There's a lot of poisons in the world. The self-explanitory, the drink away to forget your problems such as alcoholism, the addictive stuff... All of these have something in common: They eventually kill people.
No shits given to Sherlock, thank you.
Anyways, I wanted to talk about poison. More exactly, where it comes from. Also, Yan's female 'fairy nurse' also got kidnapped according to the siblings that Yan saved. I knew I should've gave her a gun to protect herself...
"XIAO YI XIAN?! She's my friend, did something happen to her?!" Yan demanded to the crying little girl who wept for the fairy doctor.
"Uuu... Xiao Yi Xian Jie-Jie! It would be great if she's here! She will definitely be able to save my brother..." The little girl cried out as she changed the topic. Yan blinked and gave a vial from his sleeves to the girl.
"Don't cry, hurry and let him take this. It can save his life." Yan gave the vial to the tear-eyed little girl. His face darkened and flashed dangerously in the moonlight in seriousness.
"Then tell me in detail, what happened to Xiao Yi Xian?!" He loudly demanded, causing the little girl to cry again in fear. I facepalmed with a notable 'slap' from my face. You don't shout to a girl who just cried, dumbass...
As Yan was interogating the siblings in the search for Xiao Yi Xian, I was uninterested and focused the topic of poison. Back to the topic, I'm curious about the poison coming from Em.
To most people, she's the Mysterious Poisonous Jade Snake. It's poison is one of the deadliest poisons... in the world? It's poisonous, alright. But I don't know if its THE most poisonous in this damn continent.
According to Em, she's lived about more than 1,000+ years, and that's enough to think that her poison is VERY dangerous. She doesn't recall all of her past memories, which also sucks, and maybe it's the small brain she has that may have given her limited memories...
Aaaannndd NOW said snake is deathly glaring at me as if I'd insulted her brain or something. Oh yeah. The connection between beast and master can allow them to sense each other's emotions? Meaning, she realised I just called her dumb just from sensing my emotions.
AND Em, don't you dare try to sink your poisonous fangs at me. I will ground you to the point that you wouldn't be able to taste my cooking AGAIN. Don't you dare! I WILL do it...
Back to the drawing board, the reason why she latched on to me while I wasn't noticing, was because she can hide VERY well without me noticing she's with me. Turns out she was hiding in my blazer this whole time. I wondered why my blazer felt so heavy...
I think she's the sole reason why I got Dou-Qi in my veins. When I was in the Power Rangers universe, I did not have a SINGLE Dou-Qi in my system at all. Em transfered the poison (with Dou-Qi) to my body, causing it to miraculously create a new Dou-Qi compatible body.
Also I don't know if I explained this to you again or I'm just explaining right now. Just roll with it. I have a bad memory, remember?
Why am I talking about poison and Dou-Qi all the sudden? To create a bastardised Sage Mode, and I give zero fucks about getting this fanfic a copyright strike for all I care.
Basically, this is my formula: Nature Dou-Qi (Nature Energy) + Dou-Qi (Spiritual and Physical Energy) = Sage Mode.
Dou-Qi is basically a fucking rip-off from Chakra. You heard me right. Both are created from spiritual and physical energies from the body, use them to activate Dou Skills and techniques, as Chakra is used to activate Jutsus and other techiques (such as Dojutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, etc.).
While I want to facepalm at the creator who made this cultivation novel and ask him or her what were you thinking, but I'm too busy trying to survive in this childish squabble of a world that gives magic to arrogant sonsofbitches that would actually rape children...
As known as Pedofilism, and as much I want to report this crime to the FBI about this, BUT THERE ISN'T A GODDAMN FBI ANYWHERE IN THIS WORLD BECAUSE EVERYONE IS SO. FUCKING. UNCIVILIZED!
CHRIST! I have to set up a FBI now because I just discovered no one prevents pedofilism, and I actually hate pedofilism! JESUS!
Thou shall dare to ask omnipotent FBI group shall bless me to use their name in vein to save lolis... Thou seek protec from young generation, thou shall I protec. With non-swift and rip and tear suffering to the sinners, I will.
I genuinely do not like pedofilism. And I hate it, to a 'T'. While I'm going to think about creating a new combat state to my collection, Yan had now told me that Xiao Yi Xian was sick. As in she was dying.
Yeah, right.
As the crowd murmured in the entrance of the town about Xiao Yi Xian's illness, they became worried for her. The announcement on the board had said Xiao Yi Xian had been infected by a serious illness, according the Almighty Medical House.
A dark cloaked figure, wearing a black ruler on their back walked to the board and grabbed the announcement. "I will cure Xiao Yi Xian's illness! May I ask how to go to the Almighty Medical House?" He said.
