Apparantly, I'm on House Arrest.

"What is this shit." I stared down the paperwork that Ozpin gave me.

"I beg your pardon?" Ozpin blinked. Oh my fucking god... This is karma for doing THAT, isn't it? Either I'm going to kill a god or the author for doing this. I swear to God...

"You want me... To enlist in your school?" I pointed at myself. Ozpin smiled as he sipped on the coffee.

"Some individuals deserve a second chance. Such young talent shouldn't be wasted in a cell." And by that, he pulled some strings in order to teach, or learn to his children soldiers to win the unbeatable war against Salem. And he wants me to join him.

I crossed my arms. "This is rehabilitation, isn't it? You want me to convert being good, and do 'the right thing to do'..." It's this or I have to spend an entire life trying to break out of prison. Chances are me being successful are slim.

"Correct." He simply replied. Okay, why not? I guess I'll just escape without them noticing, and then I'm done with RWBY.

"... Fine." I stated, rolling with this 'rehabilitation program'. Ozpin hid a small smile.

"What's the catch?" I asked, momentarily forgetting to ask questions of the demands and rules of the program first. You really want to know everything, like the terms and comissions before agreeing...

"You will be monitored by... Team RWBY."



The reason why Team RWBY was monitored as my nightly-daily guards is because they were already suspicious of my actions, preventing me from escaping again.

Fucking hell, I made a mistake not asking first. If Ozpin choose either some team like JNPR, I would've gotten free at the second I had a chance.

Fuck Ozpin for being three steps ahead of me. I'm supposed to be billions of years old, and I STILL GET FUCKED AROUND FROM SMARTER PEOPLE!

They gave me a tracking device somewhere that I have no idea where. Team RWBY has a program to track me down, so if I'm escaping or doing something sketchy, I'm busted.

It would be easier just to pull the trigger to my head-

"Um... Hi?" Ruby's voice called out as I was stared down from three clearly uncomfortable, mostly pissed women glares of WBY. Aw, shit.

"I don't know what was the Professor thinking to give a second chance to a person like you, but as the soon you do anything that harms our Team, I won't be merciful." Weiss coldly warned. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, Ice Queen." I simply replied.

"For the love of- WHY DOES EVERYONE CALL ME THAT?!" Yang and Ruby silently chuckled at the heiress' misfortune. Blake was still glaring at me for blasting her sensitive cat ears with a thousand hertz.

"I have my eye on you." She warned as she returned to her bunkbed and picked up a book. Another person that hates me. Yay.

Yang glared deep into my eyes with visible anger. "If I see you doing anything sketchy or shady, you're dead." She mimiced a 'knife to throat' motion as she warned.

Ruby gave a weak smile as she just waved. I facepalmed myself. Here we go again... Villain in the group of main characters... Ruby, why are you 'intensely' studying my sonic screwdriver?

"It's so small... How does it even work?" She muttered as she eyed the sonic screwdriver. She gave a pleading stare to explain to me what it is. I mentally sighed.

"It's not even mine at first. But I can explain how it works. I think. It fixes things, scans things, hacks things, pisses things, and blasts things. All with the use of sonic technology." I explained as I leaned on a random wall. Ruby's eyes glimmered at the device and tried to activate it.

Furiously pulled the trigger, I answered what was going on. "Let's just say that it works only if I use it. Only me. DNA scanning technology or whatever. I don't get the half of how it works." I explained.

"Cool..." She muttered in awe. A moment of silence went passed as Weiss, Yang, and Ruby stared without any words. I crossed my arms.

Yang was the first to calm down and ask some questions.

"Okay, we're supposed to... watch you right? And Prof decided that you, live with us. And we're supposed to... Change you into a better person?" Yang leaned forward and narrowed her eyes skeptically. I shrugged.

"Basically, yeah." I simply replied. She crossed her arms as she wanted to ask a few questions.

"How did you know to use a scythe? The only people who use scythes are my uncle and my sister..." Yang asked as she recalled my 'Reaper' skills from earlier.

"Well... It's a long story that I don't want to share with anyone else." I confessed, as Yang went to calm to annoyed.

"What do you mean you 'don't want to share?' You're very suspicious, and you have a lot of secrets that you don't want to share. I don't care if you-"

"I was a mercenary that killed people. A LOT of people." She immediately went silent as the horrifying memories came to my mind. So many deaths, so many souls to reap...

"Yikes..." She winced. Weiss, Ruby and Blake were also shocked from this statement.

"It was something that I don't take fondly with. I don't want to remember something that I don't like. I didn't like my job, but I did it because someone else had to. And that someone didn't derserve it." My face darkened as my job of being DEATH, or being the Grim Reaper to reap souls for breakfast.

"So, that's why you wanted to get a new life. You didn't want to kill anyone anymore..." Surprisingly, Blake was the one who sympathiased me. Ex-terrorist, was done fighting for a flawed cause, such and such.

"Yeah. An asshole keeps messing around for some reason. He's the reason the bullhead exploded... If I remember correctly. For some reason, my memories are a bit fuzzy..." I faked myself having a temporary amnesia. I rubbed my head. Still got that killer headache.

"Well, let's start with introductions first. I'm Ruby! Ruby Rose, and this is my baby! Crescent Rose!" She introduced her weapon at me.

"A high caliber sniper scythe. I know, I used it before. Judging from it's appearance, you use the recoil to enhance your mobility in combat, right?" She nodded in agreement as I was right. I faked a 'I'm impressed' sigh.

