Look. I noticed how the last chapter was all chaotic and fast-paced. I don't know why, but NOW I'll take it slowly as possible this time. Too much shit for me, and let's take a deep breath and calm down... Whoo.
Where was I? Oh yeah. I got kidnapped by Team RWBY's dorm room from F's intentions while wrapped in chains like a christmas present on early halloween. Why am I saying this random shit?
Thank you, Naaaaaa?... For giving the power stones daily. Anyways, back to the story where I was held in chains by RWBY...
"Mmmf." I blinked my eyes as light came from the dark scenery. There, a light shone on Ruby's face dramatically as she did her best intimidating face. I almost scoffed at it.
"Look here, mister! Either you spill the beans and tell us that you're working for Roman Torchwick, or we'll do it the hard way! Why did you go to the hospital? How'd you get here?! And why do you have a such a unique weapon?!" She shouted as she grabbed my shirt and shook. I heard an audible facepalm from 'our' heiress in training at the ridiculous of this situation.
The lights turned on showing the whole RWBY crew. "Ruby! Why are we keeping this criminal from the proper authorities?! Let the police decide this matter!" Weiss shouted as she took the flashlight from Ruby's hands.
Yang cracked her knuckles. "We saw you take off from the Bullhead. Then, WHY ARE YOU HERE IN OUR DORM?!" Her eyes flashed red as she prepared a punch at my face. I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything. I'll answer all of your questions. One, blondie punched me because I looked a hobo. Two. Bullshittery and reasons unknown. Three, it's unique because I stole it from someone else's. Four, I have no single clue WHY am I in your dorm room." I explained without skipping a beat. They all blinked at the statement.
A blade hovered on my neck. Blake's eyes narrowed into slits dangerously. "Who do you work for?! Roman Torchwick?" She demanded as she pulled out Gambol Shroud.
"I work... for no one, and no one else. I am merely forced to do something for the sake of entertainment of viewers of fanfiction." I explained monotoneously as she was confused.
"Don't lie to me." She glared. I sighed. I guess I was in the point where Weiss knows that Blake was an ex-terrorist, blah blah blah. Was I between Volume 1 and Volume 2?
"Okay, explain to me why would I work for Torchwick. Money? Desperation? First of all, how in the fucking hell could I contact him in the first place and why would I help him for my benefit? Dust robberies ain't simple as it looks when you're working with a criminal. Nah-AH." I scoffed out.
"Then why did you cause a disturbance in the hospital and tried to escape with a Bullhead?"
"Well, I panicked. I just wanted to escape Vale and live a new life, such and such. And then, Bullhead exploded for some reasons that... Just exploded for some reason, and I'm here wrapped in chains with four supermodels that have the capability of killing me in seconds." I monotoneously answered as I tried to cross my arms and then realising I was still wrapped in chains.
"Now you're just speaking random stuff." She seethed out. I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I am. What are you going to do about it?" I questioned them, causing the team to be silent. I rested my head on the chair and began thinking. Would I be starting a crazy and whacky adventure with Team RWBY again? Straight up, no.
I'm currently in their shitlist now. Having a good decent relationship between them takes some effort, and I'm tired to the point that I don't want 'friends'. I just want to get away from all this... bullshit.
Yang glared at me. "Listen, buddy. If you don't start telling the truth, I'll beat you to the point you WISHED you stayed on the hospital!" She warned as fire danced around her. I let out a breath.
"Really?... I dare you. I dare you to beat me into pulp, and you'll be charged of assault and kidnapping." I glared at her. Ruby blinked in confusion at the statement.
"Wait, we didn't kidnap you! You just, appeared inside in our dorms! We didn't kidnap you!" She replied opposingly. I sighed.
"Then how can you explain this? A random hobo that's presumed to be a spy of a criminal suddenly appears inside the dorm rooms of huntresses, while wrapped in chains. Said person was supposed to be a bullhead, and currently dead, and the only possible outcome was that the closest team of huntresses have kidnapped the person, possibly having breaking orders of the police and out of rouge decisions. It sounds just like it sounds like. Ridiculous as fuck." I narrowed my stare skeptically as possible at them.
"But... but...!" Ruby stuttered as she searched for an answer. I raised my eyebrows skeptically.
"Add to that, who's going to believe a word from underage 'protectors of the world' huntresses from the facts? The world isn't black and white like you think it as. It's far, far worse... If you think that you're all ready for anything, capable of taking down criminals and thugs... Then you're all wrong. SO wrong..." I narrowed my eyes.
"Leave it to the 'adults', will ya? Don't try something that you can't deal with." I spat out, shocking the team. Yang growled and flashed her aura in anger.
"YOU BASTARD!" I payed no attention to the oncoming fist point blank on my face. I mentally sighed at the outcome. Let's get this over with...
Mark's unconscious body crashed to the walls of the dorm as Yang punched him. "Yang! YANG! STOP!" Ruby held her sister's arm to prevent more harm before she could do worse.
"I'll kill him! I'LL KILL HIM!" She shouted in outrage as she was held back from her sister. She was so mad, at the bastard who hurt Ruby and insulted her team, her family that she had.
She was going to murder him.
"Yang! Stop!" Weiss and Blake all calmed down the raging blondie. Yang still glared at the unconscious body of Mark. Weiss sighed.
"I hate to admit it, but he's right. We can't explain what in Oum's name happened. It's either we handle him to the professionals, or to Professor Goodwitch. It's something we can't deal with..." Weiss confessed as Yang clenched her fists.
