I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion. Jesus, I am tired. I'm a bit depressed for some reason, and I needed to take a break from all the bullshit I had to put up with.
I shoved my cap down to hide my face. It was working, as a couple of guards just walked past me without any suspicion I was their missing patient. Nobody knew I was leaving this hospital...
Except, SOMEONE could check the security cameras and track me down. I'll need a bullhead or air support to leave Vale, and live somewhere in the unknown wilderness. Why? I want to live in a Hobbit hole for the first time...
I pressed the button for the elevator and waited. When guards marched down to where the storage room was, with an audible 'TING', I entered the elevator, and I was glad I was the only one inside it.
I clenched my hands and released it over and over. Eventually, the elevator got me to ground floor. I left the elevator and quickly left to the reception desk.
I didn't saw Ruby or Yang in the reception desk. I mentally sighed when the two future-huntresses weren't there. So far, so good. I just have to steal a bullhead from the nearest station I could find-
I froze when I heard the metalic drop of a small, round screwdriver like object drop to the marble floor. I cursed myself and immediately went to pick it up, and to see it was gone from my sight.
"Hey mister, did you drop this? It's a... unique weapon you got there! It looks so... Cool!" Ruby's beaming voice called out as she inspected the 'weapon' with awe. She was holding my sonic screwdriver. SHIT.
I coughed my lungs. "Thank you. But it's not a weapon. It's... a sonic, screwdriver. It fixes things." Why did I say that?! Why did I just explain what it was?! Ruby blinked as her eyes sparked with awe as she gave to my hands.
"Oh. Uh, well, I thought it was weapon, cuz it looked cool you know... Fixing things, huh? How does it work?" Ruby stuttered and changed the topic. I grabbed the sonic screwdriver out of her hands. By then, I saw a glimmer of gold blonde hair in the elevator room.
[AN: Johnny B. Goode - Marty Mcfly plays]
Time slowed down as I cursed myself. Yang and the security guards were running at me for unknown reasons, Ruby was confused, and I had the sonic screwdriver in my hands and I was in deep shit.
It happened so fast. "It works like this." I dialed the 'hyper-hertz' meter dial on the sonic screwdriver to maxium sound hypno-bullfuckery. This was going to be chaotic and shit was going to hit the fan.
[AN: Imagine the song turned into earrape when he blasted the sonic screwdriver.]
"Dialling up to Eleven!" A high pitched shriek blasted our eardrums as everyone blocked their ears and screamed from the sound it made. The glass itself was cracking because of it, and I was possibly deaf just by holding it RIGHT TO MY FACE.
The sonic screwdriver sparked into malfunction, cutting off the high-pitched shriek. The glass shattered into pieces, and in that moment, I stole Ruby's Crescent Rose when she was temporaily disoriented and booked it.
Activating the hybird weapon of a 'baby' from a sniper rifle, and a FREAKING SCYTHE, I folded the weapon into its Scythe form and twirled it around.
As Mark leapt through the shattered glass and ran for his life, Yang and Ruby were groaning in pain as the unexpected sonic boom rumbled their eardrums.
"Huh? Where's- MY SWEETHEART!" Ruby shrieked in horror as her baby, her sweetheart was taken away from the hobo her sister just punched. The HOBO just robbed her BABY!
"Ruby! You alright?" Yang immediately checked for her sister's safety and realised the hobo just stole her sister's favourite weapon. Rage boiled inside her as her lilac eyes went murderous red.
"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" Fire boomed around the blond bombshell as she clenched her fists in outrage. She cracked her knuckles and prepared herself.
"My b-baby...! My sweet Cresent Rose...!" Ruby cried sorrowly as she felt empty without her weapon. Yang gave a concerned look at ther sister and stepped out of the hospital with anger.
"I'll get him! Ruby, call the team for backup! I'll catch him!" Yang ran in fury for the damn hobo for hurting her sister, and he will PAY. Ruby hesitantly nodded and pulled out her scroll and called for her team.
I was in DEEP SHIT and I knew it.
There were many obvious reasons. One. Stealing the main character's 'baby' which is a hybrid weapon between a scythe and a sniper rifle. Two. Pissing off her half-sibiling and she currently wants to kill me. Three. I committed a crime by breaking property, disturbing the public order, and all that made me VERY suspicious as to why I escaped the hospital in the first place.
If I didn't get out this situation scott-free, I will be in a lot of deep shit to explain. And I don't like explaining right now!