Meanwhile, in the Wolf Head Mercenaries Hall, Mu She (Captain of the Wolf Head Mercenaries) demanded to check the reporter. "Is it really him?" The reporter nodded.
"It is definite that it is that Xiao Yan! I have already guarded there for a month! Although he used a hood to cover his face, but I won't be mistaken of that huge black chi he wears on his back!" He reported.
"Good, tell every single member to surround the almighty medical house! Xiao Yan! I will use your blood to bless my son, Mu Li's, soul in heaven!" Mu She vowed.
In the Almighty Medical House, the servant and the dark cloaked figure walked through the rooms. "May I ask what your name is mister, your outfit doesn't make you look like a doctor who cures diseases!" The servant said.
"Mister, did you just come to Qingshan City?" The servant asked. "I've never seen you before..." The dark figure replied.
"I wonder if..." "Mate, we're still not there yet! You've brought me around for a long time!" The dark figure impatiently demanded. Noticing the mister's demand, the servant finally assured him.
"Ohoh, we'll immediately reach there, it's just ahead!" He replied, as the servant's eyes flashed darkly and maliciously.
"Mister, this is Xiao Yi Xian's room!" The servant introduced the room. As the dark cloaked figure entered the room, he saw the silhouette of Xiao Yi Xian covered by a cloth. Suddenly, the cloth waved forwards as a flare of Dou-Qi exploded at him.
It was He Meng, dressed up as Xiao Yi Xian, charging at the dark cloaked figure with a malicious grin. "XIAO YAN! THIS HOUSE IS COMPLETELY SURROUNDED BY US! EVEN IF YOU HAVE WINGS, IT WILL BE DIFFICULT TO FLY!" He charged at the cloaked figure.
"Ughh!" Gritting his teeth, he crushed the vial in his hands and exploded into white smoke, spreading into everywhere. The mercenaries coughed at the smoke.
"Waah, what happened to the house?!" "Such a big smoke, cough cough!!" "What is this smell? So stinky!" The mercenaries coughed out as the dark cloaked figure was gone.
Mu She waved away the white smoke in front of him. "Why are you all flustered, guard all exits!" He ordered. A mercenary pointed at the room.
"Ah! Is Xiao Yan coming out?" "No! Don't attack, it's the Second Captain!" The mercenaries called out.
He Meng went to explain. "Cough... Captain, I don't know what kind of item that Xiao Yan used! Cough. Sorry, Captain. I..." A hand motioned him to shut up. Mu She loudly proclaimed out.
"Xiao Yan! My mercenaries have surrounded the Medical House! You can hide from us for a while, but can you hide forever? Xiao Yi Xian had been captured by me a long time ago! If you still want to see her once more when you're alive... Just quietly come out! Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless!" He boomed out. Meanwhile, underneath the floor of the room, the dark figure was in a secret room, silently hiding from the mercenaries.
'Luckily, I knew that there is a hidden room that stores medical plants underneath this room's floor...' The dark figure thought. Meanwhile, above the floor, the mercenaries rashed out and smashed the objects they could see.
"How can something disappear in thin air? Even if you wreck this place, you must find him!" "If he's alive, I want to see him in person. If he's dead, I want to see his corpse!" Underneath, the brother of the siblings that Yan saved revealed himself as the dark cloaked figure sweating in anxiousness.
'If I stall them for even a moment longer, my benefactor, Xiao Yan, will have a much higher chance! I beg you, you must save Xiao Yi Xian!' The brother begged in thought.
Meanwhile, in the Wolf Head Mercenary's Prison...
"Fatty, you must wipe it well!" A grunt told the fat grunt. The fatty wiped the statue on the gate carefully. It was a metal wolfhead statue, shining from the coating.
"This Wolfhead statue on the prison's door is the captain's favourite! You must wipe it spotless!" The grunt warned as the fatty nodded in agreement. Suddenly, two cloaked figures walked towards the grunts as the fatty 'eh?'-ed in confusion.
"Hey, you're not supposed to be here-" With a wave of a hand, the grunt's heads suddenly pushed from a invisible force and smacked into the gates, and landed the ground unconscious.
A hand revealed himself as Yan, pleased to see this sight. "Hey, this was the funny scene that Yoda hit the red guards unconscious by smacking them to the wall! In Episode III, right?" Yan chuckled as he recalled the memory. Mark revealed himself and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Aren't we supposed to be saving your 'nurse girlfriend'?" Mark narrowed his eyes at Yan. Yan slapped his face in embarrassment as he groaned.
"She's not my... You're messing with me, aren't you?" Yan glared at the trolling bastard and to see he was already gone. Yan glanced at the metal gates that had a hole that was bent and twisted from a huge force of destruction.
