room. "What is he?" I asked, and I was mildly annoyed at the new villain thing. F sighed as he crossed his arms.
"It's a long story... But not long enough to waste your time. Remember chapter 13? Where you possibly might've sensed the grimm parts of the story and my first cameo in the fanfic?" F asked as he explained. I nodded hesistantly. It wasn't something I'd felt once in a while...
"Well, a thing... Got in the novel itself. It would be easy if I'd just... Your choice." F let down his hand and let me choose whether he was going to let me transfer his memories to my mind, or he was going to explain it.
In truth, we're actually lazy to explain stuff. Me, F, and the Author. Author's trying to make an excuse to re-explain the whole situation of the chaotic problem, but there's a catch. F's too uncomfortable to explain the whole sitaution, and I'm pretty picky about transfering memories.
I deadpanned and tried to guess the whole thing. "Let me guess... A psychotic excuse of a human being tries to conquer the whole multiverse for some reason, and he or she died because of you and his little daddy-pet's trying to kill me because of that..." I guessed, and F shrugs in slight agreement. And I was on the baby's hitlist for killing his daddy.
"Close. But IT... can't be killed, so I banished IT instead from existence." F explained and corrected my guess and check, while I raised my eyebrow.
"IT? As in... the clown Pennywise thing that has 99 red balloons that Stevie Wonder made?..." I replied confusedly. F rolled his eyes.
"No, its not... Also, it's Stephen King. Not Stevie Wonder, or that clown thing from IT. It's... something worse entirely..." F trailed off as rubbed his head in exhaustion. I rolled my eyes in ridiculousness.
"Either get this thing a new name or we'll be both confused on what we're talking about. Since the brat thing called him Father or something, call it the Father of Anarchy, Sinner Winner, Evil Black, something other than IT." I glared, already imagining the obnoxious problems in the future.
"How about... Father Sin?" F suggested, while it was- A BAD NAME, but it's better than IT. It's the IT. IT is going to kill it. I'm getting confused about it.
F adjusted his glasses. "Father Sin sexually raped and assaulted multiple young women aged to young and adult in a couple of days." F replied. I crossed my arms and lied down on the bed.
"So? I've heard worse." I simply replied, humans are evil. It's the acts of what they do makes them important and dangerous...
"He ripped out the newborns inside the wombs and painted the wall red." Still heard and seen worser stuff than that... Don't question me on that behalf. I've suffered through worse things.
"Burned the whole village down, raped again..." Still not making me disgusted at his actions. Imma scratch my ear for a sec...
"Umm.... Done worse things in the multiverse for god-knows-how-long, and I'm NOT going to explain them, and apparantly his arrogance is his source of power and omnipotence." F explained as I accidently- Ow. I scratched my ear too hard...
"And the rest is history. You banished his ass out of existence, and because of that, you accidently forced the author to restart the whole universe again. But that doesn't explain WHY the brat exists." I asked as I cracked my knuckles. F went to explain.
"When the restart happened, all the women that Father Sin raped weren't raped. They were all normal and fine. But there was one woman who didn't change from the restart..." F's face darkened as he walked to the entrance of the room. I slid my arms into the blazer while I followed him.
As we both entered the medical rooms of the heavily medical-ed tools and equipment, I could see this was the patient and victim that needed a lot of treatment.
F stopped and tapped on the touchpad of the capsule. "I did what I could to save her. This was more than a human could cause..." F unlocked the healing pod with a hiss. I leaned closer to see the damage.
I darkly narrowed my eyes at the damage the poor woman suffered. "Yeah, he did it alright, and I'm not a fan of it..." She was exhausted, mentally broken, body dehydrated as if the life energy was sucked out of her, and crying from her lifeless eyes.
F increased the healing dosage of her system. "She's suffered through a traumatic experience that is... unfair and sickening to the core... If this is his minium effects, I would hate to see if he'd actually tried..." F scowled as he shut the lid. She was beyond dying and living. She would not die, but she would continue to suffer...
I glanced at F. "You're trying to help her. Not by killing her, but helping her to get along her daily life, right?" F was an asshole. There was no doubt about it. But he had the motives to help and heal people as he could, like a doctor. I'm not questioning it, because it's not my place to ask.
F nodded somberly. "She's diagnosed with a virus that sucks the energy and turns it into pain and suffering. Both mentally and physically. I give her the healing dosage until I find out how to kill it. Until then, I'll just get her back to her normal life." He explains as he glanced at me.
"But there's the problem. Samantha Church, age 19, and a fan to manga and anime. She's also a writer, and fluent to French. Apparantly she was killed by unknown reasons and reincarnated to here. She also knows what cultivation novel she's in, and has a bad family relationship." F bit his lips as he thought. So that's why.