"I know. I just want him to pay for what he's done." She gritted out in anger. Blake put her hand on her shoulders.
"He'll pay for his crimes. Eventually, or sooner." Blake glared at the- Why was there a puddle of blood?
"Oh no. I thought he had aura! He's dying!" Yang exclaimed in horror as she was shocked at how fragile he was. She wanted him to pay, but she didn't want to actually kill him!
"CALL PROFESSOR GOODWITCH!" Weiss pulled out her scroll and called Professor Goodwitch and the Medics. Mark was currently coughing blood with a broken jaw and an hell of headache.
"Fro f-fuk's sak'sss..." Mark spoke barely with a broken jaw while wrapped in chains.
Mark was currently resting in the medical bed with casting bandages on his head. The nurse of the Medics in Beacon Academy sighed as she stared down at Team RWBY, all guilty and ashamed for what they've done.
"You're lucky that he survived without aura. Two broken ribs, a dislocated and fractured jaw and many injuries that could've gotten him killed, but he survived nonetheless. You can go now." She dimissed them.
As Team RWBY went to the headmaster's office to deal from the hard cold gaze of Professor Goodwitch, she was not amused.
"Assault on a victim, kidnapping, breaking rules... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" They all winced at the tone. Goodwitch rubbed her eyes at the stress.
"You've gone off lightly from the earlier situation that you dealt before. If I had to deal with this again, I would have you punished for reckless behaviour, and-" She calmed herself down. Taking a few breaths, she coldly glared at the group as they all whimpered.
"You've all caused enough trouble in one day. I will administer the proper chosen punishment for you all. You won't be expelled from this. But, you will be punished for breaking rules and reckless behaviour." She stated with piercing glare as she let them off to their ways.
"While your actions are reckless, this does not mean that you've done something wrong. Know yourself and your place. You are dimissed." Ozpin dimissed Team RWBY as he held his coffee.
Instead, he glanced at the unconscious body of Mark in the beds. This person was either an anomaly or one of the pieces of the Queen... Escaping from 5 huntresses without any aura and successfully stole a bullhead was a very impressive feat indeed.
But... The mystery of the sudden bullhead explosion and, acording to Team RWBY, this man appeared out of knowhere wrapped in chains in their dorm room was very unorthodox. He knew that Team RWBY would not think to kidnap this man for any reasons.
But to appear out of knowhere in their dorm room in chains? That caused him to raise an eyebrow. A teleporting semblance would explain this, but this man hadn't unlocked his aura.
There was a third party in the chessboard. Either this third party transported this man to Team RWBY's dorms for a reason, or they sent this man for personal reasons.
He did not know, but this third party was dangerous. A teleporting semblance was very useful as it was versatile. In the wrong hands, there would be chaos. And chaos leads to negativity.
He sipped on the mug and began thinking. Why would this third party give this 'criminal' to him? Why not the police? Either way, this man possibly had the answers for his questions...
The only reason that I woke up was the stinging pain from my jaw and the headache. Jesus, she can punch. It hurt.
I groaned in discomfort from the knowledge that I knew where I was, and mentally relaxed at the comfortable bed I was laid down. Beacon. Academy.
"I see that you are awake." Ozpin's voice called out to me as I barely turned my face to him. I mentally scowled at the ancient reincarnate. He was holding a steaming cup of coffee while sitting in a chair.
"That doesn't help the fact that I have a broken jaw." I scoffed out. His eyes showed interest and amusement. He pulled out his scroll as he placed down his coffee on a table.
"No, it doesn't... What is your name, young man?" He asked. I skeptically stared at him.
"... Mark. Just Mark." I threw a bone so I rolled in the conversation. Ozpin's face was monotoned as he saw the footage of myself, Team RWBY, and Pyrrha as I ran for my life away from them. I narrowed my eyes.
"So, why did you escape from the hospital? A young man, homeless and injured, decided to run away from 5 huntresses and managed to escape from a bullhead... And said bullhead exploded and you were found here. Why is that?" He asked with interest.
"One. I don't like hospitals. Two. I am running away from something that you can't understand, and Three, F is an asshole." I answered. He skeptically eyed me as I was lying on some parts.
"Okay, maybe I am lying on some parts..." I admitted.
Ozpin lifted from his seat and held the mug. "I've noticed that you have a difficult life on your hands. But, young man, may I ask who is this... F?" Ozpin asked as he sipped on his mug.
I rolled my eyes. "F... is an asshole who messes with my life multiple times. For reasons unknown, he just sends me into random places away from my home. I just wanted to go home..." I explained, telling half-truths. While I do want to go home, it's true that F takes me into random places. And that he is an asshole.
"But why disturb the peace? Why do you used violence to get out of your situations?" I sighed.
"I panicked... Listen, I had a very shitty day. I'm tired, and stressed. I don't work for anyone called Candle Pole, or anyone. I'm just an unfortunate guy that's suffering from the wrong end of the stick." I said, as he took a moment processing the information. Ozpin sipped on the mug and went to the door.
"While you may have caused some disturbances, all can be fixed and forgiven. Please, take your time resting. We may have several questions to answer..." Ozpin replied as he slid the door open.
I narrowed my eyes. Well, I'm screwed. I'm in RWBY, in the Beacon Academy where the shitstorm hits in, and I am in no mood to deal with all this shit, AGAIN.
Fuck my life.
[AN: Whoa. I had some difficulty writing the characters, especially Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch. I can write, but I don't have the words. Leave a coment if you'll fix this or not. Please review. Add in some powerstones, and stay safe. Have a good day. And oh, I'm not dead.]