Yan sighed as he took chase. He ran past the 2nd Ranked Magical Beasts that were possibly dead or rarely unconscious and recalled his memories.
'Xiao Xiong Di, you better not be dead!' Yan thought as a flashback appeared.
#Flashback Starts#
"A few months ago, when Xiao Yi Xian just got back to Qianshan City..." "I don't know who spread out the news that she discovered treasures deep inside the mountains. We were constantly bothered by people. However, our Almighty Medical House's Boss Yao has always protected Xiao Yi Xian..." The sibilings explained.
"Continue...?" Yan raised his eyebrow. Xiao Xiong Di, the brother of the sibilings took a breath and continued on explaining.
"But about a month and a bit ago, Xiao Yi Xian received information saying Xiao Yan... In other words, you, my benefactor, had been captured by the Wolf Head Mercenaries! They were asking her to come to exchange prisoners!" Yan widened his eyes in shock and total confusion. Mark came and raised an eyebrow.
"How? Wouldn't she at least suspicious of that two-bit scam? I don't think that she's that stupid..." Mark added in his two cents in the conflict.
"We all tried to persuade her not to go, but... but... Xiao Yi Xian Jie-Jie said..." Mark cut in before she could explain. "Lemme guess, she was reckless and stupid enough to think that she could handle a mercenary group by herself..." He added in. Yan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
"And she never came back, did she?" Mark put it together. Yan's rage boiled inside of him as he was so angry, so stupid to think that she would be this stupid enough to put herself in danger because of him.
Mark grabbed Yan's shoulders before he could ran off to save Xiao Yi Xian. "Don't. Calm down and let's think this properly. I doubt your 'plan' would actually save your life, or hers." Yan quickly faced Mark and grabbed his shirt.
"THEN WHAT SHOULD I DO?! SHE COULD BE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF ME, AND SHE COULD BE DEAD IF I DON'T SAVE HER!" Mark's face darkened as a red glow appeared on his right eye in warning.
"Do want to shut up and do it my way, or do I have to beat it until I make it my way?..." Mark warned as Yan slowly let go of Mark's shirt, but still glaring at Mark. Mark scoffed and straightened his blazer.
"The chance of her being dead is slim. The mercenaries are probably going to use this 'damsel in distress' tactic to you, using Xiao Yi Xian as a bait. Or, more in fact, a fake one. We'll sneak through the prison, but we need a distraction. I-" Mark was suddenly interrupted by the brother.
"I'll do it! In order to save Xiao Yi Xian, I am willing to do anything! Since you've saved us, my life is yours! Don't worry. My sister and I had grown up in the almighty medical house. We know many secrets that stores medical plants there! As long as..."
#Flashback Ends#
'I'll pretend to be you and lure them all to the Almighty Medical House!' Xiao Xiong Di recalled his memories and continued to hide away from the mercenaries.
"Captain, we can't find him!" "He really vanished into thin air?" The mercenaries called out.
'The longer that I am able to stall Mu She and the Wolf Head Mercenaries here, the more time my benefactor will have to rescue Xiao Yi Xian...' He thought as sweat dripped from anxiousness.
"Huh? What is this?" He froze. 'Shit! As expected, they still...!' He prepared himself as he got another bottle.
The second captain brought the black ruler at Mu She. "Captain, we can't find the damn brat... But we did discover this, it seems like it is made from wood... It's fake..." The Second Captain handed the fake weapon to him.
Mu She scowled in realisation and fury. "Fake?" He crushed the weapon in his hand into pieces. They had been fooled.
"There's no need to continue searching, gather up! We're heading back to the Wolf Head's Base!" He ordered. He Meng was confused.
"Ah? But captain, that fake Xiao Yan might still be in this room..." He added in. The brother sighed out in relief.
'Fake? That's great, I thought that I was discovered...' Suddenly, a crack appeared on the secret room, shading some light into it, as the Medical House itself exploded from Mu She's fury.
Accepting his fate, Xiao Xiong Di smiled. 'Benefactor... you must save Xiao Yi Xian! The favor for saving my life, in my next life, I will...' He prayed hope to Xiao Yan.
Mu She scoffed. "Luring the enemy away from the base? Xiao Yan, you really have guts!" He glared out.
Motherfucker. If I wasn't so sure about Xiao Yi Xian handling herself, I would've kicked her for being so goddamn stupid.
"What's taking him so long?" I crossed my arms as I waited for Yan. Yan finally ran towards me with his ruler in tow, and noticed the older man hanging from the chains. Bloody and beaten into a pulp.
"That isn't Xiao Yi Xian, who is he?!" Yan pointed at the man. No shit, sherlock. That's 'definitely' Xiao Yi Xian...
The older man woke up from his chains and face us. "Youngster... are you the one that Xiao Yi Xian mentioned before... Xiao Yan?" He barely called out. I activated my lightsaber and sliced the chains holding him.