"She didn't change because she came Earth, right? Different person from a different reality, but doesn't listen to the rules of other realities, or something. The baby she had in her womb survived the restart because she was a reincarnator... But that doesn't make ANY sense. If she was reincarnated, she would've been affected from the rules of this reality..." I narrowed my eyes. F did the same and sighed.
"I don't know why... But the only problem is that offspring of a son is running around the whole continent. Good job on weakening him, it was a smart move... Currently, the son has some memories of his mother, and he's going to use this as an advantage..." F muttered about. I frowned as I faced him.
"Why am I, not allowed to know everything about this cultivation novel? I really want to know where I am, F." I demanded. F eyed me instead.
"Can't. You're on your own, and you'll cause butterfly effects that would likely help the offspring's advantage to conquor the world. I doubt he knows everything either, but don't be so sure." F warned me. I sighed as I sat on my ass tiredly.
"And I guess it's the Author's intentions to 'spice' things up to his fanfic..." I groaned out as to describe how tired I am. F raised an eyebrow.
"Surprisingly, it wasn't our fellow Author's intention to do this. He's currently out and uncontractable to us from the supposed 'antagonist' that shut him up, so you're on your own now." I was shocked to see at least. The author himself didn't plan this out?... That's... curious.
I blinked in realisation. "Wait, on my own?" I asked, as F went to the other direction, purposely ignoring me. I frowned as I quickly followed him.
"What do you mean, I'm going solo? Shouldn't you be helping me?" I glared as I poked his chest in demanding. F narrowed his eyes.
"I can't. Too busy to do so, and I have a lot of people that deserve some help. Father Sin did this in the most of the multiverse, and I have to solve each and every problem that would cause some... Fucking trouble." I widened my eyes at F's cursing. Normally, he wouldn't curse in front of me, but if he's like this...
"And... I have a lot of questions. What do I get out of this? Why should I kill the bastard?" I asked to F. He rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Let me explain it to you so it would match your cynical personality. You let him conquer the world, he'll probably invent multiverse travel and make your life hell eventually when he meets your daily world. Stop him, and you'll do all of us a favour." He narrowed it down, as I grunted in agreement.
"Fine." I replied. Basically, I have to kill him because Assainir will eventually ruin my life and I have to kill him before he does that. Simple.
I'm on my own, body fully healed, and ready for killing brats. What else is new?
As the dark navy blue police box Tardis thing hovered around the thunderstorm, I opened the doors, letting the wind blow my hair back. I glanced at F.
"You can't help me because you're too busy killing other problems that the Father Sin made, but you can't help me by giving the spoilers or any weapons..." I deadpanned as F went around about the control console, frantically flipping switches and levers and buttons.
"Yep! I can't give you any spoilers because it'll be useless, Assainir will be changing the timeline so the facts don't add up... Also it takes a long time to go through the weapons room. It's like a maze in there...! Wait gimme a sec...!" SWITCH!
"Somehow, I'm on my own now. Isn't this thing a 'time machine?'" I tapped the Tardis. F continued to hover around as the turblance(?) shook the Tardis.
"Time is relative! You literally cannot time travel in the multiverse for some reason! I don't know why, but it sucks! It used to be time-travellable in the past, but it just doesn't now!" F shouted out as I grabbed ahold of the Tardis. So time travelling to the point of the shitstorm and preventing it, is out of reach.
"Welp, time to go. Yeet!" I jumped to the stormcloud, as I heard the mechanical wheezing and groaning from the Tardis as it dematerialised for flight.
As the two characters (Yun and Yan) hid in the trees near the cave, they were after the same thing: The Purple Spirit Crystal. Yan was also wearing the Ocean Heart Armor as protection and thanks.
"Are you crazy?!" Yun shouted, concerned for the boy's health. It was too dangerous for Yan to join.
"I'm not crazy... Well, maybe a little." Yan confessed as he scratched the back of his head. Yun sighed as she accepted Yan's help. Both of them indeed found the cave that the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King rested on, but she only wanted to deal it by herself.
"... Ah, fine." Yun accepted Yan's help and gave her Dou-Qi to Yan. Yan gasped at the sudden power-up from Yun. "This Dou-Qi will allow you to have the strength of a Dou Master temporarily. At the same time, it will increase your speed." She explained as Yan glowed in light-blue Dou-Qi.
"Nice!..." Yan remarked the new strength he had. Yun gave him a red crystal and began explaining.
"Also, you should carry this red crystal! When it gets close to the Purple Spirit Crystal, it will emit light! With it's guidance, you should be able to find the Purple Spirit Crystal! You and I split up to do our own jobs. I will stall the Lion King and you will enter the cave and steal the crystal!" She ordered, and Yan agreed by nodding.
"Okay, let's go!" Yun and Yan went to their roles and jobs. As Yun stopped and floated in front of the cave, she boomed her Dou-Qi like a flare to bring the Lion King out.