My instincts told me to block an attack right now and I did- CLANG! I was sent backwards from the force as I blocked the punch with Crescent Rose.
"Nice reflexes. Didn't your mom said not to steal from others?" I faced myself a smirking Yang readying her shotgun gauntlets (Ember Celica). I bit my lower lip and straightened a 'Reaper' stance.
Yang blinked at the way I held my scythe. "I never seen someone use a scythe other than Uncle Qrow and Ruby... But that's not yours!" She charged in using her shotgun blasts. I narrowed my eyes when she was up-close and personal.
A flurry of punches and twirls clashed each other as I continued to block her attacks. I didn't have any Aura, so I was definitely screwed if I didn't last longer! I pulled the trigger and let the recoil of the rifle carry me to safety.
"Ya-Yeet." I chucked the Crescent Rose at her face and she was not expecting me to throw the weapon at her. She caught it, and in that moment I threw a hook to her face.
"Ow!" She cried out in surprise and pain, confused at the attack ACTUALLY hurt although she had a full charge of aura. I pulled the trigger and proceeded to whack the blond bombshell to the air using the recoil.
I dodged a bullet that was aiming for my head. I glanced at the rooftops and saw the best girl in the series(?), Pyrrha Nikos looking at me. She's going to die in- what was it, Volume 3?
Lightbulb. I transformed Crescent Rose so it would look like a crude looking spear of some sort and yeeted the Crescent Rose spear thing at her, much to her shocking surprise.
I didn't look back and fucking ran. I ain't defeating the Mistral Champian with no goddamn aura.
I ran and ran until my legs tired out. I broke a window and stole the car, and stepped on the gas. I glanced up and saw the cops chasing my back.
I groaned and kicked open the door. The door was ripped out of the car due to the speeds I was in, and it kinda felt I was in GTA 5 with 5 Stars at some point.
Anyways, I rushed towards the bullhead station and leapt out of the car before it crashed. I ran and ran, until I met the bullhead vehicle. I tapped and furiously whacked the sonic until it was workin'.
"It's over. Come with us quietly or we'll do this the hard way." Blake's voice called out and my only response was to raise my middle finger at her. She was probably offended, and the sonic finally worked again.
"Oh." That was my only response when Weiss and Blake were pointing their weapons at my throat. Well, this was awkward. Blake narrowed her eyes.
"Drop the-" "Nope." I deadpanned and proceeded to send a much louder shriek at them from the sonic screwdriver. I obviously wasn't going to listen to them. I grabbed Weiss and harshly threw her to Blake, causing them to fall to the ground.
"Good thing Remnant doesn't have any earplugs. See ya, suckers!" I activated the controls and planned to lift off. THUNK! I recoiled from my seat at the attack of a very angry Yang with her eyes red.
"Oh shit. Mayday! Mayday!" The engines exploded into smoke when the whole bullhead went down to ground as it crashed. Team RWBY prepared themselves a beatdown as Yang cracked her knuckles.
Yang furiously ripped out the doors of the bullhead. "Okay, who do you-" And notice I was gone again. I was meanwhile activating the other bullhead that was fully functionable and fine.
The cries of outrage and shock called out as I lifted off for a second time. I flipped a bird at them from the window as they loaded their long-range weapons. Shiit.
The loud gunfire from Team RWBY caused the whole plane to shake and groan. I gritted my teeth and turned it on autopilot. I slid the doors open and cupped my mouth.
"WAIT!" The huntresses stopped and lowered their weapons as I waved my arms furiously. They were confused at my sudden change.
"I SURRENDER!" I called out, causing them to be more confused as to why I surrendered mysteriously. I had a plan.
The looks of horror flashed all of their faces when I brought the grenade from my sleeves. "WITH A PRESENT! YEET!" I yeeted the grenade at them, who dodged away the grenade before it exploded.
But it didn't.
Team RWBY looked at surprise and saw the grenade, was not a grenade. It looked like a grenade far away, but it was just a metal water bottle. They glanced at the sky and I was already gone from their sights.
"Da, da, da, dadaddada~" I hummed out the 'Curb Your Enthusaism' theme as I flew the skies with my stolen bullhead. I couldn't have obtained a grenade after the shitstorm I had to deal with. So I improvised.