"Could you be... Almighty Medical House's Mister Yao?!" Yan ran passed him and held his injuries. I deactivated the lightsaber.
"Mister Yao, let me look at your injuries..." His injuries were severe, but not close to death's door. I know that because I've been injured before!
"D...Don't worry about me! Hurry and save Xiao Yi Xian! I'm useless... I couldn't save her properly..." Yao grabbed Yan's shoulders and begged him to save her. With a last breath, we spat out blood into unconsciousness.
"Boss Yao!" Yan held him as Lao sighed. "He hasn't even said where Xiao Yi Xian is and he fainted..." He muttered out. He was right. I didn't know where she was in this damn prison for some reason...
"Master, what should I do?" Yan asked. Lao blinked as he recalled some memories. "Didn't you make many medicines in the Magical Beast Valley? Go and try it out..." Lao suggested as I deadpanned. Seriously?
"My medicine... killed a small python last week with it, that's not going to work, at all!" Yan brought the 'medicine' anyways in his hands. Lao rolled his eyes and took a bottle and spilled the contents into the older man.
"AH, WAIT-" "What are you afraid of, even if he dies due to it, I can still bring him back to life, take it!" Even with his injuries, he was going to die anyways...
"XIAO YAN! I KNOW YOU'RE INSIDE!" What is with me not sensing people as I did before?! Did my senses weaken after the battle with Assainir? Possibly!
"Shit! Mu She came back?!" Yan turned his head as the wall exploded, revealing the mercenaries and Mu She.
"You've entered my prison. Nobody was able to leave here alive..." Mu She replied. Wait. That sounds oddly familar...
"I didn't know this was a sex prison! Mu She, you into German dungeon porn? That's just nasty... Let's get the fuck out of here!" Chains, Dark Dungeon, one captive girl that's barely legal, and a serious fetish of owning a prison.
"PPFFFFF!!!!" Yan spat out in surprise and shock at the realisation. Mu She shook in rage and as he clenched his fists while the mercenaries watched in fear and shock.
Time to put the last nail to the coffin. "Also, he's GAY! Look at this poor man, he's been whipped! He's also sadistic! And he's also old! He's also into older men, why would he keep him captive in his 'sex dungeon'?!" I presented the old man who was currently on Xiao Hong's back. Mu She was shook off-guard from the bluff as the mercenaries stared at the captain in shock.
"He's into older men, he's also kinky and whips them, chains them in his sex dungeon, and he's also homosexual and feels attracted into the same gender and rapes them. Would you want this guy, THIS horny guy, to order you around and possibly get raped in any chance?" Oh, man.
Mu She must've felt roasted and fucking shamed as hell. All the mercenaries just stared in shock and hesitation to follow this man. Mu She was conflicted as he was humiliated.
"Boi, I am disgusted." I gave my best shit-eating grin at Mu She. Mu She's Dou-Qi flared through the roof as the ground shook from hatred and fury as I just humiliated his ass.
"Boy... I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL WITH THAT HUMILIATION! I WILL SEND YOU WITH THAT SCRAPEGOAT IN PIECES! DIE!" Mu She charged into me in rage as I prepared myself. As the prison itself collapsed into pieces, Yan had a sorrowful guilt expression on his face. The fact that the dude died must've been a hit from a emotional-truck. Basically, he's guilty that the dude died.
As I prepared myself for a fight as Mu She charged at me, he was abruptly crashed from a pissed Yan that smacked him with Octadic Smash. "MU SHE, YOU BASTARD!" As the two warriors of fury clashed swords and spear (apparantly Mu She had a spear), Yan was eventually overwelmed from strength as he was sent flying.
"A mere 9-star Dou Practitioner actually dares to fight against me, who is a 2-star Dou Master... Your bravery is commendable!" Mu She calmed down and smirked. Yan scowled as he slammed his ruler on the ground.
"Cut the shit! Where is she?!" Yan demanded. Meanwhile I was with Xiao Hong and the old man watching the two idiots fight each other.
Mu She's eyes darkened into malice. "Xiao Yi Xian... you really want to see her? I won't harm me if I inform you that she is no different than a dead person right now!" Several spears floated around him as they pointed at Yan. Yan prepared a Soresu stance.
"I'll send you away first! I'll let you guys reunite at the Styx road, how about that?!" Yan deflected all the spears with Soresu and Mu She grew annoyed.
"You're just a Dou Practitioner! You're over confident!" Mu She sent Yan flying from the ground and appeared above him in mid-air. "I'll give you a lift once more!" Mu She literally smacked Yan into the ground and into a random house. I dashed through the hole of the house and met Yan.