"PURPLE CRYSTAL WINGED LION KING! HURRY UP AND HAND OVER THE PURPLE SPIRIT CRYSTAL!" She shouted out, as the Lion King immediately flared his purple Dou-Qi.
"Yes, yes... Do that while I steal the crystal under your nose..." Yan muttered as he ran towards the cave while riding Xiao Hong. Yan narrowed his eyes as it was hot.
"It's hot." He replied as his Master reappeared to explain.
"The Lion King's cave is usually connected with the magma underneath the ground. This kind of temperature is naturally understandable... However, I will feel like we'll find treasures again~" Lao hoped for treasure.
As they stopped as the cave split into two tunnels, Yan bit his lips. "It's split into two... Master, do you where we should go?..." As Yan moved the red crystal to the right, he realised.
"Hey! The crystal seems to have a reaction to the right side! Xiao Hong, to the right we go!" Xiao Hong ran towards the right side of the tunnel. As purple shining light blinded Yan's eyesight as he covered it with his arm, Yan dropped his jaw in shock.
"Holy...! Look at this place, it's so cool!" Yan stared in awe at the huge crystal cave. Lao went to explain. Xiao Hong stopped.
"Ah, the purple crystal isn't just beautiful... It had absorbed the trained Dou-Qi of the Lion King for a long time... It has a miraculous effect to the ones training in Dou-Qi. Every single crystal should be at least 200 gold..." Lao explained as Yan's eyes glimmered is excitement.
"Wahaha! What are we waiting for, let's dig!" Yan brought the pickaxe and shovel in his hands.
A growl from far away froze his tracks as he went silent. Turning his head around, he noticed the small Lion King resting on a rock.
"There's actually another one..." Yan became careful and silent not to wake the sleeping lion cub that could kill him in an instant.
"Don't worry, it's only a cub of the Lion King. It's only a 3rd Rank." Lao explained in assurance. Yan sighed in relief as he could deal with a 3rd Ranked Beast, but barely in his defense.
"Let's not talk about that right now. See! Look behind it, it's the Purple Spirit Crystal!" Lao pointed at the round crystal pearl behind the sleeping cub. While he would give a warning to tell his student about the dangers of a lion cub-
Lao stared at his student conspicuously. Yan raised his arms in a 'duh' expression.
"What? It's better if it sleeps more 'peacefully', right?" Yan casually replied as he knocked/smacked out the sleeping cub with the heavy ruler unconscious (he can summon it back to him). It's eyes were swirly eyes of unconsciousness. Lao just stared dumbly at the sight.
"... Okay, that works. Huh... I'm just... Going to take a break." Lao needed a break from the ridiculousness and unorthodox ways Mark had taught Yan. Something ridiculous just worked, if it shouldn't be... That was too much for him.
Yan raised an eyebrow and later shrugged. "Anyways, let's hurry and steal the crystal away before the Lion King notices!" Yan went to grab the round crystal.
"OW! MOTHER- HOT!" Yan immediately pulled his hand away from the crystal and rubbed against the burn marks on his palm. Lao widened his eyes in realisation and excitement when he saw the crystal itself.
"Could it be... That this isn't the Purple Spirit Crystal, but the even rarer type: The Accompanying Purple Crystal Essence?!" Lao exclaimed outloud in excitement. Yan pulled out a water vial and poured it on his wound.
"Eh? What is that?" Yan asked, confused about the new term. Lao smirked and began explaining.
"Accompanying Purple Crystal Essence. It is an extremely pure purple crystal essence energy that would be born accompanying the Purple Crystal Small Lion King in extremely few circumstances! It is said that after the cub grows to the 4th Rank, it can immediately swallow it and acheive the 5th Rank in one go ane become a mighty beast!" Lao explained enthusiastically.
"REALLY?! Then, if I eat this, I will immediately advance to a Dou Master?!" Yan asked in the same enthusium. Lao nodded in agreement.
"It will indeed help, but it is bigger than your head, how would you bring it anyways?" Lao asked and Yan froze and sweatdropped.
"It looks like it will take at least half a month if I were to try and dig it out..." Yan crossed his arms and sighed in frustration.
Lao gleamed and clenched his fists. "Actually, there are two ways, one is to 'swallow it in one gulp!'" He explained. Yan sweatdropped as he imagined himself swallowing the whole goddamn thing. That wouldn't... work.
"Jokes aside, the only one other way remains, use the purple spirit crystal and smash it apart!" "Purple Spirit Crystal... where is it..." Yan put a hand on his chin and thought. Suddenly, Yan realised something else.
"However, Master... Do you feel that our backs are getting hotter?..." "Yes, could it be..." Purple eyes gleamed behind them from the darkness.
"Woah!" As the Small Lion King woke up from the knock-out and charged at Yan and Lao, Yan leapt forward in surprise and dodged the attack. Yan turned his head around and saw the small Lion King pup had a red fur on his mouth.
