RWBY? Nah.

RWBY. I've gone to this place before, and I messed it up again. I sort of fucked up the RWBY universe by messing around with my sudden OP powers to fastfoward to end the series, blah blah blah...

I can say that the Author feeling empty inside. He won't be talking to us later on, after he got 'roasted' on the first chapter being cringe. Yeah, let's move on from the cultivation arc.

Enough said. RWBY. Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, the main dream team bundle of girls trying to defeat the Queen of Grimm that's mentally broken inside because she broke up with her husband.

I'm going to shorten out as much as possible to explain the story. Two gods, Light and Darkness, created Remnant. Remnant fought back on the gods, gods left, and smashed the moon in the process.

Queen of Grimm is heartbroken and fueled with hatred trying to kill Ozma, her ex-husband. Ozma has a reincarnation ability, and his current incarnation is-


"Scene change. Does the Author doesn't want me to reveal the spoilers?..." I snapped my eyes open to see the sky of Vale City or Town. I forgot which one it was called.

I groaned as the hangover began. Ringing ears, exploding senses, and one Ruby Rose that's staring at me confusedly and concernedly- Wait.

"Hey, are you alright? You... uh, kinda fell out of the sky ya know..." Ruby awkwardly stuttered, just like the socially awkward girl she was. I sighed out. So I fell out of the sky and landed here? That's going to be troublesome...

I took a deep breath. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" SMACK! Everything went black after that. I needed to act myself as the crazy dude that needs help in the hospital. I REALLY needed a comfy bed...


Yang's POV

My only defence in punching that guy was he 'looked' like he was going to harrass my baby sister! He looked like a hobo, and I ain't letting my baby sister get hurt!

"Sis!" Ruby shouts at me.

"What? He was obviously going to do something bad to you! Besides, he looks like a hobo! He started screaming when you met him!" I defended myself. Who would in their right minds would scream at Ruby?!

"Uh, Yang? He's bleeding..." I stared at the small pool of blood coming out from the guy's nose. I didn't hit him that hard!

"Rubes, call the hospital!" This was bad. I just punched someone in the face and could've killed him. Oh no.


Mark's POV

Now there's a POV style? POV stands for point of view, seeing my perspective of everything I see. I see the ceiling of a hospital room... I closed my eyes and rested for a bit.

Needed sleep...

Oh, shit. My stuff. My blazer. My phone. My sonic screwdriver that I stole. They're going to assume I'm not from here. 'They' are Ozpin's Inner Circle. Shit shit shit-

Kicking the blankets off myself, I checked myself. I was wearing a hospital patient clothes. Double shit. I looked around the area, and no one but myself was in the room. Score.

"Okay, if they discover the multinternet, I really don't want them to check my browser history... Mass chaos." I groaned out, and silently left the room. For my browser history!


Ruby's POV

I hope that guy was alright. I knew Yang's punches hurt a lot, but I didn't expect it actually knock him out! He started to scream for some reason when he saw me... I hope he's okay.

Ruby looked around for her sister, and sighed when she realised her sister was going to apologise to the poor guy. She was not crazy when she told Yang he fell out of the sky! He really did!

She wanted to come to Vale for some dust for her ammunition, and she happened to see a guy fall out of the sky out of nowhere! It really must've hurt, and the weird thing was that nobody noticed him!

Was she dreaming from the studies and the constant 'nagging' from her partner, Weiss? He was real, and it was so strange that he fell out the sky!

She groaned out. It was too much thinking for her...


Mark's POV

I can tell this style of writing was beginning to annoy the author, but I guess it was atonement for starting on the cultivation novels. I would prefer anything else than cultivation novels.

I stared the map of floor. It didn't tell anything about keeping people's stuff, but I searched my memories where it possibly could be.

How about... there.


Yang's POV

I felt kind of sorry punching that guy's face. I knew he looked like hobo, but he's got a broken nose because of me. Ouch.

I finally was inside Floor 15. I was going to apologise to the poor guy that I punched, and maybe crack a few punny jokes-

"Hi. I'm so sorry that... I..." The guy was gone. He was nowhere in sight, and the bed looked like a mess. Oh no.


Ruby's POV

"Calling Security! Patient 0815 is currently missing!" The alarm called out. Patient 0815?... Wasn't that the guy Yang accidentally knocked out?

"Oh no! He might be a super secret spy or something! Or maybe a double agent! Maybe he's being chased by a super secret evil organisation that does evil things!" He might be a spy for a secret super organisation so he could ruin the hospital! Whatever it was, she needed to stop him!


Oh, for fuck's sake. I knew I should've put a dummy on the bed to buy some time. Welp, it's a shame. Time to bust myself out the hospital and try to live myself a new casual life in RWBY...

I finally got to the room where they'd kept the clothes and stuff. Wouldn't they just keep in a plastic bag next to the patient room?

I noticed something different about my clothes. My cuffs on the arms of my blazer were black, as well as these... Triangle sleeves thingys on my chest were also black. My pants and my shoes were fine, and nothing was stolen.

I felt an odd sense of fashion that I was missing something. A hat. Just like that, I noticed a black student cap just lying in the open. It didn't seem like it was anyone else's because it looked brand new.

I placed it on my head. Seemed legit. Now, how do I plan to escape from a hospital without anyone noticing, and adding two main characters?...

[AN: Please review. Comment, collect, give some power stones as well, and stay safe and have a good day!]