"I'm suprised at the fact of our 'captain' knows the Styx road. It's ancient greek/roman stuff, and a chinese dude knowing it might be too suspicious..." I muttered. Yan held his breath as there were poison in the air. I was immune to poison, well I got bit from the world's deadiest poison remember?
There held cobwebs and spider strings everywhere that glowed with purple poison-like Dou-Qi. In the center, there was cocoon of strings with an unconscious Xiao Yi Xian inside.
"Xiao Yi Xian..! What happened to you?! Hey! It's me, Xiao Yan! Answer me!" Yan called out but she didn't answer.
"Xiao Yan Zi, this may be a bad time to bother you, but... It caught on fire! It caught on fire!" Lao ran like a headless chicken while his hair was on fire. Yan and I stared in surprise as the whole place was lit on fire.
"Xiao Yan, let me see how genuine your loyalty is!" Mu She stared at the mercenaries burning the house down. "If you throw away Xiao Yi Xian, you might be able to escape this sea of fire-" ""SUCK A COCK!"" Mu She frowned as two voices insulted him from the burning house.
"You'll save your so-called, 'friend'?..." Mu She muttered as a flashback appeared.
#Flashback Starts#
A month ago, Xiao Yi Xian entered the Wolf Head's Base boldly. "Xiao Yi Xian, I never thought that you would really come! Xiao Yan wasn't here in the first place! But if you would quietly hand over the items that you got inside the cave, and cooperate with me to bring Xiao Yan here... I won't mistreat you!" Mu She called out.
"You despicable person, hurry and- HMPH!!" Xiao Yi Xian suddenly felt a pain on her throat, changing her words into more... Severe. Mark decided to change her words when he got sick of bad one-liners with the powoh of bullshittery!
Xiao Yi Xian glared at Mu She in icy hatred. "Go die in hole, you fucking 'simp' of a wolf! Go suck a cock for all I care!" Xiao Yi Xian was half-surprised at the fact of her unknown vuglary, but she was half-welcomed at how she put it. What was a 'simp'?
Pulling out her needles, she sent them to the mercenaries near her and sent out a powder of poison in the area, causing all the mercenaries to hit themselves as they coughed from the poison.
"Cough! My eyes!" "Who is touching my ass?!" "Who hit me?!" Mu She smirked as he cleared out the smoke.
"How trifling! Xiao Yi Xian! Do you think that you will be able to escape from the Wolf Head Mercenaries with such tricks?" The mercenaries saw Xiao Yi Xian, and prepared themselves for capture.
With a saddened look, she pulled out a pill and consumed it. "Ah... this must be fate..." A group of mercenaries piled over her as Mu She smirked.
"Hmph, you don't know what's good for you! Tie her down, just treat her whatever you like..." Mu She suggested. Suddenly, a purple glow shone inside the pile of bodies as the mercenaries wondered in confusion. The glow exploded, as Mu She looked shocked.
"This smell... Poison?! Demonification?!" Mu She glanced at Xiao Yi Xian, who her hair was white as her eyes resembled a demon. With her poison, she killed all the mercenaries with ease.
"Tch! The poison in this air could supress Dou-Qi and numb the body?! Damn girl, you're doing this the hard way around!" Mu She threw a spider at Xiao Yi Xian, who crushed it.
"It was originally prepared for Xiao Yan! It's your lucky day today!" Silk and spider webs weaved around her as she turned into a spider cocoon. Mu She laughed maliciously.
"This cocoon spider, even if it's someone at the Dou Master level, once they are captured, it will be hard for them to escape! If nobody breaks the cocoon, you will be unaware of it and become a dead person inside! HAHAHA!" Mu She shouted out.
#Flashback Ends#
"Xiao Yan... even if you aren't burnt to death by the fire and saved your friend who became a demon... You will still die in her hands, hmph." Mu She chuckled darkly as the house continued to burn.
"FIRE IS BITCH! HOT HOT HOT! I HATE SWEATY TEMPERATURES! FUCK!" I shouted out as I kicked the burning debris away from me. If there's one thing I can't deal with, it's hot temperatures and burning alive!
CLICK CLICK "WHY OF ALL TIMES DOES MY LIGHTSABER NOT WORK. FOR-" I recklessly smashed the burning debris that was going to fall ontop of my head. I am so tired at the fact that it IS HOT!
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" "SHUT UP AND HELP, ASSHOLE!" Yan tried to rip and tear out the webs covering Xiao Yi Xian. For fuck's sake!
"Stand back, I'll-" I dodged the debris that was going to hit my head. "I lied! I can't deal with this shit!" I waved the fire away from me as it was too much for me to deal with. As I saw a huge debris that was going to fall on Yan, a red blur picked him up to safety.