"Wait, that's... That's Xiao Hong's! You- YOU ASSHOLE!" Rage built up on his system as he clenched his fists in anger and immediately punched the shit out of the small Lion King's face.
As the Lion King slid from the ground and scowled at Yan in fury, Yan was there first to land in the first strike. "THIS IS PAYBACK FOR EATING MY FRIEND!" As Yan swung his ruler enchanted with his fiery Dou-Qi, the Lion Pup howled out in defiance and charged at him.
A red blur suddenly pulled away Yan and the Lion Pup missed it's attack, Yan turned his head to see a newly-alive Xiao Hong smiling at him. "Xiao Hong, you're still alive! Thank god!" Yan called out in relief as his friend wasn't lion-breakfast.
Lao pointed at the Lion Pup. "Look over there! Beneath the Little Lion King's neck, it looks like it's the... PURPLE SPIRIT CRYSTAL!" A purple amethyst gleam was on the Lion Pup's neck.
"Damn, so it was wearing it!" Yan noticed the crystal on the Lion Pup's neck. The Lion Pup scowled as it howled in fury and the crystal cave itself shook from the howl. Crystaline layers on the ceiling dropped as Yan quickly dodged them.
"Shit! Xiao Hong, dodge it quickly!" As Yan and Xiao Hong both leapt backwards from the huge crystal rock that landed in the spot where they were, in the moment, the Lion Pup used this chance to attack Yan.
As Yan's vision slowed down as he watched the Lion Pup was going to chomp on his ribs, he had a lightbulb on his head and smirked mischeiviously.
"WUUU!!!" Xiao Hong called out in concern as he saw blood. However, Yan smirked as pulled out an object in his hands. A purple crystal.
"Ocean's Heart Armor! It's definitely worthy to be called a treasure! How's that, I'm so difficult to eat, I shouldn't be too TASTY, right?" Yan grinned as he pulled out the Purple Crystal from the Lion Pup. The Lion Pup's teeth were shattered into pieces as it went unconscious.
"Sneaky brat..." Lao sighed and smiled in relief.
Yan grinned as he smashed the round crystal with the Purple Spirit Crystal. "Haha, Accompanying Purple Crystal Essence, you are mine!" The round crystal cracked into pieces and exploded into pure essence.
"SHIT! SHIT! IT'S FLYING EVERYWHERE!" Yan exclaimed in panic and waved his arms like a madman. Lao deadpanned and rolled his eyes. Yan gritted his teeth.
"Damnit! I risked my life to trade for this, I can't waste it!" Yan began licking the remains of the essence. "Mine! All mine!" "Don't lick it! What the hell are you doing, that's unsightly disgusting!" Lao exclaimed in disgust.
"Huh?!" "Woah, is the cave falling apart?!" CRASH! A very pissed off Lion King leaned and entered the cave and noticed Yan holding the Purple Spirit Crystal.
"HUMAN, PUT DOWN THE PURPLE CRYSTAL ESSENCE!" As Yan gulped in fear as he knew he was screwed, Yun Zhi came in on time and landed in front of him protectively.
"Yao Yan, are you alright?" "Yun Zhi Jie-Jie (older or elder sister)!" Yan exclaimed out in surprise and welcome as he saw Yun was alive. Yan smirked as he brought up the crystal.
"Don't worry, I already got the item!" The Lion King noticed the unconscious Lion Pup covered in crystaline rock underneath and fury boiled up to its emotions as he flared his Dou-Qi like a firewave.
"YOU ACTUALLY DARE TO HURT MY CHILD! I WILL KILL YOU SO THAT YOUR CORPSE IS BROKEN COMPLETELY!" The Lion King let out a blast of destructive fiery energy at the two, while Yun focused her palm and narrowed her eyes.
As the bright light blinded their senses as the attack was hit, the Lion King realised the two intruders had escaped and hatred and fury boiled up like a furnace.
"HUMAN! YOU HURT MY CHILD, STOLE MY PRECIOUS TREASURE! REMEMBER THIS, I WILL DEFINITELY TAKE REVENGE ON YOU!!!" Howling in hatred, the cry roared to the heavens and the earth.
In the grassy plains of the green nature, I watched the sunset falling to the mountains as I lied in the grass floor. Why couldn't F use his knowledge of 'which cultivation novel this is' or 'spoilers' to send me in a place where I can find the MC's Bizarre Adventures Grumps without taking too long?
You may be confused. Where's my bag? Lightsaber? Firearms and Guns? Camping equipment? Condoms for the MC's harem for preventing accidental babies that would fuck up the world again?
Well, the answer is that I'm VERY stupid. I soon realised... That all my belongings and my bag can store inside... Yan's storage, RING... All my heavy stuff, inside a small storage ring.