Big brain plays at its finest. Anyways, I was done dealing with RWBY, and I needed a place to live in my casual, calm life of peace... Why is there F's face planted on the glass-
"Yo! What's up!" F's voice somehow called out from the glass and phased through to my co-pilot seat. I deadpanned turned the bullhead flew on auto-pilot and proceeded to choke him to death.
"Die." "Huh? AAAAAAAAAHHH-" I spoke with a monotone and tightened the strangling. F struggled and kicked- my FAMILY JEWELS!
"OOooh!" I winced at the pain and headbutted him into unconsciousness. F twisted our bodies around as I let go and he accidently sent the plane into a nosedive. We were sent flying from the gravity as I hanged on for dear life on grabbing the seat.
"FUCKING HELL!" I readjusted the position and turned the plane calm. I will fucking kill that fucker, where's that annoying piece of-
"Surprise!" F smashed a dinner plate, a DINNER PLATE OF ALL THINGS at my FACE. His irritating laugh was cut as I elbowed his face. F was forced to step back, a bleeding broken nose as he still kept that FUCKING SMIRK.
"WHY ARE YOU FUCKING AROUND?!" I dropped kicked his gut as he flew backwards. He continued to smirk and pull out a sonic screwdriver and opened the doors, letting the wind blind our eyes. FUCK!
"BECAUSE! ANIME! THIS. IS. SPARTA!" He kicked me out of the bullhead. F glanced down and saw nothing but the buildings of Vale. No Mark in sight.
"FUCK. ANIME! RWBY IS NOT ANIME!" I dual-elbowed him to his head as I pulled out from the other side of bullhead and whacked him. F audibly gasped and jaw dropped and pointed a finger. I punched him in the face.
"REBACK WHAT YOU JUST SAID. THE ANIME GODS WILL RETRIVE DIVINE RETRIBUTION-" "FUCK YOUR ANIME GODS! FUCK 'EM ALL!!!" I grabbed on the ceiling and kicked him out of the plane. The annoying little piece of shit pulled out a grappling gun in mid-air!
I immediately tried to sever the cable before he could- "NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!!!" He decked me to the face as he zoomed in screaming bloody murder. I hit my head on the ceiling after that.
"SPEAK SHIT, EAT SHIT! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" He chucked the batarangs with no little accuracy but managed to hit. THE. FUCKING. ENGINES! FUUUCCCKKKK!
The whole bullhead exploded and groaned into a planecrash as it started to fall down. I hanged on the ceiling for dear life as I asked what did a do to deserve this?! THIS WAS SO BULLSHIET!
F proceeded to whack me half-unconscious as he lifted my body above his head. His voice sounded like he put a pringles can on his mouth. "BANE. BREAKS. BACKS!" An audible CRACK was heard as my back was cracked from F's knee.
"GOOD THING YOU CAN'T BREAK BACKS FOR SH*T!" F howled in pain as his knee was broken from my back. I didn't know how it happened, but I'll take it! I lifted F's collar and raised his feet.
"RWBY. SUCKS!!! RRRRAAAAGHHH!!!!!" I chucked F's crying body to the engines, exploding into a massive explosion. I let out a sigh and calmed myself. Either way, I was going to die anyways.
"NO U." F proceeded to teleports behind me and chucks my screaming body into the other engine and the whole bullhead exploded to a fire-ry massive mushroom cloud of bullfuckery.
Ruby groaned as she held her baby tightly. No one was going to steal her sweetheart from her, ever AGAIN! Especially hobos that are secretly ninjas and joking clowns that throw waterbottles!
"ARRGH! I can't believe he got away and played us all!" Yang slammed the wall with visible anger in her features. It was so embarrissing when they dodged a waterbottle! A WATERBOTTLE! Ugh, for Oum's sake...
"We're not trying hard enough..." Blake muttered out and clenched her fists. The tactics, the skill, the devices he held were enough to escape right under their noses.
"Let's leave this to the professionals. We were outmatched and outskilled. We'll just focus on our studies..." Weiss advised, causing all the girls to nod in agreement. But they needed to do more.
Yang sighed as she opened the door to their dorms. "I mean, who could believe a hobo would know how to use a scythe, steal a car and plane, and get away from us? I need a... break..." Yang stared at the tied-up Mark in chains deadpanning at them.
"Surprise~" Mark simply called out in his chains. Everything went black when he saw a blond bombshell's fist of fury at his face-
[AN: Please review. Add in some power stones, leave a comment, stay safe, and have a nice day! I really need to take a break from all this writing...]