"Xiao Hong?!" Yan looked just as surprised as well. The old man woke from the fire-ry pits of hell that we were dealing with, and tried to crawl to Xiao Yi Xian. Yan smashed the debris that was going to fall on top of the old man.
"Xian Er..." Tears fell down from the man as Yan picked him up. "Mister Yao, you and Xiao Hong should leave quickly! Just leave Xiao Yi Xian to us!" Yan saddled Yao into Xiao Hong's back and left the burning house.
And that just left us to save her. "DO I HAVE TO SAVE HER?!" I called out as I leapt through the fire and the flames. Yan gave me the finger and continued trying to rip the cocoon with a BLUNT. WEAPON.
"ARE YOU A DUMBASS?! DIPSHIT, THAT WON'T DO JACK WHEN YOU'RE USING A BLADELESS WEAPON!!!" I pulled out my (second) kitchen knife and yeeted the thing at Yan, who caught it casually and muttered a small 'thanks'.
Eventually, Xiao Yi Xian woke up as Yan used the knife to cut through the cocoon. And used her 'demon' claws to cut Yan's chest as Yan was shocked. Boi, Yan just got scratched by a woman! Women are dangerous!
"H-hurry... r-run..." Xiao Yi Xian's body changed directions away from YAN as she ran to me- OW!
"You back-stabbing biatch!" I kicked her in the face as she howled like a demon-like animal thing whatever. Her eyes were darkened, her hair looks like platinum white, and she's ready to kill me because I have infamous reputation for pissing everyone off SUCCESSFULLY....!
Yan widened his eyes as her hand went through the old man's body. How the fuck did an old man teleported in front of me while I wasn't looking? Anyways, the old man touched her face with his bloody hand.
"Xian Er... wake up... I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you... sorry..." Yao's voice called out barely to her, as she slowly reverted her 'demonification'? I think? Anyways when she started to cry. I sense a flashback coming...
#Flashback Starts#
"Sorry mom... sorry... everyone... Mom... Uuu..." A young Xiao Yi Xian teared up into tears as she saw her dead lifeless parents. A storm crashed in the broken down house.
"Whew, such a big storm..." A cloaked man entered the house as a lightning bolt crashed down. He glanced at the girl and 'manly' screamed.
"Wahh! Ghost!" She couldn't hear what the man said, but the man refocused himself and saw the tears in the little girl's eyes.
"Huh? I'm not a ghost. You scared me... Little girl, don't be afraid~ I'm a doctor." The man 'failed' to comfort the girl as the pedofilism meter went through the roof as the misunderstanding meter.
"I heard that everyone here suffered a deadly poison, but when I arrived... Everyone in the village is already... ah..." The man changed subjects as this was too much for a young girl to understand.
"Who is this? Your family? Let me-" "NO!" The little girl scratched the man's hand as it bled. Xiao Yi Xian posed her hands protectively from her family as she cried.
"Don't touch! MY MOM!" She screamed out, although the man sighed.
"Little girl... Your mom is probably already... already dead..." The man confessed sorrowfully. But she refused to accept the truth.
"No! Mom... Mom... She is only asleep! Just like everyone... in this village! She will wake up!" She cried out. Suddenly, a miasma of poison emitted from the man's arm.
"Ugh? This is poison?" "You should leave! Otherwise... You will be like everyone else!" She warned. The man smirked as he pulled out a scalpel.
"I won't! I'm a doctor! Damn! I'm afraid of pain..." The man anxiously grinned as he saw the gleam of the scalpel. Slicing his arm, he diverted the poison from his arm.
The man pulled up his hood and revealed a handsome man. "Whew! It's fine! Look~ Little girl, isn't my medical skills amazing? Haha!" Xiao Yi Xian's eyes widened in shock as she charged and hugged the man.
"FATHER!" "F... father? You can't just randomly call someone like that!" The young man confessed, he was still a virgin. Xiao Yi Xian cried as she believed he was her father.
"Mom said that father was very handsome. He looks great when he's smiling! He won't fall asleep due to being poisoned! Father will come and find Xian Er, you are Xiao Er's father right... Uuu..." She cried out. The man sheepishly smiled in an awkward way.
"I am indeed handsome, but..." He agreed, but she still continued to cry.
"Mom... Father came to find Xian Er... Uuu..." The man, accepted his fate to take care of this child and pat her hand warmly. "Ah, this child..."
Later after, the two of them buried the mother to the earth and made a grave. The sun was rising as the rain cleared, as Xiao Yi Xian looked with tearful eyes.
"Will Mom feel comfortable while sleeping this way?" She asked.
"Yes." He answered. It was too early for a young child to learn the concept of death and the afterlife...
"Father will always be together with Xian Er and protecting Xian Er, right?" She asked as she looked at her 'father'. The man smiled in kindred.