You can say that I wanted to smash my head to wall, REPEADILY in fact.
Ignoring that, I soon realised I wasn't using all my braincells. If I could even USE them for that matter... Damn memory system forgetting memories thingy... Dou-Qi. Similar to chakra, bla blab bla...
Nature Dou-Qi. Very different, and nobody sane or insane has discovered it in this world. So I thought: You know sages, from Naruto? Orange pigments in toad eyes, taking in the nature energy and becoming a sage to kick Pain's ass? Rasenshuriken?... Can Nature Dou-Qi be similar to Nature Energy from Naruto?
I... can say, plausible? I mean, they both come from Nature itself, both are energy sources, and it's basically everywhere. Wait, where's Emerald the Snake?
"Sssssnnnn.... Sssssnnnn...." I turned my head below to see sleeping Em curled up to my body right now. How is she- Bullshittery? I'm going to ask later how she latched on to my body without me noticing...
Em has Natural Dou-Qi and I forgot what I called it, Nature or Natural? Doesn't matter, and she has it flowing through her veins and her power or something. So I thouught about this: Can I be a Sage or something close? Possibly.
Thinking about Naruto wonders me about Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunais, or called Hiraishin Kunais... Those are very useful, if I can remember how to make them in the first place...
Huh? Speaking of... It's Yan, Xiao Hong, and Yun. I think it was her name.
"That was dangerous, the Lion King was indeed powerful... Luckily, I binded the Spatial Jade Stone to the outer area of the forest... This way, it won't be able to chase us!" She explained to Yan, who was resting on her back. With a grunt, I lifted myself off from the ground.
"Sup." I replied to them.
"EEP!" Yun actually spoke that outloud and... fell from Xiao Hong's back from the surprise and fear? Anyways, she fell down.
"What are you doing here-!" "Hot... So Hot..." Yan muttered out, and I didn't think it was his hormones acting up. Yun and I both noticed this and went to his side.
"YAO YAN!" As Yun went his side first when Yan fell from Xiao Hong's back, she checked his temperature and he was sweating heavily. What the fuck did these guys do when I was gone?
"Your body... It's so hot! What happened?" Yun asked as she checked Yan's body. So much words for crappy romance scenes... Wait, what's he wearing inside his clothes-
Yan opened his eyes and smirked. "Heh... It's probably because of the Accompanying Purple Crystal Essence... I was too careless, now, my body feels like I'm burning in flames..." He barely called out.
Yun frowned in concern and anger. "You idiot! How can you-" He's the MC, woman! MC's are usually stupidly reckless to the point where they sacrifice themselves for a stupid cause or something. Rarely, there ARE MC's that are not stupid, but they're mostly evil or cynical or something worse. I can't tell.
"Do I HAVE to be with you every second so you don't ACTUALLY die out from your stupidity?" I scowled out, causing Yan to grin, not whimper. I cracked my neck and that smirk was gone.
"What the hell's going on? Spill the beans, idiots!" I demanded out angrily, and Yan coughed to explain.
"We stole the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King's Purple Spirit Crystal... and pissed him off." Yan explained as I slapped my face from tiredness. For fuck's sake...
"Here, take this quickly and leave.... Don't let that crazy lion find you..." So basically, Yan and his new bitch stole a purple winged cat's crystal ball and escaped, pissing him off? Sure, it sounds what Yan would do...
"It's already like this, how can I think about myself?!" Yun cried out in outrage and concern for Yan. Damn stupid moral complex, Yan stole the damn thing for her, and she's worried for him.
Then in response, a fiery purple Dou-Qi surrounded Yan as he spat blood. "YAO YAN!" The purple Lion- Simba, no- What was the Lion King's villain name again? Scarttarach? Cu Cuclain? Oh wait, Scar. Is trying to take over Yan's body for a second time.
"I can't care about it too much now..." She muttered. Oh no. Anime Logic of Harem, anyone in contact with the MC joins in the harem group or something. I forgot how it worked again...
"Just treat it as paying back the favour of treating me for the past few days..." She joined her palms to Yan's together, as I casually watched the sight with crossed arms. She was joining her Dou-Qi to his.
"Your Dou-Qi is still too little! The Accompanying Purple Essence's energy is too ferocious, you can't handle it! Let me help you to reduce of the burden!" She shared her Dou-Qi into Yan as she closed her eyes. In that moment, I activated my Dou-Qi sights to see Yan's body counteracting to the Purple Scar's control.
As I watched Yun's Dou-Qi helping Yan in the embodiment of two sky whales to counteract the Dou-Qi Winged Purple Scar thing, Scar roared out and counteracted the Whales.
"Kkkr!" Yun coughed out blood as she was resisted from the Lion. She gritted her teeth and ignored the blood on her mouth. I rolled my eyes and facepalmed myself.