"Well, I'm impressed that you actually made it. Don't be so shocked about it. The colours of your weapon give a dead giveaway on which who made it in the first place. Red and Black?" She stared at herself and blushed at her red and black color scheme of her outfit.

Yang went over to me and gave a sort of thoughtful pout. I blinked at the sight. "I guess you're aren't so bad after all. But don't think I've forgiven you from that. I'll be YANGry if you do it again..." She smirked. Just like that, the rest of the members groaned as I deadpanned.

"That was so bad... But I've worse. Wanna TACO 'bout it?" I held a emotionless expression on my face as Yang snorted. The rest of Team RWBY groaned.

"See?! I knew there was someone who could appreciate my jokes!" Yang pointed at the Team. I rolled my eyes.

"Nope, your puns are so bad that even a clown wouldn't laugh at it." I monotoneously replied as the rest of the team chuckled as Yang glared in annoyance.

"Sooooo.... What's your name, hobo?" She smirked humorously. I rolled my eyes at the taunt.

"Name's Mark, the hobo that has better jokes than a pun joking blondie that has the awesome ability to make people groan when she cracks a joke." I shrugged as Yang called out a 'hey!' in retortment.

"... Yeah. Hellur." I stared at Team RWBY and gave them a small wave. Ruby was the first to talk.

"Soooo, she's Yang, my sis! She's cool, using shotgun gauntlets called Ember Celica. The quiet one's Blake. She's Yang's partner. The ice queen's Weiss. She's my partner." "HEY!" "And we're TEAM RWBY!" She punched a fist in the air. All of them stared at Ruby as she immediately blushed in embarrasment.

"Okay..." I took a moment to think about this.

"If we're going to deal with a 'boy' in our dorms, we need to set up some rules first." Weiss began to set up the changes in Team RWBY's dorm rules. Deciding not to spare any time, I interrupted her.

"Done. Restrooms, ladies first, and boys second. I have a particular and useful skill that allows me to sleep anywhere without any discomfort. I'll just sleep through anywhere." I said, particularly not giving a shit sleeping anywhere.

Weiss blinked in dumbstruck at the sudden statement. "Eh-hem, moving on..." I noticed the look of disdain from Weiss.

"I'm not going to do anything weird or something. I can see it from the look on your face." Weiss blushed as she was caught out.

"It's just... Nevermind." I suddenly blinked in realisation.

"Hang on, why did you speak as if you know the life of a mercenary? A 17 year-old shouldn't deal with this, and I'm an exception." I pointed at Blake, who looked like she stuck her hand in the cookie jar.

"Uh, that's-" "Blake's a cat faunus... And a former White Fang member...?" Ruby unexpectedly explained and covered her mouth. I blinked owlishly and shrugged.

"... Okay, a FORMER terrorist of White Fang. Huh." I shrugged it off.

"Wait, WHAT?!" I winced and covered my ears from the shouting of the full force of Team RWBY. I glared at them.

"Let me get this straight. I have nothing to deal against faunus, and I'm glad that you left the White Fang. That doesn't change anything of the fact that I don't hate you all. Alright?" I motioned my hands around.

"How can you be calm about this?! I'm a former terrorist, I hurt people..." Blake interjected. I rolled my eyes.

"I've dealt with some weirder shit than a FORMER terrorist who left the White Fang. You would not like to hear what I've experienced..." I shuddered. Flaming. Chicken. Of DEATH. Freaky stuff, and I'm going nowhere an alive chicken in sight.

"Oookeyy... I'd like to hear one of your experiences, Mark." I gave a look saying 'WHY' to Yang who grinned in amusement and interest.

"Uh. I had an experience that gave me a PSTD against live chickens." Ruby, Yang, and Weiss snorted. "No, I'm serious. I once fought a giant flaming chicken of death, and I was possibly drugged at that point. Turns out I was fighting a normal chicken that was trained." I rolled my eyes as they chuckled.

"So, you're scared of chickens?" Yang grinned. I deadpanned. "Alive ones, because it always gives me the damn hallucinations." I groaned as I rubbed my forehead.

"You go chicken from a chicken?" Yang laughed as the pun told that I was scared to a chicken. I deadpanned at the joke as it took a second to make the all of Team RWBY realise the joke and burst into chuckles.

"Oh, this ain't the worst..." I rolled my eyes. Blake gave a thankful look knowing that I wasn't your everyday racist bastard in Remnant.


Night fell as the girls went to their bunk beds (which it needs some serious rebuilding to prevent deaths) and I, well slept near the wall.

"Are you sure you're happy sleeping like that?" Ruby asked unsurely of my odd sleeping habits. I was leaning on the wall. It sure wasn't comfy, but I really didn't have a choice...

"Yeah. I had slept through worse positions." I leaned my head on the wall.

Yang oddly raised her eyebrow up and down and replied almost sassily. "Oh, how much do you know these 'positions' in bed~?" She cheekily commented. I deadpanned.

"YANG!" Ruby half-shouted from the innuendo and blushed.

"No comment on my sleeping habits. Okay? Take note that if someone spills boiling water at my face while I'm sleeping, that said person will be doing the last thing they'll do. I'm VERY sensitive on how I wake up..." I didn't want to deal with another forced wake-up call, AGAIN.

They were all confused as to why would a person spill boiling water at their face to wake them up. They shrugged at the thought of Mark getting spilled boiling water.

[AN: Please review. Comment, like, and subscrib- Wait, wrong genre. I don't have a Youtube Channel nor do I post Youtube videos. Add in some powerstones, stay safe, and good night/day! I don't know what to put next!]