"Yes! So Xian Er has to be continue to be happy!" The man replied. As they walked towards the sunset, they needed to clear up the 'father-daughter' relationship to prevent misunderstandings.
"Oh... let's discuss this a bit. Why don't you call me Yao Ge-Ge? (Brother)" "Yao Ge-Ge Father!..." "....." Yao sighed out. This was going to take awhile...
#Flashback Ends#
"Xian Er... smile, you promised your father... That you will be happy..." Yao smiled as he wiped the tear on her eyes. Xiao Yi Xian continued to cry.
"Father..." She called out. She pulled out her arm and let Yao fall down to the ground with a kind smile.
"Father is feeling a little tired... I'm going to sleep for a while... Foolish child, don't cry..." With a last breath, Yao was no more. Xiao Yi Xian cried tears as she held her foster father in her arms.
I didn't mention the fact I've seen this similar situation multiple times. I've seen suffering, pain, loss... 5 billion years, and I wanted was to forget one of these memories.
I felt... a foreign emotion sparking inside me. But I let it die out.
Because I was done with everything. Suffering, loss, pain... I was done. Let's get this over with...
Xiao Yi Xian and Xiao Yan were equally pissed off at the death of Xian's foster father. Both flared their Dou-Qi, but Yan's flames turned into purple. An explosion turned the flames purple around Yan as they charged at Mu She.
Yan's flames weren't an Essence Flame. It was a Beast Flame, a fire that contains a piece of a violent beast's aura. The Wing Crystal Purple Lion Simba thing appeared in front of Mu She.
""MU SHE, YOU BASTARD!!!"" Yan and... I'll call her Xian. Both called out in hatred as Xian surrounded Mu She's body with poison to stun and suck out the Dou-Qi, and Yan prepared the final blow.
With the full force of the Beast Flame and his own Dou-Qi, he chanted: "DIVIDING FLAME WAVE CHI!!!!" And showered a blast of sword energy beam (anime logic and I don't care) and incinerated Mu She into ash.
As the sea of fire burnt everything into a crisp, including all of the Wolf Head Mercenaries, I was forgetting one thing:
I was in the middle of the shitstorm.
"FUUUUUUUUUCC-" My cry of fury was died out from the sea of purple flames.
"Everything is over..." Yan watched the sea of flames devouring everything into ashes. He floated around the sky with the Dou-Qi wings with Xiao Yi Xian in his arms. A sudden pain from his back caused him to cough in pain.
"Xiao Yan! Are you-" The wings on Yan's back dissipated into feathers as they fell down. Yan's mind was blank as he went unconscious.
Xiao Yi Xian called out to Yan. Xiao Yi Xian, whistling her eagle to come and pick them up, Xiao Nan caught them both before they could be swallowed from the sea of flame.
In the moonlight, in the central area of the Magical Beast Mountains, Xiao Yi Xian and Yan attended a funeral for Xian's foster father's death.
"This is the central area of the Beast Mountains-" "SUPRISEMOTHAFOCKA!" A dropkick hit Yan's face when a very pissed and burnt Mark ran up to him and kicked him.
Yan looked just as surprised as Mark was still alive. Using the powah of bullshittery, he escaped the sea of flames using grit and willpower to murder Yan with a rusty spoon for leaving him in the shitstorm.
But it was not the time. Mark silently motioned a 'knife to the throat' declaration, and Yan furiously nodded in acceptance. Mark was scary when he was burnt into a crisp. Xiao Yi Xian didn't notice Mark was there, because she was too much in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" Yan carefully asked. Xiao Yi Xian did not turn her head but began explaining.
"It's been 12 years. Everything seems like it just happened yesterday... Xiao Yan, I'm going to tell you a story. Do you want to listen to it?" Yan took his silence as a yes for her. With a deep breath, she began explaining her story.
"12 years ago... There was a little village that lives through picking up herbs... The villagers were extremely kind and hardworking. A mother brought her 3 year old daughter to the village. The villagers passionately accepted them... Thus, the mother and daughter settled down in this little village..." She picked up a beautiful flower and plucked the fruit itself.
"One day, the daughter was playing around the village and discovered a beautiful flower... The name of this flower is called Money Flower. Although it is extremely beautiful, it contains a deadly poison. Once it blooms, it releases a seductive scent. The 3 year old child could not resist the temptation..." She ate the flower.
"And ate this seductive and fatal flower..." Yan widened his eyes in shock as she ate a poisonous flower, but she did not show any symptoms of harm.
"But what's funny is that the girl did not die, and rather... she became crazy and became a demon! She killed the villagers and friends, who had once dotted on her, loved her and taken cared for her... Even her own mother." Xiao Yi Xian teared down into tears of sorrow and fell down to her knees.