"Damnit! The energy of the Accompanying Purple Crystal Essence is indeed overwhelming, but don't look down upon the strength of a Dou Emperor!" She gritted out and shared more Dou-Qi. I huffed out as I released my crossed arms.
"Yan, do I have to say THAT again? I'm not particularly fond of 'encouraging' you again. If you don't, then... Well, you get the idea. 𝑾𝑨𝑲𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑭𝑼𝑪𝑲 𝑼𝑷!" I simply called out, as Yan's eyes twitched in response and unconsciously gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
"Uughh...! AAAAAARRRGHHHH!!!!" As the scene shows the Lion King's image cracked like a mirror and shattered into pieces, the two whales of tranquility calmed his Dou-Qi down.
Yun sighed out as the deed was done. Yan suddenly hugged her unconsciously, muttering about 'Xun-Er, I miss you or something' and Yun smiled in kindredly and hugged back like a older sister would...
I ain't dealing with that bullshiet.
"Awww, how fucking touching!.. WAKE UP DUMBASSES!" I angrily kicked them both, forcibly waking Yan up fron surprise as they all screamed as both of them rolled around the grass hill and moved out of sight.
In the grass hill where they disappeared, a hand popped up and gave me the finger. Then later Yan and Yun, looking a bit pissed and dirty as grass and dirt were everywhere, both glared in murderous rage.
I raised an eyebrow conspicuously. "Gotta problem?" I cracked my neck to increase my warning and my annoyance as they both still glared at me. They both looked at each other.
"Yao Yan, should we teach a lesson to this 'arrogant' friend of yours?..." Yun glared out, readying her Dou-Qi rapier as Yan prepared his ruler in response.
"Sure, sure... A lesson that you don't mess with a Dou Emperor and a Dou Practitioner's moment...!" Yan and Yun both flared their Dou-Qi in anger as they prepared themselves for a 'lesson'.
I simply snorted in amusement. "Pfff! You... think, you can teach me, ME, a lesson about arrogance? Hahaha... AHAHAHA! This we'll be a warmup for my (newly healed) body, a Dou Empress and an Idiot?" I chuckled out darkly and secretly prepared myself without them noticing.
"Two against one? Pretty bad odds... For you, perhaps." I grinned out as I cracked my knuckles as their frowns turned into scowls. I'm pretty good at pissing people off. Anger blinds people.
"Let's get this over with." I immediately charged FIRST as they were taken back from the reckless act. This'll be fun.
A few hours later...
"Are you guys done yet?" I simply called out as I laid down, exhausted in the grass and wet from the sweat. Those two were pretty difficult, but they were troublesome to say at least.
"Ughh..." "Owowow..." The both moaned out in pain as they laid down, bruised and injured from the squable and both equally defeated. They put up a fight, it was kinda difficult trying to 'kill' them.
"I'll take that as a yes. Right, up-de-do!" I lifted myself up from the grass and dusted myself up. Yun glared at me as she clutched her gut in pain.
"Y-you... Don't even play fair, do you?..." She barely called out in pain, as I rolled my eyes in obviousness. I grabbed her hand and helped her up. I had some dirty tricks on my sleeves...
"Define 'fair' when you're fighting a Dou Empress and a Dou Practitioner at the same time. You have no right to speak 'fair' when you're a Dou Empress yourself." I rebutted back, causing Yun to raise a finger, then later let it down and to pout in frustration as I was right.
Yan had the worst obviously. "I... Fucking, HATE YOU. How many times did you kicked my precious jewels, you fucking, BASTARD?" Yan seethed out as he groaned HARD from the pain coming from his nuts. Yeah, I repeadily kicked his nuts to prevent any offsprings. You never know...
"What is this?..." Yun curiously asked as she picked up my Walther PPK pistol that I used for my emergency situations. She had apparently saw me using the gun, and she was VERY interested on how it works.
"It's my invention. It's called a pistol. Aim, pull the trigger, and the bullet fires. It's supplied by Dou-Qi, and it fires it. Like this." I took out another Walther PPK and fired at-
"Would you stop shooting at me?!" Yan shouted in outrage as he blocked the bullet with the heavy ruler. He later flipped the bird at me.
Yun looked confused as to why Yan was raising that particular finger to show a sign of offense, but later inspected the other pistol in awestruck. "So this is a pistol..." She muttered out and tested the pistol.
She blinked and furiously pulled the trigger. I sighed. "You have to... fill it with Dou-Qi. Imagine giving Dou-Qi into your sword, but in little amounts. Try it." I explained and corrected her confusion of the gun not working as she thought it would. She did what I asked and-
Yun looked at the pistol in awe as her hands were blown back from the force. She had- stars in her eyes? Anyways, she reluctantly (although she did her best to show it) gave the pistol to me.
