Reboot, Just Skip the Cultivation Novel Bullshit!


Long story short, The Author may have messed up the whole fucking fanfic from one BAD fuck-up, but this was just an excuse to escape the cultivation novel.

But I will tell you this. I have sucessfully killed myself by putting a bullet through my brain. So long, Yan! Poison Bitch! Fucking ring thing! Fuck it all!

Because I'm free from cultivation novels! FUCK YES!

And yes, the Author has successfully deleted the virus in the cultivation novel arc and it is completely gone. Dead. Nada. No consequences.

[AN: That means Assainir's curse is now gone now. I can finally talk.]

Yep...? Assainir. Who was he- Don't tell me that the cultivation Arc is going to bite us back in the ass, right? Assainir may have lived due to his... Real Life body logic biology and survived the deletion?

[AN: Nah, he's VERY dead. I got an IT member to clean my computer! He says its all goode...]

Now I feel bad letting Yan and his friends die again in deletion. Oh, the guilt... I'm not feeling so well... This is genuine guilt. Karma's going to bite me back in the ass, isn't it?

Feeling guilty and empty was a feeling I've gone passed. But to know that you've killed a whole universe because of their grammar and moralless and arrogance because of one pathetic whining excuse to escape?

Now that's just bullshit. The author messed up because of mixing morals into a place that cannot mix with morals. All it is, it's just moralless killing and pillaging for power... But to convert people into seeing morals? Yan? Lao? They died. Because I couldn't handle a little bullshittery.

Oh, that's going to make me sick... This has got to be one of my worst decisions in the multiverse... The longer I was inside that universe, the worser it got.

If you don't understand why I don't like this, I'll explain.

Xiao Yi Xian. Killed all of her families by accident, tries to commit suicide. Why bother living when you have nothing to live for when all of your families are dead?

Instead, I'm trying to prevent her. Why? Because having friends is the equivlant of having allies in battle. That is basically saying she should live to help me. Don't die, because your life has use to me.

NOW I don't do that. That is slavery! I'll admit that slavery can be useful, but I'm saying everyone should do it. I would do it out of desperation or some other reason for my benefits.

I'm not cruel. But I was before, and I swore to never become that abomination again...

Actually, I kind of am. The lesser I stayed in that universe, the better.

[AN: All we want to say is, is that just ignore the cultivation arc to the point where it never existed. Alright? Cultivation novels do not mix with my style...]

[AN: Anyways, please review! Add in some power stones as well, make some comments, and stay safe! Have a good day!]