"At that time, it was Boss Yao... My stepfather who saved me... Now... My stepfather... my stepfather has also... by me... I'm a demon... I must be a demon!" Xiao Yi Xian had a breakdown on her emotions of guilt, sorrow, emptiness, and pain. Mark stared at her with sympathy.
"The people who are together with me will only be killed by me... Because I have a POISON CALAMITY BODY!" Both Yao and Xiao Yi Xian called out. Yan turned to his master in question.
"This body does not require any training. You only need to intake poison and you can increase your stamina. The poison will be changed into a special poisonous Dou-Qi inside their body... The stronger the toxicity in the poison, the faster your strength grows! Once the poison aura has reached its very peak, you can become a poison master. You cannot recover it from it forever!" Lao explained as Yan and Mark listened. Lao continued.
"But there's a fatal weakness in this body! Once the accumulated poison is more than the poison Dou-Qi that the Poison Calamity can bear... Thousands of poisons will attack the body, causing them to die in pain... Or, if they intake a deadly poison that the Poison Body can't endure, they will lose their consciousness and become a ferocious demon! The serious ones will never regain sanity, and they will die!" Lao finished. Yan, comforted Xiao Yi Xian.
"Xiao Yi Xian... It's not your fault that Mister Yao had died. We already got revenge for him." Yan stated, but she did not listen.
"This mountain slope... Buried my friends, mother, stepfather... I don't want to let anyone else die because of me... I, who is cursed, shouldn't exist in this world a long time ago! Xiao Yan, let us meet in our next life..." She pulled out a needle and thrusted it to her neck.
"What a load of donkey-doodle bullfuckery fucking shit-ass dumbass bullshit. Whoop-dee-doo. Your parents must be VERY proud of you trying to kill yourself..." I sarcastically muttered out, shocking Yan and Xiao Yi Xian.
She lowered her needle. "What did you say?" She asked coldly. I raised my eyebrow.
"I said, you are one dumbass bitch whinin' and bitchin' because your mommy and daddy got overdosed. Kill yourself already." I straightened my blazer. Xiao Yi Xian clenched her fists. Yan looked conflicted but went silent as I gave a look to stay out of it.
I interupted her before she could speak. "I get it, you want to die because you killed all of your stuipid family, blah blah blah... Go die in a hole. Nobody loves you because they're all dead. Nobody will care about a crying girl who accidentally caused manslaughter to her family and friends because of a mistake. Nobody, will actually care. Go to hell." I scoffed. She clenched her fists in anger as Yan looked worried.
"You can insult me all you want... But I will kill you if you insult my family!" Her eyes demonically changed into burning poisonous hatred, but I didn't budge an inch.
"Now that I think about it, your family was dumb, just like you. I haven't heard much of your 'real' parents, but your foster father? Hoooh, he lied to you. Lied at the fact that you could live a happy life, but he lied to you out of pity and stupidity. Look what that got him." I glanced at the grave. I grabbed ahold of her wrist before she could rip out my head. Her eyes were full of hatred and poison as she wanted to kill me.
"You... BASTARD! I WILL KILL YOU!" Her poisonous miasma withered the plantlife around us, but I didn't. She was shocked at the fact that her poison did not work against me. Take a guess why it didn't work.
"Futile. Did you know why you failed to save your family? Because you are so fucking pathetic. So pathetic, that you should burn in hell." I threw her wrist away and kicked her in gut, sending her flying backwards. My eyes darkened into emotionless voids of darkness.
"There ain't no reincarnation or second chances in life. You're done. Game over, you've landed on cowshit all by yourself. Go believe the lie that it wasn't your fault. Everyone wants to believe that sweet lie that it wasn't your fault that you killed your father. But the truth is..." Xiao Yi Xian gritted her teeth.
"Shut up. I said shut up!" She flared her poisonous Dou-Qi around the place, as the flowers withered and died out. Yan took a safe distance away from us. But I kept going.
"You killed him. And it's all. Your. FAULT." I blocked a clawed thrust on my chest from Xiao Yi Xian as she was properly pissed. Tears were in her eyes of hatred.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" I clenched my fists and punched her face, decking her to the ground. She kicked my gut, and I used the momentum to take a safe distance away from her. Slowly, she lifted herself up.
Crying out a howl of hatred and sorrow, she charged in with clawed hands.
{AN: Hello! Author here, F recently fixed my problem with talking with y'all. It's a bit different, since talking now has a time limit. So I'm going to shorten this out. I can talk in limited words. Mark can't hear/read these words, except for F.}
{AN: That's what I know so far. Please review, add in some power stones as well, comment on some things or suggest ideas, stay safe, and have a good day! This is AN, signing out!}