"Actually... you can keep those." I gave her the two pistols on her palms to her confusion and both her surprising delight. Yet for some reason, my pistols and firearms have an attraction to most people...
"Why? Why would you give these to me?" She asked, although she looked at the silver-coated pistols at her hands in awe. Well, there was some reasons...
"I kicked you, TWICE in fact and I haven't apologised, so these are your... gifts for my apology. Other reason is that you're not arrogant nor evil-intent like most people, so these would be in right hands. Honestly, these don't fit me so I'mma gonna give them to you." Those were all lies, alright. The real reason was to increase our 'ally' relationship between Yan and I, due to the fact I needed more allies because of a growing threat of Assainir.
'They say keep your 'friends' close and your enemies closer.' While I don't know the complete meaning of this quote, but I'd like to focus on the growing threat...
Yun glared as she recalled the actions. She hid the pistols in her sleeves and huffed. "While I know these are useful and I accept these gifts, that doesn't mean I will forgive you, Mark." She 'hmph'-ed out as she crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, wait- Is Yan dead again?" I realised Yan didn't move a muscle after he blocked the Dou-Qi bullet. I 'lightly' tapped him with my shoe, and all I got was a longing tired snore.
I glanced at Yun and shrugged. Yun smiled as she did care for Yan as the 'older sister and younger annoying brother relationship' in a way.
On the same day in the evening, Yan muttered out his childhood friend. "Xun-Er, Xun-Er, don't leave..." Yan unconsciously muttered out as he twisted and turned asd he snapped his eyes open.
"XUN-ER!" SMACK! To slap his hand to his Master's (secretly) amused face staring back at him. Lao smirked as Yan misunderstood Lao as Xun-Er.
"You're very bold, you actually dare to play with your master!" He grinned as he moved his face away from Yan. In response, Mark cupped his mouth and shouted.
"YAN IS FUCKING GAY!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP MARK! I'M FUCKING STRAIGHT!" BANG! Mark casually dodged the bullet from his way as Yan shot him with his Revolver. Yan flipped a bird at Mark and immediately got himself from the grass. Lao chuckled humorously as he cupped his stomach.
Yan scowled deeply as he was trolled by his Master and Mark. Then, he realised that Yun was missing, and he searched the area for her. "Ah, that's right! Where did Yun Zhi Jie-Jie go?" Lao went to explain.
"She already left a long time ago! Along with gifts from Mark as an apology, but she left this pouch for you!" Lao handed a small pouch to Yan. Mark was meanwhile fixing his lightsaber with the spare parts he stolen from F's Tardis when he wasn't looking.
"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Yan immediately snatched the pouch from Lao's hands, feeling a bit betrayed from Lao's part, and revealed the contents inside.
"A scroll? And a letter?" Yan unfolded the letter and read inside the letter's contents. Mark sang like a sailor when he accidently electrocuted himself.
Yao Yan:
Please forgive me this time for this farewell, I'm really grateful to you. Your talent isn't bad, if you wish, you can bring this letter to find the Pill King Gu Hai. After he sees this letter, he will naturally accept you as his disciple. If fate follows us, we will o̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶e̶a̶c̶h̶ ̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶ (P.S: Mark fixed my 'grammar' and taught me how P.S stands for 'plus'! It must be fasinating to learn from him!) see each other again once more. Thank you, I enjoyed the past few days with you.
From, Yun Zhi.
P.S: Perhaps I might have to practice my cooking ^_^
Yan smiled as he held the letter. She was still caring about him, although he didn't agree 'some' parts. It was not 'fasinating' to learn from Mark. It was HELL. Lao poked his face from Yan's back and rubbed his chin in thoughtfulness.
"This woman, Yun Zhi, actually knows that boy Gu Hai. She even gave you a recommendation. Looks like she is quite familar with him..." Lao muttered as Yan turned in shock.
"Could she have an affair with him?" Yan asked in shock. "Eh?" Lao spoke out in confusion. Yan went to explain. Mark repeadily whacked the lightsaber crudely with a hammer and hit one of his fingers.
"AAARRRGHHH-" "Gu Hai is currently the most famous Receptarier in the Jia Ma Empire! It is said that he would pay whatever price as long as it is for making medical pills..." Yan ignored the yowl coming from Mark and explained. Lao snorted and started to chuckle and facepalmed himself.
"Hmph, a 6th Ranked boy acting like this!" He amusedly replied. Yan and Lao smirked as they both looked at each other. Mark was currently cursing at 'F' or 'the Author' while pointing at the sky.
"Of course! Master is the best Receptarier! You will teach me and make me stronger than Gu Hai, right?" He cheekily smirked back. Mark was biting his lips to endure the pain. Finger pains were the worst pains you can get.
Lao gave a mischeivious grin. "Flattery won't get you anywhere. It only works if you work hard enough!" He stated, and realised something tell to Yan.
