Cultivation Novels and Morals Do not Mix with Each Other

Xiao Yi Xian later woke up to see a sheepish looking Yan giving her an awkward smile. I was casually blowing some heat off the tea that was in mug. Please don't ask why I use a mug to drink my shit.

"Don't try to get up. It'll worsen your pain." I warned when she tried to transform into her demon form and ultimately failed. I rolled my eyes.

"Why did I kill you, why did you let me live, I should die because I insulted your dead parents, blah blah blah... Let's get this straight." I placed down the steaming mug and stared at her with visible seriousness.

"I may have lied on some parts, but I meant it on the main ones. It's your fault that your family died. I lied at the fact that your foster father lied to you, but hear this when I ask this to you. Do you think, knowing your foster father for 12 years, and your mother and family would've let you commit suicide after they'd sacrificed their life for you?" Xiao Yi Xian was silent.

"Your foster father believed that you could live a happy life. No, with a cursed ability like this, you won't able to live a happy life. There's no spot for heaven like us." I stared down her poison-filled hands and absorbed the poison into me.

"You can't live, a happy life because of this. Your foster father might've know this, and believed and hoped for the best you could hold on. But the way things are, I'm not so sure if you're going to live a happy life..." I confessed as she was confused.

"It's technically your fault that your family died. But it wasn't by your choice. So you can see it as an accidental murder, or known as manslaughter. It's really not your fault. I'm getting confused..." I groaned out and rubbed my forehead.

"BUT. Sucide is not the answer. Your family did not sacrifice themselves just because you were going to kill yourself. That's just stupid." I muttered on and about, Xiao Yi Xian was still very confused.

"So... you're saying that I shouldn't kill myself... for no reason at all?" I could tell this was one confusing-ass chapter when I read this. She's acting out-of-character, I'm bullshitting her to keep on living for no reason at all, I'm acting strange, and this whole chapter is fucking strange.

This is where the fanfic dies. It took a nosedive and died!

Right, the story's over! Fuck off and do your shit or something. Author had a stroke and died trying to save this story, and fucked up the entire morals of living!

Yay, the fanfic's done now!