"Oh, that's right. You-" "KKKKKKYYYAAAAA!!!!" The three of them heard the cries of a desperate young girl for help and quickly faced the forest. Yan and Mark narrowed their eyes and Mark motioned him to go. He was still working on his lightsaber...
Far away in the forest, a badly bloody bruised brother protectively guarded his little sister from the Wolf Head Mercenaries as they laughed at him. "D-don't come closer!..." He warned. All they could do was laugh at the pathetic sight.
"Ling Er! Hurry and run! Don't let this Wolf Head Mercenaries bastards catch you!" "Brother... What about you?" The sister called out in fear and concern. The leader of the mercenary group went to the front and grinned maliciously.
"You only know how to chop wood, it's your luck that I actually fancy you! Run? Do think it's that simple?" The leader suddenly appeared behind the brother and sister and slashed at the brother, deepening his wounds as he flew away crying in pain.
The little girl cried tears of fear and struggle as the leader grinned desirely as he held the girl in his arm. "Heh, this uncle loves girls that listen the most! Don't shout, even if you scream until your throat cracks, you will still follow me away today!" His claws leaned closer at the little girl's face as he grinned widely.
"Ah, why are you guys all the same?... Speaking your same damn lines over and over... Don't even get tired of it?" Yan smirked.
"WHO?!" The leader shouted out in surprise as well as the two siblings in shock. Yan cracked his knuckles and flashed a smirk at them. He manifested the ruler to his hands and prepared for a slaughter.
"Yo! Wolf trash! Long time no see!" He called out. The mercenaries noticed who it was. "I-I recognise him! It's Xiao Yan!" A mercenary called out, as they prepared to charge at Yan.
"Damn brat! We were looking for you a long time! Haha!" "Brothers, go! Catch that kid! No matter life or death!" The mercenaries roared out as they charged at Yan. Yan smirked as they came closer. A spear was thrusted to his face, and in that moment, time slowed down for him.
The siblings watched in shock and awe as Yan, in an instant, defeated all the mercenaries before they could hit Yan. Yan smirked as fear got to the rest of the mercenaries.
"Hmph! Last time He Meng, that idiot was played in this kid's palms! I'm not that stupid, I must hurry and report back to the captain, hehe!" The leader ran like a weasel as Yan frowned as he took chase.
"GET BACK HERE!" Yan also ran as well as he kicked the mercenaries' heads as he ran passed to catch the leader. The leader laughed as he ran.
"Hmph, brat, you might be able to fight decently, but with your speed, you want to chase me?? I'm known for my speed! AHAHAHA!" The leader ran faster as he could. Yan narrowed his eyes as he was about to go faster, a red blur smacked the running weasel from running.
It was Xiao Hong, growling murderously at the leader in fear. "Magical Beast Red Wolf?!" He started to sweat as he saw Yan leaping towards him. Taking in a false bravado, he flared his Dou-Qi.
"Bastard! I am still a proper 9-star Dou Practitioner! If you're seeking death, then don't blame me-" "𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐈𝐄!" Yan flared his sudden purple flames around him and incinerated the annoying bastard in ashes. The purple flames twisted and turned into a tornado, to slowly dissipate and to leave a VERY confused Yan standing in a black ash crater.
"Uhhhh.... Did I do all of this?!" Yan watched as nothing was left of the bastard. Nah. Nada. Nicht! Not a thing or an atom was found as the poor bastard was completely incinerated.
"Yep. I think this your second overkill of killing the villain. One to that receptarier, and then this one." Mark appeared out of knowhere and inspected the damage. Yan awkwardly scratched the back of his head.
"How is this possible?... Wait, I think I just became a 9-star Dou Practitioner! Also, this purple coloured Dou-Qi..." Yan showed the purple Dou-Qi on his palms to Mark. Mark 'hmm'-ed in thought as he researched it.
"Xiao Yan Zi, the changing of your flame and you level jumping 2 times, it is all because that you swallowed the Purple Crystal Essence... However, if it wasn't for that girl who took all the burden of the Purple Crystal Essence's rampage, you would've been dead already." Lao explained to both of them. Mark 'hmm'-ed in agreement.
"He's right. Your Dou-Qi just changed into purple flames. I don't think it will kill you, but I doubt it's going to take you over your body or something." Mark shrugged as Yan stared at the purple Dou-Qi in awe.
"Well, this has been an interesting development..." Mark muttered out as he crossed his arms.
*Hi! F here, since the Author was... kicked out from the chat, I will be going to the Author's daily work of persuading (deceiving) you readers to review, comment, give some stones, and to live a happy life in the void of depression!*
*Please review. Chuck in some stones as well, comment on the things that doesn't work with you, and have a great time suffering/dealing with the world of realism! This is F, signing out!*
*Might as well try to fix the Author's mute problem... Doing this already makes me lazy to do this daily...*